I Told Sunset About You — s01e05 — Episode 5

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Duration: 82 min.
Released: 19.11.202019.11.2020 15:00
Watched by: 1 26056.25%
1 season
s01e01 - Episode 1
s01e02 - Episode 2
s01e03 - Episode 3
s01e04 - Episode 4
s01e05 - Episode 5
s02 special-1 - Last Twilight in Phuket (Side Story)
s02e01 - Episode 1
s02e02 - Episode 2
s02e03 - Episode 3

Discussion of the 5 episode of the 1 season
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19 Nov 2020, 20:40 # Show original
Mmm wait until March and what sounds hype
20 Nov 2020, 03:03 # Show original
I don't have enough words to describe how amazing, strong and alive Lakorn turned out to be😭
You literally felt every cell of all the pain, experiences, emotions on yourself, which is just wow--

The extent to which Bilkin and Pipi have become accustomed to their roles is amazing. Because, from their chemistry, views and interactions in general, just blows the roof:D

This is literally a new level of bl-lacorns.
I really want as many people as possible to learn about itsay❤

(And now, we collect the pitiful remnants of nerves and wait for the second season 😌 🤗 )
20 Nov 2020, 18:20 # Show original
From now on, this is the best thing Thailand has done on the subject of queer stories. "Nadao" gave out a new level, not an ordinary series, but a work that really deserves film awards!

I believed that the end would be good, despite the overall super-dramatic vibe! AND THEY GAVE IT! THANK GOD!

But I screamed even more when I saw at the end of the inscription about the 2nd part in March! This is the best gift! Because history hears it. And this is not a sequel that will be carved out of the finger purely for the sake of the fans, no... as I understand it, they planned this even before the series aired, so its popularity has nothing to do with it!

5 series of course in comparison with 3 and 4 seemed to me a little weaker, but only because in the previous heat of emotions was such that you just died inside... since there were few interactions of the main characters, so there were less passions, BUT!
Tae's confession to the older brother-this scene falls into the favorite! Just 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
And it was dramatic with Tarn, too. The girl played as well as Bilkin and Pipi. When she realized that her answer would not change his mind, she pretended that she also wanted to be friends, not a couple

What a Bass... honestly, I watched and constantly apologized to him, because he is such a bunny... and the guy has a really good heart, and the culmination of his kindness is shown when he brings O-eu to Tae's house....

The sunset scene is just an aesthetic pleasure. As in general and most of the frames.

This story perfectly showed the first love and confusion when you realize that you are different from others. Te is the personification of confused. It is this word that can describe the years. But the fact that he still decided to be with someone he likes and live in a way that makes him happy is the best decision.

It is incredibly interesting how their interaction will be shown in Part 2 when they are students in Bangkok!
I don't care if it's one special episode or a movie, or multiple episodes like in season 1, I'll be thrilled with everything.

