
7 more cool dystopian movies that will make you think

19 May 2024
The second part of the collection — this time movies are advised by MyShows users.
7 more cool dystopian movies that will make you think
A still from the movie "Equilibrium"

At the beginning of May, we made a collection of dystopian films, and in the comments to it, MyShows users recommended some more great projects on this topic (thanks!). Based on the recommendations, we have compiled the second part of the collection.


Action, sci-fi, thriller | 4.29 out of 5 on MyShows | 2002

Кадр из фильма «Эквилибриум»

In oppressive Libria, emotions are forbidden: anything that can trigger them is outlawed and feelings are punishable by death. People are forced to take the mind-altering drug Prozium, which suppresses emotions.

The movie is about John Preston (Christian Bale), a high-ranking government agent who is in charge of taking down those who oppose the rules. One day, he accidentally misses a Prozium appointment and ends up siding with the resistance himself.

"The action scenes are staged cool even by today's standards, and for 2002, gorgeous in general. Bale is brutal, the world is interesting, it's a shame it didn't get a sequel", — Want_chips.

"One of my all time favorite movies. A fusion of "451 degrees Fahrenheit", "Us" and "1984" with perfect visuals and awesome action sequences. One of the best dystopias on screen", — trashed_lost.

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Comedy, sci-fi | 3.97 out of 5 on MyShows | 1985

кадр из фильма «Бразилия»

Terry Gilliam's black comedy tells the story of Sam Lowry, an ordinary low-level clerk. Escaping monotony and boredom, Sam dreams of saving the woman of his dreams time after time.

One day he does meet her: while investigating a case that led to the wrongful arrest and death of an innocent man, Sam meets the woman from the dream. As he tries to help her, he gets caught in a web of mistakes, bureaucracy, danger, and lies.

"Great visuals, a delight", — CaHuTaP.

"A great satire from Terry Gilliam", — Barnaby.

Add the movie "Brazil" to your list

"A Clockwork Orange"

Crime, sci-fi | 4.03 out of 5 on MyShows | 1971

кадр из фильма «Заводной апельсин»

Alex, the leader of a violent gang, falls into the hands of the police. In order to be released early, he agrees to participate in an experiment designed to eradicate his destructive tendencies and curb his destructive impulses. But sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Will the new Alex be able to fit into the world he himself had a hand in creating?

Stanley Kubrick's movie based on the famous novel by Anthony Burgess. The picture caused a scandal in Britain — so strong that the director had to remove the tape from the release. Burgess also did not appreciate the project. As a result, "A Clockwork Orange" returned to British screens only in 2000.

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Thriller, detective, fantasy, romance | 4.23 out of 5 on MyShows | 1997

кадр из фильма «Гаттака»

In the future, mankind has learned to breed perfect people and has begun to divide everyone into "valids" and "in-valids". Now everyone's life path is determined by DNA: the "valid" people can do anything they want, while the "in-valid" people have to settle for routine work.

Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) was born as such an "in-valid" person. Vincent dreams of flying into space, but knows that with his status it is impossible. So he takes on the guise of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a perfect man who has been disabled by an accident. Thanks to Jerome, Vincent joins the Gattaca space program, but right before the flight, someone kills its director. The police begin to investigate, jeopardizing Vincent's secret.

"A remarkably high quality and aesthetically very beautiful sci-fi with an incredibly deep and compelling story. The palette, frame building and overall style. Visually, the movie looked simply gorgeous. Ethan Hawke and Jude Law were equally enjoyable to watch, and Uma Thurman gave an extremely delightful and extremely sophisticated portrayal", — Barnaby.

"The angles, the color palette, the acting and the story. Incredible work", — teaforever.

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"Nineteen Eighty-Four"

Thriller, detective, fantasy, romance | 3.69 out of 5 on MyShows | 1984

кадр из фильма «1984»

A film adaptation of one of the most famous book dystopias, George Orwell's "1984". Set in totalitarian London, the movie tells the story of Winston Smith, an employee of the Ministry of Truth. Every day he erases and rewrites history to put the leaders of the country in a favorable light. Winston hates the regime, but knows that the all-powerful Big Brother is watching his every move, so he can't dare to openly protest.

His life changes when he meets Julia, an enigmatic, feisty, and freedom-loving girl who also works in the Ministry of Truth and dislikes the party. Despite the ban, they begin a secret romance.

