I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time I want to remember. Since they found KGB officers with pure Russian, was it really difficult to find a suitable Borgov? The difference in language is striking. The defeat was predictable, Beth will learn to lose, as the watchman bequeathed, and will come to victory, I believe, later, with a completely different baggage of experience. And I feel sorry for my mother, but how else, she lived for her own pleasure with a ton of cigarettes and immeasurable liters of alcohol.
To Demiant: Or maybe the fact is that there are not so many good Russian actors with the right type? Calling the guys from the crowd to the main opponent is a bit wrong. It catches the eye, of course. But there is still progress. Russians are portrayed as strong and smart. And not like ghouls with a balalaika and vodka. There is a lot to strive for, of course, but it is much better than before.
@Nick350: Well, to be fair, there wasn't so much Borgov in the series to look for as good as possible, there are phrases at a minimum, more chess actions. But I understood the conveyed idea.
So what prevented him from simply voicing it to another actor, for example?) there are a million Russians living abroad, you could just invite them to voice over :))
@aliolita: it's not so "simple", it's financially costly, not justified by the plot (well, will he speak cleaner, what will change, will we immediately believe that he is Russian?))), well, and such a moment that it is always unpleasant for the actor playing. This is rarely done and for some very good reasons.
@klo4ok: She graduated from high school, isn't she over 18 already? although yes, she has been in America since she was 21. but it's still not very clear how old she was at that time
@lasforry: She was born in 1948, the tournament in Mexico was held in 1966, that is, she is already 18, but officially she was thrown off a couple of years when she was adopted. Although it is not clear, perhaps he and Alma later clarified this issue. Or maybe it was never a secret for Alma, if you remember what she said about menstruation: "you started it a little late."
It hurts to lose a loved one twice. Whatever Beth's foster mother was, she loved her in her own way, and they became very close during all this time. And Beth now has absolutely no one close to her.
@yoggik: I studied it, but realized that it would crush me with experience, as the commentator said. That's why she went into the wilds of the unknown, where openings with clear defense and attack do not work, where they will both be in the unknown and she has a chance to win.
How easy is it to understand that you are watching a good series? This is when you don't know anything about chess, but you watch the game without stopping. I can imagine how those who understand chess enjoy, ahah Anya is generally very cool. With his wonderful eyes alone, he conveys everything in general, replacing fear with disappointment in seconds. The expectations from the future are huge for me
@Bullseye0901: those who understand something about chess are very sad, because during some games the board is not shown at all, only the faces of the players.
Well, it's also clear, emotions are more important, ahah But I'm more in the sense that when the game is shown, is everything logical there?) Are the shahs and mats in place?)
@i19941: And it's not enough to understand chess here, in order to sort out all these subtleties and moves that make them feel such emotions, you have to be a grandmaster here. But it makes it even more interesting to watch.
Initially, she was very skeptical about the foster mother. But, surprisingly, she turned out to be a close person for Beth with her hiccups and permissiveness and even some of her benefits. It was nice to see how she supported her, listened to her games and "every move" without understanding anything) And there was something touching about the way Beth became attached to her. And she's with Beth. This is clearly not a mother-daughter relationship. But something like friendship. Therefore, at the end of the series it was sad (
@Slice_of_nice: To be fair, she adopted Beth when she was 15 years old, she was already too old and self-sufficient to form a mother-daughter relationship, but something like girlfriends is quite. Yes, it's very sad. But at least Mom had some fun at the end.
@Neare: Yes, you're right. But I think they could have formed if Alma herself had been an adult to the end) Because it is very noticeable how sometimes Beth was an adult. I actually liked their relationship. Two loneliness. There was something nice about the fact that they found each other.
I agree with the fact that I was in a hurry to be skeptical of my foster mother, after all, she loved Beth, in her own way, pleased and tried to lend a shoulder when it was necessary...Damn sorry for her and poor Beth...
