@Ginervsekupil: not shabby, but according to our realities. I don't think many people knew what falafel was then (as they do now, however), so they found an affordable alternative
"If I were a man"—Chandler's femme side raises its head again. "Monica can be both cool and fun in orderly home games" aahhahaha, Mon Ever's best feature. "I don't know a single clever word. — Why don't you use the thesaurus? "Did you hear what I said?" Joey is Joey, and therefore no fancy words can replace his kind heart. "Sometimes it's enough to just nod" —in Amy's case, you have to nod all the time and never say anything. Generally. She is a slightly hypertrophied version of young Rachel, but she will be more delicate. And Zaya believes in her sister so much, even though she absolutely does not deserve it... "You won't get shawarma anymore" — take it easy, Ross, why are you chopping off the shoulder right away. "It's our anniversary" —and all of New York knows about it. And no matter how many times these nerds try to propose to each other, because it's even too much about them, I still burst into a smile of affection, because there is no one better than Mike for our beloved eccentric Boof.
And in this episode, Amy was annoying, the last time it didn't matter. In general, it's a pity that Reese didn't appear anymore, it would be interesting to look at the three Green sisters in one frame)
Да, сестра Рейчел ужасная, но это для сравнения, ведь и Рейчел была точно такая же как она, просто посмотреть на сестру и понять как же сильно изменилась Рейч❤
- I love you more.
- This is impossible :
"No more falafel for you!"
"I am well-fed and I like it!"
Oh b o w a y Joe
"I don't know a single clever word. — Why don't you use the thesaurus? "Did you hear what I said?" Joey is Joey, and therefore no fancy words can replace his kind heart.
"Sometimes it's enough to just nod" —in Amy's case, you have to nod all the time and never say anything. Generally. She is a slightly hypertrophied version of young Rachel, but she will be more delicate. And Zaya believes in her sister so much, even though she absolutely does not deserve it... "You won't get shawarma anymore" — take it easy, Ross, why are you chopping off the shoulder right away.
"It's our anniversary" —and all of New York knows about it. And no matter how many times these nerds try to propose to each other, because it's even too much about them, I still burst into a smile of affection, because there is no one better than Mike for our beloved eccentric Boof.
Raych has a beautiful hair color