@chydo_v_kedikah: Yeah, a little bit... he made fun of Monica, who, as a little girl, hardly knows the time by the hands, and he himself counts from Mississippi
@dream_flash: They are actually very different people with completely opposite characters. I often wondered if they would have become friends if there were no others in the company) I doubt it)
@Nog: just because they were roommates doesn't mean they would necessarily become friends) I think each of the friends is connected by themselves. Individually, they didn't have that chemistry)
@Lika_aka_Dianka: So to look at our own friends in reality, we were all connected by other people or certain circumstances, it is unlikely that we would just all start making friends from scratch.
Perry with the grown-out tuft is so pretty again. "I have an uncontrollable need to please people" -- or a short instruction to Monica. Ohhh, Jennifer Coolidge, right this season they are walking seriously from the doorstep. "Stop staring at my wife's feet. No, no, stop staring at your sister's feet!" XD Question of the century: Why is Ross such an idiot? And when will it stop being so funny? "Which one do you have? — Puerto Rican " well, an idiot of pure water. "I don't have another level!" Rachel always has a strange reaction to seductions from friends, ahahah. Joey was unlucky—he was beaten up in general. How she epicly dragged him out of the apartment. But then there was some sadness... they were never able to cross the border, they were afraid of losing their friendship if they went any further, and they absolutely broke my heart with it. Maybe this is right, maybe if they had started this line three seasons ago, they would have been brought together after a season, but I'm sorry that we will never know and this will not happen, because they are wonderful together, so simple, easy and understanding each other endlessly.
Так нравилось видеть настоящие и глубокие переживания Джоуи, а не придурковатое поведение, хотелось бы его серьёзного больше, но все взяли и слили. Да и с Рейчел они смотрелись красиво, эх:(
То, чего я боялась - произошло. По более красивым и объективным причинам, но всё равно грустно. Плюс, я думаю, что такая проблема с переходом из "друзей" в "пару" могла быть только на стороне Рейчел, потому что Джо-то как раз относился к ней не как к другу уже сколько-то времени, вряд ли у него было что-то такое на подсознании. А вот у Рейчел вполне, потому что она и правда не любит Джо как партнёра, только как друга и человека. Но, видимо, решили сгладить углы, чтобы это была обоюдная проблема.
Самый умный и самый заносчивый РОСС не может нормально досчитать до 5? Ну это было смешно пхахах, даже стало на секунду немного жаль его. Пара Рейчел и Джоуи заслуживают больше экранного времени... Им нужно было дать немного времени и тогда они бы были отливной парой. Я расстроена, что они так за 3 серии слили их ветку
Видимо, это извечный спор и есть шипперы двух типов: "Рейчел/Джо" и "Рейчел/Росс", но мне изначально не понравилась идея свести Рейчел с Джоуи - совсем уж нелепо выглядело, особенно в роддоме, в душе всегда надеялась, что в тот момент Рейчел вернется к Россу
Господи, ну зачем эти качели?! Зачем было сводить Джо и Рейчел, а потом так нелепо сливать😡 Зачем все эти препятствия, чтоб потом они расстались?! Злюсь! Они были такие классные вместе, намного лучше, чем вместе с Россом💔
As far as I know, the audience didn't really accept the couple Joe and Rachel and the creators merged them. It's a pity, they would have made the most wonderful couple and family. They are on the same wavelength and complement each other, they are interesting together, fun, easy. They just had to be brought together much earlier, to let this branch brew, to give time. They should have been brought together back in season 6, when Chandler and Monica were actively dating and there was an offer at the end of the season.
It is clear that Raych will be summed up with Ross, and I don't like it at all. In reality, such a couple would not exist. They have no common interests, they are very different, what do they talk about in private? Such couples are doomed. They may be together for a while, but then everything goes the way it did for the guys at the beginning of the series - misunderstandings, resentments, jealousy, incomprehensible expectations from each other. And as a result, the divorce.
@rio_suerte: Oh, those relationship experts. In reality, there are a lot of couples who got together despite the fact that they have nothing in common and lived together for a long time. Common interests can be found together already, and there is always something to talk about if you are an intelligent and educated person. But this on the "same wavelength" is not a guarantee of a long and happy relationship at all.
@EyeOfTheRaven: I'm just expressing my opinion, I'm not forcing anyone to think the same way. Of course, there is no right or wrong relationship pattern at all, and I have never written anywhere that I am an expert. We're talking about the series and what they show us on the screen. In MY opinion, Ross and Rachel's relationship has been emotionally immature and toxic since the beginning of the series. And they remain that way by season 10. They haven't solved a single problem that they had 6 years ago in the story. And the problems there are quite a few: jealousy and insecurity on Ross's part, his egocentricity and desire to own, the desire for Rachel to be only his and not have any life outside of their relationship. They never discussed it all. And now they have a child to raise.
