@_jkate_: are there subs already somewhere, or have you looked at them in the original? I started watching, but realized that I understand the word after 10, I'm sitting, waiting for at least some subs
@VeronikaSunset: That explains a lot. I'm looking through another site, there are subs within the first hour, but today something went wrong, so here I am
The screenwriters decided to break the canons of the drama) The bed scene at the beginning was quite unexpected, but unforgettable. It came out both gently and hotly.
In love, GuWon is so sensitive, caring and a little stupid. I can't even believe that this cutie is a two—hundred-year-old demon. It was incredibly touching that he not only noticed DoHa's reaction to the music, but also helped her overcome her fear. I added new and pleasant memories to her piggy bank.
In general, looking at the main couple is pure pleasure. Even that toad couldn't resist their charm and beauty. "They turned out perfectly in all the photos! So photogenic!"
But SokHun and the dancer get on your nerves a little. They climb where they shouldn't climb.
The ending struck, "The power will return when the girl dies." :(
@daniyalive: It seems to me that such a scene was quite expected. After all, the characters are already married here + they realized their feelings. So, what to delay is that there are still a lot of problems to solve. Well, yes, this drama knows how to surprise by breaking the canons.
@daniyalive: they basically spoiled this scene and Doha's clothes in the promo, though the fandom expected that they would leave us at the closed door, but here they brought such content
I really hope that the finale will surprise you. Without any bad ends. I think we'll get a lot of good glass in the flashbacks of Guwon's human life.
@missFell: So I didn't watch the promo either :D Apparently that's why everything was such a pleasant surprise for me))
Considering how sweetly we were fed today, the glass awaits us not only in the past, but also in the present. But we will survive) The main thing is that the ending should be worthy and happy.
@daniyalive: Oh, thanks for this gif. For the second episode, I drool on their hands and rings 🤤 That in the scene of the kiss, Yujong's hands beautifully showed that here 😍
No, well, with this drama you can take the aesthetics exam 😍 How amazing was the wedding night of Guwon and Doha filmed 🥰 In general, I will soon get tired of counting the best episodes. Because everything fits perfectly here. It's been a long time since I've caught such a buzz from a drama, and for the first time I'm ready to say that this project needs to be watched online. Just because then you want to sit down and review all the episodes in one gulp.
As for all the events in the series, here, of course, as always, they were amazed and managed to plunge into expectations again. So I would like to see tomorrow and episode 10 as soon as possible. And then we will have a break until January 5th(((
@Omiana: There will be a channel award on SBS on December 29th. Yuzhong is the host there, and our couple is also participating in the "Best Couple of the Year" nomination.
I'm going to cry now from everything from shock from beauty from sweetness from fear from everything in the world Something just stopped my heart at this terrible moment from DoHa Well, if she has to die... So my theory is just going nowhere... Very sorry Beloved kids, it's obvious that a lot of glass awaits us, but I believe you will cope with everything.
Almost the entire series is an aesthetic pleasure. The accents on the hands and eyes are very pleasant to look at... Guwon's smile makes me melt ☺️ Interestingly, the plot was wrapped up, well, I think our sweet couple will be fine)) P.S. The devil in the drama is one, this is the father of the family
What a sweet and fluffy beginning it was, so much love, tenderness and pure happiness, And how gradually and competently the tension in the series increased. Shots of clocks and burnt scrolls are a delight. It's incredibly beautiful, and it's also emotionally difficult. But then this conversation with a homeless woman, whose cap did not lie and confirmed all the guesses - she is still a god. It was a difficult realization that Gu Won was dying and he no longer had the strength, and only the death of his beloved could bring them back. I just fell out at that moment. But it's still a mystery to me why his powers went to Do Hee in the first place. Well, if we have an omnipresent god here, then it clearly happened with her knowledge. This means that this is either an initially conceived plan, or some kind of inescapable event of fate, but for sure both have some kind of purpose. Because in dramas with the main characters without some great purpose, this does not happen 🤷🏻♀️ Apparently, we will watch the battle of heroes with fate for the sake of our happiness. And of course, Mrs. Chu's son is a bitch! I knew that my grandson wasn't doing shit himself, but following someone's orders. But I thought only my grandson was in trouble with his head, and this is hereditary🙈 What a disgusting son of Mrs. Chu becomes when he smiles like that in a crazy way. Just ugh. Also a nephew with a dancer 🤦♀️ On the one hand, they can be understood, but on the other, they just go too far where they shouldn't. It's a little annoying. And then, well, who tells the first person they meet that Gu Won is a demon? 🤦♀️ And okay, the nephew is in love with Do Hee, so he climbs in like that. But Gayen doesn't have love, but worship of an image that is now crumbling, and she doesn't like it. I feel like these two will still cause problems... P.S. I'm terribly sorry for the little girl who went to the hospital again, because along with the loss of Gu Won's strength, the contract also stopped working 😢
Who needs cleaning from dogs? No, I'm sorry, what was there, perilla leaves? :D Killed toy dogs on robot vacuum cleaners! I laughed at the drunken girls too) In general, I really like the loving and caring Gu Won *-*
I believe they will find a loophole. It was especially insulting for the girl, whose mother he had just signed a contract with...