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"Fahrenheit 451"

Drama, sci-fi | 3.14 out of 5 on MyShows | 1966

кадр из фильма «451 градус по Фаренгейту»

In 1966, French director François Truffaut released the only film in English, an adaptation of Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451". The picture was ambiguously met by critics and viewers, but over the years it was still recognized. Bradbury himself rather liked the adaptation: according to him, despite all the shortcomings, the tape — and especially the climax — came out poignant and touching.

The picture tells about the world of the future, in which all books are banned by law and every day are mercilessly burned by firemen. Guy Montag is one of these firemen. He does not question and blindly follows orders, until he meets a girl named Clarissa. She asks him if he has ever read a book, and Montag gets curious. He decides to steal one, and the act completely changes his life.

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Comedy, sci-fi | 4.15 out of 5 on MyShows | 1986

кадр из фильма «Кин-дза-дза!»

Georgiy Daneliya's legendary two-part comedy starring Stanislav Lyubshin, Levan Gabriadze, Yuri Yakovlev, and Yevgeny Leonov.

In the story one winter evening foreman Vladimir Mashkov and student Gedevan meet a strange man on the street. He claims that he is an alien, and shows them an unusual device, calling it a moving machine. Not realizing what they are getting into, Vladimir and Gedevan press a random button on the device and find themselves on the sandy planet Pluk, where advanced technology coexists with wastelands, rusty houses, a tyrannical government, and a rigid caste system. Now it's up to them to return home.

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19 May 2024, 06:46 #
Equilibrium 🔥
I watched a clockwork Orange once.🙈🙉
Such a peculiar film, I didn't understand what was going on for a long time after 😂
19 May 2024, 07:08 #
@UliaChayka: Perhaps yes, I agree about a clockwork Orange.😃
19 May 2024, 10:12 #
A clockwork orange read a book, now I think it's necessary to look at it, besides, it's Kubrick)
19 May 2024, 12:47 #
@A1exandr0: look, it's worth it)
19 May 2024, 07:21 #
Equilibrium and Gattaca are great movies❤️ I haven't watched the rest of the selection, but I will have to
19 May 2024, 07:34 #
The Fahrenheit 451 book is wonderful! I didn't even know there was a movie
19 May 2024, 08:07 #
Gattaca is a great movie
19 May 2024, 08:10 #
"kin-DZA-DZA & # 34; in the pantheon. By right
19 May 2024, 09:19 #
19 May 2024, 10:13 #
Ku, patsaki
19 May 2024, 11:44 #
The equilibrium has been revised several times, I read it, but I did not watch it

Fahrenheit 451 is a very instructive film
Kin-dza-dza is a kind of classic
19 May 2024, 13:14 #
Comment has been deleted
19 May 2024, 16:54 #
I watched the Equilibrium and Fahrenheit 451 and both of them were instructive for me. Of the books that have not been filmed, I would recommend K. Chapek "The War with Salamanders", I hope someday it will be recreated on film and we will look at such an interesting dystopia-satire. A really impressive book, and not big by the standards of average dystopian works. Thanks for the cool selection, I will definitely look at the rest!
20 May 2024, 19:40 #
@Paul_Wolf: quite worthy, in the spirit of Chapek. He couldn't help but mention the anti-Semitic antics of the Czechs, and introduced the Jewish industrialist into the plot. But in general, this is such an Odessa-lite from Ilf and Petrov, with an admixture of Belyaev
19 May 2024, 19:57 #
The equilibrium is on the list of favorites.
1984 and 451°F are strong, of course, I did not watch, but I read selectively.
21 May 2024, 15:33 #
As far as I remember, in the book A Clockwork Orange, the world was just ordinary (it was frostbitten on the whole head... well, the methods of doctors are slightly specific, but this often happened in the XX century), there was no smell of dystopia. Is the movie that much different from the original?
04 Jun 2024, 23:01 #
@PianoOnTheLake: I do not recall that in the ordinary world the state cured negative impulses by forced zombification, and in bars you can safely take milk with drugs)

And dystopia is not always about a fantastic future. This is a fairly broad term, which usually includes some kind of criticism/irony over the "extreme and exaggerated world", the clash of the state and man, the comprehension of the concept of humanity, and + some gloomy forecasts regarding a similar future.
Basically, a Clockwork Orange has it all. Well, in general, Burgess originally conceived this as a criticism of anarchy - as an extreme degree of freedom.
07 Jun 2024, 13:42 #
@albinka_: In the ordinary world, psychos were treated with lobotomy, electric shock, hot iron, and ice water... The list can go on and on. By the way, there have been cases when lobotomy was prescribed to children who were not too obedient! And drugs are still legal in many countries.
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