a very sad story with flashbacks about the death of Bridgerton's father. what a nightmare aaaaa and such a fire between Kate and Anthony - this scene, looks, touches
What a sensual scene at the end was with Anthony and Kate, how she put his hand on her heart, and then her hand on his🦋🦋 Scenes with flashbacks will not leave anyone indifferent, suddenly all the hardships of the family weighed on his shoulders, he was essentially left alone:mom is heartbroken, brothers and sisters are still children, and he himself was also far from an adult at that time💔
It turns out Anthony had a very sad past, and it's even sadder from the realization that he just doesn't want his future wife to suffer like his mom. And the dialogue with Daphne about true feelings was very beautiful.
@tarisu: now I realized that last season, Daphne's current husband was afraid of having children because of his mother's death, and here Anthony is afraid of losing his wife, so he chooses not to fall in love. What the lack of medicine does, though.
@Mysterious-007: I think you misunderstood both of them. Simon was triggered not because of his mother's death during childbirth, but because he put hatred for his father in the first place, and Anthony bluntly said that he could not be a possible cause of such pain that his mother experienced, that is, he was not afraid of losing his wife, but that she would lose him
I was very much struck by the scene of my mother in mourning. I just believed her. It already hurt myself. Such a ridiculous death..and they also picked up such a nice actor, Harry from the new charmed ones) It's a pity that he was shown so little
How difficult it is to be a diamond! It seemed to me that I saw doubts on Edwina's face, it seemed to me that she was asking herself, is this what I want? But all the same, the baby was upset that she was not offered
Penelope and Madame Delacroix-and Pen is not so stupid! A very clever move! I also omitted this Cressida) There are a lot of frames walking from the series on the web, I'm waiting for Penelope to finally bloom not like a stupid sunflower, and Colin will stop fooling around)
Well, the final scene of course uhh I kept waiting for where this turning point would be.
@juliakey: and I really liked the way actor Anthony played when they showed death. I just got in. But mom on the contrary was not enough at first. I take it that Viscount was allergic to bee stings?
To be honest, so far Anthony's story looks artificial, like the Duke's story in the first season. One because of the trauma with his father did not want children, the other because of the trauma with his father does not want love. And this does not fit at all with the last season, where he had love with a singer and he even wanted to marry her, spitting on the laws of secular society
@MariaTsvetkova: I agree, I also caught the similarity. I thought Anthony was giving up love just because of his feelings for Sienna last season. After all, largely because of his obligations as a viscount, he was left with a broken heart and, as I thought, decided that love and the title are not compatible, so he decided to approach marriage purely rationally.
@MariaTsvetkova: I agree with you. Especially the scene with Daphne, when she describes the state of falling in love, and Anthony thinks, clearly remembering Kate. And supposedly this is all new to him. It doesn't fit with the events of last season at all (
To be honest, on the contrary, I am pleasantly surprised that they brought more moments with the disclosure of the characters than the fuck from one touch on the floor of the series. Although everything was shot very beautifully and sensually, but too much, kmk.
God, I'm waiting for Anthony to realize that he needs another sister. Anthony and Kate have such tension and sensuality in their relationship🤍 I hope Pen can get out of the friend zone and date Colin
And Pen came up with a clever idea, to let into her secret the one who was suspected of Lady Whistledown's identity last season, and even so that both of them would benefit from it!
Two family rebels, Kate and Eloise, have been beautifully brought together, I want more common scenes, and Daphne definitely sees Edwin as a past self.
By the way, Daphne's plus sign, you can see how she shippered Anthony and Kate, ahaha. And how beautifully they screwed up that moment of their confessions with Simon (I'm burning for you).
P.S. Poor Lady Bridgerton (unknowingly?) she named her last daughter Hyacinth, after the flower that indirectly caused the death of her husband.
Oh... I had no idea that this series could break my heart. Thank you for the past and thank you for the present. And thanks for showing Anthony. God, how beautiful Kate is! But Edwina would suit the prince from the first season...