the questions at the end were not quite correctly posed and useful. Instead of asking / how to return everything to how it was / it was worth thinking about what is happening now and so what are the questions and answers
How I was touched from the moments in the beginning. But I don't like it when they are at the beginning, because it means that there will be glass next 🥲
In this series, the dancer was especially annoyed (she told the first person she met about the demon, is this even normal?), actually this nephew is like a bath leaf...I don't have the strength... Aish. Well, God is like that...the twist with the condition of returning power, although yes, but quite predictable, adds a theme of choice to the hero..love or power... Of course, he will choose love. Isn't that right?
The first half of the series is just honey, honey)) They both smile so radiantly that it is simply impossible)) Seals)
In the second, as expected, the glass was poured. Mrs. Chu's son is a terrible man, and his son fell not far from the apple tree. I just have a question, who was the son corresponding with then, it looked like he was connected with the killer. Considering that his father noticed his second phone, he also has some secrets.
As usual, dealing with gods and demons is not easy) Conditions, games and putting price tags on people's strength, happiness and lives. I don't have much thoughts about what is happening and how things might turn out, but I will hope for a good outcome.
My only question is, since the beginning of the drama, why doesn't his power work for her? If he had been a human before, gained power and became a demon, then by this logic she could also gain abilities. This mechanism of undertransmission of power is not at all clear to me, I hope that it will be explained somehow.
How he covered the ring with his fingers at the end of the words about Do Hee 's death 💔
Off the top - I'm generally ready to open a fanclub dedicated to men's hands, there will be a section "Rings on men's fingers", I'll put a photo of Song Kang from this drama as a cover 🫠
I wonder if the footage of Do Hee in blood and fire is the future or fantasies about her death under the words of God? 🧐
Girls, I'm laughing)) Girls don't want flowers, do they want simple human sexy male hands? 😅 Everything is accepted, we need to decide who we will print on business cards?))
До сих пор не понимаю, зачем г-жа Чу оставила все (или я ошибаюсь, и не всё) наследство гг, если знала и о своем сыне убице, и о том что ее дети только и ждут её смерти. Оставила До Хи с монстрами, и может она хотела как лучше, но что-то явно прогадала... Но о хорошем, как же хорошо наблюдать за гувоном и до хи, особенно где она напилась, сама растаяла когда на нее смотрела, такие милашки 🥹 Конец поразил не меньше, думаю как-то найдется решение, всё таки 16 серий впереди, а до полнолуния 2 дня (если в нем есть хоть какой-то смысл)
@n_dove: нам все ещё не раскрыли как связана мадам Чу со смертью родителей До Хи. Не зря же в начале нам вкидывали флешбеки и в этой тоже был, в душе. Скорее всего, родители погибли из-за неё и забота о До Хи это ещё и , своего рода, искупление вины
Первую половину серии не могла перестать хихикать с влюбленного дурашки Гувона, такой он сладкий, не могу! А потом я офигела от постельной сцену - тоже не ожидала её вот так сразу после поцелуя.
