
s04e10 — In Lament of My Wingless Body

Bungou Stray Dogs — s04e10 — In Lament of My Wingless Body

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Duration: 25 min.
Released: 08.03.202308.03.2023 17:00
Watched by: 3 72517.42%
4 season
s04e06 - Tragic Sunday
s04e07 - Dogs Hunt Dogs
s04e08 - You, A Child of Sin; I, A Child of Sin
s04e09 - A Dream of Butterflies
s04e10 - In Lament of My Wingless Body
s04e11 - Jailbreak
s04e12 - Bungo Hound Dogs
s04e13 - SKYFALL
s05e01 - The Strongest Man

Discussion of the 10 episode of the 4 season
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08 Mar 2023, 22:37 #
The intro of "Faded Camellia" was very beautiful, I love that. I'm glad Fitzgerald was true to his word, but... With each episode, the situation gets worse, and poor Kenji gets stabbed all the time. The fact that the actual betrayal came from a spy of the Hounds, who was holed up in the port mafia, was surprising... The young Tachihara is like this: "I will infiltrate the port mafia, the actions of whose leader in the war directly led to the death of my older brother (and other soldiers), just to completely ignore this garbage leader Mori Ogai, and go after a woman from a completely different organization, who was a child at the time." Poor Yosano, she can take revenge in peace, but I can'T! How UNFAIR. I'm pretty sure Kunikida is alive- they didn't show the corpse, so they shouldn't kill Yosano either. But it's still exciting.
(Funny thing: Jono carried a Tachihara cape with him all the time, right? :D)

"Come here, you pathetic ghost of the past! Detective Yosano Akiko will beat the crap out of you!
09 Mar 2023, 10:19 #
Honestly, the turn is so-so. He worked for Mori for so many years, who did NOT allow the soldiers to retreat, did so many different things while he was in the mafia, which periodically crossed paths and "collaborated" with the detective bureau, and he decided to kill Yesana only now ... yes, a turn worthy of Shyamalan, but my inner grandmother grumbles. If it hadn't been for Yosano, the older brother would have died anyway, but only for the very first time. Nothing would have changed. Otherwise, the series is wonderful, apart from all the injuries and deaths. I want to find out as soon as possible how the guys will get out of this.
27 Jan 2024, 21:07 #
@magic_avocado: Yes, revenge on Yosane, who was 11 during the war, is such a motive. But on the other hand, he said that orders made him who he is, so his words about revenge were just a farce.

The second illogical moment, which already happened, was when the Agency found itself in the place of people in hoods. The head of intelligence also said that only logically consistent events can be recorded in the book, and here the substitution is too complicated.
14 Sep 2024, 12:38 #
@shei350: No, it's not complicated if everything happens according to the text. The main thing is that they do not enter the room until the hoods are removed from the executioners. If the page describes only what is happening inside the room, it works fine. The detectives are the only ones who entered the building. The executioners reveal their faces and turn out to be detectives.

The scenario assumption, as it is. It is impossible to describe absolutely every step of absolutely every character, but you can make a murderer out of any gardener, because the text may not go chronologically, but in a conditional flashback, explaining in hindsight how everything came to the situation that we see.
09 Mar 2023, 10:30 #
I don't know what to say, I didn't expect such a turn of events. 🫣
09 Mar 2023, 11:41 #
Hm... The kid has an interesting motivation. He blamed the girl for his brother's death, even though she didn't have much choice. And he worked for years for the direct culprit and didn 't do a damn thing ...
09 Mar 2023, 23:12 #
Yosano krashiiaaaaa♥️♥️♥️
That feeling when you read a manga and the whole series almost screamed with laughter at Tachihara's conspiracy, and he would put on a pretentious speech, and he would suffer from his own sword and shoot at his own doll, wow, Oscar, Oscar. So, there are three episodes left, and it's no longer clear how the season will end. "SPOILERS" for the opening, I hoped that they would end with the battle of Shinsoukoku with Fukuchi, but there are still 8-10 episodes before it. It turns out that the season will end with the fall of the casino, if not with the fact that only Sigma will be shown in the finale and everything will wait for two more years ((( eh, the hope of seeing Akutagawa in the season is fading more and more
10 Mar 2023, 09:45 #
This is a series of 🥹🥹🥹🔥 just fire
10 Mar 2023, 21:18 #
One of the few times I stared in surprise was
11 Mar 2023, 00:03 #
Just WHAT???? How we came to this turn in just two episodes, I'm shocked... Tachihara had been waiting for the right moment for revenge all this time, so. Well, of course he found someone to take revenge on, considering that Yosano had saved his brother several times, which he could have reported in letters (?), especially since she was a child! and it was Maury who sent him to his death. I'm just shocked by this injustice. I really don't want to believe that Yosano is dead. In general, the series is full of shock and nerves. There are too many things happening that are unpredictable in a bad way. It is still unknown what happened to Kunikida, Rampo. And where is Akutagawa anyway? (I just don't remember last season.)
I don't want any of the old heroes to die, even the old mafia man was a pity, but Tachihara worked side by side with him for several years, as well as with Gin.
I decided to start revising season 1 in parallel, so now it's perceived in a completely different way. Now the dark moments are more noticeable, which are usually softened by cheerful inserts.
27 Jan 2024, 21:07 #
@FringeMania: well, it is quite difficult to kill Esana with a gun, the maximum will not be immobilized for long.
18 Mar 2023, 10:49 #
That's the twist...
02 Apr 2023, 23:15 #
So that's it? Is she dead? If so, then of course it's sad, I guess she didn't deserve it.
06 Apr 2023, 10:55 #
Considering that the bloodhound with the sword is alive, Kunikida should be too. I don't think any of the heroes will die.
But the turns here are certainly wow..
By the way, where is Akutagawa? Somehow I missed (forgot) this moment.
27 Jan 2024, 21:08 #
@Annagronsky: did Rampo accidentally close it in the book?
14 Sep 2024, 12:41 #
@shei350: No, they put a Scent in the book, but he already got out. But, really, where is Akutagawa when his teacher was imprisoned, his cat was hunted, and his sister was literally killed?!!!
30 Jun 2023, 07:23 #
так странно, что самый смак всего аниме происходит в 4 сезоне. Жаль, что первые 3 сезона мне не понравились. Ну и жаль, что остальные тоже его дропнули, не дождавшись вот подобных сюжетных линий и поворотов! Приятно впечатлила ее история ну и просто прошлое агентства
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