
Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home

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(4 861)
Released: 28 June 2019
Country of origin: US
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Production companies: Marvel Studios, Pascal Pictures, Columbia Pictures
Watched by: 13 520 of 866 893
Runtime: 2 hours 10 minutes
IMDB rating: 7.4 of 10 557 577 rating: 7.42 of 10 531 837


Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.

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Official Teaser Trailer
International Teaser Trailer

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16 Sep 2022, 19:34 #
Один из самых слабых фильмов про ЧП.
19 Oct 2022, 01:48 #
А мне понравилась эта часть
09 Dec 2022, 13:03 #
На раз посмотреть можно, все же трилогия Сэма Рейми не переплюнуть
21 Jul 2023, 15:25 #
@_CHASER_: да паук Рейми как Бэтмен Нолана. Эталоны.
25 Feb 2023, 21:56 #
самый навороченный в визуальном и сюжетном плане игровой фильм о человеке пауке. джейк джилленхол прекрасен в образе мистерио- один из любимых персонажей анимационного сериала 94го года
09 Mar 2023, 23:49 #
В принципе фильм понравился не сказала бы что это будет мой любимый фильм и я буду его пересматривать. Но сама идея фильма прикольную.а ещё было грустно наблюдать как человек-паук скорбит по железному человеку.

А ещё смешно смотреть как человек-паук тупит. Ну серьёзно он ещё такой наивный. Но милый.
Ну а ещё я люблю чёрный цвет поэтому мне очень понравился человек-паук в чёрном костюме.
13 Aug 2023, 23:46 #
Про Питера Паркера сцена понравились больше, чем с пауком!
НУ и то что очки такие, хочешь передать очки человеку который родился на этой планете, но говорит что нет, ну ладно, давай!
Но драки паука с иллюзиями это просто обалдеть! Визуально сплошное наслаждение!
Можно было и лучше, конечно!
В целом послабее возращения домой, но всё ещё неплохо!
22 Jan 00:38 # Show original
While watching Homecoming in the middle of viewing, I restarted the browser, forgot to copy the text. now I accidentally clicked on the wrong button and another page opened, and when I returned it back, all the typed text disappeared 🙃

They won't start re-reviewing it, I'll continue from the moment Peter destroyed Edith's sent drone. I'm looking for a second time. However, now I will write in Word, and not on the site in the browser 😅

USA STUDNETS (photo on Brad's phone)
By the way, the film was filled with trances. At least one-one of the background students.
Since Mister was a fake, how did he sit next to Pietre? What if he hugged him for motivational things? Or quietly came up behind him and sat down while he looked at the hologram?
I thought the review wheel would be in London, but it looks like it's just a final battle 😅
Eurpoean rip-off 😂
I remember-when after the release of the movie Sonya and Disney did not finish about the further rental of H-P, and the continuation could not have been, there were memes – they say, since H-P is not, then Disney will shoot about the night monkey
By the way, Strange was actually unavailable, or was Talos instructed to shoot the Spider? After all, there was a Falcon, a military machine, a Falcon's eye... Not to mention Wanda, though they'll show us why she wasn't here later...
It seems that everything is over, but there is still time in terms of timing, so this is not the end. It's like in the second part of Andrew Garfield (mini-spoiler😅), when one villain was defeated, but there was still time left 🙃
Poor Quentin Beck-so want these glasses, but pretend that they are not needed 😅
I was insulted, called a psychopath. So I'll do what psychopaths do... 🙃
The moment with zombie Stark was great 😁
Quentin Peter's talk about how easy it is to be deceived if you live in a lie yourself also explains why Fury and Maria didn't understand it themselves…
Did Peter watch porn on TV before or after the Civil War? 😂
The Dutch town is located about 5800 km from New York. And what is the speed of private planes? How long did Peter wait for Happy?
Does He Love Ice Zeppelin? 😂
Wouldn't a regular parachute be better than this one in the form of a spider?
"How does Cap do this?» 😁
Maybe flash is such a bully because no one likes him? Sees other happy families and boils, jealous?
It's a pity that the Nady Betts broke up. Even more sorry for May and happy 😢
Don’t text and swing! 😂
I love it when the names of actors stand next to the photo of the character
The channel is not CNN, in the news in the stage of credits, as dubbing says?
JJJ has been reporting fake news since was a pleasant surprise to see JJ again. K. Simmons 🥰
22 Jan 00:50 #
29 Mar 19:15 # Show original
Jake as Mysterio 🔥
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