Насчет сообщника убийцы - я ожидала, что это будет таки не внук председательницы, а то слишком явно в лицо тыкали, но удивилась, что таки не Сокхун (если он реально окажется добрым - я даже расстроюсь 😂). А то что это сын председательницы - на самом деле я поняла в прошлой серии в сцене их семейной трапезы, который он наорал на сына. У него лицо было как у психопата. И в целом аура от него жуткая, хоть он и прикидывается на публике. Поэтому не удивило, что он реально оказался маньячеллой. Ну и явно сынок не просто такой криповый сам, видно весь в отца.
Про бомжиху - было ясно, что она скорее всего какая-то высшая сила. Этот ход в дорамах мы уже видели. Как и обстоятельства возраста сил. Как только она с ним заговорила, я подумала «только не говори, что ему надо убить Дохи, чтобы вернусь силу». И вот здрасьте приехали ☹️
Такое горячее начало серии и такой тревожный финал. Логично что он выберет До Хи а не силу. Эстетика дорамы зашкаливает, уж очень вкусно показали постельную сцену, а потом горящие свитки в каждой серии есть такие красивые сцены
Семейка мадам Чу - один краше другого ... А вот танцовщица перешла все границы. Наказание ждать себя не заставит. Ну да не будем о мусоре))) Первая половина серии - постельная сцена!!!! Вот уж чего не ждала. А посиделки До Хи с помощницей? Даже помощнику Гу Вона перепало внимание)
Ох. а сыночек мадам Чу - прям тот еще маньячина оказался. От его оскала прям мурашки по коже. неудивительно, что внучок такой же конченный - есть в кого. А судя по превью, еще и папаша дополнительно постарался. Шиперю помощницу До Хи с Пак Ю)) Они такие два чудика, я не могу просто 😆 Вначале серии все было так мило, не хочется хрустеть стеклом потом, не надо 😢
Ура, это батя, а не сын. Тоже, конечно, скучновато, но, по-крайней мере, теперь появляется интрига, чем там занимается сын. Может, он ещё и не такой гавнюк, каким кажется. Ну и, конечно, эта парочка… 💔💔💔 Что они со мной делают? Визжу вторую серию подряд. Надеюсь, с такими поворотами нас всё равно ждёт хэ.
Я, как человек который обожает исторические дорамы, требую серию прошлого Гу Вона, а то уже 9 серия, а прошлого его мы так и не знаем (точнее я знаю, в тикитоке любят спойлерить, но эта эстетика исторических костюмов и фона🤤)
In love, GuWon is so sensitive, caring and a little stupid. I can't even believe that this cutie is a two—hundred-year-old demon. It was incredibly touching that he not only noticed DoHa's reaction to the music, but also helped her overcome her fear. I added new and pleasant memories to her piggy bank.
In general, looking at the main couple is pure pleasure. Even that toad couldn't resist their charm and beauty. "They turned out perfectly in all the photos! So photogenic!"
But SokHun and the dancer get on your nerves a little. They climb where they shouldn't climb.
The ending struck, "The power will return when the girl dies." :(
I agree, they really know how to surprise) and in this series it's also so nice 😉
I really hope that the finale will surprise you. Without any bad ends. I think we'll get a lot of good glass in the flashbacks of Guwon's human life.
Considering how sweetly we were fed today, the glass awaits us not only in the past, but also in the present. But we will survive) The main thing is that the ending should be worthy and happy.
We will be strong tin soldiers and we will withstand everything 😌 Only then feed us a happy ending)))
GuWon as a babysitter straight :D
As for all the events in the series, here, of course, as always, they were amazed and managed to plunge into expectations again. So I would like to see tomorrow and episode 10 as soon as possible. And then we will have a break until January 5th(((
Something just stopped my heart at this terrible moment from DoHa
Well, if she has to die...
So my theory is just going nowhere... Very sorry
Beloved kids, it's obvious that a lot of glass awaits us, but I believe you will cope with everything.