Borgov is a master chess player, they turned out to be an intense game...although I was more captivated by the Russian chess player boy, well, he was such a darling when he asked about movies with cars ✨
@Rin_Rin: The first impression can be deceptive! She also seemed to see Beth as a source of profit. But I'm glad I was wrong about her. I really feel sorry for her, she was a good support and friend.
Both are suitable here. They give her a small bubble and she says "it's small, you need a big one", or if this bubble is the maximum, then she means "one is not enough, let's have more ..." In any case, this is clearly a plot boost. I kept waiting for her to think over her moves right during the game, but so far it's been one time and this time was unsuccessful. Right now, with these pills, her rise will probably begin.
But it was just unclear to me, so I had to turn on the subtitles and then get into the translator. By the way, translators could also make a note... Otherwise, not everyone is so smart.
It's a pity for Mom, at least she frolicked at parting. And Beth is very sorry, she lost a loved one, a kind, but support. The "father" is not coming back. In the course of her friends, only those "two from the casket, the same from the face" remained
I'm really counting on the guy that Beth almost had a kiss with in the previous episode! I still don't remember his name. I really liked him very much, I hope they will succeed after all)
Mother, of course, was peculiar and her addiction to cigarettes and booze had already found a response in Beth, but it's still a pity. She supported her in her own way.
I felt sorry for the kid, somehow it's not too professional, or something, to use psychological pressure while playing with a child. Hz, the reception seemed dirty.
@ogoltelo: perhaps they wanted to show that nothing human is alien to Beth, despite her genius talent?) everyone panics, and sometimes this panic pushes them to dirty deeds
@_linas-max_: I agree! The time game has gone on too long. An equal battle of wits. and so Beth decides to use intuition, those shortest and fastest moves.
@ogoltelo: as a friend who plays very well and even occupied some places in her city told me, psychological pressure is a very important part of every game and there is nowhere without it. Alas.
I think she behaved as harshly with him as that watchman in the moments of her defeat. It was as if she was playing the same role of a significant colleague for a new prodigy
I even cried at the end. How Beth drank martinis and raised a glass to her mother. It's a pity that this happened. But the outcome was clear when I heard her very first cough in the series. Gosha is super. Even in such a dirty game, he remained a gentleman and proudly lost. I'm proud. I want to shout RUSSIANS GO AHEAD😅😅 I like the presentation of a female character in this series. I expected a typical struggle with the patriarchy, as it usually happens. Chess, even in 2020, is not the most equal type of game, as far as I remember (I'm talking about women's and men's tournaments, for example) So, this is not here!!! And it's cool, Beth is just a smart girl, succeeds and declares herself in the world. I want to look at her, she doesn't want to empathize, they say, how unhappy she is among all these men. A very good approach, and most importantly, inspiring for other girls
I keep thinking about Mr. Scheibel from Boarding School. Although he was not very kind, he taught the game and gave advice. She would have thanked him somehow.. I wonder if at least I returned the first 5 dollars that I promised to double to him?) In general, the series is tragic, I cried at the moment of saying goodbye on the plane. To lose a loved one twice... Once again, there is no one left in her life who cares enough about her. I hope at least two guys won't leave these guys. I am glad that my mother was happy before her death and even played a farewell concert. I wonder what's next..
@Oh_mymay: Yes, he practically opened up the world of chess to her-her whole world. But the way the film showed that she often remembers him is, unfortunately, exaggerated compared to the original... they made her more human or something. She actually just grew up and moved on.
Tell me, I don't really play chess, but it seemed that Borgov took the rook away to slow down the game and give Beth a chance to win back? And she didn't want to accept the concession and accepted that she would lose anyway by giving up?
@drmkhlchnk: Beth took the queen (queen) rather than the rook to f3, followed by the threat of invasion to c6 with matte threats. Speaking in ordinary language, she had an absolutely lost position)))
Shed a tear at the end😢 Very unexpectedly, somehow and quickly, the series ended.I don't know why many people didn't like Beth's foster mom, as for me-she is one of the reasons why Beth went so far with chess.She did not forbid her to do what she liked, but even encouraged her.Perhaps for selfish purposes, but it is impossible to exclude the fact that she cared about Beth and was her close person.
