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Rating of seasons and episodes A Passionate Woman (2010)

My rating
Original run: | 11.04.2010 — 18.04.2010 |
Watched by: | 405 |
Episodes count: | 2 |
Out: | 2 |
Total views: | 909 347 |
A Passionate Woman (2010) ratings of all seasons and episodes are based on the MyShows.me users' ratings.
The best seasons and most interesting episodes have a rating above 4. The average rating for episodes of A Passionate Woman (2010) as of 06.02.2025, is 4.581 points.
Emotional rating
Best episodes
Best comments 2
Сцена на крыше - это вообще праздник: когда в одну секунду ты готов утирать сентиментальную слезу, а уже в следующую не можешь удержаться от смеха.