I don't know what the plot would have been if Rachel and Jo had been introduced in all seriousness, but according to my feelings (mine!) this couple has a much healthier and more enjoyable relationship in the database. Because they're friends, because they understand each other, because they don't have competition and possessiveness within the couple, because Jo is very loyal and protective, and because Rachel feels comfortable around him. These are my feelings exclusively. As it seems to me. If I were Rachel, I'd choose the latter.
@rio_suerte: yes, it's clear that this is your opinion, you just so categorically wrote "in reality, such a couple would not exist," although this is absolutely not a fact, which you yourself agreed with.
On the contrary, I see how both Ross and Rachel have "grown up" over the years. Ross is no longer the same insecure man, different kinds of relationships and work have affected him, well, in general, everything is the same as in life. After all, the acquired experience changed him and made him calmer or something. That's why it seems to me that they fit very well with Rachel, they kind of complement each other.
But with Joe, I can't imagine them together at all. But most likely this is because of the creators of the series, who did everything to humiliate this character, turning him into a fool by the end of the series, and left him with nothing against the background of the rest. It's just that if you look at the last couple of seasons excitedly, and then turn on the first one right away, you can see that Joe has never been a stupid fool, but from season to season, for the sake of humor, he just degraded and it's not funny at all. I love the series madly, but I can't forgive Joe for the creators. Well, because, unlike the others, he doesn't have a career, his own house/apartment, and he hasn't "grown up" in any way, I can't imagine him and Rachel. She became more serious over the years, but he fell back.
Damn, it's a great comment thread, I agree with each of you in your arguments"Rachel couldn't be with *substitute name*, because for me both pairs can't exist) There was so much going on between Ross and Raych that it would be hard to digest such a background, they wouldn't have been able to cope, as it seems to me. That is, it's not about common interests, but simply about what they went through. At the same time, there is no chemistry from Rachel towards Joey at all. I'm sure he'd be in love with her, he'd be a wonderful father, a friend, but Raych.. She would be looking for something else) Romance, flirting, some emotions
And Chandler is like the cherry on the cake at the end.
"I have an uncontrollable need to please people" -- or a short instruction to Monica. Ohhh, Jennifer Coolidge, right this season they are walking seriously from the doorstep.
"Stop staring at my wife's feet. No, no, stop staring at your sister's feet!" XD Question of the century: Why is Ross such an idiot? And when will it stop being so funny? "Which one do you have? — Puerto Rican " well, an idiot of pure water.
"I don't have another level!" Rachel always has a strange reaction to seductions from friends, ahahah. Joey was unlucky—he was beaten up in general. How she epicly dragged him out of the apartment. But then there was some sadness... they were never able to cross the border, they were afraid of losing their friendship if they went any further, and they absolutely broke my heart with it. Maybe this is right, maybe if they had started this line three seasons ago, they would have been brought together after a season, but I'm sorry that we will never know and this will not happen, because they are wonderful together, so simple, easy and understanding each other endlessly.
(those who watched Two girls broke will understand)
Я за Росса и Рейчел💖
Хорошая была бы пара.
Зачем все эти препятствия, чтоб потом они расстались?!
Злюсь! Они были такие классные вместе, намного лучше, чем вместе с Россом💔
It is clear that Raych will be summed up with Ross, and I don't like it at all. In reality, such a couple would not exist. They have no common interests, they are very different, what do they talk about in private? Such couples are doomed. They may be together for a while, but then everything goes the way it did for the guys at the beginning of the series - misunderstandings, resentments, jealousy, incomprehensible expectations from each other. And as a result, the divorce.
I don't know what the plot would have been if Rachel and Jo had been introduced in all seriousness, but according to my feelings (mine!) this couple has a much healthier and more enjoyable relationship in the database. Because they're friends, because they understand each other, because they don't have competition and possessiveness within the couple, because Jo is very loyal and protective, and because Rachel feels comfortable around him. These are my feelings exclusively. As it seems to me. If I were Rachel, I'd choose the latter.
On the contrary, I see how both Ross and Rachel have "grown up" over the years. Ross is no longer the same insecure man, different kinds of relationships and work have affected him, well, in general, everything is the same as in life. After all, the acquired experience changed him and made him calmer or something. That's why it seems to me that they fit very well with Rachel, they kind of complement each other.
But with Joe, I can't imagine them together at all. But most likely this is because of the creators of the series, who did everything to humiliate this character, turning him into a fool by the end of the series, and left him with nothing against the background of the rest. It's just that if you look at the last couple of seasons excitedly, and then turn on the first one right away, you can see that Joe has never been a stupid fool, but from season to season, for the sake of humor, he just degraded and it's not funny at all. I love the series madly, but I can't forgive Joe for the creators. Well, because, unlike the others, he doesn't have a career, his own house/apartment, and he hasn't "grown up" in any way, I can't imagine him and Rachel. She became more serious over the years, but he fell back.