
Debris Documentar

Debris Documentar

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Released: 28 September 2012
Country of origin: Germany, Italy
Genre: Horror/Supernatural, Drama
Production companies: Buna Films
Watched by: 0 of 906 021
Runtime: 1 hour 15 minutes
IMDB rating: 4.1 of 10 184


The film, released on DVD in 2014 as part of a boxset also containitng Melancholie der Engel (2009) and Reise nach Agatis (2010), deals with the everyday life of a man, Carsten , who works on the set of the 2004 Ulli Lommel film Zombie Nation. At the same time, he is planning to realize his own film, a task he finds extremely difficult.

Trailers 1

Debris Documentar (2003) (Trailer HD) - Marian Dora

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