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Original run: 19.12.2021 — 27.02.2022
Country of origin: US
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Western
Network: Paramount+
Watched by: 6 713 910 986
Total running time: 10 hours 1 minute
Episode duration: 63 min.
Episodes count: 10
IMDB rating: 8.7 of 10 131 782 rating: 7.844 of 10 15 785

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Best comments 5

s01e05 shows 1883
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17 Jan 2022, 04:49 #
The first really powerful series in emotional terms. And finally, the plot has progressed + something intelligible has begun to happen. Elsa's boyfriend is very sorry, of course. This is not Yellowstone, where Jimmy broke into splinters 2 times and was collected from absolute zero. The necessary characters are always unkillable, but here, in order to create a personal drama of Elsa, the beloved was simply killed, and exactly in the same series, when they have a love story in full, conversations about the wedding, etc. I didn't really expect it.

And surprisingly, the moment turned out to be very touching. Usually I sit and don't care + /- everything, but here I just felt the moment. Well, or how she ended up lying down next to him. In general, the pain of loss was directly felt from the screen. The actors / screenwriters are well done, you believe what is happening by 150%.
s01e10 shows 1883
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27 Feb 2022, 11:59 #
Gorgeous. In the end, I thought they would name the Yellowstone ranch after Lightning with the yellow hair, but even so, this is the best spin-off in the history of spin-offs.
s01e10 shows 1883
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28 Feb 2022, 00:14 #
I still hoped that the Indians with their shamanic rituals would save Elsa.
Although it was initially clear that they would only reach Montana.
s01e06 shows 1883
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31 Jan 2022, 08:10 #
Капитан, может, и не самый лучший организатор. Но речи говорить умеет определённо.

- An Apache scout told me once that when you love somebody, you trade souls with them. They get a piece of yours, and you get a piece of theirs. But when your love dies, a little piece of you dies with them. That's why you hurt so bad. But that little piece of him is still inside you and he can use your eyes to see the world.
So I'm taking my wife to the ocean and I'm gonna sit on the beach and let her see it. That was her dream. Then I'm going to see her. That's my dream.
In the meantime, the herd could sure use its cowgirl.
s01e03 shows 1883
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28 Dec 2021, 17:11 #
Давно не видела в кино, чтобы так по-настоящему был передан характер романтичной 17-летней девушки. И актриса - просто смотреть не насмотреться!
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