In this sequel to the theatrical and direct-to-video movies, the desert town of Perfection, Nevada, is under government protection because of the endangered species known as Graboids: large earth-burrowing worm-like creatures. Most of the residents of Perfection have refused to move, and now they have to cope with the Graboids and their variations, government agents, real-estate developers, other experiments from the same scientists who created the Graboids, and more.
1. Feeding Frenzy
2. Shriek and Destroy
3. Blast from the Past
4. Hit and Run
5. Project 4-12
6. Ghost Dance
7. Night of the Shriekers
8. A Little Paranoia Among Friends
9. Flora or Fauna?
10. Graboid Rights
11. Water Hazard
12. The Sounds of Silence
13. The Key