
s07e13 — Ocean Frank

Rizzoli & Isles — s07e13 — Ocean Frank

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 05.09.201606.09.2016 04:00
Watched by: 6 80944.88%
7 season
s07e05 - Shadow of Doubt
s07e06 - There Be Ghosts
s07e07 - Dead Weight
s07e08 - 2M7258-100
s07e09 - 65 Hours
s07e10 - For Richer or Poorer
s07e11 - Stiffed
s07e12 - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
s07e13 - Ocean Frank

Discussion of the 13 episode of the 7 season
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05 Sep 2016, 19:06 #
That's the end of one of my favorite TV shows (
I didn't roll off like everyone else, a very cute and cozy series :(
I'll miss you (
06 Sep 2016, 18:17 #
And special thanks to them for finishing on a good wave, without a cliffhanger.
07 Sep 2016, 21:34 #
@leyton08: even the case is like this... without a villain)
22 Sep 2016, 23:53 #
They didn't even put anyone in jail))
19 Sep 2017, 21:33 #
@Clarissa: and they didn't kill me :)
06 Sep 2016, 20:40 #
It was a wonderful series, full of wonderful moments where I wanted to cry so much from sadness that this is the end...

I will always love this series.
I've been watching it since its second season and I've never regretted finding it once.

I will miss.
Rizzoli and Isles forever.
There are no words.
06 Sep 2016, 21:27 #
I squelched when Kent got emotional. ))))
Nice episode, very nice.
And Kent finally screwed up with his spying and recording on camera - so cute. )))))
06 Sep 2016, 23:47 #
I never would have thought that it was on Korsak that they would make me cry.

farewell rizzoli and isles!
07 Sep 2016, 00:56 #
Well, that's it.
To be honest, it's a little sad. I didn't seem to be looking forward to every episode, but I watched each one with pleasure. And therefore it is a pity that there will be no more of them.
The ending turned out to be very nice and cozy. So it's really over... but it was great.
I will miss you;-)
07 Sep 2016, 01:14 #
This ending is wonderful!!!!
Rizzoli and Isles FOREVER!
07 Sep 2016, 01:19 #
It's a wonderful ending, but it's still a pity that it ended.
At the moment with Korsak, I also shed tears.
07 Sep 2016, 01:29 #
Oh, it's a pity that the series is over. I watched all the episodes with pleasure. And the characters are so cute and I'm used to them already.
At the moment with Korsak and I shed tears ... : (
"Can I have a beer and a piece of cake-dick" smiled very much)))
07 Sep 2016, 02:58 #
@Sea_beauty: Yes, Angela still didn't manage to disguise the cake much :)
07 Sep 2016, 13:55 #
a great ending with a vacation in Paris)))
Thanks to the great series!
07 Sep 2016, 20:29 #
It was a stunningly beautiful series. I spent the whole episode trying not to cry at the touching moments, but in the video Jane couldn't help herself. Every time a robot appeared in the frame, it was so cute. Kent is just a sweetheart. Jane and Korsak crying in an embrace. Happy Nina and Frank. Suitcases. A ticket to Paris. A cake for a bachelorette party. This is one of the best series endings I've ever seen. Anyway, this is one of the best TV shows.

07 Sep 2016, 20:47 #
Victor 981 Ocean Frank :'(
08 Sep 2016, 22:54 #
OK, but why didn't they lock up?
09 Sep 2016, 01:23 #
A very sweet, cozy, kind and sad ending. And in the end they made me smile, but still through tears) Goodbye, beloved girls and your whole company, I will remember you with a warm smile...
09 Sep 2016, 01:29 #
I held on, I held on, but at the moment with the radio and Korsak, I broke
through, I can't even believe that there will be no more of our girls and an insanely emotional atmosphere (
I was glad that Frost was remembered.
well, the appearance of Karofsky :D

10 Sep 2016, 11:24 #
That's how to complete long-term procedures! Here's how to make the final seasons of the audience's favorite shows! Without losing for a single episode all that the series gained its popularity for: sweetness, warmth, comfort, amazing chemistry, laughter, jokes, sarcasm, the feeling of one big family. And in the final, give it all out to the maximum, adding a pinch of inescapable sadness and longing, but without turning into melodramatic snot. bravo! I'm going to miss you very much.