And in short, I go to see other works of "Nadao", which I have not yet watched.
21 Nov 2020, 20:49 # Show original
It was wonderful...very unexpected.
Not a fan of Lacorns at all, tk usually there is some sort of bacchanal going on, but this wonderful innocence...ohhh, great!
23 Nov 2020, 13:41 # Show original
I don't have enough words to describe this lacorn. Beautifully shot, the actors are also just wonderful. Some lacornes that go for 15 minutes I watch too long because it is very boring, but this lacorne... Each episode seemed to last not 1 hour, but 30 minutes. What will be interesting in the second part. But I'm happy that it will be at all. I'm glad Tae and O-eu are together. I'm sorry for the Bass, but I hope he will be happy in the second part, as well as Tarn. I can't wait for March to see the continuation of their story!
25 Nov 2020, 15:57 # Show original
I would like to write a huge comment on the last episode and the whole series
But I feel like I've been completely squeezed like a lemon. I cried for two hours after that show
It's really a masterpiece
This lacorn is not comparable to other TV series in Asia
25 Nov 2020, 17:32 # Show original
This is really an unexpectedly high-quality and beautiful series for Thailand. I didn't expect much, I saw a couple of rave reviews, but I was skeptical. As it turned out almost immediately-in vain. It was drawn in instantly. Beautiful views, a great soundtrack, the intensity of emotions and decent performance of the actors-this is really a different level for the production of Ty. The chemistry between Bilkin and Pipi is exorbitant, the tension, including sexual tension, seemed like it could be cut with a knife - it was so tangible, it can't help but conquer. I sincerely felt sorry for Tarn and Bas💔 Well, we look forward to the second season and hope that it does not slip into a typical Thai student lakorn
01 Dec 2020, 17:01 # Show original
I am sure that the second season will not be typical!!! Because it's really a masterpiece
15 Dec 2020, 11:38 # Show original
and now the question:how to survive until March?
24 Dec 2020, 22:52 # Show original
I have no words, the commentators above said everything literally. the only thing that really stretched Te's sobs, but nothing. everything else hides this minus, in my opinion.
I'll go open the second package of napkins and definitely review this masterpiece in a month.

until March, just a little bit!
31 Jan 2021, 05:17 # Show original
My life in the fandom was divided into before and after watching this lacorn.
I didn't think that after the Theory of Love, something would be able to impress me more, but the bar has been raised to the skies for a long time.
It was great. I just don't have the words.
Only one word is a masterpiece.
22 Feb 2021, 21:12 # Show original
I am delighted with this lacorn!! No one has ever brought me so many emotions and feelings!! I can safely call this my favorite story and the best lacorn in the history of Thailand
. I cried and laughed with the characters, felt their pain ...
I am incredibly delighted with the actors and their work
, I look forward to the second part, I fell in love with this story so much!!
04 Jun 2021, 19:46 #
все 5 серий подряд в слезах 💀👍 даже лакорном не поднимается язык назвать, настолько взлетела планка
05 Jun 2021, 22:29 #
Биллкин открытие...он спел три оста к лакорну, один другого краше! Но во втором сезоне нравится больше внешне - он стал мягче из-за более длинных волос...

Думаю, что со слезами Тэ где-то было перебор, хотя сама всю жизнь считаю, что рыдания такими и должны быть - с квадратным ртом и тонной соплей - но даже тут мне стало неуютно.

В целом ощущения от сериала именно как первая любовь во время последнего класса школы. Нервяк с экзаменами, любовные переживания и все это на красивом фоне атмосферы неторопливого лета и курорта (который прекрасен!) Подойдет целевой аудитории того же возраста. Мне в целом ближе сейчас то, что разворачивается во втором сезоне - реалии и испытания вне привычной зоны комфорта.

Лакорн очень качественно сделан, просто очень, глаз не оторвать, химия между мальчиками просто волшебная, очень нравится брат Тэ и его собачка)) Сначала казалось, что затянуто и очень - были деньги, как говорится, вот и снимали - но спустя немного времени понимаю,что эмоции (все вообще очень эмоциональное!) переданы верно - особенно когда ты сидишь и вроде все нормально, а потом бац! и просто плачешь - были сцены с Тэ и Оэу ... Эпизод с признанием брату тоже выделю особенно. Баса считаю просто золотым человеком, который действительно наступил на свой эгоизм во имя любви. Финал прекрасен и предсказуем, но все два эпизода на мысе - просто волшебство (парные футолки особенная милота). Их дружба прекрасна - вообще всех, а мальчиков особенно и в этом тоже есть особенный смысл, чтобы твой возлюбленный в первую очередь был тебе другом..

