Everything flashes in the trailer, but it seems the main character's love interest is old enough to be his mother. That's really the continuation of the family no matter what))
@Allisoon: Truly, 40 years is a woman's age. And this hmm . . . actress. . . .never 49-year-old Charlize Theron. Everyone's genetics are different. And yes, the poster shows the full horror of the apocalypse 😏
I looked, the first thing that caught my eye, the hero knows that everyone suddenly died of an unknown disease and is in close contact with the corpses. Then he wants to leave the city across the bridge, the bridge turns out to be blocked by an iron fence, but not impassable, there is a lot of equipment nearby that you can try to ram through the barrier, well, or walk, and there is a network in the car, which is just a bunch. Then he goes to the casino, why it is completely empty, it is not clear, although there were a lot of corpses in other places. He meets two people who want to get drunk, just like that, without much motivation. He tells them that he missed 3 weeks, so he was in a coma for 3 weeks? In general, we need to look further, where the plot will develop is not clear...
@Allisoon: I didn't find it on their website ((And I can't wait on the router yet...I would have mastered it anyway, it's too interesting a topic, you can normalize the link
@g1556298: Yes, look on social networks, why bother? Through the video search "land without people 1 episode" in the same VK is found in several voiceovers.
@Allisoon: and where does the electricity come from, in LV? Of course, I don't know how power plants work, but obviously people work there for a reason) and how much Vegas consumes...)))))) And no pogrom. People are always trashing and robbing. Always
And I would like to go anywhere alone with a dog, go anywhere, do anything, why sit at home is not clear, he himself said the country is so big (this is at least) 🤔
@Liyuuuuunder: yes, such a topic is not close to us, here damn 99% of people dream of such a life to escape from the routine of work-home. And they had 2 weeks of drinking for 3 weeks and decided to get drunk...
@ferensy: I'm from the yard, from the village, I left a hundred years ago, and not so long ago, I visited once, and after that I wanted this silence and sparseness))) of course, there is nothing there, but still) silence, tranquility, everything on foot
Hmm... perhaps the word "exactly" perfectly describes my feelings from the first episode. You always expect something more powerful and catchy from a pilot
Plus, I didn't understand gg: if he was so bad alone, why didn't he pack up and go further through the cities to look for other survivors? Not all survivors are like that couple from Vegas. As if it was possible to try, since I was already going crazy from loneliness
But I'll give the series a chance. It's interesting to see who else survived, and what the heroes will still be up against.
@badwitchass: well, he found 2 survivors without much difficulty, he did not try to convince them not to cut out. A place to continue looking for people in densely populated areas, I picked up books and went to the wilderness to live my life. But even in the wilderness, lo and behold, someone turned out to be alive - you wonder if so few people survived if he had already found 3 without much searching.It doesn't smell like high budgets yet, it's been shot very long and it's not clear yet even the plot has been touched...
The beginning is familiar, we are already walking", "28 days later " etc. used to " overslept shows". Family and friends, the tragedy, all the bullshit is also understandable. Even the dog was given at a certain point). Everything is according to the classics. And I got the right books in the library (except the Bible. Dude, it's not yours, it's Eli's). But here's the rest... We have already complained above, I will also repeat.
The guy doesn't seem to be mentally and physically disabled, but he couldn't overpower a three-meter fence. Well, OK, let's put it down to a weak thinker, sometimes they suffer from this.
Damn, if you're such an extrovert, then really go looking for people. Otherwise, stay at home and justify your words that you have always loved solitude! Make stocks of long-term storage products, clean hospitals and warehouses, put a galvanized fuel tank in a secluded place, and so on, eventually find yourself a bunker or another posh place with solar panels and/or wind turbines (a small hydroelectric power station nearby if you are an engineer, but this is for advanced people). Pick up a yacht, learn to go out to sea. There is a lot of entertainment))).
He's sick of it, yeah. I believed a couple of muddy types with suicidal fatalistic ideas, as if they had already traveled the whole world. They also showed that they drink most of the time in this Vegas). Oh, something bombed me, At least once it was about a man who already has everything normal in this post-apocalypse, but left-wing people appear and prevent him from living a high... Oh yes, it was almost like that, "I am a Legend." They don't want to repeat the masterpiece.
However, what am I talking about, it has long been said about your expectations - your problems. But nothing, maybe something unexpected will happen next, or vice versa, expected)).
My paradise would be alone.He suffers so much that he does nothing to find someone🤦 The series somewhat reminded me of the Last Man on Earth, but it was a comedy, and here it's just philosophical reflections and nothing more. It's kind of rotten for the first episode
@Conorrouch: In The Master and Margarita, Woland sent the main characters to hell, in case anyone didn't understand. The hell was that they would be alone together. Peace is Limbo. The place where those who do not deserve heaven end up is hell (in Christianity, everything is simple - either/or). Well, if you delve a little into the relationship between the Master and Margarita, then figure out how the Master will be with such a madama in a fairly short period of time.
