Well, the final turned out to be at the level of the whole season. That is, as stupid and passable as possible. The Bakunchik family is even in a bigger ass (How has the father of the family not been kicked out yet?). But the resolution of the main conflict made me madly angry. That is, Sveta once again decided to believe her mother and accused Shmelev of practically attempted murder? After this, any self-respecting person would not think about a wedding, but about ordinary communication. Sergey of course reached the top of insanity, did not even think about the fact that there might be cameras in the office. A good ending is only between Ira and Vova. I hope he won't snuggle up to her for another couple of seasons so that she forgives him. It seems for the first time in the Russian TV series, the girl really realized that she would be better off without a boyfriend.
I am happy for the main characters, but especially for Ira - a strong woman, and this infantile would only pull her down, and he will not change 100%, like Stas. By the way, I always yell tea from Bakunchikov, it would be cool to see a spin-off about them 😂 Olga Kabo is just a goddess, I didn't know this actress before, but clearly professional - she played grymza so talented, talented causing hatred for her character 😍😍😍 And she looks amazing for her 50+ Well, now it's time to forget about this series for a year, I hope that the next season will not let you down 🔥 One of the few Russian series that you want to watch
Reserve for the third season…I hoped they wouldn't renew it, because the second season was already stupid and superfluous. The third one will be even worse, it is a disease of all Russian TV series.
In the first season, everything logically ended for everyone and ended well. It was obvious that Shmelev and Sveta would stay together, therefore, they would get married. Here, an unrealistic number of problems were added to the heroes, but in the end they ended up with a wedding.
I am glad that Ira did not get along with a Banana, from the first season she was looking for a man (to be), and finally realized that this is not the main thing in life, and she and her son are so good.
This season, to be honest, it seemed that almost all the actors (except the Bumblebees, Surkovs and Ira) were not in the main roles, but in episodic ones. Screen time is minimal, there was no disclosure of the characters as such. The whole focus was taken on Shmelev and his problems, upset.
It would be better to stop at the first season and not watch the sequel.
Well, at least they got married and that's good. Maman, of course, is clearly not himself. Here you will think about normality. But in fact, there is nothing to shoot the third season about. Everything is logical enough. I feel sorry for Lida Bakunchik to tears only, even if she flew away.
Yes, I also hoped that they would fly away, otherwise Lida had suffered from him, a poor husband. I thought at least at the end of the season they would fix it a little, but the writers decided to continue bending the line of the loser-fool
Ahah, what's the difference?😅 this is some kind of unhealthy perfectionism, when you are infuriated by the DIFFERENT NUMBER of EPISODES in the seasons of the series 😅🤦♀️ if you also choose them according to this principle, then it already needs to be treated 😔
- Svetochka, let's have the ring while I have it, it will be better this way. - Of course, Mom, you're right. Sveta, how old are you? This is already some kind of kindergarten
Minor characters are the biggest trouble of the series. They appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. The most moronic arch of this woman, I forgot her name, which already says a lot. In principle, I did not remember the characters by name, they are very faded. It's like neighbors at the entrance, they say zdrastye-zdrastye, and who they are, finally on the drum. In general, the one who decided to get together with the history teacher. Then she is pregnant in the first season, then she has already given birth, but there is no child anywhere, but her daughter's father, who seems to have been working at this school all his life and always taught her daughter, but she did not know that he was the father of her daughter ..... And the second child from whom then?
And the second, a blonde, who had a conflict with her husband's son. Okay, the situation was resolved there, the kid was taken out of the plot. By the way, he's not in the classroom. This girl was also brought out, showing in one episode literally: "my husband forbids me to eat everything in a row, I will come to school, I will devour something, but my husband eventually gave her to devour", that's it, the character's arch has ended, we will not see this couple for more than 16 episodes. Well, somewhere out there, in the crowd.
So I retold everything so chaotically, because in the series everything was shown that way.
