I am in love with everyone from the Bridgerton family, from the younger brother and sisters to the amazing Anthony (this has been since the first season, and it is not treated).
I am insanely glad that Eloise was transferred from a minor heroine to the main cast. so she grew up, became even more beautiful and added charisma. I love you with all my heart.
the new heroines are lovely. Kate is a strong and independent girl (and their skirmishes with Anthony❤). and her sister is a delicate flower.
in general, I like the season even more than the first one.
Penelope is burning too much. If Eloise compares all the facts, it will be easy to understand who Whistledown is. Then she changes the themes in the publication after Eloise's words, then she will change the letter "K" now. Well, Camon, they were just the two of them talking about it, immediately suspicions about Pam)
Everyone is talking about the Bridgerton brothers and sisters. And I am delighted with my mother. So beautiful, wise, but with a sparkle in her eyes. I would like to really be able to stay like this, having so many children)
Oh, the chemistry between Kate and Anthony during an argument over horses. I just thought that there was an interesting love line between Penelope and Colin, as soon as there was a friend zone....
Unbelievable! This series knows how to pull into its networks. I missed the traditional screensaver, but... I thought about that later. I am delighted with every hero. Surprisingly, there is not a single one of those who would cause rejection. That's just my heart is rooting for Pen and Colin. I think they would make a great couple! I really miss Daphne. But I understand that she is married, she has a child and they live in a completely different place...
I'm starting to worry more about Penelope, I hope that everything will be fine with the brochure and with Colin Anthony is a much nicer young man this season, and the chemistry between him and Kate immediately catches the eye Edwina is a real diamond) let her meet her love
I will express an unpopular opinion: Kate annoys me. In relation to Edwina, she behaves like an abusive parent who does not give the child the right to choose, imposing her own vision. Edwina likes Anthony, but she is not even given the opportunity to get to know him better. A very unpleasant impression.
On the one hand, I'm rooting for Penelope and Colin, I want everything to work out for them, and he noticed what a miracle is nearby. But there's another part of me that wants to send Colin away for hurting my sunshine. Conclusion: Penelause is the best peyring, bromance of this series) And Benedict is the most beautiful of the Bridgerton brothers.
Well, Pen also annoyed Colin quite well. I'm thinking how they will get out of it, it's unlikely that he will forgive her when he finds out that she is a Gossip Girl
@nanokosmos: this Marina story was disgusting, I don't like it either. But all the same, all my empathy is on Pen's side, because it's hard for me to sympathize with Colin, because he, as a man, can do almost anything he wants, he is free, while Pen is stuck with a family in which she is not appreciated. And I read a book that made my intolerance of Colin's stubbornness even greater.
Well, she just wants the best for her sister. Put yourself in Kate's place. You have been teaching your sister manners since childhood and dedicating your life to her, roughly speaking, discussing her future husband with her, dreaming together of beautiful love and a fairy tale. And then suddenly a horseradish appears who does not need love, who will be 90% likely to walk away from his wife and who is interested in your sister purely for his own purposes. Would you really allow such a man to marry your beloved sister? The older sister is responsible for the younger one and it is her duty to give her into loving hands
Something like that flashed by Eloise and the printing house employee, I just wonder what it will result in if it does :)) So far, I like this season even more than the previous one.
Damn this moment between Eloise and the guy from the print shop - I would have looked at it longer. The way Eloise generally rejects the idea of marriages and so on, it seems to me that such a guy could change her attitude to this issue in general.
The atmosphere is wonderful, I was madly waiting for the second season But the infuriating older sister, no matter how much chemistry there is between Kate and Anthony, she behaves very irritatingly, as if Edwina does not have a mother, but only an older sister. So far, the branch is in the key that Anthony will be with her, but I hope that he is still with the younger one🌝
I appreciated the move to reveal gossip girl right away, it's interesting to watch the reverse side, how she gets the news, prints and tries to hide her activities)
I'd be surprised if Anthony wasn't with Kate. After all, a person who does not believe in love, as if he should somehow "unpredictably and unreasonably" fall in love with a girl who did not show him sympathy. Although I will be glad if the screenwriters can surprise and this chemistry was deceptive)
Eloise is just a miracle, the picture is very pleasant, all the characters are even more beautiful, only Simon's beauty is a little lacking. In general, I'm watching and enjoying it!
