I also don't understand what's going on here😅 they said that the second season will be by the end of 2024🤔 But it seems that such situations are treated through settings.. remove the slider from "consider series without dates released", and then this should not fall into "I'm looking now" 🤷🏼♂️
Netflix has finally officially announced the continuation of the "Squid Game", and the director of the show confirmed that the main character of the first will appear in the second season
In addition, according to the director, the audience will get acquainted with the "guy" of the creepy doll from the pilot episode
@tanyanames: I don't think they managed to write a script in less than a year and shoot something more than that five-second teaser with an animated doll...
@KatieSenorita: and what is the minus of as many as 8 people in the negative Well, if you are not waiting for the new season, then I am waiting for the second So back in September, the promo video was of the second season And information about the filming of the second season in 2023, and the premiere in 2024.
I'll explain if you don't understand. Under every popular TV series, when it hasn't been released yet, people shit the tape with hundreds of meaningless comments like "I'm waiting / haven't watched, but I condemn / and when / where to watch", and when the series comes out, then you have to scroll through all these comments to find people's real impressions of watching.
The first episode of the new - second season has not yet been added without a date, the release date has not been updated, since here the moderators of the series do not worry about this and wait in 90% of cases just automatic updating of dates from another English site where the information comes from here
Well, the second season starts on December 26th. The third one is already at the end of 2025. I was just wondering what to shoot about. Let's say the second season will be built on revenge "game " (although gg is essentially to blame for his troubles). But they've already taken off the third one, I don't understand how the second one will go in. Ambitious. However
@Similar345: Yes. It's Netflix. Although recently it has been divided into two halves for one season, so that people can renew their subscription there and see the sequel in a month. But that's not the case! s2 will be released immediately.
@VeronikaBorisova: It's even amazing. The squid game is probably their most popular TV series in principle. It's amazing that they didn't extend the seasons longer.
@electrifying34: Dubbing is something with something. After season 1 with Pythagoras, it's like switching from business class to a cart with square wheels.
Dubbing is something with something. After season 1 with Pythagoras, it's like switching from business class to a cart with square wheels.
I'm glad, of course, that the dubbing was also official - on the day of release, but in the process they either gave it to another studio to duplicate or to another actor, because I just turned on the wrong voices to check, at least the main character has a different voice, I remember it exactly clearly
And at the end of last season, 456 didn't think to cut the beacon from behind his ear? It definitely had to be done in the first episode of the second season.😏🤔
Who would doubt that a policeman who was shot and fell off a cliff is the most alive of all the living!😏
@apb48: and what is the claim? The opening scene of this episode is the ending scene of the first season. He cut out the beacon immediately on the same day when he realized about the existence of the beacon and when he did not board the plane.
@Шнурок_73: First of all, have we been told somewhere that Kihun is a genius and a great detective? I don't think so. He's a sucker. Of course, he might have missed something and guessed at the last moment. It doesn't contradict his character. And at the same time, he is at least no dumber than the other 500 players, who also did not figure out anything.
Secondly, they were scanned offline when they returned to the game after the first round to put on clothes with numbers. Do you think Kihun should have guessed at that moment when he was asleep? Sobek was conscious at the time and could have spied, but even she did not guess about the beacon.
And they didn't scan any more players—at least I don't remember that. If you're watching so closely, I'm waiting for the episode number and the timecode where Kihun is scanned in his mind, or at least he sees how others are scanned. I don't remember such a moment, but you can convince me. Only the employees constantly scanned each other, but they did it using masks, since the cop had no tracker and he successfully posed as another mercenary only due to the mask.
@Nonelementary: You're right, I got confused about the age. Indeed, the guards were constantly being scanned. About your carelessness, I take back my words and apologize. 🙂😉
@Diana926107: It's still necessary to look for such a terrible official dubbing. The dubbing actors seem to be reading the text without even trying to act.
@Bart182: it's like watching a movie on a cassette as a child :) in the last season of the Bridgertons, there was also a similar monotonous dubbing, so it's probably the only way on Netflix now.
It's a good start. The bread or lottery ticket game is probably to remind viewers what kind of greedy people are, but the outcome is absolutely clear to those who have recently watched season 1. The end of the series is also too obvious. I'm waiting for more unexpected plot twists. It's still normal
@Diana926107: well, how greedy) in this case, would you choose a glimpse (even for a moment) of the opportunity to get out of the status of a homeless person (or at least stay full or even clothed for a couple of days), or an unfortunate bun, which can already be found under a bench in a park or a trash can?
@Diana926107: As they say, there are two chairs... actually, I wouldn't blame people who refused bread rolls. A loaf is not a solution to a problem, it's delaying the inevitable. Well, he'll eat today, cool. What about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? I think homeless people pick up some kind of food anyway, maybe they get money. A lottery ticket is naive, but there is no chance of changing the situation for the better at the root.
@Mr_Knight: these are the people who believe that the lottery is a chance for something, and are invited to play games) The second season is underway, and some viewers still haven't been able to grasp this simple thought. Only hard work is a chance to change the situation for the better. And lottery, gambling, horse racing, which Ki Hong was fond of in season 1, is just entertainment, not a way to earn money and improve his situation. People who chose a lottery ticket instead of a piece of bread are hopeless. So they will hope for a miracle while living on the street.
@Nonelementary: I would argue with you, but I'll start with the phrase "everyone sees what they want to see."
The focus on buns and lottery tickets is not about how homeless people came to live like this. It's about the recruiter. Dragging out a new victim in the subway (the question of what motivates the new participants - the desire for easy money or the deepest despair and hopelessness - is also not worth it), he goes after these rolls. For what? Obviously, this is no longer part of the job, it's, say, his hobby. Note that he doesn't go somewhere in the shopping center where wealthy people are sitting. Why does he come to the homeless? Yes, because they need at least a penny more than anyone, and 100% will reach for a ticket. And for our recruiter, this is an opportunity to find an excuse for his daily actions. He convinces himself that all people are greedy, that they all deserve to die, that it's not for nothing that he recruits the poor and sends them to certain death. This is his ritual of calming his own sinful soul.
@fs_ann: It is strange that in the 21st century there are those who see the cause of poverty in the unwillingness to work. If there is no way to find a well-paid job and a person is not socially protected, then you can understand those who would rather be homeless than be a slave and work hard for a piece of bread. By the way, what were the pies with? The homeless are local, which means they've probably already been tried. Maybe there's stray dog meat in there... cats. Hardly anyone would like that.
@fs_ann: >> I would argue with you. And with what exactly?) I didn't even speculate about what motivated the recruiter in this scene. This is his inner motivation, I didn't write about it. I answered the person above about what kind of thought and what kind of signal the scene with the homeless brings to the viewer as a whole.
And about the fact that "people are greedy and therefore deserve to die" — well, there is no such thought in the series. It's not about greed, it's about excitement. Even if all people are greedy (which they aren't, even according to the characters in the series), not all people are gamblers. Not everyone will humiliate themselves for the sake of profit, not everyone will put their lives on the line for the sake of quick/ easy money. No one is dragged to the games by force. And if you're playing a game where your skin is on the line, then yes, you'll have to die if you lose. It's just following the terms and conditions. And the recruiter also played by the rules, without betraying his principles.
In the scene in the park, he was once again convinced not that everyone is greedy and greedy, but that most people would rather starve (that is, put their lives on the line) for the sake of a ghostly chance to hit the jackpot.
@Nonelementary: your words come back to one thing, but the status of the homeless. This is the most vulnerable category of people that a recruiter could come to. Their choice is due not so much to a ghostly chance to hit the jackpot as to desperation: a bun will solve their hunger for a couple of hours, and a ticket gives them hope (albeit scanty) for a change in fate. It is this vulnerability that makes homeless people an ideal target for a recruiter, and it is their weakness that you can be 100% sure of.
If he had come to ordinary, socially well-off people, then the question of excitement and imaginary benefits would have played with different colors.
@fs_ann: Are you explaining the motivation of homeless people to me now?) Thank you, that's understandable enough. As I say, I'm not talking about the motives of the characters, but about the attitude towards gambling as such.
After all, not 100% of the homeless showed weakness and chose a ticket. Someone took a bun and did the right thing. He ate, but the others got nothing. This is the outcome of this scene, and the audience should draw the appropriate conclusion.
The homeless status is not "but", it just reinforces my message. If the recruiter had approached socially well-off people, then the choice in favor of the ticket would have been 100%. For an ordinary person, a loaf from a stranger is of no interest, but here's a ticket — come on, let's try our luck. Only in this case it will be nothing more than entertainment, as it should be. Winning 100 rubles in the lottery is a pleasure. I didn't win, but I don't care. It's not a matter of survival. And in the case of the homeless, it was a matter of survival and hope for survival. And you can't treat gambling like that, which is what I've been writing about for the third time. And the scene suggests the same conclusion. The casino always wins. One person will win the lottery, because millions will lose. And you will be among those millions. The crane will always be like this in the sky. But the bun was right in my hands and I had to take it.
@Nonelementary: Yes, I have to explain to you the motivation of the homeless, because you prefer to overlook this factor, continuing to believe that gambling is somehow supported here (?)
Just below (in another thread), you called the commenters ludomaniacs who sympathize with the homeless. But in this thread, no one supported gambling, did not justify it, but only explained the choice of a lottery ticket from the perspective of a homeless person. The more vulnerable a person is and the worse their situation is, the more desperate their decisions and actions will be. It's obvious. And one loaf will not save a homeless person from starvation, comparable to the loss of life (I refer to your words above).
The focus and general meaning of the scene is on the Recruiter. The point is in the fleeting hope that he gives and immediately takes away from the homeless. Perhaps many people did not understand, but the 1st episode is partly dedicated to the disclosure of this character. And they didn't just show him trampling on bread rolls - it's an act of self-contempt and self-loathing. The rest is not important here, it is in the background. But again, it's a question of "everyone sees what they want to see."
"Attitude to gambling as such " - is there any point in discussing this already obvious question if it is not worth it here? You can write again that gambling is bad (which is understandable), and I will write to you again (or not anymore) that a completely different issue was discussed here.
@fs_ann: и напоследок приведу слова создателя шоу, который объясняет сцену с булками:
P.S. я все ещё считаю, что она нужна была именно для раскрытия персонажа Вербовщика, хотя каждый, как мы видим, может углядеть в ней свой смысл
«I believe that Gong Yoo’s character [the Salesman] is someone who lived a difficult, tough, rock-bottom life, just as much as those that are depicted as the homeless people in the series.»
