A good season finale! It's an interesting case and the outcome with James is quite good. Harrow and co got off easy with the police. Even too much) Well, the kid, as expected, is not Harrow's son at all. Fortunately, this problem has gone away, even on Daniel's boat. But given the turnaround with the money, he wasn't particularly upset about it.🤣
I don't know, maybe it seemed to me because of the long wait, but this season turned out to be the most interesting (for me anyway): what is the story of the "son", what is the procedural part. Renee may be a beach boss, but her claims against Harrow were not unfounded, as was his subsequent dismissal (albeit not for long). Surprisingly, there was no strong cliffhanger.
I liked the season finale, but I still have a feeling of some kind of impetuosity in the denouement of this story with my son, as well as the unreality of such a happy ending. James and his mother drove off into the sunset. Fern got the money. Relations with Nicholson did not deteriorate. Grace kind of forgave him, and Harrow got his job back. Everything is too good. It seems that the writers decided to make a gift to the audience with such an optimistic end to the season - the world is a mess, at least in Harrow there will be peace and grace. The story of the monkey was reminiscent of the 1995 film Epidemic.
I didn't understand something, but how did Fern get the money? Like James had a transfer set up to her wallet and Harrow, pressing one button, transferred all the money to her?
@curcuma: Harrow conducted a transaction from James' account to Fern's account in bitcoins. Fern's account number was entered by Harrow himself, he managed to remember and dial very quickly. The series is entertaining, so there are a lot of mistakes.
Blunders are forgivable, but maybe he just as easily transferred to the account by phone number (although I'm sure it's a little more difficult in America) and in films - many films the same die hard one button and all the money is gone
@yuko_san: Yes, the end of the season is great. If they had made another happy ending in Harrow's personal life, then they could end the series. I'm so glad that she and her daughter are finally getting along.
We finished very optimistically, not like previous seasons. What makes us understand, or maybe this is the end of the series?)) The series is good, if it is extended, it will be very good.
@fb1023424: It seems that the screenwriters have written themselves out here: what is a completely crazy story about a boy running around the morgue while pathologists forgot how to make an incision during an autopsy! At the same time, the excellent acting and excellent shooting allowed us to perceive him as normal.
It's a good season, but the writers are really stupid, they made Harrow look like a saint, he believes everything they say, recognizes his son because he had an affair with his mother. Throughout the season, James is shown to be a fraud, a criminal, he almost openly declares this to his "father". I understand, Fern, she has a pathological stupidity, but Harrow - he didn't even think to check the DNA. And the most important question is: how are they going to legalize 22 million?
@Painio: I agree, it's very strange that everyone, including us, but except Harrow, suspected all the time that the fraudster was cheating with his family. Although it seems like the mother confirmed that the son himself did not know for sure either. True, it sounded doubtful, but it sounded the same (plus there seemed to be a conversation between the son and the mother, confirming for the viewer).
About 22 million... It seems like the word "bitcoins" sounded, they don't need to be legalized anywhere at all. And if you sell them for money, then not all at once, and why "legalize" that money too? Even in the Russian Federation, if you put a couple of bills on the account, no one will ask you anything, you are not obliged to justify them. There is a certain limit, after which the tax service may have questions about whether you owe them income tax. But in general, no one is forbidden to receive any amount of money into the account if you did not know. It is another matter if this money turns out to be tracked in criminal proceedings. But I am more than sure that if there is a sequel, it will turn out that Harrow returned the money to the victims, even if they could not be traced, and in the case of conversion to bitcoins, this is exactly why James made such a move. And the yacht will be returned from somewhere else, he just gave his son time to get there and go off into the sunset.
Goodbye, yacht. Goodbye, a suitcase with antique tools. Goodbye, records, photos... What else was there?
Plus, Harrow was fired for almost exactly 1 episode.
Plus, the handsome man turned out to be not a son after all.
Plus, God grant me the same memory and the same speed of dialing a long bitcoin wallet number :) With all my Harrow adoration, the screenwriters just overreacted here, because it's not real at all :)
Well, now we have to wait a year until the new season :(
@Nastyabil1995: The ratings of the series seem to be good, stable, the Australian filming, they write, did not suffer much from covid - so the probability of an extension is high. As for the absence of cliff, it really caused respect, compared to a bunch of TV shows that desperately cling to the viewer in the style of "well, you want to know what's next?", making the cliffhanger at the end of the season more interesting than the whole season as a whole, and then resolving it with a passing mention at the beginning of the next season...
The twists about Harrow's son and the dismissal were quite expected. But the series is still light and enjoyable... if you reduce the time of Fern)) Let's hope for a sequel, and even if it doesn't happen, the story is at least over.
It is written that the series is on pause, and perhaps this is the end (unless of course bora bora is canceled) but Yoan Griffith is such a great actor and this role goes like that (by the way, as well as "eternity", the end of which we will never know)
The best episode of the whole season. The season turned out to be sluggish. It's time to finish, most likely there won't be 4 seasons, and there's no need.
