The jPod universe chronicles the amoral, lighthearted and often shocking lives of five 'Podsters.' Set in an isolated work area inside the global headquarters of video gaming giant, Neotronic Arts, Ethan Jarlewski (David W. Kopp; Stargate-SG-1, Psych) and four co-worker pals are bureaucratically marooned in the basement all because of the Y2K virus and the simple fact that their surnames begin with the letter 'J.' The Podsters' lives are far from normal and they routinely deal with dim-witted bosses, sexual debauchery, gang warefare and gore-laced game designs. jPod also follows the lives of Ethan's seemingly ultranormal parents, Jim and Carol Jarlewski (Alan Thicke; Growing Pains and Sherry Miller; Queer as Folk). Jim and Carol are the new post-middle class, now enmeshed in growing marijuana, biker gangs and ballroom dancing. Full of amusing and evil twists, jPod is a startling and ground-breaking series about life in this new century. There is no map into the unknown, but we do have these five kids with a lot of heart and plenty of dark humor to lead the way.