Anthony, my sunshine, there's something so charmingly vulnerable about him! Especially when he tries to get out of his comfort zone, so to speak, and so, read Byron) Here he does not understand these creative personalities and it is so funny to look at him when he tries) P. S. For some reason, protruding ears add charm to him, he is so cute with them, these ears seem to say "no matter how perfect you are, you still have us"))))
Химия между Энтони и мисс Шарма – нечто, что не опишешь словами. Я давно такого не видели на экране. Все остальные линии, когда они появятся в кадре вместе, просто уходят на второй план и не возвращаются. Очень приятное открытие.
Эх, хочется чтобы Энтони и Кейт уже перешли от взглядов к действиям 🥰 Эдвина уже смотрит на виконта восхищенными глазами. Боюсь за её сердечко :( Она кажется такой юной и неопытной. Интересно было бы узнать про прошлое Кейт. Почему красивая 26-летняя девушка не ищет любовь, а хочет стать гувернанткой?
Леди Данбери прямо озвучила мои мысли из комментария к 1-ой серии. Когда Кейт не хочет, чтобы Энтони ухаживал за Эдвиной, т.к. ищет не любовь, а хорошую жену. А леди Данбери говорит, что союзы в основном заключаются по расчёту.
Эдвина в разы приятнее Кэйт. Почему-то в кино и литературе самодостаточных и шикарных женщин путают с заносчивыми. Кейт ведёт себя вызывающе. С порога пилит и отчитывает Энтони, свысока общается с покровительницей семьи и демонстрирует исключительно дерзкое поведение, не имея на то каких-то причин. С ней все максимально приветливы и учтивы, она же на это отвечает невоспитанностью и демонстративным неуважением. Очень люблю самодостаточных женщин, которые не меняют себя ради общества, но Кейт - не такой вариант.
I don't know why everyone likes Kate and thinks she's beautiful. Personally, I didn't like her....but her younger sister is much more attractive and pleasant.
- of course, because I have lived a full life. I am a widow, I have known love, I have suffered losses, I have earned the right to do whatever I wish, whenever I wish and as I wish, be sure Lady Denberry🤟
кажется сценаристы опять взялись за удачную по прошлому сезону линию от неприязни до всепоглощающей любви саймона и дафны, только теперь то же самое с кейт и энтони....
Кейт напомнила Энтони в 1 сезоне, когда он выбирал мужа Дафне и был против её союза с Саймоном. Она хочет лучшего для своей сестры,вообщем то ,как и Энтони хотел этого своей,наверно он уже подзабыл, как отвергал каждого ухажера Дафны ,а сейчас судит Кейт за её разборчивость
@ekatunavi: "According to Julia Quinn's novels, Edwina is 17 years old. " А Энтони на момент 2 сезона 30 лет! И для тех кому интересно, вот возраст каждого из Бриджертонов на момент 2 сезона "So, the Bridgerton siblings are now 30 (Anthony), 28 (Benedict), 23 (Colin), 22 (Daphne), 18 (Eloise), 17 (Francesca), 13 (Gregory), and 11 (Hyacinth)."