«And he is someone who is so filled with self-hatred, it is expressed in the hatred he harbours for other humans. And by hating these people, he believes that he is different from them»
Hwang added: «[He is] showing and expressing his hatred for the people who choose lottery tickets instead of bread, almost as if he’s trying to escape his own self-loathing nature»
@fs_ann: No, a bun will literally save you from hunger. Even for the next two hours. But the lottery won't do that either. It's naive to hope for a jackpot. You will remain nothing that was shown in this scene. If you think in terms of "either give me a jackpot or nothing, and I don't need crumbs and satiety for two hours," then OK, you'll stay hungry and without a jackpot.
>>>>It makes sense to discuss this already obvious question at all Well, I want to and I'm discussing) What does it mean to discuss?) It makes sense to me. These are open comments, no one's permission is required. I answered the person above, and you answered me. Did I go to a forum where a specific topic of conversation is set? I don't think so. Is it obvious to you and there is no point in discussing it? Well, then don't answer me) Talk to someone who wants to discuss the motivation of the characters, but don't drag me into it. I have no questions about motivation. I went into the comments and saw that some people share the same attitude towards the lottery as a chance for some bright future (and some, lower down, do not share) - and responded to this take. For some reason, you started telling me, the recruiter wanted this, and the homeless wanted that. Yes, I see, thank you. I also watched the episode and listened to the dialogues. If you want to argue about the motivations of the characters, talk to someone else.
I don't know why my comment above is being ignored. I wrote it based on the emotions from the first minutes of the episode. - Well, that's it. The series is gorgeous. Thanks, Koreans can. I scanned it in one gulp. I'm going to look further!
Let's see if the creators of the series will be able to enter the same river twice. Alice in the Borderlands, which many people compare this series to, in my opinion, did it. I hope that the Squid will be on the same level) Not bad so far)
The main thing is not to make it sound like a joke: "And you shouldn't have entered this river twice"😄 It's really hard to surprise TV shows of this scale twice, especially since the second season is always a test of strength, but I don't stop believing in the best;)
The beginning is intriguing, let's see how events will develop further.😌
@LaIrena: The prison is the top one. but in the manga, it's even cooler due to the fact that none of the main characters are involved in it and you suspect absolutely everyone.
Thanks to all the commenters above for leaving 100+ non-series comments, you are a miracle.
The first episode is incredible. Great start, great pace. They immediately got into the excitement of chasing the Salesman, and the character justified himself - from the rock-paper-scissors -1-hand game to the last incredible dialogue between him and Ki-hoon. Delightful tension. You can feel the detachment of both characters - both are chasing something that is difficult for others to understand. Gong Yu drives incredibly fast. Again. Ha Joon, the sun, God, I missed seeing him on the screen. I really like that the series is so full and measured in events, I don't want to be distracted for a second from what is happening on the screen. I really hope that this pace will continue until the last episode.
I can't understand why they didn't change the location and the person who invites them to the game, it would have been much safer that way and hardly anyone would have tracked them.
@rinngak: business cards and other consumables can be transmitted elementary through a cell / parcel. Therefore, whether he knew the customers or not is 50-50.
@blaik_13: I don't know what will happen next, but he said that in the pocket the key is in the person who Ki hong is looking for) maybe just a bluff, let's look further
@rinngak: It's strange that they didn't notice the surveillance. Those blockheads ran around the subway for two years and got everyone in a row. It's impossible not to notice it all.
In my opinion, the series came out promising, and the intrigue was successfully established. I was also very pleased that Gong Yoo played the psychopathic guest again. I thought at first that he would be replaced.
A super start! Something new has arrived for this series - Russian roulette, rock-paper-scissors, a choice of food and a ticket I can't wait to find out what the games will be like))
I'm surprised about season 3, but apparently they'll reveal everything there. And is gg really going to win again?
We started cheerfully, and even saved the vibe. Gong Yoo is gorgeous as always 🔥 I like the line with him too, now he also offers a bun or a ticket, which is very metaphorical..
A policeman who does not give up hope of finding the island is very encouraging, I believe in him)
@Neytis: then Gong Ji Cheol is better, I meet different spelling of his pseudonym (although I know that it is taken from 2 surnames of his parents) and for the first time I meet to correct it)
The first episode is good, it immediately brought back the tension that was during the games in the first season! I want to get to know all the characters as soon as possible and wait for at least some answers about this universe.
It's a great start. The actors played 100%. The series holds the bar and immediately pleased with the brutal game. And more than one. Goosebumps ran in waves from excitement. I hope our gg will unite and act together.
You can feel the tension like in the first season during the games. And this is just the first episode... and I'm also excited about the acting - it's really catchy.
I have not seen such a variant of the game "rock, paper, scissors, one hand" before, it looks very cool, I will have to try it (but without the addition of Russian roulette). The moment is very tense. And serious Russian roulette with the soundtrack "Con te partirò" looks amazing!
The messenger is a very strange guy, obviously having problems with his head. The actor played very well, especially in the moment after the 5th attempt, when he realizes that everything is over...
I'm asking you not to be negative, I just want to know if there are people who thought that the series looked cheap, that the camera work was kind of weird with approximations and the plot smacks of cliches. Song Ki-hoon bent over the gun when it was pointed at him, he seemed to be so eager to reveal the truth and stop these games, why would he give himself the choice to merge? Also, personally, in my opinion, I would make sure that gg found a recruiter right at the moment where there was a game of rock paper scissors, it would be good if the template of these games broke and would not allow the recruiter to enjoy the suffering of these people. Well, it would have been possible to avoid the story armor at the end of the series, this moment did not really come to me. The first season skillfully controlled the fate of gg, when he played games, he had the same chances to lose as the others, only he could get out by coming up with the idea of licking a cookie or guaranteeing himself victory at the end by earning the trust of that girl in the finale (who, by the way, had a character who doesn't trust anyone at all) or grandpa who felt that he should move on. Anyway, let's see what happens next.
@alekseypoyarkin: I disagree about the camera work. These turns and camera hits look interesting, the camera has become lively and dynamic. And the dynamics of this chase and pursuit series are very becoming. But of course, I don't really like that the picture has turned kind of pink, like in Twin Peaks. It's like a pink haze constantly on the screen. Especially at the end, when there are pink neon lights shining into Ki-hoon's room. Here, of course, you can see the symbolism of cold and warm colors, ala submission and control. But this season it looks very deliberate. In 1m, the picture was more natural
@Nonelementary: Oh, well, I don't know, if you look further there, the operator will generally walk around with a phone in his hands and move away from the actors to let them pass, I can't assess this as liveliness and dynamism
You open the series, and there are a hundred comments from two years ago. Amazing mayshouse, I thought we were so actively discussing the series.
A cheerful start, a tense episode came out. Gong Yoo is good, he played well in all the games, huh. Obviously, the cop and Ki Hong will join forces, hopefully it won't take half a season.
a powerful beginning. The chases in the first half of the series looked very cheerful. it was very difficult for the last 20 minutes, I paused, I wanted to rewind and quickly see who would kill and who would be killed , I felt everything very much, I was worried. The actors and everyone who worked on the set are just geniuses.
@Sayonara_Nirvana: after a couple of remarks, I realized that I had to watch in Korean. It would be better if Netflix didn't do the dubbing than to do it this way.
@Sayonara_Nirvana: instead of Pythagoras, some Israeli studio is now (sort of) recording, and the quality is immediately noticeably worse (But there are Zaitsev and suddenly a Rehearsal in the cast, it will be funny to hear them
@Sayonara_Nirvana: personally, I'll wait another week, maybe TVshows will do the dubbing. Their 1st season was great. Or Lost Ones. And in the official dubbing, Ki-hoon is just voiced by some schoolboy with a gentle voice. Well, this is the PSDC, comrades...) So you have to try to hide it on purpose. It would have been better if Kutsenko had been called. How can you take on the role of a 50-year-old broken man, some young man who is 30 years younger than him — and this is clearly audible in his voice? Just a tin can. I'm not talking about acting anymore.
@an4nass: Koreans do not age and can quite convincingly play their characters at school in doramas in flashbacks at the age of 30-40. what a saving on caste!
Gong Yu, surprisingly, plays the abnormal very well, he can try out for a maniac calmly. I only remember him from his role as Tokkabi, Kanesh's strong difference 😄
Also, by the way, it seems that the season will not be full-fledged and will end in the middle of the games of the 7 episodes in the season + events are not in a hurry.
@Sayonara_Nirvana: The finale will be in season 3. It was in the news. The third one will be released in 2025)) It's not that long to wait, relatively. The second one will be more rocking and getting to know the characters.
Yes, the first episode is very cheerful and fascinating. Unless the only thing that slightly reduces the degree of tension is the previously announced third season).
@Hidji: by the way, I tried dubbing instead of the chosen voice acting... In any case, do not watch with him!!! The people above are right, it's terrible😅
So I and many others have been waiting for the release of this top series. The series is just interesting, wrapped up and showed the most intriguing. Ki-hoon's search has borne fruit, although I thought he would not be found in episode 1. Even the recruiter turned up the heat and lit up the series with his roulette game. The series finale was intriguing, and it kept me in suspense until the last moment, thinking that it wouldn't work or that something would be different, but everything turned out to be much more interesting.
Apparently, as many people say, I also assume that the season will be stretched into 2 parts, and I will have to wait for the release again, which is disappointing, since I wanted to watch everything from beginning to end, and not wait any longer. But I think it's going to be very cool and interesting anyway, and I hope they'll surprise us and make us worry.
@Hidji: interesting gifts for the new year have gone, not the most festive, but okay, don't look a gift squid in the mouth (if the squid has them. Not)
@Vasiys: because postproduction does not take one day, but many months. And this is not charity, they need to sell as profitably as possible and keep people subscribed.
@Eнoтиk: This idiot (the one to whom I am writing the answer) spoils the finale of the second season. He'll just write a comment on the wrong episode because of his stupidity. Not to the final one, but to the previous one. Instead of apologizing, he will reply that all the stupid and comments should be read after the end of the series. No need to like him. Better yet, help him get off myshows with dislikes and not spoil people's viewing of their favorite TV shows.
I wanted to immediately watch the games and trials like in the first season, but so far they are being dragged into a new plot , so far it looks like the movie "Blind Man's Buff" in Korean. 🤣
My mathematical calculations, during the final scene, about which shot the bullet is on. Although, according to the laws of cinema, the outcome was obvious.
The actor of the player finder is just great. The transitions from a sweet smile with kind eyes to the look of an absolute maniac are excellent. And GG has matured. I'm happy for the cop too, if he died, it would be an incredibly waste of time for his line in the first season. But I still miss the dude who's my mom's friend's son.
They stupidly leaked a charismatic recruiter. I immediately realized that he would commit the RCN as soon as he started suffering bullshit in front of hundreds of homeless people.