It was wonderful to watch the interaction of brothers and sisters during the game, the family spirit is felt , the flashbacks were so sad and immediately the picture became darker Benedict is the star of this dinner episode)
Well, never mind, then Anthony's father will become the keeper of the Charmed Ones) But seriously, I really liked how Lady Bridgerton and her love for her husband were revealed, how she literally crumbled after his death.
And thanks to kinopoisk for the fact that I caught a spoiler about the personality of some character -_-
And Daphne immediately read everything)) Anthony really does not take his eyes off Kate, and in the end, something jumped in her. Insanely sad flashbacks, it is now clear how much Anthony is a traumatized person because of the death of his father and the responsibility for such a large family. The only thing is, I don't remember last season very well, but he seemed to be in love with that actress, at least there were feelings, and now it's as if he didn't like girls at all because of all this tragedy, which is strange.
I'm screeching from such a series finale😍 how diligently Anthony tries to be collected and serious, and how successfully he fails it next to Kate, and I also observe notes of "pride and prejudice" between their couple , as for me, the season is not inferior to the first, or even surpasses only the third series in some ways, but how do I not want the series again the year is over and waiting
And why does Daphne go alone all the time. Where is the Duke?
And I can't wait to see who will become the one for Pen. It's such a pity that no one pays attention to her. Even Mom doesn't care about her. Poor girl.
well, in fact, the actor played a little strange here 😅 I didn't read the books and the scene in the series seemed silly and feigned)) only at the end, when she put his hand on her chest - more or less
I have just realized what responsibility fell on the shoulders of the young Viscount Anthony when their father died. God, he was still a child, but he already had to make sure that the family was fully provided for and did not lose face in the dirt. Bravo 👏🏻
How cute Anthony and Kate are, they would sooner have realized that they were made for each other. Anthony's instincts seem to work better if he slowed down with the offer. It's just impossible to tear yourself away from watching! 😃
Wow, that's the ending! 🔥🔥 Hopefully, after this, they will finally notice the carefully suppressed feelings for each other.
And I noticed that for the second season the main character has some kind of tragic story / trauma from the past. For some reason, it is the hero, the heroines are relatively lucky.
Penelope and Madame Delacroix are the main collaborations of this season. Ahah, like last season, the main couple is not what I'm really interested in. I hope the new Lord Featherington doesn't marry Cressida. Anyone but her. Eloise is a beauty, insanely beautiful in blue. The flashbacks came out very emotional, Violet and Anthony got into it more, otherwise the Bridgertons seemed too perfect earlier, which was slightly annoying.
The terrible death of the Bridgerton father. I felt Anthony 's pain , horror , and what a great responsibility he had after the unexpected death of his father ..
What a great respect Lady Bridgerton commands. Back in the first season it was like this. And so, at such a moment, she thought about the children, tried to protect them. A real mother.
Already the heart beat faster at the end of the series, as beautifully shot. And how they ran away at the end, scared of their feelings. Lord , I want the same !!! Where is my Viscount?
Edwina is beautiful and gentle, but so boring and uninteresting (her sister, having trained her, deprived her of independence, and sparkles It's a pity, they let her into the series as cannon fodder to flicker between Kate and Anthony
Oh, those awkward attempts of Mrs. Fraserington to set up her daughter with Lord 🤦🏻♀️ - Mom, he's our cousin! - Big deal, and generally a fourth cousin.
But it looks like Cressida bypasses Prudence :)
Now it's clear why bees were often shown in season 1, a kind of Easter egg.
После рассказа о смерти отца, теперь ясно почему виконт такой сдержанный. Но думаю, что Кейт растопит этот лёд. Как говорится от ненависти до любви всего один шаг.. Очень напоминает Дафну и Саймона. Они ведь также недолюбливали друг друга, а потом один момент заставил их проявить беспокойство о другом и они больше не могли думать ни о ком другом. Эдвина еще ребенок, хоть она много всего знает и умеет, все-таки для замужества она еще очень юна и наивна. Когда Энтони уже взрослый мужчина, принимает ответственные решения. И рядом с ним должна быть такая женщина, которая сможет зажечь в нем огонь и не будет подстраиваться под него. Не вижу их как пару, вообще никакой искры между ними, это заметно, в прочем.
