Did everyone's heart stop at 17-18 minutes? When watching, in places I remember the movie "About Lyuboff", based on Robski's book, where it is very well shown how a woman does not correctly perceive a man's actions in relation to herself. From the series "I came up with it myself, I believed it myself." I hope this is not their case, but kissing one, being caught and then saying "sorry, I wanted to try this with you" to the other... well, OK, okay, he... but she, because her lipstick is still on his lips… And still, this drama is catchy, it's not clear what all this is going to, but "the doors of hell have opened."
Damn, I hope that the main couple of this drama will not "stretch" their sympathy to the final episodes, without these tosses and checks for "did it not seem to me? Does he really love you?"😄🤣
I still want to observe their interaction in full 💥✊
na bi ignores absolutely all red flags 🚩 I can say that I would do exactly the same 😂 well, in fact, it is very interesting whether they will 100% follow the webtun, because there he was well, a very toxic manipulator and she "didn't fix" him
@Sleepoctober: Not everyone has read the webtoon. And I, for example, will no longer be interested in reading. And if you want to spoiler, at least warn me.
I absolutely agree... somehow, you look at history in a completely different way now... I wish I hadn't come in to read the comments... What the hell do you want to do that for
@Sleepoctober: well, this is the page of the second episode of the DRAMA, not a discussion of the WEBTOON. So write your thoughts about the webtoon where you need to, not here. Personally, I didn't want to know who she would stay with on the webtoon. Why spoiler it? This has nothing to do with the second episode of the drama at all :/
In moments of falling in love, many people's brains turn off, she's from this team! I don 't know if I should feel sorry for such people or envy them . Perhaps this is her happiest time - ignorance.…
Finally, a new episode! This drama is like a drug, I want to watch the series over and over again. I really like the interaction of the main characters. And you can also understand Bi, even though she's trying to be cold with Jae On, but let's be honest, if such a handsome man showed signs of attention and care to you, would you not fall for his hook?
I don't want to speculate and speculate about whether the scriptwriters will follow the plot of the webtoon or do it their own way (we'll find out about this at the end). I'm just enjoying watching it, and I advise you to do the same, instead of throwing out unreasonable spoilers and spoiling people's mood. Let's respect others♥
Everyone is different) there are those who get hooked, and there are others whose brains analyze all the time and, like hedgehogs, are ready to release needles in a moment of "danger". We are all different 😜 In my opinion, it is somewhat naive to think that you are the only one for whom he will change his principles (the guy does not hide it and says directly that he is not interested in a relationship and not only speaks), this happens only in fairy tales.
The atmosphere of the drama is gorgeous🔥 The Bi is treading on the same rake, swap one manimulator for another Is Jae going to dedicate a statue to her too?..
@Sol13: As far as I can remember, he's making a statue (I don't know if you can call it that) of a butterfly, and this is just another butterfly in his collection, so you might be right about something.
I've been disgusted with Park Jae-on for the entire episode. It's just that all his actions and spoken words indicate that you need to run away from him! His actions no longer attract, but repel. Poor Na Bee. I feel like he's going to suffer.
But how can you kiss a guy when he was kissing another one a minute ago? I don't understand.
I feel there will be a lot of disadvantages, but by the second series I am finally repelled by Jae On. I look and somehow it becomes uncomfortable, but it's much more pleasant to watch Sol and her friend, I hope they will give them more time. And of course the musical accompaniment is on top
In the video, an adult girl who has experienced a relationship with a manipulator and an abuser and now sees a guy for the second or third time, they are not officially dating, and she has all these questions a la master's claims. Why did she draw it, why did your rejection make her feel bad, and so on. Some kind of jealousy is strange. And again, Kamon, girl, please control yourself. Otherwise, you'll create expectations for yourself, and you'll get burned.
Очень цепляет эта дорама...где наконец-то показана настоящая студенческая жизнь, молодость, флирт...и тут прям все такие праведники собрались, в стиле: ой, бедная НаБи, бежать от него надо и т.д... да серьезно?! Где, как ни в универе можно закрутить с красавчиком, и что, что он целовался до этого с другой девушкой... другой вопрос, что НаБи реально все серьезно себе надумывает...но конечно, все мы хотим быть особенными для кого-то..