RiA began as an ordinary summer castle substitute, but over time it not only outgrew this label, but also acquired a lot of distinctive qualities, not only grew in a high-quality character key, but also gave several dozen hours of joy, fun, warmth and a feeling that everything would be stable at the highest level (which is the same "Castle" has never been able to), not only did not lose its many advantages, but also gave out the most gorgeous final season, each episode of which looked like the penultimate one. RiA has not only become an excellent procedural, it has become one of my favorites, surpassing even the one I considered it to be a substitute for for several years. And there didn't seem to be anything supernatural in the series, nothing extrapopular, but it just caught on with the characters, bright chemistry, an atypical couple for the procedurals, a family atmosphere, notes of sadness and good old humor. This is how it will be remembered.
10 Sep 2016, 11:25 #
Goodbye, Jane (just don't go to Quantico!). Goodbye, Maura (how many arguments there were about your name!). Goodbye Vince (you really look like Paddington!). I love you all. I hope to see you again in the book version. Tess, who appeared in the series, probably appreciated the charm of the characters created by the screenwriters, and it would be great if she transferred these features to the subsequent books of the series.
Goodbye again, Lee Thompson Young. The episode with your character's funeral was the hardest and, perhaps, unsurpassed in pure emotions. It seems like three years have passed, but I still remember.

P.S. The formula "six seasons and a movie" did not just appear! But "Seven Seasons, books and a Movie" sounds even better. It's just about the last component.

P.P.S. Ocean Frank.
16 Sep 2016, 15:37 #
How sad it is that this is the end:(
21 Sep 2016, 18:31 #
I've been putting off watching the latest episodes for a long time. I didn't want this wonderful series to go into the list of fully watched ...
But the ending really turned out to be flawless, kind, sensual, funny, like the whole series before. The heroes said goodbye, the actors said goodbye to each other and to the audience. For the heroes, this is not only the end, but also a new beginning. And we just have to remember them and wait for new projects.
22 Sep 2016, 05:25 #
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12 Oct 2016, 17:36 #
@Damon_CW: Oh, damn, shut up.
22 Sep 2016, 18:55 #
I will miss.
I miss you so much.
22 Sep 2016, 21:42 #
My good ones, I already miss you madly! Beloved, warm, sincere and incredibly cozy characters - every time they brought a piece of kindness and absolutely kind humor into my life! :)
The whole series has a lump in my throat and my eyes are wet! But the moment with Korsak did its job... :)
Thanks for the wonderful ending to the story! And yes, I am sure that one day I will return to you - so wonderful! I love you endlessly!!! :3
23 Sep 2016, 00:15 #
God, I can't believe that it was already the end
of a great series, with great actors and an amazing plot
23 Sep 2016, 02:48 #
I watched and sobbed. And the fact that the series is over, and the fact that similar things happen to me in life: moving, parting with my family. It was as if they were talking to me and giving me parting words.
I would like to say thank you for both the detective story, the drama, and the comedy. And to the wonderful actors who appeared in this series.
26 Sep 2016, 21:55 #
Everything is fine, but they did not give an answer to the question - who, after all, from the "office" was the accomplice of Mara's kidnapper. And, I see, all the fans have safely forgotten about it)
21 Oct 2016, 03:45 #
@verylove77: By the way, yes. I am one of those who safely forgot, now I am tormented by a question...
02 Aug 2017, 03:12 #
@verylove77: Was there an accomplice? It seems that they found out that the hacker was cool and that's it.
12 Oct 2016, 17:36 #
I delayed watching the final episodes until the last, I really didn't want it to end. And she held on the whole episode so as not to cry, but when Korsak said goodbye on the radio, it was already impossible to restrain himself. The series did not go into a hole in any season. And it was finished with great dignity and spirit. This is one of those projects, after watching it, that you want to forget everything and watch it like the first time. Well, Boston Police, I'm going to miss you.
13 Oct 2016, 02:25 #
It was worthy!!!!!!!!!
I started watching RIA, like the TV series "Body Investigation". But to be honest, he exceeded all my expectations!!!!!!!!!! Despite the fact that E. Harmon has more screen time, I was delighted with Maura and I can say I discovered the amazing actress Sasha Alexander. I swallowed the series literally in 2 weeks and during this time it was as if I myself became a member of a large and friendly family.)))
Interesting presentation of characters, characters changing as the series progresses, a warm, cozy atmosphere, a plot more saturated with all kinds of criminals, and not just corpses))), a departure from the cliche in terms of the personalities of criminals "it's all Rizzoli Isles!"!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, sometimes Angela looked like a mother hen, sometimes only Maura carried the whole drama, and Jane was responsible for the comic part, sometimes adult men named Frankie and Tommy Rizzoli acted like 5-year-olds, but nevertheless the series did not get worse.
After all, there was also a Korsak resembling Paddington in it))) and Kiki, a wise lady beyond her years, and Nina, who survived grief and Kent is a rather strange man, but so charmingly, who took care of the Sea)).
A huge loss of the world and the Lee Thomson Young series. ((( You could have played so many more good roles.
Very smooth seasons, although the first ones had more drive, interesting and intriguing endings of the seasons.
And finally, a worthy ending!!!
Indeed, this is exactly how such shows should be completed. Not a step away from the usual warm atmosphere, cozy party and hope!
Hopes that Jane will succeed in her personal life at Quantico, especially since the candidate seems to have already appeared))) that Maura will write a bestseller and go on a date with Kent or another ex-husband))) that Vince and Kiki will happily run the bar, sing songs and help Frankie in his I hope that Angela will find happiness with Ron by pampering her grandchildren!!!!!!!