Oh, I really like every episode, I can't believe that there are only 3 left
I'm really sorry about Beth. So much fell on her at once. We need to arrange a funeral and also find those Durgen brothers in Lexington, sort out the bank accounts and pay the mortgage on the house. And that was at the age of seventeen. "Father," of course, is a bastard. Of course, she will be steadfast and cope with the loss, because she does not know how to do it any other way, but at what cost?..
I'm a bit dumb, explain the moment with a 13-year-old chess player. Why did Beth go back and forth at the end of the game? Is it like psychological pressure or something? And why did the guy say, "For you, Beth, I give up"?
@cakelikecrap: They played for a very long time, and it was the guy who was dragging it out, apparently, maybe he couldn't get his thoughts together, poor guy, in front of the girl. She was out of sight and he was clearly doing better :)) In general, this moment is also interesting.
@lyoka_d: oh, no, this pressure, of course, distracted attention, it's harder to concentrate with extraneous thoughts, then I started to knock with my foot)
@cakelikecrap: She was annoyed that someone younger was playing in the tournament, because she was used to being the main prodigy everywhere. Going back and forth is a psychological pressure. It was an improvisation by Anya Taylor-Joy, it wasn't in the script, and that's why the boy looks so genuinely surprised.
@cakelikecrap: and at the end, he said, "for you, I give up the old-fashioned way (oldfashioned)" That is, he put the queen although, as a rule, when a player realizes that he has lost, he simply leaves or shakes hands
@cakelikecrap: in the series, of course, it's Beth who puts so much pressure on the guy, as the commentators above said. But I would like to note that in classical chess, which can go on for so long, the players are not tied to the board and very often go for a "walk". This is absolutely normal, although almost no one does this in the series.
I hope the twins will be some kind of support for Beth. They're so cute And in the end, she even burst into tears, especially when Harmon raised her glass to the next chair
When Beth called her foster father and informed him about her mother's possible hepatitis, it seemed that she hinted that he was the one who infected her mother. So, the detail, of course, may have seemed to me, but it would be quite in the subject.
@yelinna: It seems to me that if she had hepatitis, it was most likely alcoholic. And this scene was not to hint to him to get checked out, but rather to show his complete indifference, because he did not even ask how she died.
Я все ждал подвоха от новой мамы, но она оказалась хорошей и не заслужила такую смерть. Бет учится проигрывать, это очень радует. Надеюсь она не уйдёт во все тяжкие после смерти мамы.
Бет, что же тебе так не везёт обрести счастье любимого ребёнка. Почему пришлось так быстро повзрослеть и найти лучшего друга в лице пьющей приемной матери. Жаль конечно приёмную маму, но, исход был предрешён.
Есть ли какой-то "тайный смысл" в выдуманных русских фамилиях здесь и не только? Не хочется думать, что автор оригинала не мог поискать существующие в реальности фамилии. Без сарказма, действительно интересно.
@Betelgeuse650: я здесь имела в виду скорее то, что фамилии просто выдуманы сами по себе (не про привязку к реально существующим персонам). Меня на этот вопрос вообще подтолкнул комментарий на ютубе, где высказали предположение, что Боргов созвучно с Borogove из стихотворения про Бармаглота из "Алисы в зазеркалье", но это уже конечно тотальный СПГС :D
Рубеж позади. Я очень воодушевлена сериалом, несмотря на то, что он не похож на мой обычный пулл. Боялась чрезмерного феминизма, излишней наигранности - напрасно. Изначальная история до сих пор не раскрыта и это позволяет сохранять интригу. Успела пропитаться отвращением к блудному «отцу» из Денвера. Интересно исправят ли это? Очень жаль приемную мать. Женщина, которая всего лишь хотела быть счастливой... не повезло. Впрочем, как и в жизни.
Интересно, почему у всех так бомбит от русских в сериале? Американцы всегда их изображали слегка гротескно! Иногда доводя образы до абсурда...В принципе русские своим поведением этого заслуживают😂
Вотэтоповорот, хотя я и ожидала, что это произойдет, но не ожидала, что так скоро. Мне только начал нравиться их тандем. Мама, какая бы ни была, но была мощной поддержкой.
