I like Rashida, "Parks and Recreation Areas" and "Angie Tribeca" - her best roles, but here something is somehow weak and the series itself is a one-off, xs what exactly did not go
My God, what nonsense, well, that's real. and if in the first episodes nothing was clear at all, but at least it was interesting, then by the end they were so overexposed that they absolutely don't give a fuck what's there and what's in this story with masa, sunny and the rest. the end of the season — and, in general, there are no answers. the twist is not a twist at all, but just complete crap. it was heavily hinted at for half the season, and confirmed at the end. And what's the motive? fuck knows, think for yourself.
in short, I agree with the previous commentators — it's a pity for the time spent. so far, the most unsuccessful project in the epla this year.
ps: gg by the end began to be wildly annoying — an amoeba is an amoeba that does not cause any sympathy in the end.
Yes, as a result, only the first two or three episodes were worth attention in connection with the intrigue, and then the series became nothing. I hoped that at least the season finale would be interesting, but no way...
In general, I even liked it, but I did not understand the meaning of the plot twist at the last minute. Like, did they take Sunny away with this computer guy for some purpose of their own, or was it for the Yakuza? What was the point of Mixy hanging out with Suzy for so long if she could already steal a bot a hundred times?)
Well, the point of Mixy stealing the bot appeared only at the end, when he got the very "killer code" that everyone wants. And apparently the Yakuza have few ways of killing in their universe, so they want bots to learn how to kill. Although the first public killing by a bot will be enough so that no one else buys them for themselves. Poison sounds more reliable somehow. Apparently Mixy has been working on provoking Sunny all season too. But where the kid grew up from and why the mom has no questions for him is unclear. In general, it was a failure, an interesting universe, it had a great start, then we lost everything. Annoying gg, the script is stomping around, creating dumb situations and taking its time to explain them. There is potential, but not with current screenwriters.
That is, the Yakuza landed a plane somewhere, took a kid off it, it's unclear what she did to Masa, lifted the plane into the air and then crashed it with the rest of the passengers!? Or did I misunderstand something?
@uralus: As I understand it, Masa and the kid never boarded the plane, they were intercepted by the Yakuza. And then the father was wasted, and the kid was left as a hostage. Masa's bots could have been planted at the crash site
@george1986: Masa's shoes were not at the crash site, they were brought by the Yakuza and introduced themselves as employees of the company that disassembles the wreckage.
And what about Masa? Did he commit suicide? and why? where was the child kept all this time, what was fed, how was everything explained? Nothing is clear
Не понимаю почему столько негативных комментариев. Обычный сериал, да затянуто местами, но серии то идут по 30 минут, в целом сюжет нормальный, есть провисания, нарушения человеческой логики и на многие вопросы так и не ответили, но довольно смотрибельный. Финальный твист чисто ради твиста, для продолжения, подозревал её еще с первых серий, но надеюсь, что она не злодейка в итоге, приятный персонаж. Отсылки к японским шоу и странности, мне кажется, сделаны в стиле "отсылка ради отсылки" (как и твисты), мол не забывайте что мы в Японии. Если выйдет второй сезон (но по рейтингам сомнительно), то посмотрю.
Ожидаемо, но сериал закрыли: https://www.screendaily.com/news/apple-tvs-sunny-starring-rashida-jones-cancelled-after-one-season-exclusive/5198739.article
in short, I agree with the previous commentators — it's a pity for the time spent. so far, the most unsuccessful project in the epla this year.
ps: gg by the end began to be wildly annoying — an amoeba is an amoeba that does not cause any sympathy in the end.
They let down an interesting story on the brakes.
What was the point of Mixy hanging out with Suzy for so long if she could already steal a bot a hundred times?)
What book should I read?…
Apparently Mixy has been working on provoking Sunny all season too.
But where the kid grew up from and why the mom has no questions for him is unclear. In general, it was a failure, an interesting universe, it had a great start, then we lost everything. Annoying gg, the script is stomping around, creating dumb situations and taking its time to explain them. There is potential, but not with current screenwriters.
p.s. When is the 2nd season of separation already? 🤪
Обычный сериал, да затянуто местами, но серии то идут по 30 минут, в целом сюжет нормальный, есть провисания, нарушения человеческой логики и на многие вопросы так и не ответили, но довольно смотрибельный. Финальный твист чисто ради твиста, для продолжения, подозревал её еще с первых серий, но надеюсь, что она не злодейка в итоге, приятный персонаж.
Отсылки к японским шоу и странности, мне кажется, сделаны в стиле "отсылка ради отсылки" (как и твисты), мол не забывайте что мы в Японии.
Если выйдет второй сезон (но по рейтингам сомнительно), то посмотрю.