For some reason, it seems that this daughter wants to kill Do Hee..
The sweet-toothed demon is already melting away from Chi🥰 and I like how he returns to humanity ... We are waiting for another drama about a connection in the past?)))
Burning fingers and the comparison with steak is something 😂
@Shooky: I think it's here...who she studied with abroad. He sticks to her too much. He insinuates himself into trust in order to stab him in the back. Although the whole family is still there... I wouldn't be surprised if the eldest son is responsible for the accident of Doha's parents
God, what a MAN (Pokemon)!!!!! How he had burst into her life at full speed, and at such a good time! I love watching this period when feelings are just emerging
"I want to live forever as an alpha predator who does not know old age and death. Am I asking too much?" He's so sweet when he's angry. The reaction of his butler, who sips coffee and probably thinks to himself, yes, yes, "you are an alpha predator," as always, is funny to tears. In any incomprehensible situation, now I will answer like this😂
I liked the moment in the car so much when Doha loaded Guwon with the fact that they share the same fate, and how quickly he changed his mind later and decided to become a bodyguard
The final scene is strong, very resolutely Doha decided to get married (it's good that you don't have to go far for your husband). But I don't like her statement about the murder at all. Now they will definitely start hunting her more. And this nephew is painfully suspicious. Judging by all the trailers, he will most likely start aiming for the groom's place 😐
@s_oh_so_crazy: I thought he'd hidden the keys from the car. At the last moment, I decided to lie that I didn't arrive by car. Really did not understand why))
It's been a long time since I've seen such bright and eventful episodes, to think that so much happened in that hour that it was like I watched several episodes! The development of events is amazing, but it's cool. And they laughed, and wept, and were humbled)
And I was also surprised that the creators did not pull – hop and Goo Won showed that he was a demon, and Do Hee did not, as usual, think that she was crazy)
Poor Mrs. Chu, only one person mourned her at the funeral, and her own family... A nightmare (
Damn, this is a twist, I did not expect Mrs. Chu's death from the word at all, I also thought that they were about to announce that it was a hoax. It's a pity, the character was cool, she also took a lot of secrets to her grave.
On the other hand, this is an excellent catalyst for the plot, now the water will be hot, although not Joseon, but a serious power struggle will begin. In addition, it is clear that murders are not neglected here, which adds to the heat.
The third series in a row has very powerful endings, I like it)
Do Hee is very touching in her grief in contrast to the scavenger family.
And the demon is not so inhuman))
It gets more interesting with each episode, I hope they won't sink later)
I did not expect that her guardian would die in episode 3, and such sad feelings were caused by the funeral itself. It is not surprising that she left everything not to family members, but to the main character. Sometimes the family is really worse than the enemy. Everyone is so disgusting.
Well, the marriage proposal... well, I understand this is a progressive decision from Doha 😅 However, the circumstances and the place are so-so.
And the demon continues to amuse. He's such a fool!
God, I'm going to die now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions from sadness to unreal happiness and it's all mixed up, I'm going to explode Mrs. Chu 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 I was hoping she'd make it to the end and see the wedding before hee 😭
I am surprised by the surprise of Mrs. Chu's children. It was obvious that she would make Do Hee a receiver. They themselves understood that they had a bad relationship with their mother, and Do Hee had a good one. But, to be honest, it's wrong to blame only children for being cold-blooded towards a mother. If everyone is like that, then this is the "work" of both sides, including Ms. Chu, no matter how sad it is
Mrs. Chu, how so💔 The dialogues with Do Hee were so touching and warm, even the jokes felt like love. Relatives are still those "nice" people, there are no words..
That awkward moment when the steak is you 🤣 The funeral event is a social party... These kids are vultures. They smile and flirt like it's an ordinary buffet. And Grandma has something from Guzeeva, that's how quickly she found a husband. All the "noble" heirs will come out with bile)
I went to watch the episode and laugh, as in the previous ones, but in fact I cried half the episode. I don't like that Ms. Chu was removed so quickly ( I hope there will be some flashbacks with her at least, her character is very sunk into her soul.. children are disgusting. I hope that they will bite each other by the end, ugh.
and I really, really like how quickly the demon and Do Hee began to influence each other, without noticing it themselves) one begins to get into the idea of humanity, the second - right off the bat - "let's get married") humor is still on top. I laughed from the scene with spontaneous combustion)
This "lady" at the very beginning of the series is just fucking awesome!! Also, her cap almost speaks to this erased "o" - God)) Madame Chu died so suddenly, and how heartbreakingly she cried Before Hee. But I suspected that she was killed (( Kapets family at Madame Chu's - you will not wish the enemy 🤦♀️ Do Hee is really the only one who cares about her, and she's not even her own. And how Madame Chu raised her own children so that they would only be glad of her death. At the same time, She is gorgeous in every sense) She made a deal with a demon on her own terms and not even on her soul)) And in the end, she also offered to get married to him! Still, these moments of Do Hee and Gu Won in slow motion are unrealistically beautiful.
And I also hope that this homegrown itchy maniac has at least some adequate motive for stalking and killing Do Hee. And not like it was with the gardener in "Destined to Be with You", where the dude inexplicably leaked the roof and suddenly found himself holding a spell book
@LaFeeTioka: It seems to me that he has the same He's probably a killer. And there is no personal motive. And that's who the one in the black gloves is....who is not shown to us. I think it might be someone from the family....There's already a man's center there: the eldest son, grandson (it seems) and the one with whom DoHi studied, who always rubs next to her. Is he a nephew or what?