Смотришь на химию между актёрами, чтобы понять, не встречаются ли они в реальной жизни, и узнаёшь, что актёр, играющий Энтони, - гей :D Вау, просто вау. Надо же так играть. Такая шикарная игра, которая уносит в мир грёз~ Каждую сцену хочется пересматривать по несколько раз и в течение дня вспоминать о них, чтобы забыться от реальных проблем.
Такое ощущение, что создатели сериала после первого сезона прислушались к критике (если она была) и исправили главный недостаток - слишком много секса, что делало из истории "про ту эпоху" типично современный сюжет, но в костюмах и интерьерах. Из-за этого атмосферность, за которую мы любим фильмы и сериалы "про ту эпоху", очень страдала. Во втором сезоне с этим гораздо лучше, диалоги более интересные, и развитие отношений более гармоничное. Уже появилось что-то от духа Джейн Остин.
Ну и главные герои здесь более яркие и харизматичные. Появление Дафны в этой серии только подчеркнуло ее посредственность на их фоне. В общем, мое личное мнение, пока что второй сезон гораздо удачнее первого, что редкость.
блин, а я второй сезон начала смотреть только чтобы ещё секса увидеть 😆😆 выросла на любовных романах и всегда хотела, чтобы эти книжечки экранизировали)
Сцена в конце серии прекрасна 🐝 даже нет слов что бы описать эмоции. Какая все таки красивая стала Элоиза 😍 и как всегда нелепа, остроумна и с чувством юмора. Флешбеки конечно очень грустные, трагические. Энтони поэтому избегает любви? Что бы не было больно? Нууу а как по другому? Я думала может хоть кто то из его семьи увидит как он смотрит на Кейт, и вот вроде как Дафни за ужином чуть-чуть заподозрила. Немного жаль будет Эдвину когда она узнаёт что между Энтони и ее сестрой такие чувства. Потому что она ей очень доверяет, для нее это будет как предательство. Но она ему явно не подходит, она совсем ещё юная и слишком хорошая. Пенелопа похудела или мне кажется? Она даже красивее чем та блондинка которая с ними на ужине была. Вот только платья ей шьют конечно ужасные и в одном желтом цвете.
Пока лучшая серия для меня, за весь сериал. И поплакать, и посмеяться. Теперь понятно, почему пчела(шмель) села на окошка в конце прошлого сезона, когда Дафна родила, это как бы отец) На днях только Эмму (2009) пересматривала и там отец Бриджертонов в роли Черчилля) И этот сезон мне даже больше нравится пока.
И сам персонаж! Мудрая и рассудительная женщина! Восхищаюсь ей!😍 А сцена, когда Элоиза застукала ее и леди Бриджертон, подслушивающих. Видела мимику леди Данберри?! Обожать!🥹
Как-то во втором сезоне сериал почти совсем забил на постмодерн и превратился в обычную экранизацию Джейн Остин. Мне кажется, весь его изюм был именно в тонкой иронии над эстетикой эпохи регенства и дамскими романами. Нет, персонажи по-прежнему приятные, актёры симпатичные, всё прекрасно, но вот этой новизны и свежести как-то не хватает...
С начала сезона меня бесит очевидность главной арки: Энтони и Кейт нервируют друг друга, но в конце сезона обязательно поженяться (мы такое уже видели в первом сезоне). Я думала, их хотя бы сведут изящно. Но! У него случилась паническая атака, а она оказалась единственным человеком рядом, и ни с того ни с сего именно в этот момент чуть не поцеловались. Ни химии, ни искры(
И драма Энтони какая-то натянутая. Она хорошо поставлена и сыграна, но ведь в первом сезоне уже была Сиена, это объясняло его трудности с поиском любви. Зачем вдруг отца и мать надо было втягивать?...