The picture and the soundtrack are top, but this banality with edgy villains (who shoot themselves at the fan) is disappointing.
Yeah, thanks to the hundreds of commenters with unnecessary writing. Not with all my heart, of course. I don't understand this joke of writing where nothing has even come out yet...
But come on, the first episode is so-so, to be honest, compared to the first episode of the first season. More calm, measured. And where is the famous music screensaver?
Well, that's a good start. In some places, of course, there is a specific Korean humor associated with the moneylender's gang, but otherwise everything is fine (by the way, it is strange that the moneylender did not immediately arrange a general meeting for everyone when they found out who they were looking for - except that greed can be explained). We arranged a full-length Buckshot Roulette for a deer hunter. Kon Yu -mega is good in the episode. It's even a pity that they took it out. Yes, I've learned the new version of rock, paper, scissors
We've finally waited. The beginning of the season is very cool🙂 a very interesting version of the rock-paper-scissors game😅 The ending with "Russian roulette" turned out to be very tense.
I remind you that during the first episode of the first season, we managed to introduce several characters at once, send them to the first game, and vote for returning home. The tempo is clearly slower here, and the only thing that intrigues me is the scene with the choice between a pie and a lottery ticket (and a fun way to play rock-paper-scissors using two hands). I'll keep watching, but the first episode is still not very catchy.
The first half of the episode is quite drawn out, the second is dynamic and tense. The recruiter is scary, but it’s a pity that his story ended, I thought he would show himself differently in this story. Song Kihoon has become stronger, I like him more in this form. You worry about him more, as if (or we just got used to him after the first season). I will continue watching.
I liked the series. Especially Russian roulette with two clunkers. I've already bitten my nails from exertion😅 The actor who invites me into the game is simply incredible 😍
I'm glad the cop guy survived. I don't understand Seo Ki-hoon. Instead of a long-awaited meeting with his daughter, instead of a gift to her, instead of a rich and prosperous life, he chose to chase a certain secret organization of games. For what? How will he stop these games alone? Oh well, he has his own war.
Otherwise, there would be no season 2. I hope the pace and development of the plot will continue in other episodes.
I liked the moment with the homeless.. how sad it is when you are given a chance to eat here and now (which is vital in this situation) and you choose easy money..
@Denismikheev: Thanks guys) finally, two sensible comments on this scene. Otherwise, the ludomaniacs in the comments only talk about some lottery chances and sympathize with those homeless people.
@MargoRose: I'll explain, unfortunately, because usually the first episode should be good, encouraging to watch , but the climax should be the finale . Immediately, the first episode came out interesting, which cannot be said about the season as a whole:(
@lamur: Where's the spoiler? a subjective opinion? Did I reveal the plot details? how will the characters behave? Did you write what will happen in the finale? I only remember this episode, I wanted to write an emotional comment.
@MargoRose: You've broken the expectations of the new season. I'm watching the third episode. I'm getting high. I hope you were upset by the large number of episodes. But it's unpleasant anyway.
@lamur: don't read the comments, of course they can be negative . In general, it's strange that one comment per sentence, which literally does not spoilerize anything, can break your anticipation of watching, and then one positive comment can restore your mood? hd
Anyway, it's good that you like it and it's interesting when people can have different opinions.
@MargoRose: That's right, I read and write comments to share my opinion from watching without the indirect influence of other episodes, especially if it concerns recent series. I suppose there may be spoilers, but I think it's necessary to ask you to refrain from them.
@MargoRose: This is called an emotional spoiler. When a person writes about their impressions in the context of the rest of the series, which logically no one has seen yet, since we are on the current page. Thus, you destroy the surprise and intrigue for others, that's all.
up to the moment of the roulette, everything was quite delayed, but you can put it down to overclocking) everything was obvious on the roulette itself, because if you watch the trailer, the outcome is clear there of course, it's better not to watch the trailers, so as not to know some points in advance , but in any case it was tense, it was unclear at what point everything would end this season logically at a slower pace, the scriptwriters can also be understood, in the first season we learned all the information together with the players, and now we need to immerse ourselves in a new I definitely want to watch the plot with the background ))
The VIPs got fucked up with comments before the release. And now the questions: Was there a moment with the airport in the first season, or will it be shown later? What does an invite from the subway have in common with a girl with a business card at the hospital?
@e46owner: the airport moment was at the end of season 1 . 456 was already boarding a plane when he saw the invitee and changed his mind about flying He even seemed to be getting on the plane, and then he turned around and went back.
@e46owner: I suspect that the girl was also invited to the subway, she was just looking at the business card when she was sitting in line for an appointment. Perhaps she was calling 333 at the time, and since he had dropped the call, she took out a business card and decided to participate in order to provide for the child, so she left without waiting for an appointment at the appointed meeting place.
I don't know, something's wrong. So far, only the actors' performance is pleasing, and the fact that the most charismatic was cut out. It surprises me that someone thought that a policeman would die. Well, firstly, his line with his brother is absolutely not disclosed there, and secondly, such a man would never have been killed so quickly.
Koreans are able to shoot and keep in suspense, I'm glad that there are no stupid unnecessary conversations anywhere (I'm writing this because I'm watching from the outside at the same time), you don't even notice how the series flies by very quickly. The boss did a nice thing, but did the other one survive?.. And I wonder why "zozy from the subway" decided to play, he didn't think he could lose. In any case, the actor played very well (no wonder he is one of the best actors in Korea). How interesting will the policeman be involved here, maybe they will be on the team with GG?
@Eras: as I understand it, the Recruiter expected Kihun to get scared. Well, or in case of conflict, he will shoot / pick up Kihun himself. And Kihun took him on the principle that if you're such a stickler for games, then play by the rules to the end and accept the loss. So he took it in the temple. They are addicted to games, for the Manager, too, the game is above all, even the family, mother and brother, and there is no life beyond the games. The main thing here is to observe the principle
@Eras: when a man shoots his father without hesitation, then after that he is no longer a man, fuck, he is a beast, fuck!!1 That's why the barker went crazy, he got involved in a deadly game for the sake of principles.
When you watch doramas for years, the issue of voice acting has long been resolved - only Softbox ... yes, the Squid was voiced by Aconya and the intern, but it's still a hundred times more beautiful than dubbing ... While everyone is singing defirambs, I'm chasing what he deserves, of course, I'm just glad Shivan appeared)) It is expected that the hero of Hajun survived, I hope that there will be no further strong pull..
@10anya_d: So there is also LE-Production, which, before Softbox, fully voiced the entire season and quite qualitatively. It's an order of magnitude better than dubbing. And tomorrow, the rest of the normal studios will catch up.
It's very cool, but oddly enough, it feels like I'm watching a different series. The atmosphere is not the same, I'm waiting for the return to the island and the green suits.🥹😇
In some places, the series looks like a comedy without jokes: some ridiculous discussions and reactions to what is happening from tough bandits who were dealing with debts, like clowns, and not serious people, watching from around the corner and slightly hiding behind a newspaper, a meter from the object of observation. At the same time, I liked the scenes with the policeman and the game of Russian roulette. The dubbing is just disgusting. I hope it gets better.
I don't quite understand why everyone is so excited about playing the recruiter actor. Vibes shooting the trends of 2021 in TT to the sound of "How to play a psychopath" boy. at the moment with a gun in my mouth, I completely cringed from overplaying...
@-Damons__blood-: Well, it's a Korean acting school. They all have emotions written on their foreheads. It will do for Korea, although the same Kihun plays thinner
How annoying it is when you come to discuss the series, but in every first episode of any series there are comments a year or even 2 before the release
@Mercer_Vortex: I am especially infuriated by the comments with dozens of posters, which are still like a giant canvas on a full screen. Personally, I don't come here to look at the pictures, but to read the discussion of the series. They would have made at least miniature pictures, by God, it was just too much
I finally scrolled through this wall of last year's and fresh comments) Well, that's what I want to say! We've been waiting! Yes, the plot goes the other way, which is generally normal, otherwise critics would have been bombed for being secondary. Now there will most likely be a detective line and another game will take place in parallel in the background. We are already getting a teaser of her new players.
I really don't want GG to voluntarily participate in a new game according to the law of the genre, in order to reach out to the organizers, it would be too hackneyed a move.
Well, I was surprisingly pleased with Russian roulette, I'm not familiar with Korean idols, but the actor " the dog " played well)
How amazing it was, so easy in one go! Gi Hong has matured noticeably. There was such a slug in the first season, cowardly and weak-willed - and that's what it is now, just an incredible metamorphosis! I really like looking at him now! Gong Yu is insane! In a good way. The scene in the park very clearly showed how people who do not have a chickadee in their hands rush at a crane in the sky. Only one showed his sanity and took a bun. But trampled bread is still a pity... And people, but the people themselves are to blame, and the buns have nothing to do with it... The Russian roulette scene is beyond creepy. How vividly the madness and acceptance of the end was reflected on Gong Yu's face when the gun in Gi Hoon's hands did not fire for the fifth time ... Crazy charisma. I'm very happy for the policeman, but I'm not surprised. How does an actor manage to embody different characters? Here in "I don't hear evil" he played the maniac of the beaten one - it gave me the creeps, but here he is quite a pleasant positive character. After all, Koreans are ahead of the rest of the planet in the ability to shoot efficiently and accurately. I'm going to watch the second episode today, but the first one is amazing!
Rock, scissors, paper got my fucking nerves all worked up, right up to goosebumps, I think the best moment of the series. And they showed so well the impossibility of choice when there is one, just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA welcome back, Squid!!!
@PichiL: like all VFI voiceovers from Netlfix, alas ("Hand luggage", "Black pigeons" from those that I watched last). It's good that dubbing has returned to Netlfix, but its quality is just terrible, as if some kind of amateur dubbing. And the voices don't fit and the intonations don't fit.
Damn, I almost missed it, I usually know about the upcoming release in a couple of weeks, and then I just noticed how it appeared on the watch list on myshous! Class series, 3 games at once! I especially liked the Russian roulette game called time to say goodbye by Sarah Brightman. We said goodbye.))
