
Al otro barrio

Al otro barrio

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Released: 05 December 2024
Country of origin: Spain
Genre: Comedy
Production companies: Telecinco Cinema
Watched by: 1 of 912 039
IMDB rating: 5.3 of 10 60


Trying to deceive the Treasury has been a very tempting option for Andrés (Quim Gutiérrez), but he didn't count on them ending up getting caught. And that is exactly what has happened to him. In addition to the million-dollar fine that has fallen on him, he must now move his offices to the Los Caños neighborhood, in the most marginal suburb of the capital, or so it seems to him. But Andrés was taking advantage of a juicy subsidy for having his headquarters there, without him having ever set foot in the neighborhood. Reluctantly, he and his employees move to Los Caños and that is not as bad as they expected... It is worse.

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