Присоединюсь ко всем выше написанным комментариям касательно флешбэков. На сцене родов я даже расплакалась. Так тяжело было леди Бриджертон и Энтони. Так здорово, что в семье Бриджертон царит любовь. После просмотра даже начинаешь верить в нее
Откровенно говоря, подбешивает Вайолет своим отношением к Энтони. Если суммировать оба сезона, получается, что после смерти отца семейства она полностью самоустранилась от семьи, от детей, свалила все обязательства на Энтони, а позже, когда пришла в себя, стала активно так его отстранять от роли главы семьи. Вместо того, чтобы помочь ему, нередко роняла фразы в духе "если бы жив был Эдмунд, он бы уже давно выдал Дафни замуж", сразу после смерти отца семейства "здесь должен был быть Эдмунд, Энтони - это не то" и всё в таком роде. Вспомнила, блин, что родительница здесь она, а не 16-летний сын, который, вообще-то тоже был в шоке, и который собирал осколки их семьи, пока мама ходила и страдала. Ну, понятно, тяжело было, не хватило сил так сразу собраться после смерти мужа, ну так спустя время надо ж, наверное, старшему сыну сказать спасибо, что он взял на себя всё самое сложное или как?! Нееет, она его только упрекает всю дорогу. Не такой, видите ли, глава семьи, недостаточно идеальный.
@Annie10792: the moment about Edmund is childbirth, in which her son was required to make a decision about who should live and who should die. And one of these actors is Violet herself. And yet, she is his mother, and even seeing the characters of her children, she tries to help and guide them, especially when they are at a loss or a step away from a mistake.
Oh, what shattering scenes in Anthony's past 💔 Well, what a sweet Newton ^^ And Edwina is so modest, gentle ... a conversation between Anthony and mom💔 Oh, Benedict after a cup of tea🤣🤣🤣
I cried for half the episode. The flashbacks were shot superbly! In principle, I am ready to forgive the series a logical hole with feelings for the singer. Yet the fear of love and the fear of pain are different things.
I really liked the series! The tension didn't even let me look at the phone once)
I believe in Anthony's emotions, there is a type of people who have the language of love - actions and deeds, and then there is emotional trauma. And I don't really believe in the emotions of Edwina, who shows herself to be mostly malicious and closed. Anthony may have been attracted to her similarity to him in many ways, but still at that time it was customary to fall in love with femininity and elegance. I hope to get my answers in the next episodes
I get special pleasure from conversations and suspended tongues, without any words-parasites and obscenities. Nowadays, without "uh" it is impossible to make up even a couple of words))
@Natashakulikova: And it seemed to me that last season Anthony had a chosen one who was also not characterized by either femininity or elegance)) The opera singer and Kate have something in common, plus in terms of character, they obviously both decide how to live.
Mom put too much on Anthony, during the period of grief for his father! Anthony was the same child who had experienced loss, and she acted like a child, as if someone else should take care of her and the children! It seemed to me a very deep story, and how Kate and Anthony's sympathy develops, just wow🥰
Now I remember how in season 1 the bee often flew... Was it like a spoiler for season 2 and the fact that we will be told the tragic story of how the Bridgertons lost their father, or is it literally the embodiment of the father of the family?.. It was a nightmare, of course, to see that something you weren't afraid of at all-a bee sting-could cause someone's death almost instantly... The memories of the sudden death of the Bridgerton father are downright terrible... and it became clear that Anthony had to grow up quickly. And Lady Bridgerton's condition after her husband's death was tearful. (Again, it's her fault in front of the child that her relationship with her husband somehow influenced THEIR vision of love and marriage, haha! I read somewhere that you have a different parent for each of the children. It's the same here! I don't know what happened under Benedict! ;D)
I just thought I'd be interested to see what would happen if the eldest of the sisters and Daphne met, and THAT's IT!!! The whole game made me laugh wildly. Big Sister: What a wonderful game! I will definitely be the winner!!!" Little sister: "all these people are crazy! Somebody save me! It's better to sit with the moms and drink soft drinks!!!" (Lady Danbury amused me too... and even later, when he and the other Larisa Guzeeva were listening at the door and talking in the library! :D)
At the Featheringts, the mother herself could try to glue her daughters' cousin together! Well, that's just my wish list, of course.
What a cool season it turns out! Not worse than the previous one.