Wisdom from Captain Pak: "The weather is good - there are fish. The weather is bad - there is alcohol. I would add that the weather is good - there is fish, there is alcohol, and I don't want to return home from fishing. )))
The series finale is good, intense. Although you know that gg can't fly off in the very first episode, it's still exciting. That crazy look of Kong Yu ❤️
The fact that the new season has been released is encouraging, but it's hard not to find fault with the plot oddities: has g just been watching the subway stations for 2 years and looking for a recruiter? In the real world, for such a secret game, cities and recruitment methods would most likely change, especially considering that the recruiter admitted that he had been working there for a lot of years and had been acting the same way all these years? And what, only one recruiter recruits all 500 people? Or is this his personal way, and the rest are just looking for victims near the microloan points and not worrying? Besides, is it completely pointless to interview people and then just sit and wait for him to show up? You could have gone through all the camera footage and figured out if this dude showed up at all or not, and if so, at what time, on what days, and ambushed him. Plus, the person in the park approached 100 homeless people, even if he spent only 1 minute on it + take into account the time to buy rolls and tickets - an adventure for at least 2 hours. Song Ki-hoon didn't manage to get to the park in those 2 hours? I looked at the size and length of Seoul, and it's not that big - from where he drove there for so long, judging by the moments shown, there were no traffic jams at all.
In short, there are many different moments to heighten the atmosphere and enhance the sense of complexity of what is happening, but if you think about it, it's all a little absurd and silly.
In general, it's still interesting to watch, but at times there was a feeling of a slight inflating of the timekeeping for some strange dialogues and gags.
Why do they say that money spoils a person? Ki-hoon has transformed, unlike ludoman from season 1. He was neat, he did his own business, and he provided so many people with income.
It's cool, but traditionally everyone is dumb. 456 he's been looking for a recruiter for two years, spending a lot of money and man-hours, without agreeing on what anyone will do when they find him or what plan to follow - we just call "ahhh, we found him! Hooray, I'm on my way." Then there's this roulette game at the end-what's the point of agreeing to it if, in the best-case scenario, the recruiter dies and all ends have to be searched for anew? At least I could get some information.
I apologize a thousand times, it cannot be denied that the series has left a huge mark on culture (various collages, references in films / series, a ton of merch), yes, there have already been similar projects to one degree or another, but only this one has gained such popularity, a juicy picture, cruel to some extent and far from a typical plot, interesting characters. But just "put a class 👍" if you are also willing to give a fortune, you will also pile three piles on your and your child's carefree future without the need for constant search for a livelihood, and all for the sake of the great mission of ridding the world of such injustice and wild animal cruelty. To fly "on eggs" to rich daddies and destroy them along with a fucking secret and large-scale project. I liked the series until the last episode of the first season, until they started making Marty Sue out of the main character, let's say his roof is leaking because of the "Vietnamese flashbacks" that naturally appeared after a traumatic experience, but if his flask is leaking, why is answering the question: "Why is he doing this?" All that comes to mind is that he is a hero to the top of the hole, a fighter for justice. You can compare him to Batman, he's also a superhero with childhood trauma, but he fights mutants and people with abilities, like… This cannot be compared, it's just different lore. Everything is clear with the cop, he swore an oath to serve and protect, sincerely believes in rights and freedoms, and he didn't get any money on the island, but only hot lead in his shoulder, it's a sad story, everything is clear. But I don't understand it at all, in my opinion it's not logical / realistic, Marty Sue's decisions are stupid, but this is just my view of the series, of course there can be any plot decision by the creators, if I were so smart and a*uenno, I would shoot my films and series, and not write comments. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by my opinion, which differs from yours. To all Rakhmet, happy New Year
@WarFox: Well, at least the cop has a plausible motivation that you believe: the man found his brother, and Ki-hoon's character has been really poorly prescribed so far, and not in terms of the stupidity of the goal itself, but the way he talks about it.
@shapkanevedimka: I felt chosen. I'm tired of burning money at the races, but here I'm lucky, I've become the owner of knowledge that I want to share with the world)
Everything is very long, I liked the recruiter, but it was so stupidly leaked, it's a pity that the line with these gangsters who follow the person so palevno, as if they were doing it for the first time, does not compare with the 1st episode of the 1st season at all, they pumped up something
Although the series was quite boring, the beginning of the season was not bad, they introduced most of the characters, so to speak, but somehow it was dreary and it took a long time. The recruiter was also killed in an uninteresting way, I thought it would be more fun.…
Бро думал, что он корейский Мориарти, но просчитался ХД (но отыграл на отличный, прямо такой долбанутый анимешный злодей со своей предысторией и взглядом на мир)
Как же я соскучился по сериалу, час на одном дыхании. Сезон короче предыдущего, наверное, потому, что это будет как бы половина (раз третий последний). Тем более первая серия прошла, а еще даже игры не начались.
What about without Gong Yu now? Huh? It's like something's missing from the show, it feels like. I don't understand what's wrong yet, but I hope it will come back. And also, shame on me, I confused Han Joon with another actor. The only thing that excuses me is that they're both handsome and they always act well... but no, nothing excuses me)
I really liked the scene with Kong Yu's character, although it's no surprise, it's Kong Yu. With his charisma, he will decorate even 5 minutes of screen time by 100%. I'm glad that Chun Ho now says more than one phrase per episode :) There's nothing more to say so far.
The first series is naturally introductory, but generally normal. I'm watching it out of some kind of nostalgia more than interest) Although it's intriguing what they've come up with.
Crimson hair gg is still a cringe) he's a jerk) I take it he spends all his money on search and revenge? No, to help the families of his dead friends, the same Ali, who has a wife and child left.. fucked up your child.. The beginning is very good, cheerful, not boring. It is clearly visible that the budget of the series has grown) if compared with the first episode of the first season, the difference is clearly visible.
The first season at the peak of its popularity didn't get me hooked, but I decided to watch the sequel anyway. Maybe I'll like it so much that I'll go review it all over again. But I won't build any expectations for this project yet.
GG does not behave consistently. Indeed, he could have cut out this chip a long time ago and run away with millions in his hands. To live the rest of his life enjoying it, but he chose the path of revenge. On the one hand, it's hard to understand him, but on the other, given everything he's been through, it's hard to say how the other person would have changed and which way his cuckoo would have gone.
I'm glad there's one less psycho in the messenger, but somewhere deep in my heart I wanted to meet him again in the story and watch his magnetic madness. There is some charm in it.
Мне нравится как тут показали продолжение истории, ведь вроде как по сюжету и прошло 3 года, но разрыв так сильно не ощущается (как это бывает в некоторых сериалах между сезонами). Тут как-то всё последовательно чтоли продолжилось - и Ги-Хун со своей виной выжившего, ПТСР и навязчивым стремлением выследить вербовщика, и детектив ставший ДПСником и плавающий в поисках острова, а также новый солдат ▲ (в лице северянки аниматорши). Да и вообще органично они вводят новых персонажей в сюжет и по чуть-чуть добавляют факты к истории уже старых, постепенно раскрывая вселенную сериала
The beginning is powerful! Tense! I waited until the last moment for that policeman to break in and they would catch that bastard. Speaking of the bastard, the actor powerfully played a maniac. Besides, he's very cute. 🤭
Damn, to be honest, I had goosebumps in the final part of the series. The beginning is very cool. It's a pity for the gentleman (I don't remember his name) who decided not to remove one hand during the game. I'm going to watch the second episode.
I'm still skeptical about the second season. But I hope it will be cheerful and interesting. The actors are great, I'm used to seeing Kon Yu in the image of a kind man, but here is such a psychopath) it was interesting to see it
Kapeyets, there were goosebumps when we played Russian roulette 😬😬😬 A lot of people were tense, just like me.🫨🤯 I'm glad that the policeman is alive, though I didn't immediately remember him.
It's a good start, gradually introducing new charismatic characters, while paying attention to the old ones. Song Ki-hoon appears to be a completely different person — more mature and profoundly changed. Its development is interesting to watch.
Everyone is suffering so much because of the recruiter's self-intoxication..but in theory, his character would not have been shown later, was that the case in the first season?He recruited people and disappeared from the frame.
Thank God Song ki-hoon got a normal hairstyle, or else he was crimson and orange...And he looks great anyway, isn't he over 50 already? It must be Korean genetics or Korean plastic surgery. The series is a bit boring, but I'll keep watching on principle. I don't see any point in commenting on the plot, dialogues, and actions of the characters. Do you just accept it all and watch it, or don't you watch it
This guy, who invites you to participate in deadly games, strongly reminds me of the G-man from the Half-Life series of games. In addition to the style of clothing and the diplomat, the physique is also the same cunningly made. It's a pity that it's already been leaked.
It's a great series. That's why I love Korean cinema in general, it's the way they approach storytelling and story in general - practically any movie (TV series) of any genre turns into a thriller.
In general, the first two episodes were a thrill to watch.)
They'll let me go again, but I'll say it anyway: KIHUN is a DISGRACE and the whole series is turning into a circus with horses because of him.
Moreover, there is no intrigue in the roulette scene by default (well, okay, he will die, and then what? will the cop be looking for yesterday's remaining six episodes?), so this clown also gives out pathos for seven. "I survived and I'm not afraid of anything anymore, and you're an errand boy, my brother in Christ, you just licked the cookie, and your victory is the merit of others players who either suffered shit and died, or you, an insignificant motherfucker, were pitied. it is impossible to take seriously a person who has been on the verge of death several times, and then decided to dye his hair red.
@kibergnida: but at the same time, the actor plays great)))) and the fact that you didn't like how the character or the dialogues of the film were written - well, that's it.
although I generally agree with the thesis about roulette. They say the series should be continued, but if you don't perceive it as a series, but perceive it as the story of a character and don't know how his fate will turn out, i.e. it's trite to believe completely that this reality from the film is just the life of GG, then voila: the roulette scene is a perfectly played scene with " pumping An atmosphere with pathos? Yes. BUT the pathos was from the two characters, and both actors did a great job in my opinion.
@Finn_The_Human: Just playing well is not always enough. I'm not arguing, the cast is great and everything is in its place, but the main character here is so pale against the background of secondary characters that it makes what is happening almost half as significant. in order for a character to be supported, he has to cling to something, not necessarily like it, but he needs a trait that will make the viewer worry about him; kihun is the stupid engine of the plot, which will kick back and fine.
@kibergnida: there's an agreement by the way. In the first season, the trait was: poor (read the poorest), dishonest, but a good man. ))))) - but in fact, it's not a very bright feature for GG))))
In season two, there's probably a trait like this: a man obsessed with revenge and a sense of justice. - it's not very bright either.
and yes, I don't see any point in arguing with the comment above at all))) In general, the GG here is really, for the most part, the engine of the plot, but the actor plays it perfectly))) In the Third or 4th episode, where he has an emotional breakdown - right ah))) and by the way, in my opinion, the actor tuned in a little faster to act out than he had to on stage))))) - you will understand when you see)))
Not. Did you really like it? Such boredom. Why such a long uninteresting buildup? And the acting... Maybe they clapped their faces the same way in the first season, I don't remember, but it's some kind of crap. Have you seen that briefcase fight and the jumping cops? Not. It's all very bad so far.