С Борговым тоже неожиданно таки вышло, но когда-то это должно было случиться.
Очень грустно. Бет потеряла двух мам и осталась одна. Неожиданно на последней минуте в самолёте, я расплакалась. Эта сцена была сильнее, чем если бы Бэт билась в истерике.
Не понравилось неуважением Бет к мальчику, я так понимаю, он отступал, поэтому она злилась, что он не сдаётся А потом вопросы от неё, что ты будешь делать оставшуюся жизнь, кто бы говорил 🤷♀️
@Darcylon: мне почему то больше казалось, что она как раз для себя искала ответ, что она будет делать, если станет чемпионом. Вот и решила узнать у пацана, может у него уже были какие то планы
А близнецы это ж те ребята которые не хотели Бэт на турнир брать во второй серии? и еще - препод русского в начале - это случайно не Алексей из "очень странных дел" ?)))
Do I understand correctly that the adoptive father left his wife, knowing full well that she did not have long left with her lifestyle? And at parting decided to "get a pet" in the form of Beth? The fact that it was his idea spurred me on to such thoughts. The unexpected turn, of course, is a pity, she has become a close person, friend and support for Beth. It's good that she had time to spend some time and break away with her pen pal. To be honest, trying to retell the series to someone, I understand that special events do not happen: well, a girl, well, beats everyone at chess, lives with a foster mother and drinks tranquilizers. But each episode is fascinating, I can't pinpoint exactly what, but it's not easy to break away.
@Natasha: she didn't necessarily have to "stay long." She loved a beautiful life, drinking and all that, but at that time, being a housewife and living entirely at her husband's expense was completely natural. And it's fine now, of course. How could she entertain herself when there were no children and her husband was often away?
Yes, she languished in this way of life and it was her only way of entertainment, but she had a diagnosis, and the risks of a sad end increased significantly with her lifestyle. My husband knew about the diagnosis and he didn't need a sick wife, as I saw it.
@Natasha: They don't leave their wife because of potential health problems, they just don't have any joint interests left, acute feelings have long passed and all that. This is closer to a relationship that has exhausted itself.
@Natashcha: diagnosis? In my opinion, Alma did not suspect until the end that she had hepatitis, otherwise she would have just been treated. It's not cancer.
@Darula: 66 years old, what is the treatment for hepatitis?
"Effective treatment of hepatitis C in Russia began literally in recent decades thanks to the discoveries of scientists and the work of pharmacists. Earlier, in the 1990s and the beginning of the "noughties", if a patient was found to have hepatitis C, B, D, F, then we could do practically nothing to help him, only to alleviate his condition," recalls Professor of the Department of Microbiology of Kabardino-Balkarian State University (KBGU) Zaira Kharaeva
The most touching moment for me is how Beth bullied the boy. I felt very sorry for him. I'm watching because of chess, but the main character is terribly annoying. It's always the same dumb expression on his face. On top of everything else, it is difficult for me personally to sympathize with a drug addict and an alcoholic who is not averse to stealing what is lying badly. Or is everything forgiven to geniuses?
@Lola_Black: It seems to me that the actress is just acting out well. And I agree with the fact that for some reason geniuses are unfairly given carte blanche for wisdom.
And Borgov needs "protection" so that he does not escape and still returns to his homeland. It was very well noticed, and the conversation in the elevator suggests that our life was not the sweetest. I am pleased with such details
Harper and Bogrov's game was insanely intense. Therefore, the fact that Elizabeth lost to an outstanding grandmaster is not surprising.