@AlexandrSG: the one who was pregnant and gave birth is Masha. The child was shown at least 2 times: once in 1 episode, Masha was with a stroller on the ruler. And then, when Vova gave money to her daughter Sonya so that she could meet Ira's son in a cafe. Vova stayed by himself to sit with Mitya, and then went out on the balcony and the door slammed shut. And about the historian, as I understood, Masha knew that he was Sonya's father, she just didn't tell her. In this series, even their acquaintance was shown - he was a reenactor, and she was a cosplayer 😂
@AlexandrSG: > the kid was taken out of the plot. By the way, he's not in class. Well, why not? There's even a poster of the series on the far left. But he had the least replicas in the whole season of all of the main five children.
Well, at the expense of the characters, you still need to think - is there really a problem with them or not?! Not everyone will agree here. But about pregnancy and the father, of course, it's tinny. I was thinking the whole series, "who got her pregnant with the second one? Like she first gave birth to Sonya from the historian, then broke up with him, then got together with someone else? And gave birth to him, and then broke up with him too?? (after all, she had someone in the first season, she said that her husband could assemble a crib, but he was busy all the time.) and then she decided to get back together with the first historian dude and tell him that this was Sonya's father.. in short, this line is as strange and stupidly inscribed as possible..
Wangyu the third season: Sveta's ex-husband will collect dirt and try to sue his daughter. And even the woman he was with at the restaurant is actually his lawyer. (Well, there must be some real movement)😄
By the way, yes. Initially, I thought that the second season would be about this, since there were intimidation in this regard in the first, but somehow he forgot about her at all and never appeared to see his daughter.
The whole second season is a solid Spanish shame. The screenwriters "came up with" the most idiotic and stupid actions and scenes that can only be. They probably think it's funny. No, it's not funny, it hurts. Eyes. If the first season was interesting enough (if you remove the stupid drone on Bakunchik's neck) and I was waiting for the continuation, then the second season completely killed all the desire to look further. There are a huge number of other series that you can spend your time on. Even if you look with one eye and the background.
@id1081158: yes, this is a typical STS series: screwed up, lied, got out, got caught, apologized. "Stole-drank-to-jail" in Stsovsky. He rides charismatic and beautiful actors.
@id1081158: I didn't say they were bad :) They're just all the same. So it's up to you to ask: why are you trying to justify the STS? A lot is how much and what do you think https://myshows.me/search/all/ch-RU-sts / are they good?
@qark: don't distort it. My words are not an excuse for anything. This is a statement of fact. I'm not going to prove anything to you, much less report to you. But, in order not to be completely unfounded, I will call at least "Rugby" from the recent.
@qark: it is not surprising that you have all the sts series the same, since you are not able to read two sentences and realize that I do not have to spend my time to find you high-quality content. I named one for an example, and then you yourself.
To be honest, the first season impressed me more. There are more relationships between parents and children and this committee with chats. It was cool. And the events somehow developed more interesting. And the second season is tied mainly to a love triangle. Left the topic in general. Sad :(
the whole season was held under the banner of "Sveta's absolutely deranged mother, a rag of Light and an odebilivshiy Bumblebee". Well, really, except for the eternal scandals with this inadequate lady, nothing is remembered. Although there really is nothing to remember, such crap was made from this season. And they finished the same way: the finished mother, who finally went off the rails, shows her rotten interior again. only already at the daughter's wedding. In the third season, it looks like all this nonsense will continue and get worse.
Oooh how nice and right it all ended (except for the last seconds). What good guys Vanya and Kristina are! They brought Anna to the surface. And then with wiretapping and now! Just smart guys. I am very happy for Sonya and her father, and that she is now with Tolik. It's a pity for Vova, but Ira really can do everything by herself without a man. Well, Sveta's mom is of course an incorrigible bitch. She has not even been invited to the wedding, is she trying to get Sveta to cut her out of her and Kristina's life altogether?
It was almost obvious that the second season would be the bottom, but so much (through the force I watched to the end, I wanted development from all the minor characters, in the end half was merged. Vile types were introduced, without which the series could well do without. There would be a good comedy about rodkom, and not Tom and Jerry with eternal insults, fights, suspicions and other things. I remember how the "Family Business" was screwed up, and this:( Very sad
A fantastic series. In the sense of very far from reality.
