It's a bit of a pity that the adventures of a drunken Lan are reduced as much as possible here, although it's also nice, in any state, Wei Ying protects
Why do the creators of Donghua dislike Jiang Chen so much?! Okay, I've come to terms with the lack of a scene of his epic appearance at the temple with an umbrella, but the absence of a scene where Wei Ying apologizes to him for not keeping his promise...Why did they make it just a monologue of the Central Committee?! Wow, it hurts me even more than after reading the novel. As if our hearts weren't broken enough! But, in general, the finale was not even bad, they managed to close the plot holes and make a happy ending for the Vansians. In any case, it is very sad to part with this story, because I love the Master with all my heart. "When the story is over, we will read it again with our eyes closed."
Боже, это уже просто классика и канон 😭💔😭💔😭💔
"When the story is over, we will read it again with our eyes closed."