I liked the season itself, it keeps the bar, in general, Australian TV series have been pleasing more Hollywood lately ... There is only one claim - Fern. She helped the scammer all season, first with petty thefts, hid, and finally stole the phone from the police herself. I trusted this imaginary brother at his word, and more than my own father or boyfriend. And how was she punished for this behavior? 22 million punishments, damn it. Just the kind of character who, of course, will use money absolutely wisely and responsibly... I understand that the throughline of the series is tied to the fact that Harrow will do anything for his family, but it's possible to make her somehow more adequate, or something, a victim of circumstances, and not such a stupid teenager... I would recommend Harrow to take her hair from her, too, to check for paternity.
Отличный сериал, я почему то так и думала что это не его сын. Здорово что Херроу перевёл все деньги Ферн😁 наверное поэтому он и простил Джеймсу угон яхты)
Так вот для чего в последних сериях мы видели сына Уоррингтон все время у нее на работе. Но так нелепо показано, что он оказался в "нужном месте в нужное время" 🤦называется парнишка мечтал побывать на вскрытии. Уоррингтон просто мать года 🎖️берет сына на работу в морг (почему с ним не сидит отец, бабушка, няня?), ещё и не смотрит за ним - то к Хэрроу в кабинет залезет, то на вскрытие 😒 Тему со смертельной быстроразвивающейся инфекцией в сериалах используют часто - Доктор Хаус, Кости, Гавайи 5.0. *** Так и не поняла почему Хэрроу сошло с рук утаивание информации от полиции, а Ферн то, что она украла телефон из участка по поддельной личности. И нормально, что они решили оставить 22 млн. себе? Думала что Хэрроу другой, не возьмёт чужие деньги. *** Заметила,что в этом сезоне не было мамы Ферн, куда пропала? Хотя она была раздражающим персонажем.
Я думала, в конце серии, когда Хэрроу в машине сидит и звонит эта мамашка, она скажет: "Прости, Дэниэл, но я не Танья, твоя давняя любовь, а ваще левая тётка". К тому же абсолютно непохожая на фотки из прошлого. Сезон полегче в целом, раньше прям все время приходилось трястись, что вот сейчас Хэрроу заметут и пожизненное влепят, а здесь, если что, отдувался бы мутный сын. Зато Фейрли и детектива было много. Ну и крупных планов Гриффита.
Предсказуемо кончено было, что и этот пацан не его сын, он то что он отдал ему своб яхту добровольно?? со всякими своими вещами, подарком Джека? Абсолютно левому чуваку? нее вы меня извините. Для меня это конец сериала.
финал отличный, но сам по себе сезон получился скомканный, так долго подводили к развязке и так быстро все закончилось авторы как будто намеренно пытались сделать сезон драйвовее и интереснее в принципе, на этом можно было бы и закончить (но к сожалению с молино ветку не закрыли никак...) боюсь, что в дальнейших сезонах сериал скатится а пока ждем
Как мужик, Йоан Гриффид хорош, спору нет. Породистый красавец. Но в этом сезоне начала замечать, что он частенько переигрывает. Делает так называемое "сериальное лицо" (Джо Триббиани говорил про это - "нюхать дерьмо"😄). Раздражает это(( от него не ожидала.
@Puf: Он валлийский актёр, с театральным образоанием, так что если что наверное лицо "театральное"... Там же спецом переигрывают, чтобы видно было издалека =))
Пожалуйста, пусть это будет конец. Не то чтобы мне не нравилось, наоборот, это идеальный для меня детектив, но именно что только как патанатом-процедурал. Все эти семейные проблемы Хэрроу на фоне просто невыносимы и с каждым сезоном становятся только бредовее. К тому же интересных персонажей всё меньше: Саймона убили, Фэирли вот на пенсию собирается, а сам Хэрроу теряет реалистичность. Он весь такой душевный, тонко чувствующий, неравнодушный и каждой собаке сопереживающий до крови из носа - как он на такой работе при этом ещё не сгорел, а?
А Ферн молодец вообще. Всё это время позволяла мошеннику водить себя за нос, орала "Он мой брат, я всё для него сделаю", "Не веришь ему - верь мне", "У него, кроме нас, никого нет", хотя видела его поддельные паспорта, его незаконную деятельность, взломы батиных аккаунтов и даже сама участвовала в краже вещдоков из полиции. Её предупреждали, что это плохо кончилось? Куча народа много раз. Но она продолжала вопить, что Джеймс невиновен и всё не так, как кажется. И что в итоге? Он всё-таки виновен, он именно тот, кем представлялся, подставил её отца, обокрал его, более того, он ей даже не брат, а значит, вообще не для чего было эту санта-барбару разводить. Но вместо того, чтобы признать, что обосралась, Ферн лишь хмыкает самодовольно, мол, "Это же теперь МОИ деньги". Да, блин, конечно, твои, честно заработанные кражей вещдоков =_= Ну какая же наглая тупая курица. Сценаристы, просто - зачем?