Wow. They've got a director and screenwriters, cool. In terms of production, this episode is 3 heads above the entire first season. Well, I hope that the whole season is not worse.
.. And didn't the homeless people snatch up the crushed bread in bags? Not to mention that only one chose the food, not the lottery ticket. Some homeless people who have eaten too much in Korea!
@PianoOnTheLake: Aren't you ashamed, people are already in big trouble, but their humiliation is not enough for you, they are not pigeons to eat from the ground, where is your compassion for people?
@PianoOnTheLake: At first, the homeless were reproached for not wanting to eat from the ground, and when you were shamed for it, you start calling names. Well, well. I remember you, you're good, it would be better to apologize to the homeless of Korea, they don't deserve your reproaches.
The series is quite good. There is a calm beginning where you feel like you've been spending two years in this kind of pastime for expectations and searches, and a psycho who's trying to get out of ordinary human doubts by conducting his experiments in the park and with a couple of bandits, and the tension associated with at least one game of Russian roulette, where someone you have to make a sacrifice, and the second game shows a completely different attitude of people towards themselves.
Wow, I've already gotten used to the emotional acting of Koreans. Sometimes even too emotional. Like in a theater. The main actor, by the way, plays more restrained, a little thinner. I wonder if they don't think he's underplaying in Korea?
The first episode is nothing. But somehow there are not enough events, I hope they will accelerate further.
Respect for sledak dudes. We caught the recruiter, tracked him to the park, grazed there for an hour or more, then chased him in a taxi, again without losing sight of him. We fucked up only at the very end, when we decided to come out in the open. Well, that's all, finita la comedy. And the audience got a very spectacular scene with Russian roulette.
I also remember the episode between Gi-hoon and the recruiter. It's clear that gg would have survived, there's not even an intrigue here, but it's still fun. The actors played well. The only thing I disagree with is In the first season, he suffered from bullshit for the most part and survived not because of his qualities, but stupidly by luck.
Oh, there's so much Gong Yu in one episode! And he died right there... I thought if there was anyone you couldn't get attached to, it was the players, but here it is. I'm glad the policeman didn't die. After all, I watched the first season almost for him.
So, we need to digest the fact that they got rid of Gong Yu in the first episode 👀 Unexpectedly! I thought games with new players would start with the first episode... but there aren't any
Interestingly, a billion won (69.5 million rubles) Is that a lot for Korea? Or is there a studio in Seoul in the center next to the subway that much?
It was unusual to see gg getting involved with the mafia. But after watching two episodes, it feels like neither he himself had a plan, nor the scriptwriters, how to stop the game.
It's a pity the courier was quickly taken out, a charismatic character. With buns, apparently, purely his personal entertainment for self-affirmation.
@driveshaft: the center of Seoul is cheaper than the center of Moscow in terms of real estate, so you can draw conclusions))). In general, for Koreans, this amount is about the same as for us, give or take. Some are more expensive, some are cheaper, but in general it doesn't matter if you're not from the money-wasting elite or the majors.
The good thing is that the beginning of the season does not require reviewing the first one. I liked the bun or lottery theme (although it's not very clear why the recruiter did it). It's fun with the intersection of a policeman and a protagonist. And as a whole, as a tie-in series, it turned out well.
@deadtobefree: It's better to have a bird in your hand than a crane in the sky& those who don't take risks don't drink champagne - an eternal dilemma that's fun to watch in action.
@PinochetM: Not really. I understand the essence of his actions. I mean, what are they for. Not within the framework of what is being shown to the viewer, but within the framework of, let's say, lore and the plot. That is, why in the world of the series did the recruiter perform this performance? For those two? Did he already know he was being followed? But it's also not very clear to them as a show.
@deadtobefree: for personal pleasure, it's a part of his life. There are people who humiliate the homeless by increasing their personal well-being, he humiliates them in a way that is difficult to refuse, even in a dangerous situation. Dependence on certain emotions + a special thrill from risking your life (the moment with Russian roulette)
@PinochetM: mmm... Quite. Revealing the character as an antisocial narcissist. It goes along with his words about trash during roulette. Thank you, I didn't think about this moment in that way.
@PinochetM: here I came across a theory (or was it specifically stated by the creator of the series) that this event was not a manifestation of the negative side of the character, but on the contrary. That he hoped the people at the bottom were better than he thought they were. This is why there is such an emotional trampling of bread in the park and playing roulette to the end.
@deadtobefree: but it seems to me that he really wants to have the same power as the creators of the game. And in order to increase his importance, he arranges such games with people who have nothing. Because in their eyes, he is a man who can somehow help them change their lives, even if with a slim chance. Moreover, he was told that he was just a six. And it seems to me that he is aware of this, compared to the scale of his superiors. And the narcissist, moreover, he is a psychopath, he needs to satisfy his needs. Purely my thought on this.
The series is beautiful. I burst into tears from the scene with the self-sacrifice of a man in Russian roulette. And how beautiful Gong Yu is, I'm on my knees.
The whole first season didn't keep me anywhere near as tense as the final roulette scene, and this despite the fact that it's clear from pure logic who gets the bullet)
I didn't get it, what was the point of all this fuss about roulette? We just played, and if he had died at roulette, there would have been no point in spending time looking for him at all.
Oh, how I missed this series) The courier is an awesome, bright, memorable character who was interesting to watch, now it's a pity that he won't be in further episodes) The actor played his role superbly) Playing Russian roulette is the real madness) It's impossible to imagine what people who play it are going through, it was scary to look at even that😄
С большим скепсисом начинал второй сезон "Игры в кальмара", так как первый я оценил на крепкую четверку — не выше. К тому же, продолжение снимали без моей любимки Чо Хоён, да и отзывы не внушали доверия.
Опасения были напрасны. Зубодробительный экшн, сильный саспенс, хорошо прописанные новые герои — вхождение в ту же воду явно удалось. С нетерпением жду финального раунда летом и готов признать: великий сериал.
Surprisingly, I liked the beginning, even though I didn't expect much from the second season. It usually happens that after the first successful one, the second one will be lame. I haven't seen anything like this yet. I like.
How has Song Ki Hoon changed compared to the first season! There was so much despair, rage and sadness in him((( the roulette game was very nervous, I was glad that the cop survived ))
Dying on the last shot in Russian roulette under A. Bocelli is beautiful, damn it. So far, everything is cool. I thought the policeman would come out. Predictable. Will dig with gg
In general, it is strange that this whole company, which organizes games and, obviously, is not straitened in funds and connections, has not burned down their person/people (for years?) They're looking for you. Although, perhaps, the search for players was conducted for some time in another city or cities. Or maybe everyone was burned, but everything is OK.
What was more striking was that the recruiter played the game to the end. Although... A hopeless life can also get you, he's gone crazy... but in general, Gong Yu 🔥🔥🔥
Russian Roulette in the new version "1 hand" is very intense
But suuuuka, what a disgusting dubbing 🤦♀️ It is absolutely impossible to listen to this 🤪 I'm going to look for a sane voice acting and watch the second episode)))
I have a twofold feeling: on the one hand, of course, I'm watching the continuation of the series for the sake of the next game and the tragic stories of its participants. All this tinsel around the universal conspiracy is just a backdrop for the plot weave. But on the other hand... it was interesting (albeit predictable) to see the characters of last season, and in the end I would like to know what all this mess with the policeman's brother will result in.
A dog's death is a dog's death. But he was wrong, the organizers will never clean up this garbage, because the system itself regularly creates the poor, homeless, unemployed, and so on.
The series sagged in places, but mostly kept me in suspense. It was interesting to learn more about the recruiter and listen to how people like him calm their conscience. I'm waiting for the main character to team up with the policeman, and what it will lead to.
Well, that's a great episode! It's a great picture, I really liked the tempo of the search scenes. It was great to see how the police are happy about the money for the capture of the criminal. And how beautifully it rains, how the sky darkens and the windows in high-rise buildings light up. And those scenes with the boat and the search. Beautiful!
The intrigue is in place. I kept waiting for them to come across the island on the boat)
I didn't quite understand the moment:
Why do the police, who generally know that they are catching a dangerous criminal involved in deadly games, so carelessly run after him together, even with a knife?)) it's really quite simple, like in teen horror movies where the characters first decide to split up in a dark forest)
@Linke_S: it would be a miracle, because he saw, in fact, only the beach and the rocks, and the arena automatically closed in the first episode. There's a tough disguise there, most likely they'll just cooperate with Gihun and go there.
It didn't start very well when he cut out the chip, there are already standards, fake blood, and here it's kind of pink. In general, it's a classic story when a person has won and cannot move on. So he pays the bandits to search, it wouldn't be easier to involve the police in the investigation, they have access to surveillance cameras at the stations and the coverage is much wider than the gopniks and drunks. It's good that the Russian roulette game ended fairly.
The first episode is quite interesting. I thought the cop would be alive. Because it didn't seem to me that the injury was serious, but of course the fall from the cliff. I wonder how the plot will develop further.…
Well, roulette reminded me that I wanted to forget and think only about fun.It's not fair that they appreciate the same actions here that I saw in 2019, but there's either nothing in that series, or I hate what they write and they fucking put so many cons.And with one roulette, 20 years will pass soon, or maybe it has, of course, they don't hide the fact that Russian roulette. Well, that's the law of meanness, when it's about some music or not only about music, I think it's scary to go back to some TV shows.
Ki Hung is really a man of luck or a man of fart)) I think I was more worried about him during this episode than he was about himself! 🤞🏼 The amazing thing about this series is that it lasts from the beginning to the end of the series, in season 1 I had this with absolutely every episode, and it feels the same here. 😬
I don't understand this show-off at the end) it's like they're 10 years old and they're figuring out who's pissed off and who's not) who's the trash, who's the doggie, what the fuck difference does it make?) I would say: I'm trash and the recruiters would shoot me in the face a couple of times and that's it) you might think that something would change from these words) but I'm guaranteed to be alive) I'm not talking about the recruiter at all) crazy)
@xenochka: Regarding Kihun, remember who he was originally in this squid story. He's a gambler. Excitement is his drug. The scene just shows that he remained a ludoman.
An amazing start to the season, intriguing and intense. I'm glad to see Kon Jichul again, participation in this project made me look at the actor differently, I know the actor from the dramas The First Cafe "Prince" and Goblin, but here is a completely different role, what a transformation! A talented man. 🥺😍
It's not bad, considering that I don't remember a damn thing about the first season. I think now they'll rock up and everything will become more or less clear)))
It's a good start, but there's still a significant difference compared to season 1. They added specific humor, silly dialogues, and made the script moves more primitive. In general, it's good that we've diversified, BUT! The illogic in the actions of the characters cuts my eyes and ears. What kind of strange motivation made the recruiter play Russian roulette with GG. and even more so, pull the trigger for the last time. Why did he offer a choice between a cheap piece of bread and a lottery ticket? What did he want to prove and to whom? Is it possible to keep such sick people on staff for such an important and serious job?