Все увидели что Кейт оберегает сестру и ну её пилить и отвергать, зато от Энтони все без ума. Ну да, конечно, ведь бабник, нахал и упрямец, который считает женщин вещами, куда лучше, чем женщина, которая защищает своего близкого человека от всего выше перечисленного. Ведь у этого мужчины смазливое личико, а энергия Кейт лишь всех раздражает, ведь сильные женщины у нас до сих пор не в почёте
Кейт своим родительским контролем только портит сезон для своей сестры,хотя думает,что помогает. Отчего-то кажется,что у них с Энтони есть какая-то искра,думаю,она не просто так против него, тайная симпатия, о которой ещё не знает 🥺 Очень интересная линия этих персонажей,что же будет дальше)
I can say with confidence that this season is much more interesting for me than the previous one. Oh, if only there was an opportunity to evaluate the seasons separately
Как же шикарен этот сезон и вся атмосфера сериала. Не могу оторваться. Но! Кейт вообще не нравится. А точнее актриса - мне кажется не хватает ей этой изюминки, того характера, который есть в персонаже. А вот сестра ее просто чудесна
А мне бы хотелось увидеть реакцию Колина, когда узнает, что Пэн - это та мисс. Что именно она растрезвонила про ситуацию Марины. И их брак не сложился. Конечно, он благодарен такому исходу, но все же.
Не знаю что получится дальше, но этот сезон, определённо, нравится мне больше) он даже как будто интереснее выходит по развитию персонажей, обстоятельствам и прочему)
That in the first viewing of this season, that in the revision, the boy accompanying Eloise is very interested, who warned her against the trip and who then went with her, and also amused himself from her injections of Theo
Edwina is just a delightful flower! But her older sister is a little scary, taking care of her more than her mother and patroness. A moment with Eloise and the guy from the printing house ❤ I hope there will be more moments^^
When it comes to Diamond's grumpy sister, who is strict with suitors, I immediately remember the same grumpy brother, who overprotected the previous Diamond))) Anthony and Kate have a lot in common!
I don't understand the general hooting about Anthony ... maybe, of course, in the second season he will reveal himself differently, but here people declare that they have been in love with him since 1 🤯 where he behaves like an absolutely pompous turkey, thinking that he can decide someone else's fate only by right of the elder.
Thank you that at least someone wrote this! I am fiercely supportive. He even cheers me up a little with his behavior since season 1. I also don't understand where such universal love comes from....
I recently found out that actor Anthony is openly gay, I would not say at all, he holds himself in the frame very courageously! Of course, gays have long been not the stereotypes that we are used to seeing, but still sometimes it is caught from the actors, and here I did not even smell the catch
I don't understand the general excitement about Kate at all. An annoying abusive boor, her behavior only angers.
My heart breaks for Penelope (with her unrequited love). I wish there was some good lord who would love her and help her forget about Colin (although I know about what will happen next). But she is famous for her articles, of course. I hope she will continue to be lucky and will not get caught in the near future.
Why is Penelope so hot? I don't understand how she's been successfully hiding her identity all this time if she's so visible and obvious. I don't want it to be revealed, but everything is moving inexorably towards this.
Kate does not cause any emotions so far, except irritation. However, it is very reminiscent of Anthony from the first season. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no sympathy for either of them. But the chemistry between them is definitely gorgeous. And the moment at the races at all 😆
Edwina is wonderful! So gentle. Benedict is a pleasure to watch, as is Colin.
I wonder how quickly Eloise will guess who Lady Whistledown is.
Kate this season is just Anthony in the past. She's also overprotective of her sister, and it didn't lead to anything good in the first season... there was a very creepy man courting Daphne, and Anthony even promised him her hand. In general, Kate does not see that her sister, for example, does not find what to say in front of the queen, and Kate herself speaks for her. Kate is a more distinguished lady than her sister. But Kate doesn't know that! She has a nursing complex. xD
I'm laughing with these two Guzeevs, Lady Danbury and the mothers of all the Bridgertons. They looked at each other like that.
I am insanely glad that Eloise was transferred from a minor heroine to the main cast. so she grew up, became even more beautiful and added charisma. I love you with all my heart.
the new heroines are lovely. Kate is a strong and independent girl (and their skirmishes with Anthony❤). and her sister is a delicate flower.
in general, I like the season even more than the first one.
I just thought that there was an interesting love line between Penelope and Colin, as soon as there was a friend zone....
I am delighted with every hero. Surprisingly, there is not a single one of those who would cause rejection.