Man is a social animal. GG was lucky to find a dog in the series. I think that determined that he didn't go any further.
If I had woken up 3 weeks later, and found that there were a lot of corpses lying around everywhere, I had just buried my parents, plus I hadn't seen anyone alive for a long time, I think I definitely wouldn't have gone to chill in the Jacuzzi damn!!!🦦😁 just boredom poh**zma
And it seems to me that when he was sitting in it, in a rather open position (usually someone in pens and depression does not spread out like that in the bath), there was complete calm on his face, well, and then he also went naked to relax to drink)
Usually, when people are in the pens and have not washed, there is a scene in the shower leaning against the wall in thought)
@Anna007K: "usually, usually"... You would first live what you describe yourself, and then write something already. You can't judge every person by some made-up criteria and cliches from TV shows. Some kind of cringe.
Many people here have some kind of idiotic claims against two suicidal people. One has just lost his wife, and the other has lost her husband and child. The world has died, there is no future, survival will require a tremendous investment of strength-moral and physical, constant training, adaptation.And then there's the third one, young and fresh, who ran away as if from the plague.
Well, as it is, the pilot is normal. Pleasant atmosphere, beautiful views of the empty world. How people poison everything with their fuss. But there are certainly enough problems with logic. Starting with a 3-week gg cutoff and ending with the absence of corpses in the same Vegas. And the main character himself is too stoic. He easily survived the death of his relatives and civilization and went to build his future.
@ekko: but it seems to me just the opposite. Yes, perhaps we were not shown all this household stuff. But a year later, he did absolutely nothing from the books he took. No solar panels, he still uses batteries, no fishing, no vegetable garden, cooking some kind of toast on a burner. Just rolling around in a circle. I think he's in the most severe depression there.
It seems to me that depression is unlikely, a person in the first hours of what he saw after a coma and the funeral of his parents, went to relax in the Jacuzzi and look naked for a drink at the casino, so to speak, to use all the opportunities that opened up, at this stage he did not even think about anything, and a year later he did not stop using what was left and works)
@merlott: I think the book about the solar panel was shown as a joke, for those who understand how wild it is to organize such a thing in the conditions of the main character. And so did everyone else. While there will be canned food, no one will move to think about gardening or cattle breeding.
@ferensy: American canned food with thin rings for opening without a can opener does not last long because of this. A few years and they will start to deteriorate. This is not a century-old Russian stew of tsarist times, which was found last decade and turned out to be edible.
Anyway, there's not much to watch) - it will do - to dream that there is emptiness around, there is no need to hurry anywhere. If anything, I took some pills and fell asleep peacefully. In any case, you can fight.
If you, like me, were surprised the whole series that stations did not explode around and satellites did not fall without human supervision, then know this: the series is based on the book of 49, even before the heyday of technology
@New2018: the film/TV adaptation should smooth out the moments that will look absurd when transferred in time. This is one of the main tasks of screenwriters, otherwise they will.they are not worth it and it is better to give the neural network material😅
According to the first episode, it feels like I've already seen such a tie somewhere. In the same "Walking Dead" or "I am a Legend", only here without consequences in the form of zombies and other circumstances pushing the plot. It's even interesting to see what the plot will be based on in the future. So far, we have been shown that the main character has decided not to explore the country in order to find survivors, but to continue to lead the life of a hermit, which he is used to being a lone geologist. Only the dog met on the road, which brightened up his loneliness. We saw this again in the same "I am a Legend" or Walkers (hello Daryl and his Dog). By the end of the series, there is a question: why were we shown how a guy collects educational books, and then shows how he runs for a year, throws a tennis ball, winds circles in a car around the yard, etc. Probably in order to show that the guy does not see the point in competent survival and development of the economy. Perhaps everything will change in the future when he meets a companion for survival, the smoke from whose dwelling he noticed in the ending. Maybe next they will show us and tell us what kind of virus has wiped out almost the entire population of the Earth. And there will be some kind of conflict between the survivors. In general, I will watch because I was interested in the series. P.S. The actor who played one of the survivors in Las Vegas reminded our actor Vladimir Simonov :) And the actress who played Emma, the companion of the main character Isha, is FBI Special Agent Maya Miller from Ozark. It will be interesting to watch her play in this series.
@Flike: well, in fact, he needs all these solar power plants and so on.they are not needed - he can go shopping, find ordinary gasoline generators, stock up on fuel, collect refrigerators, stock up on medicines and food - that's all, he is provided for life...
@Flike: It seems to me that this just showed the idea of a modern person about skills. I'll Google it now, and I'll find everything I need. And if the world ends? Yes, I'll take the necessary books from the library and figure it out. At the same time, it was shown that he boasted to the dog that he had started making the bed. A year later, the expected result.