All he proved was that people aren't as stupid as he imagines. You need to have the intelligence of a sparrow to choose a piece of bread instead of a ticket. The allegories are all obvious and understandable, but everything looks very clumsy.
I didn't seem to remember the first season very well, only occasional moments, but I watched the first episode of the second season, and it dragged on like in the old days)) I was wondering again what would happen next.
@id88276387: why is it incomprehensible? A vivid example of the fact that most people, even if they are hungry, will choose (not even money) but a chance for luck. The one who took the bun ate it calmly, with gratitude. And those who blew the lottery began to curry favor with the recruiter, saying give them both a ticket and bread, since you don't need it. The recruiter made the right speech. We also have a granny standing there, asking for money for food, and when a kind man gives her not a bill, but drags her to the grocery store and picks up a whole basket of delicious food, she turns up her nose, as if someone had shat under it. Because I wanted money, not groceries.
@fairyfoxxy: how vital... A man in front of the store asked a friend for money for bread. She refused, but after shopping she brought him a loaf. And he threw her away without even waiting for the girl to leave..
Somehow I expected more from the beginning of the season) Probably too much expectation and hype around the series affected. I didn't understand this strange principled attitude of GG and the courier at all. Why was this roulette game needed and the last 2 shots? Why would the courier shoot himself if he liked his job and it would all go on without him? So far, everything is very unclear and not even very interesting compared to season 1.
@id88276387: He grew up playing games, knows no other life, and this life means nothing to him. Therefore, it is Russian roulette that is shown - the price of life is luck, just like in games. All victories in the games are just a matter of chance, not training and knowledge, as, for example, at the Olympic Games, where people have been working 24/7 for years. Of course, someone has great skills in certain games, but this is essentially negligible, especially in group games, where you can only get lucky. Mowgli's children also live inside a social society, for example, in a private house, with negligent parents and live with animals and do not know the other world, even if it is behind a fence, and this one grew up among those who chose their own life / death by voting, the game itself is secondary, as a result of this choice.
How little there was a recruiter in the series, and how much he's missing now. Thanks for the whole episode with this character. It seems like an interesting beginning, but events are developing extremely slowly. The whole game obviously won't fit into 7 episodes.
in Stone Scissors Paper according to game theory, you just need to constantly show both of them only a stone on two hands. the game is in a constant draw, the rules are not broken, the recruiter is broken.
I wonder if during the game of rock, paper, scissors, the boss just felt sorry for the kid and didn't take his hand away, or was he confused by the shock? In fact, I would have left the paper and won.. He just remembered the day before that he was leading his wedding, maybe some fatherly feelings played out.
The recruiter is like this. I'm really glad to see him again, I've liked him since the first season. And they told us quite a bit about his past, which is also encouraging.
How quickly the caller got drunk in the game. It's a bit of a pity, it was a colorful character. Song Gi looks great this season. He was such a sucker in the first one and such a tough guy in this one. The series was a bit long, but by the end it was off. They didn 't wait long for the murders 🔪🔫
How cultured the homeless are in Korea. There's a whole park of them, and they see a guy with a bunch of food and a lottery ticket walking around with huge bags in the open. If only a couple had teamed up, they would have had a chance to hit this dude and take all the food (and tickets). We know that the recruiter probably crucified them, but the homeless hardly know. In general, indecision is a scourge of modern society.
at first it seemed like it was kind of delayed, and then... and then there were 3 games, it was interesting to watch the characters get to know each other and how they manifest themselves in an unfamiliar environment. my top moment, of course, is Russian roulette.
But it seems that such situations are treated through settings.. remove the slider from "consider series without dates released", and then this should not fall into "I'm looking now" 🤷🏼♂️
In some series there are titles that have been released, but the dates are not worth it.
Are you going to watch the new - the second season from the second episode?
Won't you watch the first one?
In addition, according to the director, the audience will get acquainted with the "guy" of the creepy doll from the pilot episode
Not expected of course, but glad to be waiting 😏🙃
Well, if you are not waiting for the new season, then I am waiting for the second
So back in September, the promo video was of the second season
And information about the filming of the second season in 2023, and the premiere in 2024.
Oh the Lord of the Rings is a great movie 🤤🥰🥰🥰
See above, I wrote or rather threw off the picture with all the detailed - necessary - important information
So he said-but as if there would be no new - second season and this is a mini-series with only 1 season finished about the building
The first episode of the new - second season has not yet been added without a date, the release date has not been updated, since here the moderators of the series do not worry about this and wait in 90% of cases just automatic updating of dates from another English site where the information comes from here
Look above, I've thrown off a picture with all the important information
The exact release date has not yet been announced.
Let's say the second season will be built on revenge "game " (although gg is essentially to blame for his troubles). But they've already taken off the third one, I don't understand how the second one will go in. Ambitious. However
The sequel was filmed immediately with the second season
The sequel was filmed immediately with the second season
Great news🌝🌝
I'm looking forward to it, he won't be the most positive character.
At least it should appear from 11 to 12 Moscow time.
Dubbing is something with something. After season 1 with Pythagoras, it's like switching from business class to a cart with square wheels.
I'm glad, of course, that the dubbing was also official - on the day of release, but in the process they either gave it to another studio to duplicate or to another actor, because I just turned on the wrong voices to check, at least the main character has a different voice, I remember it exactly clearly
Who would doubt that a policeman who was shot and fell off a cliff is the most alive of all the living!😏
Secondly, they were scanned offline when they returned to the game after the first round to put on clothes with numbers. Do you think Kihun should have guessed at that moment when he was asleep? Sobek was conscious at the time and could have spied, but even she did not guess about the beacon.
And they didn't scan any more players—at least I don't remember that.
If you're watching so closely, I'm waiting for the episode number and the timecode where Kihun is scanned in his mind, or at least he sees how others are scanned. I don't remember such a moment, but you can convince me.
Only the employees constantly scanned each other, but they did it using masks, since the cop had no tracker and he successfully posed as another mercenary only due to the mask.
it's like watching a movie on a cassette as a child :)
in the last season of the Bridgertons, there was also a similar monotonous dubbing, so it's probably the only way on Netflix now.
There is also the most nondescript voice acting.
The end of the series is also too obvious.
I'm waiting for more unexpected plot twists. It's still normal
As they say, there are two chairs...
actually, I wouldn't blame people who refused bread rolls. A loaf is not a solution to a problem, it's delaying the inevitable. Well, he'll eat today, cool. What about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? I think homeless people pick up some kind of food anyway, maybe they get money. A lottery ticket is naive, but there is no chance of changing the situation for the better at the root.
The second season is underway, and some viewers still haven't been able to grasp this simple thought.
Only hard work is a chance to change the situation for the better.
And lottery, gambling, horse racing, which Ki Hong was fond of in season 1, is just entertainment, not a way to earn money and improve his situation.
People who chose a lottery ticket instead of a piece of bread are hopeless. So they will hope for a miracle while living on the street.
The focus on buns and lottery tickets is not about how homeless people came to live like this. It's about the recruiter. Dragging out a new victim in the subway (the question of what motivates the new participants - the desire for easy money or the deepest despair and hopelessness - is also not worth it), he goes after these rolls. For what? Obviously, this is no longer part of the job, it's, say, his hobby. Note that he doesn't go somewhere in the shopping center where wealthy people are sitting. Why does he come to the homeless? Yes, because they need at least a penny more than anyone, and 100% will reach for a ticket. And for our recruiter, this is an opportunity to find an excuse for his daily actions. He convinces himself that all people are greedy, that they all deserve to die, that it's not for nothing that he recruits the poor and sends them to certain death. This is his ritual of calming his own sinful soul.
By the way, what were the pies with? The homeless are local, which means they've probably already been tried. Maybe there's stray dog meat in there... cats. Hardly anyone would like that.
And with what exactly?) I didn't even speculate about what motivated the recruiter in this scene. This is his inner motivation, I didn't write about it.
I answered the person above about what kind of thought and what kind of signal the scene with the homeless brings to the viewer as a whole.
And about the fact that "people are greedy and therefore deserve to die" — well, there is no such thought in the series. It's not about greed, it's about excitement.
Even if all people are greedy (which they aren't, even according to the characters in the series), not all people are gamblers. Not everyone will humiliate themselves for the sake of profit, not everyone will put their lives on the line for the sake of quick/ easy money. No one is dragged to the games by force. And if you're playing a game where your skin is on the line, then yes, you'll have to die if you lose. It's just following the terms and conditions. And the recruiter also played by the rules, without betraying his principles.
In the scene in the park, he was once again convinced not that everyone is greedy and greedy, but that most people would rather starve (that is, put their lives on the line) for the sake of a ghostly chance to hit the jackpot.
If he had come to ordinary, socially well-off people, then the question of excitement and imaginary benefits would have played with different colors.
After all, not 100% of the homeless showed weakness and chose a ticket. Someone took a bun and did the right thing. He ate, but the others got nothing. This is the outcome of this scene, and the audience should draw the appropriate conclusion.
The homeless status is not "but", it just reinforces my message.
If the recruiter had approached socially well-off people, then the choice in favor of the ticket would have been 100%. For an ordinary person, a loaf from a stranger is of no interest, but here's a ticket — come on, let's try our luck. Only in this case it will be nothing more than entertainment, as it should be. Winning 100 rubles in the lottery is a pleasure. I didn't win, but I don't care. It's not a matter of survival.
And in the case of the homeless, it was a matter of survival and hope for survival. And you can't treat gambling like that, which is what I've been writing about for the third time. And the scene suggests the same conclusion. The casino always wins. One person will win the lottery, because millions will lose. And you will be among those millions. The crane will always be like this in the sky. But the bun was right in my hands and I had to take it.
Just below (in another thread), you called the commenters ludomaniacs who sympathize with the homeless. But in this thread, no one supported gambling, did not justify it, but only explained the choice of a lottery ticket from the perspective of a homeless person. The more vulnerable a person is and the worse their situation is, the more desperate their decisions and actions will be. It's obvious. And one loaf will not save a homeless person from starvation, comparable to the loss of life (I refer to your words above).