Overall, the episode is good, but it's a pity Beth's mother is Miss Wheatley, but it was obvious. Pouring so much alcohol into herself every day for several years (if not dozens), and she was ill with something, as I understood, so her death, as I said above, is obvious
Was I the only one waiting for Beth to invite the boy to watch a movie?)) Beth constantly beat everyone and felt superior to stupid chess players, and now she has met strong opponents, which greatly undermines her self-esteem, she must learn to lose. It was kind of annoying that she was winning everyone at the beginning, to be honest 💁🏼♀️ I am very sorry for her mother, although I was not very impressed with her. A frivolous alcoholic, but it is clear that she was very dear to Beth. It's a pity that Beth didn't have a decent role model, her mother only taught her to drink. Even my father is not interested in how his wife died. Almost all the men in this series are the epitome of indifference
I feel sorry for Beth's mother, no matter what anyone says, she was good Apparently this is the turning point when she starts actively taking pills🤷 I really like the twins, they have been pleasing me since the second series)
@vk1134705: man, return the account to your wife. Well, if you are a woman, then you should spit in your face for using a "divorced woman with a trailer."
In this episode, I finally became convinced that I don't like Beth. Maybe she has some kind of disorder, of course, that she reacts so strangely to people, but even with him, the character is too arrogant and self-centered for me. Even her emotions at the end did not arouse sympathy. I feel sorry for my mother, just as a person. I was most worried about the boy, who, damn it, is a real gentleman. And he offered to stop the game, and gave a huge head start in time, and came up, asked about the movie, just charming. I want him to be the main character. I really want to cheer for him.
Yeah, for the first time Beth chose a partner so-so, as they say, the first pancake ...)) I really liked the kid, such a nice gentleman. Play for 5 hours and then again, that's for sure!!! 👏👏👏 And Beth the asshole was masterfully distracting him))) 👗 And in conclusion, I am very sorry for my mother, she knew how to joke, take care (as best she could): be careful what you smoke))) But fate gave her quite a few "surprises" the death of a child, the departure of her husband, so you can not blame her for this fleeting affair and even if the candidate was not very good, but she was able to feel like a beloved WOMAN again for a few days, and this is not a little! But the "father" in this story is 100% a goat!
It's a pity Beth... gave up Borgova, lost her mother for the second time... and she was such a good lady, now even the scene with playing the piano seems heartbreaking. Everything went downhill ... as if only Beth's talent and life ... a very sad scene at the end with this alcohol, with pills ... but at the beginning of the series she also threw them and played against the same Borgov ... by the way, a separate respect for his kindness and understanding. No wonder Girev said that about him. Unfortunately, I didn't understand why Beth was pushing him so hard, getting up and sitting down. To get confused?
The series perfectly shows how dependencies appear. This is not some romanticized teenage slag where a guy leaves you, life is shit - I'm going to get drunk and get stoned. No, it happens just like that, somewhere for the company, somewhere out of curiosity. And now you already remember these feelings and, if anything, back to the pleasant world.
P.s. I do not understand the situation with the falsification of Beth's age. Her parents were told that she was 13, but what, there were no documents? And how did she go to school, Mom didn't know anything?
Imho. The shock reaction is probably one of the most difficult in acting. At the age of 31, my reaction to my mother's death was stronger. That's the 60s , sex drugs arrived... chess) librium is sold without a prescription in Mexico. Anka 👀✨🎆 "Mas!" (and Spanish is her native language by the way). "When she makes a mistake, she gets angry. And it can be dangerous." "The poet Shestinsky had this line: "She frowned at her narrow pubis..." Sergey Dovlatov. «Mne nravitsya tvoyo figura». yes, Anka is good). and he likes to show himself😋
I didn't understand a bit about Beth's foster father. Did he offer his wife to adopt a girl himself, then he dumped in Denver and didn't send a penny to his wife and child? Then why was it his idea to adopt Beth? To leave his wife and she wasn't bored? And if Beth wasn't gifted, where would they get the money? Somehow it all went by the way.
This kid from "Real Love" has not changed at all! If it weren't for the mustache and facial hair, it would look exactly the same. Oh, well, growth is still, of course))))
Actually, I liked Alma. Yes, she was clearly looking at the financial side of her daughter's success, but even so, she wasn't greedy for that money just for herself and cared about both of them. She always listened to me about chess and tournaments, and asked me questions, even if she didn't understand anything about it. She might not be a typical mother, but an adult Beth hardly needed it anymore. Her passion for chess was supported, excused from school, listened to, Alma was both a guardian and a friend. I think it was a very good union. Alma loved her adopted daughter and this was evident in her sincere interest and attempts to understand her.
