The series follows the surreal adventures of a cow, named Cow, and her chicken brother, named Chicken. They are often antagonized by "The Red Guy", who poses as various characters to scam them.
Original run: | 16.09.1997 — 24.07.1999 |
Country of origin: | US |
Genre: | Children |
Network: | Cartoon Network |
Watched by: | 457 884 263 |
Total running time: | 1 day 13 hours 46 minutes |
Episode duration: | 22 min. |
Episodes count: | 103 |
IMDB rating: | 6.5 of 10 21 854 | rating: | 4.642 of 10 1 058 |
The series follows the surreal adventures of a cow, named Cow, and her chicken brother, named Chicken. They are often antagonized by "The Red Guy", who poses as various characters to scam them.
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