Kızılcık Şerbeti — s02e17 — 46. Bölüm

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Duration: 120 min.
Released: 12.01.202412.01.2024 20:00
Watched by: 2 50353.44%
2 season
s02e13 - 42. Bölüm
s02e14 - 43. Bölüm
s02e15 - 44. Bölüm
s02e16 - 45. Bölüm
s02e17 - 46. Bölüm
s02e18 - 47. Bölüm
s02e19 - 48. Bölüm
s02e20 - 49. Bölüm
s02e21 - 50. Bölüm

Discussion of the 17 episode of the 2 season
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13 Jan 2024, 15:18 #
Oh, I feel the expenses will end badly . But it's a pity, of course
14 Jan 2024, 02:57 #
There is such a thing..suspiciously
15 Jan 2024, 17:15 #
the whole situation with this franchise is a reference to the couple Dylan Polat and Engin Polat, who were very popular "businessmen" in Turkey, who sold the franchise to their beauty industry and were millionaire bloggers.but recently they were imprisoned for criminal organization, tax evasion, money laundering and all that.and the characters who are the bosses of Umut are exactly the same as the Polat couple (I've been following them in insta for a long time), so I'm sure for all the thousands that all this will end very badly.
14 Jan 2024, 03:23 #
"I wish I had given birth to a stone"What cruel words for a child, even if he is 30 years old. Pembe is a real monster, anti-social in a destructive form
14 Jan 2024, 13:50 #
He's wasting his money in vain.... Dua is really pleasing! And Pembe.... I still want to slap her in the face 🥲
16 Jan 2024, 11:11 #
You know, I'm so disappointed in Omer.… And it's not even just that he gave up so quickly and forgot Kyvyljim. He doesn't look like himself. THIS IS NOT THE OMER I FELL IN LOVE WITH. Why does he allow himself to talk to his brother like that? What does it mean to go behind his back and ask for signatures from Apo's sons? And in frag, he's generally aiming for his place. Someone said that it was high time for Apo to retire, maybe it is, BUT NOT IN THE SAME SNEAKY WAY. Apo has always supported Omer, even if his actions were not entirely appropriate for such a conservative family. And what do we see from Omer's side? He thinks of himself as a saint who has the right to condemn people and give advice on how to live. This is coming from a man who, for all his religiosity, hangs out in clubs and spends the night with the first person he meets. From now on, I don't want you to return to this bubble. Someone may say that he is divorced and can do what he wants. That's not the point, friends. And the fact is that the former Omer would have done everything possible for Kyvyljim to forgive him. And he stupidly told me and went to drink.
17 Jan 2024, 22:13 #
I think Fatih really went to Omer. In one of the previous episodes, Nilai said so, but actually looking at the behavior of Omer, like an offended child at work, and a rebellious teenager who went all out, I just wonder how Apo has enough patience of all to endure.
They also conspired against him. To deprive all the PO and bonuses for violating ethics - and it serves him right, but of course he will not do so
16 Jan 2024, 20:16 #
God, I can't even imagine if someone in this series is more annoying than Pembe!!! Well, what a TV she is!!! How can you even stoop to this?! And Ryuzgyar is also good. Thank God, Alev did not marry this terrible man. What a vile, vindictive and vicious man he is. I understand everything, you were abandoned for someone else, it hurts, it hurts, etc. But this is the kind of revenge that would put a person in jail... What kind of tin is this anyway?! He seemed to love her... this is his "love"... It's just a nightmare!!!
Honestly, it's a pity for the last episode just to the point of tears. The people around her are terrible!!! Of course, they don't have to approve of her relationship, but they would also be ashamed to behave so disgustingly with her. Alev has helped everyone so many times, supported everyone, listened to everyone. But just everyone turned against her. Chemin was probably the most disappointed of all - the disapproval of the others is at least understandable and understandable, but Chemin simply has no words 🤬
17 Jan 2024, 20:54 #
And where did you watch episode 17, on Evie and Kinopoisk there is no?😢
17 Jan 2024, 22:09 #
Turk cinema - TV
16 Jan 2024, 21:31 #
Alev - just to tears. The Doga sort of reconciled, and she used her aunt as a red rag for Pembe. Plus the feeling that Doga is fighting out of his league, Chet goes back and forth, shouts that she is the main one in the house. And in fact? He can't even hire staff.

