
When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before

Wann wird es endlich wieder so, wie es nie war
When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before

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Released: 23 February 2023
Country of origin: Belgium, Germany
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Production companies: Komplizen Film, Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany, Frakas Productions
Watched by: 4 of 905 380
Runtime: 1 hour 56 minutes
IMDB rating: 6.7 of 10 575


Growing up on the grounds of one of Germany's largest psychiatric hospitals is somehow - different. For Joachim, the director's youngest son, the patients are like family. They are also much nicer to him than his two older brothers, who drive him into fits of rage. His mother, painting watercolors, longs for Italian summer nights instead of constant German rain, while his father secretly, but not discreetly enough, goes his own way. But while Joachim slowly grows up, his world, not only through the loss of his first love, gets more and more cracks...

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