
The Lie of A.I/

The Lie of A.I.
The Lie of A.I/

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Released: 31 August 2023
Country of origin: US
Genre: Documentary, History
Watched by: 1 of 906 563
Runtime: 2 hours 1 minute


How much do we truly know about the technology we are creating? With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, or, A.I. There has been a rise in speculation, Theories, and beliefs about this so called "Gift". Technology is not evil in of itself. However, is there a limit to how far humans should take technology? From electricity, to the Metaverse, where does or should this end? In this Documentary, you will be shown the origins, advancements, and heavily debated future in this award-winning documentary

Trailers 3

The Lie of A.I. | Full Film
The Lie of A.I. | Official Trailer

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