Since they found KGB officers with pure Russian, was it really difficult to find a suitable Borgov? The difference in language is striking.
The defeat was predictable, Beth will learn to lose, as the watchman bequeathed, and will come to victory, I believe, later, with a completely different baggage of experience.
And I feel sorry for my mother, but how else, she lived for her own pleasure with a ton of cigarettes and immeasurable liters of alcohol.
Or maybe the fact is that there are not so many good Russian actors with the right type? Calling the guys from the crowd to the main opponent is a bit wrong. It catches the eye, of course. But there is still progress. Russians are portrayed as strong and smart. And not like ghouls with a balalaika and vodka. There is a lot to strive for, of course, but it is much better than before.
I studied it, but realized that it would crush me with experience, as the commentator said. That's why she went into the wilds of the unknown, where openings with clear defense and attack do not work, where they will both be in the unknown and she has a chance to win.
Anya is generally very cool. With his wonderful eyes alone, he conveys everything in general, replacing fear with disappointment in seconds. The expectations from the future are huge for me
But I'm more in the sense that when the game is shown, is everything logical there?) Are the shahs and mats in place?)
Yes, it's very sad. But at least Mom had some fun at the end.
Borgov is a master chess player, they turned out to be an intense game...although I was more captivated by the Russian chess player boy, well, he was such a darling when he asked about movies with cars ✨
I'll leave it for those who also wanted to find it in the comments.
In any case, this is clearly a plot boost. I kept waiting for her to think over her moves right during the game, but so far it's been one time and this time was unsuccessful. Right now, with these pills, her rise will probably begin.
By the way, translators could also make a note... Otherwise, not everyone is so smart.
Mom's reception caused two feelings. But in the end, I was very sad for Beth. They were close
Gosha is super. Even in such a dirty game, he remained a gentleman and proudly lost. I'm proud. I want to shout RUSSIANS GO AHEAD😅😅
I like the presentation of a female character in this series. I expected a typical struggle with the patriarchy, as it usually happens. Chess, even in 2020, is not the most equal type of game, as far as I remember (I'm talking about women's and men's tournaments, for example)
So, this is not here!!! And it's cool, Beth is just a smart girl, succeeds and declares herself in the world. I want to look at her, she doesn't want to empathize, they say, how unhappy she is among all these men. A very good approach, and most importantly, inspiring for other girls
Very unexpectedly, somehow and quickly, the series ended.I don't know why many people didn't like Beth's foster mom, as for me-she is one of the reasons why Beth went so far with chess.She did not forbid her to do what she liked, but even encouraged her.Perhaps for selfish purposes, but it is impossible to exclude the fact that she cared about Beth and was her close person.
Oh, I really like every episode, I can't believe that there are only 3 left
Of course, she will be steadfast and cope with the loss, because she does not know how to do it any other way, but at what cost?..
In general, this moment is also interesting.
Not a single manipulation.
although, as a rule, when a player realizes that he has lost, he simply leaves or shakes hands
The King, of course.
Now I'm waiting for a rematch with Beth and Borgov
The ending is sad. You'll have to grow up fast
And in the end, she even burst into tears, especially when Harmon raised her glass to the next chair
I'm going to feel really bad tomorrow, but it's going to be tomorrow. 🤣
- Which one? Rook or queen?
A very difficult series... There's not even anything more to say...
Бет учится проигрывать, это очень радует. Надеюсь она не уйдёт во все тяжкие после смерти мамы.
Изначальная история до сих пор не раскрыта и это позволяет сохранять интригу.
Успела пропитаться отвращением к блудному «отцу» из Денвера. Интересно исправят ли это?
Очень жаль приемную мать. Женщина, которая всего лишь хотела быть счастливой... не повезло. Впрочем, как и в жизни.