The focus and general meaning of the scene is on the Recruiter. The point is in the fleeting hope that he gives and immediately takes away from the homeless. Perhaps many people did not understand, but the 1st episode is partly dedicated to the disclosure of this character. And they didn't just show him trampling on bread rolls - it's an act of self-contempt and self-loathing. The rest is not important here, it is in the background. But again, it's a question of "everyone sees what they want to see."
"Attitude to gambling as such " - is there any point in discussing this already obvious question if it is not worth it here? You can write again that gambling is bad (which is understandable), and I will write to you again (or not anymore) that a completely different issue was discussed here.
P.S. я все ещё считаю, что она нужна была именно для раскрытия персонажа Вербовщика, хотя каждый, как мы видим, может углядеть в ней свой смысл
«I believe that Gong Yoo’s character [the Salesman] is someone who lived a difficult, tough, rock-bottom life, just as much as those that are depicted as the homeless people in the series.»
«And he is someone who is so filled with self-hatred, it is expressed in the hatred he harbours for other humans. And by hating these people, he believes that he is different from them»
Hwang added: «[He is] showing and expressing his hatred for the people who choose lottery tickets instead of bread, almost as if he’s trying to escape his own self-loathing nature»
>>>>It makes sense to discuss this already obvious question at all
Well, I want to and I'm discussing) What does it mean to discuss?) It makes sense to me. These are open comments, no one's permission is required. I answered the person above, and you answered me. Did I go to a forum where a specific topic of conversation is set? I don't think so. Is it obvious to you and there is no point in discussing it? Well, then don't answer me) Talk to someone who wants to discuss the motivation of the characters, but don't drag me into it. I have no questions about motivation.
I went into the comments and saw that some people share the same attitude towards the lottery as a chance for some bright future (and some, lower down, do not share) - and responded to this take. For some reason, you started telling me, the recruiter wanted this, and the homeless wanted that. Yes, I see, thank you. I also watched the episode and listened to the dialogues. If you want to argue about the motivations of the characters, talk to someone else.
Well, that's it.
The series is gorgeous. Thanks, Koreans can. I scanned it in one gulp. I'm going to look further!
The match eye level has been successfully activated
It's really hard to surprise TV shows of this scale twice, especially since the second season is always a test of strength, but I don't stop believing in the best;)
The beginning is intriguing, let's see how events will develop further.😌
Alice originally has a primary source, the manga, which was divided into just two seasons. So they were less likely to screw up :)
The prison is the top one.
but in the manga, it's even cooler due to the fact that none of the main characters are involved in it and you suspect absolutely everyone.
I would add to this list another game in court, where there is sulfuric acid)))
The first episode is incredible. Great start, great pace. They immediately got into the excitement of chasing the Salesman, and the character justified himself - from the rock-paper-scissors -1-hand game to the last incredible dialogue between him and Ki-hoon.
Delightful tension. You can feel the detachment of both characters - both are chasing something that is difficult for others to understand.
Gong Yu drives incredibly fast. Again. Ha Joon, the sun, God, I missed seeing him on the screen.
I really like that the series is so full and measured in events, I don't want to be distracted for a second from what is happening on the screen.
I really hope that this pace will continue until the last episode.
As we all know, the island does not let go.)
This charisma is just something🌪️
It's impossible not to notice it all.
This moment with the surveillance was just comical, of course.
I was also very pleased that Gong Yoo played the psychopathic guest again. I thought at first that he would be replaced.
Something new has arrived for this series - Russian roulette, rock-paper-scissors, a choice of food and a ticket
I can't wait to find out what the games will be like))
I'm surprised about season 3, but apparently they'll reveal everything there.
And is gg really going to win again?
The line with the policeman is also interesting))
stole all the attention on himself, what a talented actor.
Now I want to see him even more in the role of a crazy psychopath. 😩
Gong Yoo is gorgeous as always 🔥 I like the line with him too, now he also offers a bun or a ticket, which is very metaphorical..
A policeman who does not give up hope of finding the island is very encouraging, I believe in him)
I want to get to know all the characters as soon as possible and wait for at least some answers about this universe.
And serious Russian roulette with the soundtrack "Con te partirò" looks amazing!
The messenger is a very strange guy, obviously having problems with his head. The actor played very well, especially in the moment after the 5th attempt, when he realizes that everything is over...
Overall, a very cool start to the season!
Song Ki-hoon bent over the gun when it was pointed at him, he seemed to be so eager to reveal the truth and stop these games, why would he give himself the choice to merge?
Also, personally, in my opinion, I would make sure that gg found a recruiter right at the moment where there was a game of rock paper scissors, it would be good if the template of these games broke and would not allow the recruiter to enjoy the suffering of these people.
Well, it would have been possible to avoid the story armor at the end of the series, this moment did not really come to me. The first season skillfully controlled the fate of gg, when he played games, he had the same chances to lose as the others, only he could get out by coming up with the idea of licking a cookie or guaranteeing himself victory at the end by earning the trust of that girl in the finale (who, by the way, had a character who doesn't trust anyone at all) or grandpa who felt that he should move on.
Anyway, let's see what happens next.
But of course, I don't really like that the picture has turned kind of pink, like in Twin Peaks. It's like a pink haze constantly on the screen. Especially at the end, when there are pink neon lights shining into Ki-hoon's room.
Here, of course, you can see the symbolism of cold and warm colors, ala submission and control. But this season it looks very deliberate. In 1m, the picture was more natural
A cheerful start, a tense episode came out. Gong Yoo is good, he played well in all the games, huh.
Obviously, the cop and Ki Hong will join forces, hopefully it won't take half a season.
gloomy, but what a beautiful scene!
The second season has finally been released. How long we've all been waiting for him. Well, the squid game, give it some heat
The chases in the first half of the series looked very cheerful.
it was very difficult for the last 20 minutes, I paused, I wanted to rewind and quickly see who would kill and who would be killed
, I felt everything very much, I was worried.
The actors and everyone who worked on the set are just geniuses.
And the beginning is fire!
And in the official dubbing, Ki-hoon is just voiced by some schoolboy with a gentle voice.
Well, this is the PSDC, comrades...) So you have to try to hide it on purpose. It would have been better if Kutsenko had been called.
How can you take on the role of a 50-year-old broken man, some young man who is 30 years younger than him — and this is clearly audible in his voice? Just a tin can. I'm not talking about acting anymore.
Gong Yoo is such a crush, I'm blown away that he's 45…
Koreans do not age and can quite convincingly play their characters at school in doramas in flashbacks at the age of 30-40. what a saving on caste!
of course, because by this point they had already done a lot of plastics. All Koreans (or almost all) have surgery, it's not a secret.
of the 7 episodes in the season + events are not in a hurry.
Apparently, as many people say, I also assume that the season will be stretched into 2 parts, and I will have to wait for the release again, which is disappointing, since I wanted to watch everything from beginning to end, and not wait any longer. But I think it's going to be very cool and interesting anyway, and I hope they'll surprise us and make us worry.
Instead of apologizing, he will reply that all the stupid and comments should be read after the end of the series.
No need to like him.
Better yet, help him get off myshows with dislikes and not spoil people's viewing of their favorite TV shows.
I hope there will be enough games.
I join the comments, Gong Yu is simply gorgeous in this episode!
And GG has matured. I'm happy for the cop too, if he died, it would be an incredibly waste of time for his line in the first season.
But I still miss the dude who's my mom's friend's son.
We look further
The picture and the soundtrack are top, but this banality with edgy villains (who shoot themselves at the fan) is disappointing.
But come on, the first episode is so-so, to be honest, compared to the first episode of the first season. More calm, measured.
And where is the famous music screensaver?
The ending is very psychologically intense!!!
And what is the recruiter, ayy, a kind of Joker in acting 🃏
It even kind of started well. 🔫
😁😁 but this last scene rattled my nerves))
The beginning of the season is very cool🙂 a very interesting version of the rock-paper-scissors game😅
The ending with "Russian roulette" turned out to be very tense.
I'm rooting for the cop, just like in the first season. We're waiting, sir
Song Kihoon has become stronger, I like him more in this form. You worry about him more, as if (or we just got used to him after the first season).
I will continue watching.
I'm glad the cop guy survived. I don't understand Seo Ki-hoon. Instead of a long-awaited meeting with his daughter, instead of a gift to her, instead of a rich and prosperous life, he chose to chase a certain secret organization of games. For what? How will he stop these games alone? Oh well, he has his own war.
Otherwise, there would be no season 2.
I hope the pace and development of the plot will continue in other episodes.
I also liked the musical accompaniment.
Otherwise, the ludomaniacs in the comments only talk about some lottery chances and sympathize with those homeless people.
, but the climax should be the finale
. Immediately, the first episode came out interesting, which cannot be said about the season as a whole:(
I only remember this episode, I wanted to write an emotional comment.
. In general, it's strange that one comment per sentence, which literally does not spoilerize anything, can break your anticipation of watching, and then
one positive comment can restore your mood? hd
Anyway, it's good that you like
it and it's interesting when people can have different opinions.
everything was obvious on the roulette itself, because if you watch the trailer, the outcome is clear there
of course, it's better not to watch the trailers, so as not to know some points in advance
, but in any case it was tense, it was unclear at what point everything would end
this season logically at a slower pace, the scriptwriters can also be understood, in the first season we learned all the information together with the players, and now we need to immerse ourselves in a new I definitely want to watch the plot with the background
Was there a moment with the airport in the first season, or will it be shown later?
What does an invite from the subway have in common with a girl with a business card at the hospital?
. 456 was already boarding a plane when he saw the invitee and changed his mind about flying
He even seemed to be getting on the plane, and then he turned around and went back.
Perhaps she was calling 333 at the time, and since he had dropped the call, she took out a business card and decided to participate in order to provide for the child, so she left without waiting for an appointment at the appointed meeting place.
The boss did a nice thing, but did the other one survive?.. And I wonder why "zozy from the subway" decided to play, he didn't think he could lose. In any case, the actor played very well (no wonder he is one of the best actors in Korea).
How interesting will the policeman be involved here, maybe they will be on the team with GG?
They are addicted to games, for the Manager, too, the game is above all, even the family, mother and brother, and there is no life beyond the games. The main thing here is to observe the principle
While everyone is singing defirambs, I'm chasing what he deserves, of course, I'm just glad Shivan appeared)) It is expected that the hero of Hajun survived, I hope that there will be no further strong pull..
The dubbing is just disgusting.
I hope it gets better.
They would have made at least miniature pictures, by God, it was just too much
A cheerful start, at the level of
Well, that's what I want to say! We've been waiting!
Yes, the plot goes the other way, which is generally normal, otherwise critics would have been bombed for being secondary. Now there will most likely be a detective line and another game will take place in parallel in the background. We are already getting a teaser of her new players.