Interestingly, the plot was wrapped up, well, I think our sweet couple will be fine))
P.S. The devil in the drama is one, this is the father of the family
And of course, Mrs. Chu's son is a bitch! I knew that my grandson wasn't doing shit himself, but following someone's orders. But I thought only my grandson was in trouble with his head, and this is hereditary🙈 What a disgusting son of Mrs. Chu becomes when he smiles like that in a crazy way. Just ugh. Also a nephew with a dancer 🤦♀️ On the one hand, they can be understood, but on the other, they just go too far where they shouldn't. It's a little annoying. And then, well, who tells the first person they meet that Gu Won is a demon? 🤦♀️ And okay, the nephew is in love with Do Hee, so he climbs in like that. But Gayen doesn't have love, but worship of an image that is now crumbling, and she doesn't like it. I feel like these two will still cause problems... P.S. I'm terribly sorry for the little girl who went to the hospital again, because along with the loss of Gu Won's strength, the contract also stopped working 😢
I laughed at the drunken girls too)
In general, I really like the loving and caring Gu Won *-*
I believe they will find a loophole. It was especially insulting for the girl, whose mother he had just signed a contract with...
and so what are the questions and answers
They both smile so radiantly that it is simply impossible)) Seals)
In the second, as expected, the glass was poured. Mrs. Chu's son is a terrible man, and his son fell not far from the apple tree. I just have a question, who was the son corresponding with then, it looked like he was connected with the killer. Considering that his father noticed his second phone, he also has some secrets.
As usual, dealing with gods and demons is not easy) Conditions, games and putting price tags on people's strength, happiness and lives. I don't have much thoughts about what is happening and how things might turn out, but I will hope for a good outcome.
My only question is, since the beginning of the drama, why doesn't his power work for her? If he had been a human before, gained power and became a demon, then by this logic she could also gain abilities. This mechanism of undertransmission of power is not at all clear to me, I hope that it will be explained somehow.
How he covered the ring with his fingers at the end of the words about Do Hee 's death 💔
Off the top - I'm generally ready to open a fanclub dedicated to men's hands, there will be a section "Rings on men's fingers", I'll put a photo of Song Kang from this drama as a cover 🫠
I wonder if the footage of Do Hee in blood and fire is the future or fantasies about her death under the words of God? 🧐
Everything is accepted, we need to decide who we will print on business cards?))
Насчет сообщника убийцы - я ожидала, что это будет таки не внук председательницы, а то слишком явно в лицо тыкали, но удивилась, что таки не Сокхун (если он реально окажется добрым - я даже расстроюсь 😂). А то что это сын председательницы - на самом деле я поняла в прошлой серии в сцене их семейной трапезы, который он наорал на сына. У него лицо было как у психопата. И в целом аура от него жуткая, хоть он и прикидывается на публике. Поэтому не удивило, что он реально оказался маньячеллой. Ну и явно сынок не просто такой криповый сам, видно весь в отца.
Про бомжиху - было ясно, что она скорее всего какая-то высшая сила. Этот ход в дорамах мы уже видели. Как и обстоятельства возраста сил. Как только она с ним заговорила, я подумала «только не говори, что ему надо убить Дохи, чтобы вернусь силу». И вот здрасьте приехали ☹️
Эстетика дорамы зашкаливает, уж очень вкусно показали постельную сцену, а потом горящие свитки в каждой серии есть такие красивые сцены
А вот танцовщица перешла все границы. Наказание ждать себя не заставит.
Ну да не будем о мусоре)))
Первая половина серии - постельная сцена!!!! Вот уж чего не ждала. А посиделки До Хи с помощницей? Даже помощнику Гу Вона перепало внимание)
Шиперю помощницу До Хи с Пак Ю)) Они такие два чудика, я не могу просто 😆
Вначале серии все было так мило, не хочется хрустеть стеклом потом, не надо 😢
- кем будешь?
- заместитель директора
- уверен?
- мешки под глазами - моё доказательство
Я не могу с диких псов в розовых косыночках 🤣🤣🤣
Серии внезапно пролетают с нереальной скоростью какой-то.