Do you also know about Mihri, I would like to say what it is? A teenage riot at the age of 20? She also remembered about her marriage and reproaches her father, she's not ashamed! And the hijab is a very strange topic. As if there is no taste at all and even minimal viewing. I watched the TV series about firefighters "911. A lone star." There was the heroine Marzhan, also a Muslim, also in a hijab, but it was as organic and beautiful as possible. Right there - there were just no words when she left the room
17 Jan 2024, 16:25 #
@morningstarone: Mihri does not wear a headscarf of his own volition or awareness (like Nursema). Mihri wears a headscarf because it is a tradition that her dad observes. And this is the main difference. Mihri must come to faith, to a conscious handkerchief. So far, she's like a tank rushing to the Metechan. And he thinks that a handkerchief can affect his attitude.
17 Jan 2024, 22:03 #
And what does the truth of faith (desire) and a sense of style and contemplation have to do with it? Even if she is covered by some compulsion from the traditions and conservatism of her family, she does not live in isolation. She even subscribed to covered bloggers, and in a conversation with Metehan and Chemen Mihri said that those two girls were different in style, so the topic was interesting to her.
Here I do not even know if this is a specially prescribed feature of Mihri, or if the costumers themselves have problems with watching enough in this branch of fashion. If the second and the problems are still in the costumers, then I think it's a complete kick-ass and disrespect. If the topic of style in religious clothing is touched upon, then this should be done properly.
17 Jan 2024, 22:08 #
And about Metechan, anything is possible. He said in plain text that most likely he would not pay attention to the covered girl. This is neither bad nor good. Just a fact and a preference.
Someone is brunette, someone is blonde, someone is covered, someone does not care about religion at all.
In fact, I liked this dialogue, Mihri confirmed her assumption about Metekhan's preferences in some roundabout ways, and he, in turn, honestly spoke about his preferences.

And the fact that she went to Metekhan in the evening, so she was at Chemin's first. And it seems that apart from Chemin and Metehan, she has no more friends.
31 Jan 2024, 07:37 #
I am very sorry for Mihri, my father raised an "ideal" wife for someone. She is not surprised at all by her rebellion, after home schooling, she has tasted another life, looks at the freedom-loving Chimen and her family, at Matehan, she does not have in her head the realization that faith is her choice, she was just raised in such conditions. It is very, very sad for her, children should do this just at school, in adolescence, not at 18+
31 Jan 2024, 12:42 #
The male half of this series pisses me off, so far only Metechan, Apo and Apo Junior don't piss me off, and Doa, of course, is a naive creature, what did she expect at all, starting a war in the house of Pembe, her life does not teach anything
31 Jan 2024, 18:54 #
With each new episode, it feels like I've turned on the ads. It's just awful.
I do not understand Ryuzgar's orders, at first such a lovelace does not care, but then he decided to take revenge.
31 Jan 2024, 20:42 #
The advertisement is infuriating, Mihri was shocked, she looked exactly ridiculous like a gypsy, she seemed to observe religion from birth, her father did the right thing by scolding,look further
01 Feb 2024, 10:36 #
Что за ш.. подцепил Омер?🤬
12 Feb 2024, 22:39 #
У актрисы, которая в роли «девушки» Омера, такая лучезарная улыбка 😍 подскажите, пожалуйста, название песни, когда Алев с Апо гуляли по магазинам 🙏🏻
12 Apr 2024, 07:07 #
@Marchi08: Sufle - Duygusal Serseri
12 Apr 2024, 07:58 #
Such a pious Pembe does such ugly things. It is not clear who else should burn in hell
03 Sep 2024, 00:28 #
So pray and Allah will forgive everything
13 May 2024, 21:25 #
How can such a pious Pembe curse like that? A hypocrite! She really needs to be treated.
22 Jul 2024, 20:21 #
It feels like Doa is going to lose again. Well, either she's got more brains to be smarter, or the end will be sad.
03 Sep 2024, 00:38 #
Well, I would have sold my wife a car for the sake of business, would not have gone to buy clothes, but would have saved for a new one
01 Oct 2024, 22:00 #
Omer is disappointing, I thought he would conquer Kavyljim again, but he picked up some kind of slut. In general, everyone in this series very quickly forgets about their "love", you don't believe in any feelings between the characters anymore, because they pass very quickly
22 Jan 11:54 #
This series blows your mind just
Pembe is becoming more and more besyachy. He's a hypocrite on the right and on the left, and he's also doing who knows what
How can you be so pathetic and not fall for such meannesses?
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