Chiller is a 5-episode horror/fantasy anthology series originally shown erratically in the UK on ITV. The stories each involve, to some extent, the supernatural, and feature lead actors with familiar faces from UK television.
Original run: | 09.03.1995 — 27.04.1995 |
Country of origin: | UK |
Genre: | Fantasy, Horror/Supernatural |
Network: | ITV |
Watched by: | 30 888 036 |
Total running time: | 5 hours |
Episode duration: | 60 min. |
Episodes count: | 5 |
IMDB rating: | 6.4 of 10 345 |
Chiller is a 5-episode horror/fantasy anthology series originally shown erratically in the UK on ITV. The stories each involve, to some extent, the supernatural, and feature lead actors with familiar faces from UK television.