PS Thank you for being with us!!!!!!!!

P.P.S "Rizzoli and Isles" - Ocean Frank.
26 Oct 2016, 17:08 #
I can't believe this is the end... But the series was great.
28 Oct 2016, 03:41 #
I was dancing with Jane and Korsak.
I delayed the last episodes as much as I could, but alas...
how I will miss you...
15 Nov 2016, 20:37 #
It's a pity that all good things end sooner or later... But this is exactly the moment when they left beautifully, and on a positive wave, they put everything right.
The series is actually kind of amazing. I started watching it with nothing to do, I wanted a light detective story, and it seemed to go cheerfully. And then, somehow gradually, I didn't notice it myself, it turned into such a native and beloved series with all five stars. This is my first time, usually series roll off after the first two seasons, but here, on the contrary, I fell in love with myself even more.
The duo of the main characters is simply magical. The feeling that the actresses themselves felt very, very comfortable all the time and it all transferred to the series. And if I fell in love with Sasha from NCIS, then Angie was a real discovery. The divine actress and her character are simply beyond praise.
Frost and the robot on his desk... This is the hardest part. It's a real loss, it's incredibly sad that the actor's life turned out that way...
the final episode is right to the point, everything is perfect. Each of the characters has made their contribution, as well as contributed it throughout all seasons to the hearts of the audience. And yes, I finished off the moment with Korsak, I held on to the last, but then tears just started pouring down.

Oh, in general, very worthy! Bravo to all those who worked on the creation of this series.
I will definitely recommend it to everyone)) I've already hooked my mom up, because it's worth it.
26 Nov 2016, 07:39 #
I sobbed the whole episode, the ending was so touching. Very logical and not pink-candy-snotty. It's a pity that the series ended, I liked it. It's sad that some crap lasts for several years, and good TV shows are closed.
05 Dec 2016, 01:10 #
Я очень долго откладывала просмотр трех последних серий, потому что очень не хотелось прощаться. Этот сериал всегда был уникален своей атмосферой, уютом, что отличало его от абсолютно всех процедуралом, только здесь можно было плакать, а через две минуты уже смеяться. Невероятный финал, на моменте с Корсаком как и у многих у меня потекли слезы, потому что это невозможно... Они никогда не забывали о Фросте, что всегда грело душу. Я приготовилась плакать уже в самом начале, когда в последний раз услышала это синхронное "Риццоли, Айлс"... И финальная сцена - это прекрасно. Все началось Морой и Джейн, ими же и закончилось. Я улыбалась во все 32, потому что их дружба невероятна и я уверена, что ни один сериал не сможет повторить этот. Спасибо ему за эти годы прекрасных серий, которые я всегда буду вспоминать с теплотой.
19 Jan 2017, 00:24 #
Рада безумно за Томми и Нину) счастливая концовка)
Но вот жаль личная жизнь девушек так и не сложилась. Почему то мне хотелось для них мужей и может детей. Мора в роли матери это было бы что то)
19 Sep 2017, 23:05 #
Посмотрел весь сериал за 2 недели, так грустно, когда что то хорошее заканчивается. Но есть еще книги, так что я еще какое то время не расстанусь с девушками:)
01 Feb 2018, 20:24 #
Не пойму, почему этот сериал я не находила раньше .... Просмотрела сразу весь за 3 недели, оторваться было невозможно. «Риццоли и Айлс» отличаются от всех просмотренных ранее мной сериалов. Для меня огромные плюсы и успех - это, прежде всего, сюжет и основные герои, нет перенасыщенности крови, убийств и страшилок, очень хорошо раскрыты взаимоотношения лучших друзей, семьи, коллег! Понравился юмор, особенно Джейн и постоянный ее сарказм на все жизненные ситуации. Понравилось, что личная жизнь все работы занимала порой половину фильма. Сериал получился такой милый, замечательный, интересный, интеллектуальный и западающий в душу! Не понимаю тех, кто пишет, что как можно так снимать сериал, что он полностью не соответствует книге, написанной Тесс Герритсен... Книг не читала, но где говорится, что сериал должен быть экранизацией? Спасибо 🙏 за Джейн, Мару, Корсака, Фрэнки, Анжелу и других полюбившихся где героев ♥️
11 Oct 2018, 14:12 #
@missVamp: Книги, кстати, тоже очень достойные! Пусть сюжетом далеко в сторону отошли и юмора в них значительно меньше, чем в сериале, но они все-равно классные и читаются довольно легко, автор- профессионал своего дела!
05 Mar 2018, 03:41 #
Спасибо с первой и до последней минуты. Ocean Frank.
23 May 2018, 19:00 #
Этот сериал останется в моем сердечке! И книги замечательные, и сериал достоин всех похвал.
25 Oct 2018, 16:06 #
Слишком быстро сериал закончился((
26 Feb 2019, 09:51 #
Вы знаете, прочитала 3 книги. Пока нет возможности дальше читать. Ощущение, что сериал не по книгам.
12 Oct 2019, 04:56 #
@missVamp: как обсуждалось ранее, он снят по мотивам историй Тесс Гертиссен. вроде правильно написала, вечно путаюсь в написании фамилии писательницы
12 Oct 2019, 06:24 #
@ingakorga: Неправильно :D
Тесс Герритсен.
14 Oct 2019, 00:02 #
@Nikquest: спасибо)
28 Mar 2019, 09:35 #
милыймилыймилый сериал, замечательный
очень уютный и атмосферный
и вроде как детектив, но очень душевный и бесконечно полон всякими семейными мелочами
второстепенные роли обыгрываются так же, как и главные, всем уделяется внимание и каждый персонаж немного западает в сердце
единственное чего я ожидала, так это того, что любовная линия будет более обыграна

