
Interview with the Vampire

Show Interview with the Vampire

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Original run: 29.09.2022 — ...
Country of origin: US
Genre: Horror/Supernatural, Supernatural
Network: AMC
Watched by: 10 031 909 948
Total running time: 15 hours 29 minutes
Episode duration: 62 min.
Episodes count: 15
IMDB rating: 7.2 of 10 23 405 rating: 7.508 of 10 23 857

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who liked?
02 Oct 2022, 22:48 #
Louis: * something in philosophical*
Malloy: "Did you eat the baby? Did you eat the baby?? Did you eat the baby???"

I breathed a sigh of relief when he still wasn't it ze baby 😰
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09 Oct 2022, 21:27 #
Лестат: «Я сплю, с кем хочу. Ты тоже спишь, с кем хочешь».

Также Лестат: «Ну нет, вообще-то я тебя ревную».
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01 Oct 2022, 11:55 #
I watched the first episode and I'm thrilled.
Lestat is just like in the books, as I imagined him, the way I adore him. The bloody scenes with him are absolutely beautiful, I really liked the way the blood splashes right into the camera.
And also a lot of respect to the screenwriters for the fact that they managed to make Louis an interesting character. He was the most boring of the characters in the books, not to mention how terribly he was shown in the film.
Louis in the books was so bland and boring that I was more worried about the relationship between Nicolas and Lestat than about the main love line.
I had to stop the series in order to feel all the emotions that I felt in those minutes.
As a fan of the book series, I was absolutely delighted.
And to those people who insult because of gayness, I have a question: what are you doing here anyway?
In this series of books, Fly and Louis are married, they still have other lovers who are each other's lovers and they are all men.
If you didn't expect gayness in this series, then that's your problem, not the creators'.
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09 Jun 2024, 03:16 #
It was a great decision to interrupt the chronological narrative to a new timeline immediately after the episode with the backstory of the beginning of Armand and Louis' relationship. This contrast very clearly shows the progression of Armand's need to be loved, if at first it was expressed in his sacrifice and complete submission to Louis, then the longer Louis cannot let Lestat go, the more it triggers Armand, confirming his fear that he does not deserve love, which provokes him to take advantage of his superiority in power and change Louis' memories And Daniel. The climax of his self-doubt and his relationship with Louis was the scene where he transmits Lestat's words, but cannot bring himself to say "I love you". This is torture for him on several levels at once: the realization that Lestat is not as narcissistic as he thought, and yet capable of loving, he just never loved Armand; confirmation that even giving everything he has, it is not able to buy the love of another; fear that these words will make Louis to realize that even after everything, he still loves Lestat, and leave Armand for him. And Armand looks very sexy in his evil manipulator era.
I really liked the dynamic between Louis and Daniel in this episode. It's nice to see that after so many years since the first interview, they were finally able to understand each other's motivation at that moment and admit their mistakes. Now it's interesting to find out how, after such a union, that phrase from the teasers of u fear Armand will fire. u should fear the other one."
A good episode that heightens the atmosphere before catharsis. The events in it do not greatly affect the plot directly, but their influence on the dynamics of relations between the characters is enormous, the so-called calm before the storm.
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30 Jun 2024, 07:41 #
Congratulations to everyone now on the official renewal for season 3! The finale left behind a lot of impressions and, I won't lie, not all of them are positive, but this season was absolutely amazing, so I won't go into the bad stuff.
The authors perfectly recycle the original source, it was smart to combine the era of the hermit Lestat with his rockstar era. This shortens the time of his separation from Louis, and the elements of the madness of the book Lestat after losing the will to live at the end of the first book were very competently mirrored on Louis, after his release from the theater. Vampires usually don't stay indoors with corpses, it's unbearably disgusting to them, but Louis is so lost in his grief and obsessed with revenge that he doesn't pay attention to it. And this is very appropriate, because later, when he finds Lestat in a similar state, he understands him perfectly.
Finally, we got the real Lestat, not just Louis or Armand, but the way he is: vulnerable, broken, living through the grief of losing a child and in need of love - this was one of the most anticipated things of the season.
It's nice to see that Louis was finally able to come to terms with the death of his brother and Claudia, he is no longer the Persian from the beginning of the story, consumed with guilt, an interview with Daniel helped him work through this trauma.
Daniel in the role of a vampire looks great, very sexy, but his treatment has the wrong motives, it changes the whole dynamics of the devil's minion relationship not for the better. I don't have enough characters to be indignant about the Armand arch, but this is the first time when the screenwriters did everything wrong at all. And it's not that he's a villain, but the cardboard implementation of this idea.
Well, out of the doubtful, my fears about Raglan James were justified, this is not directly an omission, but it was not very pleasant either. He was probably here solely as a teaser for the Talamasca spin-off, because in his place, any member of the order could have been an informant.
Anyway, it was a great season and I hope that all the understatements of the finale will definitely be clarified next season.