С Борговым тоже неожиданно таки вышло, но когда-то это должно было случиться.
В момент когда Лизи издевалась морально над мальчиком, вспомнился ее первый турнир. Я думаю она хотела подготовить его к будущему.
Жалко, как все происходит. Надеюсь она не опустится в себе из-за горя и не пойдёт все на самотёк.
А потом вопросы от неё, что ты будешь делать оставшуюся жизнь, кто бы говорил 🤷♀️
Что будет дальше? Бэт же не заберут обратно в приют? Сколько ей уже лет в в 1966?
и еще - препод русского в начале - это случайно не Алексей из "очень странных дел" ?)))
I remember the scene with the boy.
To be honest, trying to retell the series to someone, I understand that special events do not happen: well, a girl, well, beats everyone at chess, lives with a foster mother and drinks tranquilizers. But each episode is fascinating, I can't pinpoint exactly what, but it's not easy to break away.
How could she entertain herself when there were no children and her husband was often away?
"Effective treatment of hepatitis C in Russia began literally in recent decades thanks to the discoveries of scientists and the work of pharmacists. Earlier, in the 1990s and the beginning of the "noughties", if a patient was found to have hepatitis C, B, D, F, then we could do practically nothing to help him, only to alleviate his condition," recalls Professor of the Department of Microbiology of Kabardino-Balkarian State University (KBGU) Zaira Kharaeva
At first, she was wary of her mother, but later I saw how she treated Beth.
I'm watching because of chess, but the main character is terribly annoying. It's always the same dumb expression on his face. On top of everything else, it is difficult for me personally to sympathize with a drug addict and an alcoholic who is not averse to stealing what is lying badly. Or is everything forgiven to geniuses?
Overall, the episode is good, but it's a pity Beth's mother is Miss Wheatley, but it was obvious. Pouring so much alcohol into herself every day for several years (if not dozens), and she was ill with something, as I understood, so her death, as I said above, is obvious
Beth constantly beat everyone and felt superior to stupid chess players, and now she has met strong opponents, which greatly undermines her self-esteem, she must learn to lose. It was kind of annoying that she was winning everyone at the beginning, to be honest 💁🏼♀️
I am very sorry for her mother, although I was not very impressed with her. A frivolous alcoholic, but it is clear that she was very dear to Beth. It's a pity that Beth didn't have a decent role model, her mother only taught her to drink. Even my father is not interested in how his wife died. Almost all the men in this series are the epitome of indifference
Apparently this is the turning point when she starts actively taking pills🤷
I really like the twins, they have been pleasing me since the second series)
I really liked the kid, such a nice gentleman. Play for 5 hours and then again, that's for sure!!! 👏👏👏
And Beth the asshole was masterfully distracting him))) 👗
And in conclusion, I am very sorry for my mother, she knew how to joke, take care (as best she could): be careful what you smoke))) But fate gave her quite a few "surprises" the death of a child, the departure of her husband, so you can not blame her for this fleeting affair and even if the candidate was not very good, but she was able to feel like a beloved WOMAN again for a few days, and this is not a little!
But the "father" in this story is 100% a goat!
However, her new addiction to smoking and alcohol is very frustrating
Is it a pity that her first one? the sex was with some strange dude, and even stoned. And how pretty she was in jeans, in this apartment)
Beth's mom whistled at the graduation) it's a pity, even though her death was expected
P.s. I do not understand the situation with the falsification of Beth's age. Her parents were told that she was 13, but what, there were no documents? And how did she go to school, Mom didn't know anything?
That's the 60s , sex drugs arrived... chess)
librium is sold without a prescription in Mexico. Anka 👀✨🎆 "Mas!" (and Spanish is her native language by the way).
"When she makes a mistake, she gets angry. And it can be dangerous."
"The poet Shestinsky had this line: "She frowned at her narrow pubis..." Sergey Dovlatov.
«Mne nravitsya tvoyo figura». yes, Anka is good). and he likes to show himself😋
If it weren't for the mustache and facial hair, it would look exactly the same.
Oh, well, growth is still, of course))))