"Silo" has gotten two more seasons

Apple TV+ is renewing sci-fi drama "Silo" for two more seasons: enough to bring the show to its conclusion.
"It has been a richly rewarding experience to adapt Hugh’s epic novels with our partners at Apple and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring this complete story to the screen over the course of four seasons", — showrunner and executive producer Graham Yost said in a statement.
Rebecca Ferguson (who is also an executive producer) plays the lead role in the series, embodying one of the last 10,000 people on Earth. The humans live in a silo underground that protects them from the toxic and deadly world outside. However, no one knows when or why the silo was built, and anyone who tries to find out is killed. Mechanical engineer Juliette (Ferguson) searches for answers and those responsible for the murder of her loved one and learns more details about the world they all live in.
"I’ve loved every minute of bringing Juliette to the screen and am immensely proud of what we’ve all created with ‘Silo’ since the first episode", — Ferguson said.
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I read the first two books, it's a tolerable post-apocalypse, but without the minuses, of course, but it's quite an acceptable work. The film adaptation, in many ways of the second season, looks much fainter and worse against the background of the original source, that's all.
the question, however, is rhetorical! as for the literary source, this is a typical fanfiction of a 15-year-old pimply onanist, it is generally unclear why all this enthusiasm, and now they have prolonged all this gloom. With the Lighthouse, everything from the same Hugh Howie was at least honestly dealt with and closed after the second season.
These are emotions, the only thing I remember is that you had a presentation for IT, they say the author got too carried away and almost praises them (which I disagree with, but it doesn't matter now). There are shoals or illogical things in the book, but if you didn't accept them, it doesn't mean that others aren't ready to accept. This is not such a bad piece, there are worse ones.
And the Lighthouse was removed at one time, randomly cut and got what they got. But I haven't read it, so I don't know what's in the original source.
1. Where is the fan fiction here, if the author's idea is original?
2. "IN EVERYTHING..." is the strongest argument, I agree here... ahah *facepalm*
3. If, in your opinion, the author is mentally a 15-year-old wanker (I hope you don't think so literally, at least), then how could he earn worldwide popularity?
4. Have you ever thought about the fact that you can be wrong about something in life?))
5. Do you seriously think that if you aggressively push your opinion, then others will also "wake up from ignorance" and join you?)
6. Have you tried to sublimate your dissatisfaction with life situations with something other than public criticism?
7. Have you ever thought that the world is beautiful because we are all different and have different preferences?
8. Have you tried to practice acceptance and allow the existence of projects that you might not like?
Just having fun, actually))
And as for the Peripherals, there are two problems there a) the series was accepted worse than the Bunker b) it got on a writers' strike. So, alas, they closed it, although I liked it.
But in fairness, the original source was also scolded there, mainly for the general incoherence and confusion of the events described.
Although initially I did not expect more than 3 seasons) But here the project apparently repeats its fate Through the snow (in a good way) and only falls a little short of a Hundred
for some reason, she did not catch me at the time of the exit
But the last season is not so epic, except for the very ending
Finally, the news is not about the closure
If the rest of the seasons are like the 2nd, it's a failure, I won't be able to do it. The first one was much more dynamic.
> who live in a house for a mile, protecting them from
> — said Ferguson
Just a light touch of the corrector's hand is not enough, and everything would be fine. And so you go in to read the news — and you just wade through the text, uh.