The near future, a time when both hope and hardships drive humanity to look to the stars and beyond. While a mysterious phenomenon menaces to destroy life on planet Earth, astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across the immensity of space and its many perils to uncover the truth about a lost expedition that decades before boldly faced emptiness and silence in search of the unknown.
The film is quite atmospheric and measured. Ideal for contemplatives.
Roy (Brad Pitt) finds Dad (Tommy Lee Jones) and asks him to come home with him. Dad says, they say, leave me alone, I want to explore space further, but I always didn't give a shit about you and my mom.
Instead of turning around and leaving, the son begs for the folder.
The fucking cultivation of neurosis in cinema 👍🏼
And so I liked the movie😂
But a minus star, for romanticizing neurosis.