@10anya_d: вот я тоже об этом подумала, что она сама же принимает решение лететь на огонь. И действительно когда, если не в студенчестве? Разные парни это разный опыт который потом поможет при создании семьи.
Каждая встреча с ним это очередной red flag. Химия между актерами невероятная. И каким бы замечательным и понимающим он не был, но поцеловать человека, у которого еще осталась помада от другой женщины (что случилось на твоих же глазах) – это уже перебор. Они просто разное ищут в партнерах и абсолютно не созданы друг для друга. Она его не исправит, и я очень разочаруюсь, если концовкой будет не расставание. Nevertheless, смотрим дальше; Врата Aда открылись.
Крч, мне кажется, что у На Ви мб какая-то детская травма? Она же в первой серии говорила, что с матерью что-то не складывается... Может из-за этой травмы она не может быть в здоровых отношениях? Знаете, есть такие люди, которых именно тянет к разным таким челам, которые им обеспечат и ревность и эмоц-е качели - весь вот этот абьюзивный пакет. Мне кажется она прекрасно понимает, что это за человек и что его не исправить. Она не единожды проговаривала, что у нее от него ощущения как от бывшего и что она знает как ведут себя такое люди... Я это подозревала, но после поцелуя я уверенна на 90%, что она сама решила пойти во все тяжкие. Имхо.
Наверное я уже не в том возрасте, чтобы спокойно и без фэйспалмов смотреть на метания, эксперименты и глупые поступки девочек и ̶а̶л̶ь̶ф̶а̶-̶с̶а̶м̶ц̶о̶в̶ переоценивающих себя мальчиков.
Как в начале серии красиво бабочка села на цветок. Сон На Би. ❤️ Я думала он и правда к ней пришёл. Красивый поступок когда он ей куртку отдал и он так внимательно за ней наблюдает всегда. Парень он конечно тот ещё, видимо предпочитает свободные отношения. Поцелуй.❤️
I really like dorama so far. The chemistry between gg ignites a fierce fire in me. After all the dramas with licked and understandable feelings, this one is just like a breath of fresh air: doubts, betrayals, interpretations. Wow, I wonder what's going to happen next. I also really like how measured everything is, it gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and feel it. It takes me back to my student days.
When watching, in places I remember the movie "About Lyuboff", based on Robski's book, where it is very well shown how a woman does not correctly perceive a man's actions in relation to herself. From the series "I came up with it myself, I believed it myself." I hope this is not their case, but kissing one, being caught and then saying "sorry, I wanted to try this with you" to the other... well, OK, okay, he... but she, because her lipstick is still on his lips…
And still, this drama is catchy, it's not clear what all this is going to, but "the doors of hell have opened."
I still want to observe their interaction in full 💥✊
I really like the interaction of the main characters. And you can also understand Bi, even though she's trying to be cold with Jae On, but let's be honest, if such a handsome man showed signs of attention and care to you, would you not fall for his hook?
I don't want to speculate and speculate about whether the scriptwriters will follow the plot of the webtoon or do it their own way (we'll find out about this at the end). I'm just enjoying watching it, and I advise you to do the same, instead of throwing out unreasonable spoilers and spoiling people's mood.
Let's respect others♥
In my opinion, it is somewhat naive to think that you are the only one for whom he will change his principles (the guy does not hide it and says directly that he is not interested in a relationship and not only speaks), this happens only in fairy tales.
The Bi is treading on the same rake, swap one manimulator for another
Is Jae going to dedicate a statue to her too?..
But how can you kiss a guy when he was kissing another one a minute ago? I don't understand.
Maybe they know they're going to die... But at this moment they are enchanted by fire) And there is no way to escape🙃
I have such an analogy...
The atmosphere is great!
But what about Salt??
Сон На Би. ❤️ Я думала он и правда к ней пришёл.
Красивый поступок когда он ей куртку отдал и он так внимательно за ней наблюдает всегда.
Парень он конечно тот ещё, видимо предпочитает свободные отношения.
объясняет происходящее в жизни, наглядно
девочки, будь аккуратны😔💘
А еще не могу не заметить, какие классные названия у серий🔥