p.s. буду скучать🧡
28 Mar 2019, 09:38 #
11 Oct 2019, 20:53 #
Какой прекрасный финал!
09 Feb 2020, 12:37 #
Несмотря на детективную тематику, очень легкий сериал. Не оставляет никакого расстройства после себя. Финал отличный,
; сериал длинный, но не скатившийся, такое бывает крайне редко сейчас.
24 Feb 2020, 04:50 #
Блин, я буду скучать:(
06 Nov 2021, 20:14 #
Прекрасный финал отличного сериала!
Не было никаких завышенных ожиданий, поэтому даже удивлена что сериал оказался достойным, душевным и интересным) атмосфера отличается от книг, но это тоже неплохо
10 Feb 2022, 05:17 #
23 Jul 2022, 14:48 #
Спасибо, вы всë-таки заставили меня плакать 😢
Очень грустно расставаться с любимыми героями. Это был отличный сериал, лёгкий и уютный.
Буду скучать по всем. Актёрский состав ❤
10 Feb 2023, 13:50 #
Это был хороший сериал
20 Jan 2024, 10:58 #
Третий раз пересматриваю сериал. И каждый раз возвращаюсь к нему как к старым добрым друзьям.
Замечательный сериал.
10 Feb 2024, 08:41 #
Если кто-то хочет вернуться в атмосферу этого сериала, советую посмотреть Женский клуб расследований убийств (Women's Murder Club) - это как будто пробный сериал перед РиА... В главной роли Энджи Хармон... а вместо Айлс - три актрисы, которые сочетают в себе разные качества Моры.... У героини тоже старый напарник типа Корсака...
12 May 2024, 23:04 #
That's the end of this wonderful series... my heart breaks and takes away a piece of my soul. I am very glad that in the end the heroines were not made married ladies, but given a reason to be happy for their trip and writing a book!🫢💘
I definitely recommend watching the series and will review it several more times. He breathed life into me for the first time in a long time...
25 Jun 2024, 02:11 #
For some reason, I delayed watching this series for a long time, although I met him at the moment of the first seasons and in general I delayed in vain, I condemn myself for this. Such a nice kind series with an excellent cast and characters and a good ending, I was very pleased to watch and left very positive impressions
and thank them for the legendary moments of the level "I know what kind of house this is, on such a street of such a year of construction, I know it by three centimeters of the corner of the basement in the video of poor quality in which we We saw a reflection window because we have high, completely ordinary technologies." :D

and yes, what kind of wives are Maura and Jane literally, they and others can deny it, but it's a fact! :D
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