В целом немного не мое, но бурные овации понимаю и поддерживаю, многим надавило на кнопки)) с точки зрения дальнейших событий у парочки интересен больше второй сезон - вот там жизнь внесла коррективы...
30 Oct 2021, 12:43 #
Не знаю, почему я так долго откладывала этот лакорн, наверное, думала, что он будет похож на остальные тайские работы. Рада, что ошибалась.
30 Oct 2021, 12:43 # Show original
What stunning views of Phuket, it looks magical
30 Oct 2021, 12:52 # Show original
It's very nice to watch now how happy the guys are that they have enrolled when you are already graduating from university. It 's nice to be nostalgic . Previously, it really seemed that your future and your whole life really depended on admission)
27 Nov 2021, 14:19 # Show original
Very hooked , there are no words just 💔
13 Dec 2021, 02:13 # Show original
There are not enough words to describe the delight. This work of art cannot be called a lacorn, it is such a professional work that in five episodes you literally experience all the events together with the characters. Acting, music, and a mesmerizing picture already make this work several levels above the mass culture that usually comes out.

You don't just believe the characters, but at the same time you live all their emotions and feelings, which are also as close to reality as possible. Again, there is something to compare with when you involuntarily recall hyperbolized reactions, a bunch of fanservice, and sometimes stupidity and outright overplaying in some other works of this genre.

It must be admitted that even the advertising of chips is not annoying, but quite appropriate.

Of course, this is not just the best thing I've seen lately, but probably the most sensual and tender depiction of love in a BL series that I've ever seen. "I told sunset about you" has become a benchmark for me and has raised the already high bar, now the search for something worthy will become even more difficult :(But it was certainly worth it!
28 Feb 2022, 19:01 # Show original
I feel so sorry for BAs and Tarn... my kittens, let me hug you and regret it, you will still find your mate😭
07 Jun 2023, 09:52 # Show original
@kobbra_kid: They both seem to have enrolled in fine arts. Maybe they'll come together there😉
08 Apr 2022, 20:28 # Show original
I reviewed it for the second time and the emotions are still the same – it's a masterpiece! ❤️
I highly recommend watching a documentary about the shooting, there are both about 1 and 2 seasons. For some reason, I only found out about him now. There, the director explains many points in more detail, and in general it shows how difficult scenes were shot and what a lot of work was done by the film crew and actors 🙌🏼
15 Apr 2022, 22:11 # Show original
Amazing lacorn!!!
I experienced a lot of emotions!
I really liked Tarn, a wonderful heroine. Such a strange feeling when comparing her relationship in series 1 with Tay and in 5, no matter how their ‘status’ has changed, but it has changed to the same extent.
I was very touched by the scene on the beach with my parents when the results were announced, when my mother ran to the Beach, and their scene from the cape.
The guys played with a bang! The whole caste too.
27 Apr 2022, 22:54 #
Comment has been deleted
27 Apr 2022, 23:12 # Show original
It's probably strange, against the background of other comments, but.. I'm disappointed. There is a sense of injustice and wrongness as the entire series is watched. Te is being selfish. It's a pity for Bas and Tarn: they were ready to give themselves completely, but Tarn, through tears, agreed to friendship with Te, and Bas, also in tears, but said that he would accept any choice of Oeu. I don't understand at all why Oeu chose Te. He and Bass would have been a great couple, and Tae emotionally staged a roller coaster for Ou: he was offended from scratch, accused of something incomprehensible, disappeared for no reason. In addition, he does not understand that there are consequences to his decisions: he first refused a relationship, and then cried on every corner. "How can I like guys?" Well, as you can see, you love one. "What will my friends say if I start dating a guy? They have girls." Oh and Bass, they didn't say anything. And he himself wanted to help Oe in his relationship with Bas in the first episodes. Is their relationship normal, but yours and his are not? I do not dispute that people with a similar mindset can be. But this mindset is so crazy.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my opinion. I do not impose it and I understand that you may like lacorn and get hooked on something. Unfortunately, this did not happen for me.
11 Jan 22:19 # Show original
"I don't understand at all why Oeu chose Te." The answer is simple: he just loves him. That's all. You can't order the heart. Well, Te was at the point of crisis, when he was only aware of his orientation and was at the stage of not accepting it, while Seu did not have these problems. It is clear that this is unfair to Oe, but Te's emotions are as they are.
21 Aug 2022, 02:17 # Show original
One of the best lacorns and movies in general that I've watched. Very sensual, atmospheric, so unique. I am very impressed, there are no words to describe all the feelings that this story has caused.
I went to look with caution, because many places said that it was a masterpiece, but I never came across the fact that in fact the project turned out to be a bullshit in my personal opinion, but here.. God. Inexpressibly beautiful.
It was shot amazingly, the actors' acting is at the highest level, the story itself, everything is so amazing and touching. I am so happy that in the end the boys stayed together, everyone enrolled, everyone starts a new life) I feel sorry for Tarn and Bass, but I am sure that they will find their happiness in the second season.
I wish there were more such projects, that's for sure.
15 Sep 2022, 17:56 # Show original
The bass is so wonderful. This world doesn 't deserve him 😭😭😭
21 Sep 2022, 12:57 # Show original
Te's tears, or his attempts to hold back tears, and crying, and sobbing is just a heartbreak, crying with him... Bilkkin is beautiful
25 Oct 2022, 14:09 # Show original
I've run out of words to watch. There are a lot of things you can talk about, say that Oh-Eu did the wrong thing, that he did not stay with the Bass, etc., but when, if not at this age, allow yourself to love the one you want? When to make the most ill-considered decisions? It seems to me that everyone is very fixated on making the couple look good together and "fit" each other. But in life it doesn't always happen that way, sometimes you feel things that you're afraid to admit to yourself.