That's just my heart is rooting for Pen and Colin. I think they would make a great couple!
I really miss Daphne. But I understand that she is married, she has a child and they live in a completely different place...
Pen is godlessly burning again, now also in front of the milliner, I finally want Colin to take off his eyes too and see the obvious.
Anthony is a much nicer young man this season, and the chemistry between him and Kate immediately catches the eye
Edwina is a real diamond) let her meet her love
On the one hand, I'm rooting for Penelope and Colin, I want everything to work out for them, and he noticed what a miracle is nearby. But there's another part of me that wants to send Colin away for hurting my sunshine. Conclusion: Penelause is the best peyring, bromance of this series) And Benedict is the most beautiful of the Bridgerton brothers.
So far, I like this season even more than the previous one.
But the infuriating older sister, no matter how much chemistry there is between Kate and Anthony, she behaves very irritatingly, as if Edwina does not have a mother, but only an older sister.
So far, the branch is in the key that Anthony will be with her, but I hope that he is still with the younger one🌝
I'd be surprised if Anthony wasn't with Kate. After all, a person who does not believe in love, as if he should somehow "unpredictably and unreasonably" fall in love with a girl who did not show him sympathy. Although I will be glad if the screenwriters can surprise and this chemistry was deceptive)
Eloise is just a miracle, the picture is very pleasant, all the characters are even more beautiful, only Simon's beauty is a little lacking. In general, I'm watching and enjoying it!
P. S. For some reason, protruding ears add charm to him, he is so cute with them, these ears seem to say "no matter how perfect you are, you still have us"))))
this time the main couple, like the last one, didn't hook me.
But Eloise in ❤
Эдвина уже смотрит на виконта восхищенными глазами. Боюсь за её сердечко :( Она кажется такой юной и неопытной.
Интересно было бы узнать про прошлое Кейт. Почему красивая 26-летняя девушка не ищет любовь, а хочет стать гувернанткой?
Леди Данбери прямо озвучила мои мысли из комментария к 1-ой серии. Когда Кейт не хочет, чтобы Энтони ухаживал за Эдвиной, т.к. ищет не любовь, а хорошую жену. А леди Данбери говорит, что союзы в основном заключаются по расчёту.
Lady Denberry🤟
Но не нравится мне Энтони, эти новые сестры Кейт, Эдвина.
Зато очень нравится Элоиза.
Они с Энтони смотрятся как отец и дочь, вообще их как пару не воспринимаю🧐
И для тех кому интересно, вот возраст каждого из Бриджертонов на момент 2 сезона
"So, the Bridgerton siblings are now 30 (Anthony), 28 (Benedict), 23 (Colin), 22 (Daphne), 18 (Eloise), 17 (Francesca), 13 (Gregory), and 11 (Hyacinth)."
Но! Кейт вообще не нравится. А точнее актриса - мне кажется не хватает ей этой изюминки, того характера, который есть в персонаже. А вот сестра ее просто чудесна
-А вы не достаточно
🔥 пожар так и вспыхивает между ними
I feel the chemistry..
A moment with Eloise and the guy from the printing house ❤ I hope there will be more moments^^
Anthony and Kate have a lot in common!
And Kate, to be honest, is just annoying so far
My heart breaks for Penelope (with her unrequited love). I wish there was some good lord who would love her and help her forget about Colin (although I know about what will happen next). But she is famous for her articles, of course. I hope she will continue to be lucky and will not get caught in the near future.
Edwina is wonderful! So gentle. Benedict is a pleasure to watch, as is Colin.
I wonder how quickly Eloise will guess who Lady Whistledown is.
In general, Kate does not see that her sister, for example, does not find what to say in front of the queen, and Kate herself speaks for her. Kate is a more distinguished lady than her sister. But Kate doesn't know that! She has a nursing complex. xD
I'm laughing with these two Guzeevs, Lady Danbury and the mothers of all the Bridgertons. They looked at each other like that.