Stoned (drunk) brothers - laughter and only 🤣 Eloise is just beautiful! I can't get enough of it!
aaaaa and such a fire between Kate and Anthony - this scene, looks, touches
Scenes with flashbacks will not leave anyone indifferent, suddenly all the hardships of the family weighed on his shoulders, he was essentially left alone:mom is heartbroken, brothers and sisters are still children, and he himself was also far from an adult at that time💔
And the dialogue with Daphne about true feelings was very beautiful.
Such a ridiculous death..and they also picked up such a nice actor, Harry from the new charmed ones) It's a pity that he was shown so little
How difficult it is to be a diamond! It seemed to me that I saw doubts on Edwina's face, it seemed to me that she was asking herself, is this what I want? But all the same, the baby was upset that she was not offered
Penelope and Madame Delacroix-and Pen is not so stupid! A very clever move! I also omitted this Cressida)
There are a lot of frames walking from the series on the web, I'm waiting for Penelope to finally bloom not like a stupid sunflower, and Colin will stop fooling around)
Well, the final scene of course uhh
I kept waiting for where this turning point would be.
I take it that Viscount was allergic to bee stings?
And I won't be there, I read it in the news.
I hope Pen can get out of the friend zone and date Colin
Two family rebels, Kate and Eloise, have been beautifully brought together, I want more common scenes, and Daphne definitely sees Edwin as a past self.
By the way, Daphne's plus sign, you can see how she shippered Anthony and Kate, ahaha. And how beautifully they screwed up that moment of their confessions with Simon (I'm burning for you).
P.S. Poor Lady Bridgerton (unknowingly?) she named her last daughter Hyacinth, after the flower that indirectly caused the death of her husband.
P. P. S. Benjamin under the Fly >>>>>> all 😂😂😂
, the flashbacks were so sad and immediately the picture became darker
Benedict is the star of this dinner episode)
But seriously, I really liked how Lady Bridgerton and her love for her husband were revealed, how she literally crumbled after his death.
And thanks to kinopoisk for the fact that I caught a spoiler about the personality of some character -_-
Insanely sad flashbacks, it is now clear how much Anthony is a traumatized person because of the death of his father and the responsibility for such a large family.
The only thing is, I don't remember last season very well, but he seemed to be in love with that actress, at least there were feelings, and now it's as if he didn't like girls at all because of all this tragedy, which is strange.
how diligently Anthony tries to be collected and serious, and how successfully he fails it next to Kate,
and I also observe notes of "pride and prejudice" between their couple
, as for me, the season is not inferior to the first, or even surpasses
only the third series in some ways, but how do I not want the series again the year is over and waiting
Such chemistry between the guys is amazing, of course 😍
And I can't wait to see who will become the one for Pen. It's such a pity that no one pays attention to her. Even Mom doesn't care about her. Poor girl.
I hope Anthony will be with Kate at the end of the season
And I noticed that for the second season the main character has some kind of tragic story / trauma from the past. For some reason, it is the hero, the heroines are relatively lucky.
Ahah, like last season, the main couple is not what I'm really interested in. I hope the new Lord Featherington doesn't marry Cressida. Anyone but her.
Eloise is a beauty, insanely beautiful in blue.
The flashbacks came out very emotional, Violet and Anthony got into it more, otherwise the Bridgertons seemed too perfect earlier, which was slightly annoying.
I enjoy every episode!
And finally Daphne appeared.
And how sorry for their mother, thanks for the flashbacks🥲
For some reason, there were thoughts that the new Lord Featherington was gay🤫
meanwhile I: 🙈🙉🤭
It's a pity, they let her into the series as cannon fodder to flicker between Kate and Anthony
- Mom, he's our cousin!
- Big deal, and generally a fourth cousin.
But it looks like Cressida bypasses Prudence :)
Now it's clear why bees were often shown in season 1, a kind of Easter egg.
I really miss the duke, but I do not lose hope that he will appear soon 🙏🌞
Flashbacks are very strong
Очень напоминает Дафну и Саймона. Они ведь также недолюбливали друг друга, а потом один момент заставил их проявить беспокойство о другом и они больше не могли думать ни о ком другом.