I think the guys are great fellows that despite the uncertainty, confusion with feelings and silence, they figured themselves out and gave each other a chance. This is a very beautiful love story!
01 Nov 2022, 22:52 # Show original
This lacorn is very different from anything I've seen before, I'd even say there's something Japanese about it... This light, nature, conciseness, restraint, I'm not used to seeing this from Thailand.
Lakorn is great. The acting is just amazing and I especially liked the actor playing the role of O-Eu. I've been worried about him since the first time I saw tears in his eyes, he's so vulnerable, so wonderful, gentle that I want to hug him and take care of him. And I was really very sorry for him, and I was wildly angry with Te who behaved like a dog in the manger.
And at the end, when O-Eu asks Te to never disappear again and cries.... And Te stands like an idol, they just tore my heart to shreds and I was so glad that finally Te decided and accepted his love... And he offered to meet. I was happy for Oh! Finally, this swing is over!
P.S. And I didn't like Te's hairstyle wildly. He's better off with his hair done up.
02 May 2023, 22:27 # Show original
I liked that the characters were so openly showing their emotions, crying their eyes out (and I was with them). I don't see this very often.. Lancorn touched my soul.
21 Sep 2023, 01:55 # Show original
The best lacorn. Acting, composition, plot and feelings are all here. After a ton of watching, nothing will surpass this lacorn.
03 Nov 2023, 22:35 # Show original
What a wonderful family they have. the best brother and the most supportive mom. and Bas and Tarn are the most understanding and loving friends. a very sensual and warm series. I came across Thai cinema for the first time and it's a delight. their characters have some kind of exorbitant level of acting and emotions. how long does the camera stay on the faces, how long does eye contact take in each important scene. fabulous. I watched the first season and realized that there is no negative character in this series, there are only feelings, growing up, awkwardness, uncertainty and a lot of doubts and experiences of young people who have so much new and unknown ahead. it would seem that I have already seen thousands of similar films and TV series from different countries, but this one is special. music, nature, photography, heroes — love. and she cried and laughed. It's very warming in these cold times, to be honest.
17 May 07:30 # Show original
Dear diary, I can't find the words to describe the pain I felt today..
My world won't be the same anymore.
People have told me so often that this is nonsense and movies/TV shows can't break your heart - now I finally don't believe them anymore
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