Maniac Mansion is a Canadian sitcom that aired on YTV from 1990-1993. The series follows the lives of the Edisons family who live in a large mansion in the suburban neighborhood of Cedar Springs.
Original run: | 17.09.1990 — 04.04.1993 |
Country of origin: | Canada |
Genre: | Comedy |
Network: | ABC Family |
Watched by: | 31 884 985 |
Total running time: | 1 day 9 hours |
Episode duration: | 30 min. |
Episodes count: | 66 |
IMDB rating: | 6.9 of 10 410 | rating: | 6.041 of 10 176 |
Maniac Mansion is a Canadian sitcom that aired on YTV from 1990-1993. The series follows the lives of the Edisons family who live in a large mansion in the suburban neighborhood of Cedar Springs.