I really don't want GG to voluntarily participate in a new game according to the law of the genre, in order to reach out to the organizers, it would be too hackneyed a move.
Well, I was surprisingly pleased with Russian roulette, I'm not familiar with Korean idols, but the actor " the dog " played well)
Gi Hong has matured noticeably. There was such a slug in the first season, cowardly and weak-willed - and that's what it is now, just an incredible metamorphosis! I really like looking at him now!
Gong Yu is insane! In a good way. The scene in the park very clearly showed how people who do not have a chickadee in their hands rush at a crane in the sky. Only one showed his sanity and took a bun. But trampled bread is still a pity... And people, but the people themselves are to blame, and the buns have nothing to do with it... The Russian roulette scene is beyond creepy. How vividly the madness and acceptance of the end was reflected on Gong Yu's face when the gun in Gi Hoon's hands did not fire for the fifth time ... Crazy charisma.
I'm very happy for the policeman, but I'm not surprised. How does an actor manage to embody different characters? Here in "I don't hear evil" he played the maniac of the beaten one - it gave me the creeps, but here he is quite a pleasant positive character. After all, Koreans are ahead of the rest of the planet in the ability to shoot efficiently and accurately. I'm going to watch the second episode today, but the first one is amazing!
Class series, 3 games at once!
I especially liked the Russian roulette game called time to say goodbye by Sarah Brightman.
We said goodbye.))
"The weather is good - there are fish. The weather is bad - there is alcohol. I would add that the weather is good - there is fish, there is alcohol, and I don't want to return home from fishing. )))
a very cool actor playing a recruiter. He's playing the psycho really well .
I also remember reading comments by the first season of the rummaging for the drama that they put a superstar on a cameo recruiter)
And what, only one recruiter recruits all 500 people? Or is this his personal way, and the rest are just looking for victims near the microloan points and not worrying?
Besides, is it completely pointless to interview people and then just sit and wait for him to show up? You could have gone through all the camera footage and figured out if this dude showed up at all or not, and if so, at what time, on what days, and ambushed him.
Plus, the person in the park approached 100 homeless people, even if he spent only 1 minute on it + take into account the time to buy rolls and tickets - an adventure for at least 2 hours. Song Ki-hoon didn't manage to get to the park in those 2 hours? I looked at the size and length of Seoul, and it's not that big - from where he drove there for so long, judging by the moments shown, there were no traffic jams at all.
In short, there are many different moments to heighten the atmosphere and enhance the sense of complexity of what is happening, but if you think about it, it's all a little absurd and silly.
In general, it's still interesting to watch, but at times there was a feeling of a slight inflating of the timekeeping for some strange dialogues and gags.
I like everything so far)
I want to develop a little faster
(но отыграл на отличный, прямо такой долбанутый анимешный злодей со своей предысторией и взглядом на мир)
Как же я соскучился по сериалу, час на одном дыхании. Сезон короче предыдущего, наверное, потому, что это будет как бы половина (раз третий последний). Тем более первая серия прошла, а еще даже игры не начались.
It's like something's missing from the show, it feels like. I don't understand what's wrong yet, but I hope it will come back.
And also, shame on me, I confused Han Joon with another actor. The only thing that excuses me is that they're both handsome and they always act well... but no, nothing excuses me)
The beginning is very good, cheerful, not boring. It is clearly visible that the budget of the series has grown) if compared with the first episode of the first season, the difference is clearly visible.
GG does not behave consistently. Indeed, he could have cut out this chip a long time ago and run away with millions in his hands. To live the rest of his life enjoying it, but he chose the path of revenge. On the one hand, it's hard to understand him, but on the other, given everything he's been through, it's hard to say how the other person would have changed and which way his cuckoo would have gone.
I'm glad there's one less psycho in the messenger, but somewhere deep in my heart I wanted to meet him again in the story and watch his magnetic madness. There is some charm in it.
The actors are great, I'm used to seeing Kon Yu in the image of a kind man, but here is such a psychopath) it was interesting to see it
Kapeyets, there were goosebumps when we played Russian roulette 😬😬😬 A lot of people were tense, just like me.🫨🤯
I'm glad that the policeman is alive, though I didn't immediately remember him.
The series is a bit boring, but I'll keep watching on principle.
I don't see any point in commenting on the plot, dialogues, and actions of the characters. Do you just accept it all and watch it, or don't you watch it
In general, the first two episodes were a thrill to watch.)
Moreover, there is no intrigue in the roulette scene by default (well, okay, he will die, and then what? will the cop be looking for yesterday's remaining six episodes?), so this clown also gives out pathos for seven. "I survived and I'm not afraid of anything anymore, and you're an errand boy, my brother in Christ, you just licked the cookie, and your victory is the merit of others players who either suffered shit and died, or you, an insignificant motherfucker, were pitied. it is impossible to take seriously a person who has been on the verge of death several times, and then decided to dye his hair red.
and the fact that you didn't like how the character or the dialogues of the film were written - well, that's it.
although I generally agree with the thesis about roulette. They say the series should be continued, but if you don't perceive it as a series, but perceive it as the story of a character and don't know how his fate will turn out, i.e. it's trite to believe completely that this reality from the film is just the life of GG, then voila: the roulette scene is a perfectly played scene with " pumping An atmosphere with pathos? Yes. BUT the pathos was from the two characters, and both actors did a great job in my opinion.
In season two, there's probably a trait like this: a man obsessed with revenge and a sense of justice. - it's not very bright either.
and yes, I don't see any point in arguing with the comment above at all))) In general, the GG here is really, for the most part, the engine of the plot, but the actor plays it perfectly))) In the Third or 4th episode, where he has an emotional breakdown - right ah)))
and by the way, in my opinion, the actor tuned in a little faster to act out than he had to on stage))))) - you will understand when you see)))
In terms of production, this episode is 3 heads above the entire first season.
Well, I hope that the whole season is not worse.
Not to mention that only one chose the food, not the lottery ticket.
Some homeless people who have eaten too much in Korea!
Otherwise... well, I wish you'd never be hungry.
I remember you, you're good, it would be better to apologize to the homeless of Korea, they don't deserve your reproaches.
The main actor, by the way, plays more restrained, a little thinner. I wonder if they don't think he's underplaying in Korea?
The first episode is nothing. But somehow there are not enough events, I hope they will accelerate further.
Respect for sledak dudes. We caught the recruiter, tracked him to the park, grazed there for an hour or more, then chased him in a taxi, again without losing sight of him. We fucked up only at the very end, when we decided to come out in the open. Well, that's all, finita la comedy. And the audience got a very spectacular scene with Russian roulette.
I also remember the episode between Gi-hoon and the recruiter. It's clear that gg would have survived, there's not even an intrigue here, but it's still fun. The actors played well.
The only thing I disagree with is In the first season, he suffered from bullshit for the most part and survived not because of his qualities, but stupidly by luck.
I thought if there was anyone you couldn't get attached to, it was the players, but here it is.
I'm glad the policeman didn't die. After all, I watched the first season almost for him.
I thought games with new players would start with the first episode... but there aren't any
It was unusual to see gg getting involved with the mafia. But after watching two episodes, it feels like neither he himself had a plan, nor the scriptwriters, how to stop the game.
It's a pity the courier was quickly taken out, a charismatic character. With buns, apparently, purely his personal entertainment for self-affirmation.
And the beginning is cheerful)) Gong Yu is a handsome man
Thank you, I didn't think about this moment in that way.
Moreover, he was told that he was just a six. And it seems to me that he is aware of this, compared to the scale of his superiors. And the narcissist, moreover, he is a psychopath, he needs to satisfy his needs.
Purely my thought on this.
I wonder why none of the homeless chose bread?
I was watching flex with the voice acting of TV shows, much better than netflix
We just played, and if he had died at roulette, there would have been no point in spending time looking for him at all.
Playing Russian roulette is the real madness) It's impossible to imagine what people who play it are going through, it was scary to look at even that😄
С большим скепсисом начинал второй сезон "Игры в кальмара", так как первый я оценил на крепкую четверку — не выше. К тому же, продолжение снимали без моей любимки Чо Хоён, да и отзывы не внушали доверия.
Опасения были напрасны. Зубодробительный экшн, сильный саспенс, хорошо прописанные новые герои — вхождение в ту же воду явно удалось. С нетерпением жду финального раунда летом и готов признать: великий сериал.
It usually happens that after the first successful one, the second one will be lame. I haven't seen anything like this yet. I like.
So far, everything is cool. I thought the policeman would come out. Predictable. Will dig with gg
Or maybe everyone was burned, but everything is OK.
Although... A hopeless life can also get you, he's gone crazy...
but in general, Gong Yu 🔥🔥🔥
Russian Roulette in the new version "1 hand" is very intense
But suuuuka, what a disgusting dubbing 🤦♀️ It is absolutely impossible to listen to this 🤪
I'm going to look for a sane voice acting and watch the second episode)))
I'm waiting for the main character to team up with the policeman, and what it will lead to.
The intrigue is in place. I kept waiting for them to come across the island on the boat)
I didn't quite understand the moment:
Why do the police, who generally know that they are catching a dangerous criminal involved in deadly games, so carelessly run after him together, even with a knife?)) it's really quite simple, like in teen horror movies where the characters first decide to split up in a dark forest)
I can't believe the policeman will find the island. I generally get the feeling that the games are being held right under my nose.
Well, that's the law of meanness, when it's about some music or not only about music, I think it's scary to go back to some TV shows.
The amazing thing about this series is that it lasts from the beginning to the end of the series, in season 1 I had this with absolutely every episode, and it feels the same here. 😬
I'm not talking about the recruiter at all) crazy)
I'm glad to see Kon Jichul again, participation in this project made me look at the actor differently, I know the actor from the dramas The First Cafe "Prince" and Goblin, but here is a completely different role, what a transformation!
A talented man. 🥺😍
We also have a granny standing there, asking for money for food, and when a kind man gives her not a bill, but drags her to the grocery store and picks up a whole basket of delicious food, she turns up her nose, as if someone had shat under it. Because I wanted money, not groceries.
I didn't understand this strange principled attitude of GG and the courier at all. Why was this roulette game needed and the last 2 shots? Why would the courier shoot himself if he liked his job and it would all go on without him? So far, everything is very unclear and not even very interesting compared to season 1.
He just remembered the day before that he was leading his wedding, maybe some fatherly feelings played out.
Song Gi looks great this season. He was such a sucker in the first one and such a tough guy in this one.
The series was a bit long, but by the end it was off. They didn 't wait long for the murders 🔪🔫
In general, indecision is a scourge of modern society.
my top moment, of course, is Russian roulette.