
s04e08 — Fire and Rain

FBI — s04e08 — Fire and Rain

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 07.12.202108.12.2021 04:00
Watched by: 1 80234.36%


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4 season
s04e04 - Know Thyself
s04e05 - Charlotte's Web
s04e06 - Allegiance
s04e07 - Gone Baby Gone
s04e08 - Fire and Rain
s04e09 - Unfinished Business
s04e10 - Fostered
s04e11 - Grief
s04e12 - Under Pressure

Discussion of the 8 episode of the 4 season
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08 Dec 2021, 15:07 # Show original
One of the strongest series of the project!
Skola - you are a bright, charismatic, multifaceted, magically charming character who can make you forget about reality by immersing yourself in the atmosphere created by you! A powerful scene at the bomb, and all the events, arguments of reason and feelings that led to it.
Previously, I could not take my attention off Maggie and OA, now the situation is owned by Scola and Typhus. The aura that surrounds them cannot leave anyone indifferent.
And Jubal's mistress surprised him. Of course, it was not possible without playing cover my fifth point)))
And what a heartfelt conversation turned out in the bar at Skola and Typhus, so many hidden feelings and torn patches, ambiguous understatement and understanding of future roads.
Yes, emotions even struck the lyrics)))
08 Dec 2021, 15:07 # Show original
What a hard episode...
Skolla is confidently becoming one of my favorite characters in the series. And their duet with Tiff is wonderful.
08 Dec 2021, 21:49 # Show original
And I didn't like the Skolla in this series. In general, I love the duet of Maggie and OA more, I miss them in the frame after the appearance of Scolla and Tiff 🥺
09 Dec 2021, 20:17 # Show original
Oh, and the tension at the end of the episode... Skola is handsome! I love it when there is a lot of it in the series 😍
10 Dec 2021, 04:44 # Show original
A strong and even beautiful series.
I'm terribly sorry for this woman. I understand her consternation at everything that is happening.
In some medium-budget blockbuster, a woman, having got into such a story, would first be blown away, and then she would definitely freak out. And then, with fury and ruthlessness, she would have been eager to take revenge on any terrorist, all his henchmen, and helped the FBI defuse the bomb. In memory of my husband, and all those who 9/11.
But Skola handled everything himself) And my aunt didn't even have to. But she's still good, she's met dangerous criminals twice, just to help stop all this horror.

The face of the kid, Felix's brother, was very impressed when Scola let him go.
26 Dec 2021, 11:12 # Show original
Is Skola's act selfish? No, I don't think so. There is no sense of selfishness here. He risked his life (and that kid's too) to save the lives of hundreds of people
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