Based on the book series by Edo van Belkom, Wolf Pack follows a teenage boy and girl whose lives are changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature and drives it to attack a highway traffic jam beneath the burning hills. Wounded in the chaos, the boy and girl are inexplicably drawn to each other and to two other teenagers who were adopted sixteen years earlier by a park ranger after another mysterious wildfire. As the full moon rises, all four teens come together to unravel the secret that connects them — the bite and blood of a werewolf.
But there are many moments that I liked. It was a cool move at the beginning, as the Baron visited the place of each of the pack. I liked how the boy actor plays the role of Danny, well, he's doing great. Especially when I saw the Baron) And in general, the young actors are pleasant, many of them have their debut in this series. It's very good for the first time.
It's good that you explained the detail about the handshake. I didn't look very closely and didn't pay attention to it at all, an interesting point.
I don't know how to relate to the fact that all the characters were merged into a pit with everyday problems - Blake has custody, poor Everett is in a mental hospital (by the way, I refuse to understand his parents at all...they probably need a super obedient amoeba child under sedation pills. Tin! And he really didn't do anything out of hand, but...), and Harlan was generally taken to the police. While Luna is sitting in the car and freaking out))
The series has not been renewed for season 2 yet, but if it is, I would probably watch the sequel. We still haven't found out who this mysterious No Caller ID is, and even if it's the father, then...who is he x)
Ну и хорошо, что рассказали про пожар, как он превращает оборотней в машины-убийцы.
Интересный был момент, когда Харлан разозлился на отца и всей стае передался его гнев. Таким на глаза лучше не попадаться))