I agree, it's sad. But damn, I love post-apocalyptic so much, especially something about the aesthetics of Last of us. I hope there will be something intriguing, because the trailer is also depressing…
Very strange behavior of the hero and the others. Everyone is dead, we are alone - life is over. This is utter stupidity. It's so easy to break down, not even try to look for someone, not try to find and tune the radio, throw a call, suddenly someone will respond. Lots of options! No, we'll sit on our ass and wait for death. Okay, let's see to what extent this insanity will reach.
I just started looking, read the description again, again, because I've been reading it for a long time, yeah, yeah, he just woke up himself after how long? Weeks? Months? Is kirdyk going to people there so fast? stupidity, just very stupidity. Was Last man on Earth at least a comedy, a walking drama, or whatever they are? And again, everyone died out and a couple of people remained on the surface? I don't have a fantasy, so I'm not going anywhere with it.
Emotions are pretty poor for the first episode. I won't stifle you with a million questions: "I haven't eaten or drunk in three weeks, I got out of the house fresh, I immediately went to the corpses, touched everyone, dug a huge grave.". well, etc. it's clear that the budget of the series was greatly saved. But I hope the story will swing, the series has been in my bookmarks for a very long time, I need to watch it! We love the apocalypses 🙃
Plus, I didn't understand gg: if he was so bad alone, why didn't he pack up and go further through the cities to look for other survivors? Not all survivors are like that couple from Vegas. As if it was possible to try, since I was already going crazy from loneliness
But I'll give the series a chance. It's interesting to see who else survived, and what the heroes will still be up against.
The guy doesn't seem to be mentally and physically disabled, but he couldn't overpower a three-meter fence. Well, OK, let's put it down to a weak thinker, sometimes they suffer from this.
Damn, if you're such an extrovert, then really go looking for people. Otherwise, stay at home and justify your words that you have always loved solitude! Make stocks of long-term storage products, clean hospitals and warehouses, put a galvanized fuel tank in a secluded place, and so on, eventually find yourself a bunker or another posh place with solar panels and/or wind turbines (a small hydroelectric power station nearby if you are an engineer, but this is for advanced people). Pick up a yacht, learn to go out to sea. There is a lot of entertainment))).
He's sick of it, yeah. I believed a couple of muddy types with suicidal fatalistic ideas, as if they had already traveled the whole world. They also showed that they drink most of the time in this Vegas). Oh, something bombed me, At least once it was about a man who already has everything normal in this post-apocalypse, but left-wing people appear and prevent him from living a high... Oh yes, it was almost like that, "I am a Legend." They don't want to repeat the masterpiece.
However, what am I talking about, it has long been said about your expectations - your problems. But nothing, maybe something unexpected will happen next, or vice versa, expected)).
The series somewhat reminded me of the Last Man on Earth, but it was a comedy, and here it's just philosophical reflections and nothing more.
It's kind of rotten for the first episode
Well, if you delve a little into the relationship between the Master and Margarita, then figure out how the Master will be with such a madama in a fairly short period of time.
Man is a social animal. GG was lucky to find a dog in the series. I think that determined that he didn't go any further.
Usually, when people are in the pens and have not washed, there is a scene in the shower leaning against the wall in thought)
Well, as it is, the pilot is normal.
Pleasant atmosphere, beautiful views of the empty world. How people poison everything with their fuss.
But there are certainly enough problems with logic. Starting with a 3-week gg cutoff and ending with the absence of corpses in the same Vegas.
And the main character himself is too stoic. He easily survived the death of his relatives and civilization and went to build his future.
By the end of the series, there is a question: why were we shown how a guy collects educational books, and then shows how he runs for a year, throws a tennis ball, winds circles in a car around the yard, etc. Probably in order to show that the guy does not see the point in competent survival and development of the economy. Perhaps everything will change in the future when he meets a companion for survival, the smoke from whose dwelling he noticed in the ending. Maybe next they will show us and tell us what kind of virus has wiped out almost the entire population of the Earth. And there will be some kind of conflict between the survivors. In general, I will watch because I was interested in the series.
P.S. The actor who played one of the survivors in Las Vegas reminded our actor Vladimir Simonov :)
And the actress who played Emma, the companion of the main character Isha, is FBI Special Agent Maya Miller from Ozark. It will be interesting to watch her play in this series.
"it's just the two of us on the whole planet, oh, and here's another one, cool, are you going to drink?"
I won't stifle you with a million questions: "I haven't eaten or drunk in three weeks, I got out of the house fresh, I immediately went to the corpses, touched everyone, dug a huge grave.". well, etc. it's clear that the budget of the series was greatly saved.
But I hope the story will swing, the series has been in my bookmarks for a very long time, I need to watch it! We love the apocalypses 🙃