Чем дальше, тем больше не понимаю, кто такая Невеста-Роза. Анфи. Анфи-мужична, так сильно подходящая на принца Утэны. Покорная рабыня(Она так подаётся, но я чувствую фальш. Не верю, что человек может так сильно подчиняться. Либо она вовсе не человек, либо я не знаю что). Мачеха Мики и Козуе (?????????). Что за силой она обладает?
Ясно одно: третий сезон стартовал бодро, оставляя нас с кучей вопросов. С одной стороны вроде бы нам дают ответы, но затем снова с головой осыпают вопросами и в конце я be like шта? шта тут праисходит?
I didn't quite understand which one of them was the prince. It seems to be Anfi, but it seems to be Ake.
On the one hand, Anfie is more suitable - she (in the body of a man) completely matches the character's drawing. That is, the appearance of the Anfi man coincides with the appearance of the prince. But at that time she was clearly younger, so that's out of the question(?) + Utena seems familiar to Aka, so maybe it's him, but she didn't recognize him right away, because his features change a little with age + he grew his hair.
But don't forget that Utena has never seen Anfie the man.
In general, I really look forward to the development of this line.
Oh, and by the way, I didn't quite understand the end, is he raping her? (I actually got it, I just still don't believe it)
Ясно одно: третий сезон стартовал бодро, оставляя нас с кучей вопросов. С одной стороны вроде бы нам дают ответы, но затем снова с головой осыпают вопросами и в конце я be like шта? шта тут праисходит?
On the one hand, Anfie is more suitable - she (in the body of a man) completely matches the character's drawing. That is, the appearance of the Anfi man coincides with the appearance of the prince. But at that time she was clearly younger, so that's out of the question(?) + Utena seems familiar to Aka, so maybe it's him, but she didn't recognize him right away, because his features change a little with age + he grew his hair.
But don't forget that Utena has never seen Anfie the man.
In general, I really look forward to the development of this line.
Oh, and by the way, I didn't quite understand the end, is he raping her? (I actually got it, I just still don't believe it)