The moment with the glasses is the sweetest! The series is very strong and emotional. I don't want to believe that Norman was murdered. And the expression on Emma's face in the last frame? And this nasty mother's conversations... are the strongest episode for me so far.
For some reason, I feel sorry for my mother. I can imagine what she had to go through, considering that she most likely grew up on the same farm and still continues to smile, albeit a little creepily, but she does not allow panic to start among the others. For children, she really makes a happy life, from beginning to end. I don't know how cruel the circumstances are there, but if that's the case, damn it, she's got a lot of willpower. And if not, then for threatening children who will die so soon, it would be nice for her to arrange [Roskomnadzor] by the end of the plot.
I'm sitting and thinking about my mom's words. "You'll grow up, have a baby, and then if they decide you can handle it..." So adult women had children? So they send their own children the same way? And also... After all, Kron's sister also said that only girls have a chance to grow up. Where do the boys go? And I have a thought in my head, a bad and a bad thought that all the demons spoke in male voices, and the best children are being prepared for "Him."..
@id181200357: The question is, where do children come from if all the guys are devoured? + they also grow the best crops, and this is partly genetics, so the guys must also be involved in some way.
@Jedy: and yes, 12 years old is the beginning of puberty. That is, the harvest takes place BEFORE the children become teenagers. This is clearly not for nothing...
@nandi: too much twisting can also be dangerous for the story, so balance is important. But it was clearly not for nothing that Norman was going to climb into the truck, and he was invited into the room. While it is generally difficult to imagine how the outside world functions, if the sister said that there are adults who are on the same level with demons
@Slimov: agree. It starts to resemble a "Maze Runner", when every time they leave one "closed system", the fugitives find themselves in a new one, only bigger
I had a thought about the baby when I saw Krona messing with that doll. I thought that her child had been taken away from her and given to the same farm, so she went with a lid. And then they showed me that the doll was from childhood and I discarded these thoughts. And there's something over there.
despite the fact that Isabella is, in fact, more of a negative character, I like her. Anyone who reads manga will probably agree what a desperate woman she is.
That's it, Soryan, kids, but I finally fell in love with Isabella. I liked Ray and Emma's desperate eyes so much, uhh. I'm glad they didn't give up. It is interesting to find out what is hidden behind the door that Norman crossed the threshold of...
As I understand it, children are being prepared for some kind of holiday. And they decided to "eat" Norman only to introduce imbalance and despair into the team. So I think he's alive and waiting in the wings.
Scenes from childhood - to tears.
It's incredibly interesting what's going on with the outside world, I hope it will do without drains. Few people manage to keep the level from beginning to end in such stories. Game of Thrones and the rest - hello.
Total. I watched all the episodes of the first season. It is this series with the possible "death" of Norman, but not yet proven. She became my favorite and important person. Neither the finale, which was so on 4. Nor any secrets that will be revealed, namely this series.
Well, Normandy! Thank you, (what?) ... Alive?! Purely logically. My Sister's death was shown, Connie's death at first, too. Either they will transform you into a villain, or everything is much more complicated.
Oh, yeah. A childhood scene from Norman's memories. Usually it all boils down to snot and pussy, but there's a pretty bright scene with a minimum of vanilla. Surprised.
Contrary to all the comments above, I just assume that there is no sudden turnaround, and Norman is really dead. The reason why death was not shown? Sometimes what is left behind the scenes is scarier than what is shown, because the viewer has the opportunity to imagine for himself how everything was. I would like to hope for the best.
I really wanted to cry, but I'm holding on... I hope that if Norman's death was not shown to us, then he is alive. I feel the coolest plot twists are still ahead
What if Norman is Mom's real child? (or someone from the main trinity), can one of the advantages of the profession give birth to their child, who is allowed to grow up, a place in society is fixed in advance, work for demons?!