I watched three seasons in a row and, to be honest, I got tired of this series. The problems of the Harrow family have finished me off))) Especially Fern - the concentration of global stupidity in one person. I already wanted her to just get killed, because it was impossible not to roll my eyes at any appearance on the screen. Disgusting character, thanks to the writers. For me, this series was based on the main character, his interaction with colleagues and investigations for the series. Regarding the latter, there were quite a few touching cases when the victims were very sorry. Harrow and his colleagues are full of humor and charm. Simon's death in the middle of the series really nailed me. In general, they closed on time, otherwise Harrow's life began to turn into some kind of circus.
I don't know, maybe it seemed to me because of the long wait, but this season turned out to be the most interesting (for me anyway): what is the story of the "son", what is the procedural part. Renee may be a beach boss, but her claims against Harrow were not unfounded, as was his subsequent dismissal (albeit not for long). Surprisingly, there was no strong cliffhanger.
If they don't extend it, I won't be upset, but I will miss you and still hope that season 4 will be. ♡
I'm so glad that she and her daughter are finally getting along.
I am very much looking forward to Season 4, but it is better to let them extend it for several seasons at once.
About 22 million... It seems like the word "bitcoins" sounded, they don't need to be legalized anywhere at all. And if you sell them for money, then not all at once, and why "legalize" that money too? Even in the Russian Federation, if you put a couple of bills on the account, no one will ask you anything, you are not obliged to justify them. There is a certain limit, after which the tax service may have questions about whether you owe them income tax. But in general, no one is forbidden to receive any amount of money into the account if you did not know. It is another matter if this money turns out to be tracked in criminal proceedings. But I am more than sure that if there is a sequel, it will turn out that Harrow returned the money to the victims, even if they could not be traced, and in the case of conversion to bitcoins, this is exactly why James made such a move. And the yacht will be returned from somewhere else, he just gave his son time to get there and go off into the sunset.
Plus, Harrow was fired for almost exactly 1 episode.
Plus, the handsome man turned out to be not a son after all.
Plus, God grant me the same memory and the same speed of dialing a long bitcoin wallet number :) With all my Harrow adoration, the screenwriters just overreacted here, because it's not real at all :)
Well, now we have to wait a year until the new season :(
The season turned out to be great, intriguing and sometimes funny
There is only one claim - Fern. She helped the scammer all season, first with petty thefts, hid, and finally stole the phone from the police herself. I trusted this imaginary brother at his word, and more than my own father or boyfriend. And how was she punished for this behavior? 22 million punishments, damn it.
Just the kind of character who, of course, will use money absolutely wisely and responsibly...
I understand that the throughline of the series is tied to the fact that Harrow will do anything for his family, but it's possible to make her somehow more adequate, or something, a victim of circumstances, and not such a stupid teenager... I would recommend Harrow to take her hair from her, too, to check for paternity.
Тему со смертельной быстроразвивающейся инфекцией в сериалах используют часто - Доктор Хаус, Кости, Гавайи 5.0.
Так и не поняла почему Хэрроу сошло с рук утаивание информации от полиции, а Ферн то, что она украла телефон из участка по поддельной личности. И нормально, что они решили оставить 22 млн. себе? Думала что Хэрроу другой, не возьмёт чужие деньги.
Заметила,что в этом сезоне не было мамы Ферн, куда пропала? Хотя она была раздражающим персонажем.
Сезон полегче в целом, раньше прям все время приходилось трястись, что вот сейчас Хэрроу заметут и пожизненное влепят, а здесь, если что, отдувался бы мутный сын. Зато Фейрли и детектива было много. Ну и крупных планов Гриффита.
авторы как будто намеренно пытались сделать сезон драйвовее и интереснее
в принципе, на этом можно было бы и закончить (но к сожалению с молино ветку не закрыли никак...)
боюсь, что в дальнейших сезонах сериал скатится
а пока ждем
Сюжет и игра супер ))
А Ферн молодец вообще. Всё это время позволяла мошеннику водить себя за нос, орала "Он мой брат, я всё для него сделаю", "Не веришь ему - верь мне", "У него, кроме нас, никого нет", хотя видела его поддельные паспорта, его незаконную деятельность, взломы батиных аккаунтов и даже сама участвовала в краже вещдоков из полиции. Её предупреждали, что это плохо кончилось? Куча народа много раз. Но она продолжала вопить, что Джеймс невиновен и всё не так, как кажется. И что в итоге? Он всё-таки виновен, он именно тот, кем представлялся, подставил её отца, обокрал его, более того, он ей даже не брат, а значит, вообще не для чего было эту санта-барбару разводить. Но вместо того, чтобы признать, что обосралась, Ферн лишь хмыкает самодовольно, мол, "Это же теперь МОИ деньги". Да, блин, конечно, твои, честно заработанные кражей вещдоков =_= Ну какая же наглая тупая курица. Сценаристы, просто - зачем?
For me, this series was based on the main character, his interaction with colleagues and investigations for the series. Regarding the latter, there were quite a few touching cases when the victims were very sorry. Harrow and his colleagues are full of humor and charm. Simon's death in the middle of the series really nailed me.
In general, they closed on time, otherwise Harrow's life began to turn into some kind of circus.