Well, let's say that connections can reduce the time between filing an application and the registration date. Some other circumstances can do this, but Sergei and Sveta do not have these circumstances. However, "a few days later" (30?) they have not just filed an application, but have already got married.
The season was disappointing. It's very sad. I watched the first season with pleasure, pinned my hopes on the second and got this. Stupid Shmelev, who remembered about the brain only in the last series, completely unhappy, but for some reason still living with Stas Lida, disgusting characters in the person of the headmistress, Vlad and Gleb. The only thing that pleased me was that Ira threw Vova. I hope their line is over.
This season is not "Rodkom". It's just a lump. But they could have ended at the moment of the concert, when Shmelev pressed on nostalgia and sang a song with Sveta. It was such a beautiful moment, but no, it was necessary to merge everything there. Well, or if not to finish, then from that episode to develop the path to the wedding, without a bunch of absurdities and idiocy.
Character development? Well, if only in the opposite direction. Logic in actions? Not needed. A series about the parent committee? No, it's crazy.
The first season was easy, funny. There was the development of the characters and the relationship between them, there really was a rodkom. There is none of the above in this season. There is only Spanish shame.
It would be better not to shoot the second season, well, or close the series after it. Then why disgrace yourself?
In general, goodbye, "Rodkom", I will remember you from the first season, and I will try to forget the second one like a terrible dream.
I don't know, I liked season 2. Cool. I'm glad for Ira. Vova would drag her down 100%. Here, Sveta, for some reason she believed her mother again. And Kristina and Vanya came up with a cool idea with a column.
how much I liked the first season: different families, situations, conflicts, everything is so vital and interesting. So disappointed with the second level of antediluvian series. The bumblebees are screwing up, their young ladies are offended. A domineering mother who has long been confused by the coast, 2 new vile characters and a lot of absurdity.
and they also changed the character of the heroes. Shmelev Jr. was a womanizer, who has a lady of the heart in every city, and here he just runs after Irishka, who teases him with sex and breaks off.
Surkova turned from a bitch and a controlled mother into a mumble that is completely under her mother. It's unclear where mom was when she was married, and why she didn't get involved in her daughter's marriage.
Everyone loved the headmistress so much that they scored when she was fired. Where did Surkova's husband go, who wanted to sue her daughter, like.
I won't even continue, there are so many illogical and stupid things. It's a pity, the first season was very cool. We could not lower the bar
A good ending is only between Ira and Vova. I hope he won't snuggle up to her for another couple of seasons so that she forgives him. It seems for the first time in the Russian TV series, the girl really realized that she would be better off without a boyfriend.
Well, now it's time to forget about this series for a year, I hope that the next season will not let you down 🔥 One of the few Russian series that you want to watch
In the first season, everything logically ended for everyone and ended well. It was obvious that Shmelev and Sveta would stay together, therefore, they would get married. Here, an unrealistic number of problems were added to the heroes, but in the end they ended up with a wedding.
I am glad that Ira did not get along with a Banana, from the first season she was looking for a man (to be), and finally realized that this is not the main thing in life, and she and her son are so good.
This season, to be honest, it seemed that almost all the actors (except the Bumblebees, Surkovs and Ira) were not in the main roles, but in episodic ones. Screen time is minimal, there was no disclosure of the characters as such. The whole focus was taken on Shmelev and his problems, upset.
It would be better to stop at the first season and not watch the sequel.
We made a cut for the third season, which I think will be the same as the second ...
But the series is still super!
- Of course, Mom, you're right.
Sveta, how old are you? This is already some kind of kindergarten
The most moronic arch of this woman, I forgot her name, which already says a lot. In principle, I did not remember the characters by name, they are very faded. It's like neighbors at the entrance, they say zdrastye-zdrastye, and who they are, finally on the drum.
