думала будет история про взлёт заряженного продажника, очень вдохновляющая линия. а тут так глубинно про жену в тени чужого успеха 🖤 это уже затрагивает личные переживания каждого человека ищущего куда приткнуться в этом помешанном на «успехе» мире.
Уже третью серию четко соблюдают историю Адама и WeWork. А параллельно отношения между Адамом и Ребеккой, которую в этой серии прям раскрыли. Получился прям сериал - реклама, но мне интересно))
Уж кто-кто, а Джаред Лето знает, как завести толпу) он был в своей естественной среде обитания на сцене😄 P.S. Так странно смотреть на Тауба из доктора Хауса в роли отца энн хэтэуэй
Я не понимаю претензий девушек, вы же когда нанимались, знали какие условия.. И что-то есть сомнения в том, что это принудительное мероприятие, а не добровольное. Не хочешь - не иди. Нечего страдать.
Well, it's not coercion in the standard sense. This is, as they say, voluntary-compulsory.
In this situation, "coercion" is rather the creation of conditions in which, roughly speaking, there is no other way out. That is, for example, when you have overtime, not overtime, but a normal work schedule - where else can people look for partners, except inside the company? Well, unfortunately, only such partners among colleagues can be found. Perhaps because all employees of the company have approximately the same work schedule, it is impossible to build normal relationships even with each other, due to lack of time
Well, as for alcohol, it's about the same as with smoking - socialization. When a company organizes constant drinking parties, there is a choice to go there and have something to discuss with colleagues later, or skip the event and drop out of the so-called "family"
And when the girls/boys were hired, they probably expected that the situation would stabilize, the work schedule would level out, and career growth would entail a salary increase.
Что-то не припомню, чтобы миллениалы так выглядели и так себя вели, как зумеры. Либо это такой финт чтоб показать что поведения поколений цикличны, но как-то неубедительно
Rebecca's words pissed me off, to be honest. But not because her beliefs are not the same: everyone's beliefs are different, and this is normal. The problem lies in the fact that all her speeches are sheer hypocrisy.
As we saw in the previous two episodes, she never wanted to be in second place, her own success was important to her. How she talked about her failed acting career and her more successful cousin in this field! And she didn't even want to talk to Alan when she didn't consider him "promising."
And as a result, having already taken advantage of all the benefits of feminism, having received education and independence, as soon as she realized that incredible personal success was not on the horizon, she abruptly decided to defect. And now she is an ideal tradwife, instead of books on acting, she reads books about parenting, and her success is now the success of her husband.
а тут так глубинно про жену в тени чужого успеха 🖤 это уже затрагивает личные переживания каждого человека ищущего куда приткнуться в этом помешанном на «успехе» мире.
Получился прям сериал - реклама, но мне интересно))
P.S. Так странно смотреть на Тауба из доктора Хауса в роли отца энн хэтэуэй
And I'm still waiting for a return to our days, and not a story about the past.
In this situation, "coercion" is rather the creation of conditions in which, roughly speaking, there is no other way out.
That is, for example, when you have overtime, not overtime, but a normal work schedule - where else can people look for partners, except inside the company? Well, unfortunately, only such partners among colleagues can be found. Perhaps because all employees of the company have approximately the same work schedule, it is impossible to build normal relationships even with each other, due to lack of time
Well, as for alcohol, it's about the same as with smoking - socialization. When a company organizes constant drinking parties, there is a choice to go there and have something to discuss with colleagues later, or skip the event and drop out of the so-called "family"
And when the girls/boys were hired, they probably expected that the situation would stabilize, the work schedule would level out, and career growth would entail a salary increase.
As we saw in the previous two episodes, she never wanted to be in second place, her own success was important to her. How she talked about her failed acting career and her more successful cousin in this field! And she didn't even want to talk to Alan when she didn't consider him "promising."
And as a result, having already taken advantage of all the benefits of feminism, having received education and independence, as soon as she realized that incredible personal success was not on the horizon, she abruptly decided to defect. And now she is an ideal tradwife, instead of books on acting, she reads books about parenting, and her success is now the success of her husband.