
The Happiest Man on Earth

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The Happiest Man on Earth

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Released: 29 March 2019
Country of origin: Finland
Genre: Documentary
Production companies: Oktober
Watched by: 0 of 904 590
Runtime: 1 hour 25 minutes
IMDB rating: 7.1 of 10 243


A lonely 40-year-old man sits on the balcony of a Finnish apartment building. Joonas Berghäll has learned that he will die in 14 years’ time, unless he changes his way of living or attitude towards life. Joonas wants to make a film about the state of wellbeing of Finnish men, drawing from his own experiences and mirroring the society at large. The film is built around six stories. It starts with the context of school and proceeds through the contexts of military service, custody battle, burnout and substance abuse to end on the subject of premature death caused by health problems.

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