A heart-breaking moment. In animation, D is even stronger:
11 Aug 2020, 20:44 # Show original
Damn it, I cry every time over the moment of Jin Zixuan's death, because he and A-Li were wonderful parents😭
20 Jan 2021, 19:42 # Show original
in the first season, everything was so fun, and now I'm eating glass, it's terribly painful to watch it all
18 Apr 2021, 21:45 # Show original
As I suspected: he lost control and killed even those he loved.. it is, of course, very painful to watch...
29 Aug 2023, 20:20 # Show original
Technically, he didn't kill those he loved. He rather tolerated Zixuan because of his sister, of course he did not want to kill him at all, but he lost control over Wei Ning, and he eliminated him like any other threat.
12 Jun 19:44 # Show original
@lin_ansty: Qixuan is also good. Well, you can't touch psychos with your hands during an exacerbation, especially if he's with a gun or a dog. Moreover, Wei Ying told him in plain text to shut up and stay away.
21 Mar 2022, 11:30 # Show original
First, we'll show you the glass in the episode, and then we'll show you a cute scene after the credits so that you can eat even more glass, realizing that these cute moments will never happen in the characters' lives again.
17 Sep 2022, 15:40 # Show original
Wen Ning is my favorite 💔
02 Oct 2022, 08:04 # Show original
The fact that Lan Zhan always orders spicy food, even though he doesn't like it himself 💔
16 Dec 2023, 18:07 # Show original
She sobbed over the moment of Tsning Zysyuan's death 💔 💔 💔 Glass is simply unrealistically much 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔
16 Dec 2023, 18:30 # Show original
Wei Ying and the baby are very cute 💔 Jin Zixuan breaks my heart 😭
11 May 12:55 # Show original
With this series, the puzzle finally began to take shape. Because at the beginning of the second season I thought that I had watched the lion's share of the plot
it is, of course, very painful to watch...
Glass is simply unrealistically much 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔
Jin Zixuan breaks my heart 😭