До сих пор не покидает мысль, что Марашанец признался Махур, только из за того что бы она не улетела и она бы дальше продолжила рассказывать семейную информацию Но он так искренне смотрел как она уходит, что я даже не знаю...
Yes, the series is promising, unless of course the ratings in Turkey are pumped up and it is not closed or the other extreme, the ratings will be high and it will be blown like a Windy one or Knock on my door until they fall.
Gg is very charismatic, interesting, strong, I really like it, I watched the romcom with him, Love does not understand words, but this role is fundamentally different from the previous one.
Gg has not impressed yet, she is quite ordinary, spoiled by her father, quite ordinary, although this is only the first series, it is too early to judge her. I haven't watched any projects with Alina yet, so I don't know what kind of actress she is, but she looks nice.
And the antagonist Savash looks like a suitable actor. There is nothing to say about him yet.
In general, the atmosphere of the series is tense and 2 hours do not fly by noticeably.
And about the ending, is it like the Mahour family is guilty of attacking Zelish at a concert?? I hope this is not the case, and everything is actually not as simple as he thinks.
Странный конечно отец у Махур, Ильхана спас, а старшего сына спасать из машины не надо? И эта история с Омером, почему её отец его убил? Мать, в видео явно какие-то подсказки оставляла. Пока закралось подозрение, что Махур дочь Омера 🤔
Но он так искренне смотрел как она уходит, что я даже не знаю...
Gg is very charismatic, interesting, strong, I really like it, I watched the romcom with him, Love does not understand words, but this role is fundamentally different from the previous one.
Gg has not impressed yet, she is quite ordinary, spoiled by her father, quite ordinary, although this is only the first series, it is too early to judge her. I haven't watched any projects with Alina yet, so I don't know what kind of actress she is, but she looks nice.
And the antagonist Savash looks like a suitable actor. There is nothing to say about him yet.
In general, the atmosphere of the series is tense and 2 hours do not fly by noticeably.
And about the ending, is it like the Mahour family is guilty of attacking Zelish at a concert?? I hope this is not the case, and everything is actually not as simple as he thinks.