Эдвина еще ребенок, хоть она много всего знает и умеет, все-таки для замужества она еще очень юна и наивна. Когда Энтони уже взрослый мужчина, принимает ответственные решения. И рядом с ним должна быть такая женщина, которая сможет зажечь в нем огонь и не будет подстраиваться под него. Не вижу их как пару, вообще никакой искры между ними, это заметно, в прочем.
Ну и главные герои здесь более яркие и харизматичные. Появление Дафны в этой серии только подчеркнуло ее посредственность на их фоне.
В общем, мое личное мнение, пока что второй сезон гораздо удачнее первого, что редкость.
2. что принял Бен ?🤣🤣🤣
Какая все таки красивая стала Элоиза 😍 и как всегда нелепа, остроумна и с чувством юмора.
Флешбеки конечно очень грустные, трагические.
Энтони поэтому избегает любви? Что бы не было больно? Нууу а как по другому?
Я думала может хоть кто то из его семьи увидит как он смотрит на Кейт, и вот вроде как Дафни за ужином чуть-чуть заподозрила.
Немного жаль будет Эдвину когда она узнаёт что между Энтони и ее сестрой такие чувства. Потому что она ей очень доверяет, для нее это будет как предательство. Но она ему явно не подходит, она совсем ещё юная и слишком хорошая.
Пенелопа похудела или мне кажется? Она даже красивее чем та блондинка которая с ними на ужине была. Вот только платья ей шьют конечно ужасные и в одном желтом цвете.
Сцена с игрой классная, и как Кейт с Энтони в грязь рухнули, прямо бомба 😂
Ооо и главного мудака в Бархатным пальчиках тоже он играл!
Я всё, спасибо за внимание 😅
Восхищаюсь ей!😍
А сцена, когда Элоиза застукала ее и леди Бриджертон, подслушивающих. Видела мимику леди Данберри?! Обожать!🥹
И драма Энтони какая-то натянутая. Она хорошо поставлена и сыграна, но ведь в первом сезоне уже была Сиена, это объясняло его трудности с поиском любви. Зачем вдруг отца и мать надо было втягивать?...
And yet, she is his mother, and even seeing the characters of her children, she tries to help and guide them, especially when they are at a loss or a step away from a mistake.
Well, what a sweet Newton ^^ And Edwina is so modest, gentle ...
a conversation between Anthony and mom💔
Oh, Benedict after a cup of tea🤣🤣🤣
I believe in Anthony's emotions, there is a type of people who have the language of love - actions and deeds, and then there is emotional trauma. And I don't really believe in the emotions of Edwina, who shows herself to be mostly malicious and closed. Anthony may have been attracted to her similarity to him in many ways, but still at that time it was customary to fall in love with femininity and elegance. I hope to get my answers in the next episodes
I get special pleasure from conversations and suspended tongues, without any words-parasites and obscenities. Nowadays, without "uh" it is impossible to make up even a couple of words))
It was a nightmare, of course, to see that something you weren't afraid of at all-a bee sting-could cause someone's death almost instantly... The memories of the sudden death of the Bridgerton father are downright terrible... and it became clear that Anthony had to grow up quickly. And Lady Bridgerton's condition after her husband's death was tearful. (Again, it's her fault in front of the child that her relationship with her husband somehow influenced THEIR vision of love and marriage, haha! I read somewhere that you have a different parent for each of the children. It's the same here! I don't know what happened under Benedict! ;D)
I just thought I'd be interested to see what would happen if the eldest of the sisters and Daphne met, and THAT's IT!!! The whole game made me laugh wildly. Big Sister: What a wonderful game! I will definitely be the winner!!!" Little sister: "all these people are crazy! Somebody save me! It's better to sit with the moms and drink soft drinks!!!" (Lady Danbury amused me too... and even later, when he and the other Larisa Guzeeva were listening at the door and talking in the library! :D)
At the Featheringts, the mother herself could try to glue her daughters' cousin together! Well, that's just my wish list, of course.