Like everyone else, I think Norman is alive and I'm looking forward to Emma and Ray's surprise and joy when they escape! (I also believe in this, although the experience of a larger viewed glass tries to kill the hope of good events). _______________________________ I understand that maybe Mom was like Emma when she was growing up in an orphanage and the words said to Emma were said to her, at one time, and Mom understands the pain and despair of children, but personally I really wanted to give a bream to Mom's smiling face, I wonder how Emma restrained herself and endured touching. (I know that I will regret this when my Mother's past and reasons are revealed to us).
I think it's Ray. They sing one melody, the emphasis on this was made by the authors themselves in the first series and when Ray said that while he was in the womb, he remembers the melody.
I can't believe Norman didn't have a plan and just died. He's too smart to just give up. Plus, this room suggests that Mom decided to save him. And if he really died, then this is already some kind of attack by the Titans.
@freddielove12: when I watched the episode, when Ray, Emma and Norman were talking in the room for the last time, Norman said, "see you later" (at least that's what they said in the translation that I was watching), so there was hope that he had some kind of plan. Another note with a pen, found, it is unclear what is there. But at the end of the episode, judging by Norman's surprise, for some reason it still seemed that he was really walking, being ready to die. But I think he's alive, there's a reason they invited him into the room and his reaction to what he saw there.
This anime, of course, avoids a lot of cliches and templates, however, if we are not shown to dare the hero directly, there is a high probability that we will see him again. I want to believe that this scheme is still involved here.
I'm crying, but I don't understand what's going on with the dates. January is the month (the name of the series and it was even said that January), then they show the November calendar, which is then changed to December, then January again and all this in one episode. What's going on
So, for a reason, they showed a scene where Norman is not being eaten, but is asked to wait in some room, so the hope that he is still alive has not died🙃
Mom and Ray are humming the same tune... is she his mother? In terms of biological??? He said that he remembered this melody from the womb, and his Mother hummed it when she led Connie to the demons. And Connie also asked about this tune.…
The series is very strong and emotional. I don't want to believe that Norman was murdered. And the expression on Emma's face in the last frame? And this nasty mother's conversations...
are the strongest episode for me so far.
And if not, then for threatening children who will die so soon, it would be nice for her to arrange [Roskomnadzor] by the end of the plot.
And also... After all, Kron's sister also said that only girls have a chance to grow up. Where do the boys go? And I have a thought in my head, a bad and a bad thought that all the demons spoke in male voices, and the best children are being prepared for "Him."..
+ they also grow the best crops, and this is partly genetics, so the guys must also be involved in some way.
But it was clearly not for nothing that Norman was going to climb into the truck, and he was invited into the room.
While it is generally difficult to imagine how the outside world functions, if the sister said that there are adults who are on the same level with demons
And then they showed me that the doll was from childhood and I discarded these thoughts. And there's something over there.
I liked Ray and Emma's desperate eyes so much, uhh. I'm glad they didn't give up.
It is interesting to find out what is hidden behind the door that Norman crossed the threshold of...
, and Norman is obviously alive.
God, Ray is such a sweetheart bxxv.
With a small speech, Norman burst into tears.
A strong series.
Scenes from childhood - to tears.
It's incredibly interesting what's going on with the outside world, I hope it will do without drains. Few people manage to keep the level from beginning to end in such stories. Game of Thrones and the rest - hello.
Oh, yeah. A childhood scene from Norman's memories. Usually it all boils down to snot and pussy, but there's a pretty bright scene with a minimum of vanilla. Surprised.
Damn, it's too horrible and hopeless.
I would like to hope for the best.
Like everyone else, I think Norman is alive and I'm looking forward to Emma and Ray's surprise and joy when they escape! (I also believe in this, although the experience of a larger viewed glass tries to kill the hope of good events).
I understand that maybe Mom was like Emma when she was growing up in an orphanage and the words said to Emma were said to her, at one time, and Mom understands the pain and despair of children, but personally I really wanted to give a bream to Mom's smiling face, I wonder how Emma restrained herself and endured touching. (I know that I will regret this when my Mother's past and reasons are revealed to us).