@alexa_samara: The fourth, yes, is Madame Chu's nephew. About that crazy killer, I'm not sure. He had photos of all the family members with their necks crossed out on his wall. If he's against them all, then who hired him? And I have a strange picture in my head about the killers(s)... So far, it's all some kind of mess, to be honest. The man with the information in the toilet was definitely killed by that itchy one (they showed that his neck was all disassembled). And then when Madame Chu shouted at the man in gloves that he had killed a man, it formed in my head like this: itchy was doing something for Madame Chu and in the process slapped the dude in the toilet. But then it's unclear why he would kill Do Hee. And it's unclear how those photos intersect with working for Madame Chu. Although it may actually be two different people... Madame Chu hired someone, and he hired an itchy one. Maybe so. I hope they'll show it all right there)
@bgfotospb: у меня, наоборот, как раз из-за того, что у племянника внешность для меня отталкивающая и подозрительная не будет всё так просто "убийца-дворецкий"
Наглядный пример, когда за маской сильной независимой, будь то пожилая мадам или молодой девушкой, ребёнком, скрывается слабая, ранимая личность, которой приходится выживать при разных обстоятельствах.
Мне одному эта серия напоминает Клуб романтики - Я охочусь на тебя ?😂 Вот прям как там в первом сезоне было. Не считая демона...ну демон это Александр 😅
@ChandlerLi: Убивают богатую тётушку, вся семья собирается на поминки, тётушка завещает своё состояние девушке но с условием что бы она вышла замуж, все родственники подозревают девушку, хотя убийцей является один из родственников. Да, совсем эта серия не напоминает историю ЯОНТ...
@ChandlerLi: Ну я имею ввиду только эту серию, конечно сериал и история совсем не похожи. Но именно этот момент мне очень напоминает начало ЯОНТ. Видать я мало детективов посмотрел.
@SiFox: the moment where only GG is sincerely grieving at the funeral, and everyone else is just waiting for the announcement of the will - I also immediately remembered about Agatha :)
@SiFox: it's more like Getting knives))) only there the girl herself was to blame, and so everything is just culturally licked- and a family that is hungry for money, and a resourceful family member who whips for GG)) I just caught deja vu) and Madame, I think, is not so simple, too many secrets went with her, or maybe they didn't ... let's see)
Давайте мыслить логично, кому было выгодно убить госпожу Чу? Всем, но выгодней всего старшему сыну и его сыну. Ставлю на них) Их уже поздравляли со становлением председателем, так что они были в этом уверенны, отсюда и догадка
I feel sorry for Grandma. Her sarcasm and her communication with Do Hee were very pleasing. And about the "party" - unfortunately it looked like that, vultures came to share the inheritance.
They probably didn't get married so quickly in the doramas, it's a pity that under such circumstances.
I'm sad for Ms. Chu..
But what about that ub****** who is trying to kill Do Hee and the others? For what?
I don't have any guesses yet, but all the members of Ms. Chu's family are terribly annoying...
In great anticipation of the next series
The sweet-toothed demon is already melting away from Chi🥰 and I like how he returns to humanity ...
We are waiting for another drama about a connection in the past?)))
Burning fingers and the comparison with steak is something 😂
I love watching this period when feelings are just emerging
In any incomprehensible situation, now I will answer like this😂
The final scene is strong, very resolutely Doha decided to get married (it's good that you don't have to go far for your husband). But I don't like her statement about the murder at all. Now they will definitely start hunting her more. And this nephew is painfully suspicious. Judging by all the trailers, he will most likely start aiming for the groom's place 😐
Poor Mrs. Chu, only one person mourned her at the funeral, and her own family... A nightmare (
On the other hand, this is an excellent catalyst for the plot, now the water will be hot, although not Joseon, but a serious power struggle will begin. In addition, it is clear that murders are not neglected here, which adds to the heat.
The third series in a row has very powerful endings, I like it)
Do Hee is very touching in her grief in contrast to the scavenger family.
And the demon is not so inhuman))
It gets more interesting with each episode, I hope they won't sink later)
Well, the marriage proposal... well, I understand this is a progressive decision from Doha 😅
However, the circumstances and the place are so-so.
And the demon continues to amuse. He's such a fool!
Mrs. Chu 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
I was hoping she'd make it to the end and see the wedding before hee 😭
The dialogues with Do Hee were so touching and warm, even the jokes felt like love.
Relatives are still those "nice" people, there are no words..
The funeral event is a social party... These kids are vultures. They smile and flirt like it's an ordinary buffet.
And Grandma has something from Guzeeva, that's how quickly she found a husband.
All the "noble" heirs will come out with bile)
I don't like that Ms. Chu was removed so quickly (
I hope there will be some flashbacks with her at least, her character is very sunk into her soul..
children are disgusting. I hope that they will bite each other by the end, ugh.
and I really, really like how quickly the demon and Do Hee began to influence each other, without noticing it themselves) one begins to get into the idea of humanity, the second - right off the bat - "let's get married")
humor is still on top. I laughed from the scene with spontaneous combustion)
At the same time, She is gorgeous in every sense) She made a deal with a demon on her own terms and not even on her soul)) And in the end, she also offered to get married to him! Still, these moments of Do Hee and Gu Won in slow motion are unrealistically beautiful.
Смешанные чувства!
И да, похороны идеальное место чтобы сделать предложение.
А предложение - огонь, но не думаю, что демон просто так согласится😁
She: 😍
Вот прям как там в первом сезоне было. Не считая демона...ну демон это Александр 😅
Жаль бабушку💔🥺 один из лучших персонажей 😭