In general, the one who decided to get together with the history teacher. Then she is pregnant in the first season, then she has already given birth, but there is no child anywhere, but her daughter's father, who seems to have been working at this school all his life and always taught her daughter, but she did not know that he was the father of her daughter ..... And the second child from whom then?
And the second, a blonde, who had a conflict with her husband's son. Okay, the situation was resolved there, the kid was taken out of the plot. By the way, he's not in the classroom. This girl was also brought out, showing in one episode literally: "my husband forbids me to eat everything in a row, I will come to school, I will devour something, but my husband eventually gave her to devour", that's it, the character's arch has ended, we will not see this couple for more than 16 episodes. Well, somewhere out there, in the crowd.
So I retold everything so chaotically, because in the series everything was shown that way.
And then, when Vova gave money to her daughter Sonya so that she could meet Ira's son in a cafe. Vova stayed by himself to sit with Mitya, and then went out on the balcony and the door slammed shut.
And about the historian, as I understood, Masha knew that he was Sonya's father, she just didn't tell her.
In this series, even their acquaintance was shown - he was a reenactor, and she was a cosplayer 😂
Well, why not? There's even a poster of the series on the far left. But he had the least replicas in the whole season of all of the main five children.
If the first season was interesting enough (if you remove the stupid drone on Bakunchik's neck) and I was waiting for the continuation, then the second season completely killed all the desire to look further. There are a huge number of other series that you can spend your time on. Even if you look with one eye and the background.
A lot is how much and what do you think https://myshows.me/search/all/ch-RU-sts / are they good?
And they finished the same way: the finished mother, who finally went off the rails, shows her rotten interior again. only already at the daughter's wedding. In the third season, it looks like all this nonsense will continue and get worse.
I am very happy for Sonya and her father, and that she is now with Tolik.
It's a pity for Vova, but Ira really can do everything by herself without a man.
Well, Sveta's mom is of course an incorrigible bitch. She has not even been invited to the wedding, is she trying to get Sveta to cut her out of her and Kristina's life altogether?
Very sad
Well, let's say that connections can reduce the time between filing an application and the registration date. Some other circumstances can do this, but Sergei and Sveta do not have these circumstances. However, "a few days later" (30?) they have not just filed an application, but have already got married.
The season was disappointing. It's very sad. I watched the first season with pleasure, pinned my hopes on the second and got this. Stupid Shmelev, who remembered about the brain only in the last series, completely unhappy, but for some reason still living with Stas Lida, disgusting characters in the person of the headmistress, Vlad and Gleb. The only thing that pleased me was that Ira threw Vova. I hope their line is over.
This season is not "Rodkom". It's just a lump. But they could have ended at the moment of the concert, when Shmelev pressed on nostalgia and sang a song with Sveta. It was such a beautiful moment, but no, it was necessary to merge everything there. Well, or if not to finish, then from that episode to develop the path to the wedding, without a bunch of absurdities and idiocy.
Character development? Well, if only in the opposite direction.
Logic in actions? Not needed.
A series about the parent committee? No, it's crazy.
The first season was easy, funny. There was the development of the characters and the relationship between them, there really was a rodkom. There is none of the above in this season. There is only Spanish shame.
It would be better not to shoot the second season, well, or close the series after it. Then why disgrace yourself?
In general, goodbye, "Rodkom", I will remember you from the first season, and I will try to forget the second one like a terrible dream.
The bumblebees are screwing up, their young ladies are offended. A domineering mother who has long been confused by the coast, 2 new vile characters and a lot of absurdity.
and they also changed the character of the heroes. Shmelev Jr. was a womanizer, who has a lady of the heart in every city, and here he just runs after Irishka, who teases him with sex and breaks off.
Surkova turned from a bitch and a controlled mother into a mumble that is completely under her mother. It's unclear where mom was when she was married, and why she didn't get involved in her daughter's marriage.
Everyone loved the headmistress so much that they scored when she was fired. Where did Surkova's husband go, who wanted to sue her daughter, like.
I won't even continue, there are so many illogical and stupid things. It's a pity, the first season was very cool. We could not lower the bar