What I want to say after watching two episodes.This is 100% Bulls-cruel, straightforward, brutal and uncompromising towards the heroes of the story.No wonder there was this break of several years, the director seemed to be gaining creative form.Everything is as we like it, and the level of tin in the first two episodes is comparable to the whole Major.And you don't need chewing gum and cute dancing, no romance.It was the darkest and darkest time in the history of our country and to show it the way it is shown, it is necessary to have a certain amount of courage.I don't even know what awaits us in future episodes, but the start is determined, it was a success. P.S. The only technical claim: OK, but it was impossible to cover up satellite dishes, plastic windows and modern cars in the frame during post-production? Such shoals catch the eye and break the atmosphere, the action takes place thirty years ago, this was not in sight.
@vk860469: the biggest disappointment is that the film about Khabarovsk was not shot in Khabarovsk, well, the atmosphere is not the same, I'm not talking about plastic windows at all, and the layout of the apartments is not ours, and I don't remember 5-storey panels, especially on Lenin Street.... Nature is also not ours, even some kind of bridge was built, which has nothing to do with Khabarovsk, and how they went from the Red River to the city through it is not clear at all.. We have 2 bridges to the left bank of the Amur River in the EAO and the second to Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island...If you create art, then you need to stick to the little things, well, that's my opinion.
@vk860469: Strangely, the second part of the Boomer was filmed at the yard in Primorye, by the way, the actor was filmed there from this series, and the cast is such that probably the budget went to royalties...
@g1530368: I give you a hundred plus points. And what do you think, prastikhospade, a Korean? When they started bombing me after watching it, the mainland (I now live in the central part) did not understand and were sure that I was picking on :D
Well, of course, ideally to shoot on the DV, who's arguing. But this is a quibble, no offense, because in a particular case it hurts the eye. And so, let's say it doesn't bother you that half of the series are filmed in Kaliningrad, for example, and Kazan in the Word of a kid in Yaroslavl ... each region can make claims, but what's the point?
I'm just saying that it's been filmed so far. Personally, I've seen some of the characters live)) but to find fault that they don't look like... in general, I traditionally want the wrong buttons, the wrong pants, the wrong panels ... well, really
@g1530368: It seems to me that Bykov is not shooting verbatim. The story is from Khabarovsk, and is told through a collage of details from all over Russia, so that each region can learn familiar details and feel goosebumps.
He grew up in the Far East, the same age as Eugene. All these topics with the General Staff are well known there. It's interesting to watch. In pre-production, even the characters were all called what they were called in reality. Now the truth is that Sugar is an Elephant, Eve is a Piece, and Jelly is Sour. But the Jam and Crab are in place)) and the Huntsman and his son are called truthfully, but with a different surname. Bykov is well done, I hope he will keep the bar until the end.
I was born in 93, I didn't find that time, but the atmosphere of this cunt is clearly shown. There are no positive or negative characters in this story, everyone lived as best they could..
Z.Y. I don't know what I would be able to do for my child if such times came now.
@Hamali666: This is evidenced at least by the fact that the real crab is still alive, unlike other characters.Most of them are either rotting in prison, or the land has been fertilized for a long time.
Was there a crab in FC Rodina too? Is he? I immediately say about what was happening in Khabarovsk, I don't know about this and started watching (although filming was conducted in Karelia, which is upsetting)and it seems like they wrote that based on real events , and as I understood from the comments there is a book? What kind of book is it?
FC Rodina has nothing to do with it at all. If you want to read / compare with the real story, go to my comment for the first episode (he's the only one there) by following the link
I have nothing to do with it, it's just that there was a crab there too, and the events took place in the Khabarovsk Territory (only in our time) or somewhere nearby, so I thought maybe the character was made out of a real one (which appears in this series), so I asked. I will definitely get acquainted, but I won't read it, I'd better watch the series first, because I don't need spoilers)
I got it) I think yes, if the story is unfamiliar, then it's better to watch the series and then read it. Therefore, I immediately wrote Carefully, otherwise the community will eat))
If by the first episode I wrote that there is not enough vibe 90, in this series the atmosphere is 100% conveyed. There were goosebumps at some points. It's creepy. We look further.
Wow, the series is already rocking, it's getting more and more interesting. The series keeps you in suspense, you can feel this whole atmosphere of hopelessness. Pasha is now, of course, deeply mired in this and dragged his son into all this, but where to go, he had no way out. I am amazed by the thought that in those years everything really was like that, this cruelty on the streets scares me, I was lucky that I only heard about the real stories of that time and did not grow up at that time
The scene of the baptism immediately after the beating with a stick is strong. Poor boys, especially Zhenya. Bingo and the husband of the father of the year were assembled very quickly (
Pavel ran over Lena like that , somehow it wasn't shown that she was constantly mumbling clothes/money/stuff 🤷
Zhenya as a child - you just believe his game 100% and think you should drive a ball or go with a loaf of bread to gnaw a hunk of bread and share it with your brother, and not that's all...
It's very scary. And it becomes even scarier to realize that this story is real. And there were a lot of such broken destinies, stolen childhood. Binge watching the series does not work, the storm of emotions overshadows everything, we need a break. Especially because of the characters of the children in the frame. The actors are simply gorgeous, no pretense, everything is clear and in fact. There is no romanticization of banditry. It's just a tough, bloody time, the thought of which is terrifying
Maybe it will come out later, but the strange Igor said that he put Zhenya in jail 23 years ago. And then how is his son 13-15 years old? Did she go to his zone? And got knocked up there? The kid's mobile phone is quite modern, it's been 20 years... Personally, something doesn't add up in my head.
Oh, what a shitty guy... times are sometimes, but he got himself into all this out of envy- the neighbor has it like that!- he immediately dunked the child there, immediately accused his wife of everything... cowardly, pathetic, stupid and cruel.
I'm just looking, everyone's been looking for a long time, apparently... I can't understand just one thing, why was it necessary for Zhenya to hide the gun in the dashboard? Or was Pavel afraid that he would be searched at the entrance to the entrance (well, or searched off-camera)?
I miss Bykov
P.S. The only technical claim: OK, but it was impossible to cover up satellite dishes, plastic windows and modern cars in the frame during post-production?
Such shoals catch the eye and break the atmosphere, the action takes place thirty years ago, this was not in sight.
And what do you think, prastikhospade, a Korean? When they started bombing me after watching it, the mainland (I now live in the central part) did not understand and were sure that I was picking on :D
There are no positive or negative characters in this story, everyone lived as best they could..
Z.Y. I don't know what I would be able to do for my child if such times came now.
I immediately say about what was happening in Khabarovsk, I don't know about this and started watching (although filming was conducted in Karelia, which is upsetting)and it seems like they wrote that based on real events , and as I understood from the comments there is a book? What kind of book is it?
I will definitely get acquainted, but I won't read it, I'd better watch the series first, because I don't need spoilers)
Poor boys, especially Zhenya. Bingo and the husband of the father of the year were assembled very quickly (
Zhenya as a child - you just believe his game 100% and think you should drive a ball or go with a loaf of bread to gnaw a hunk of bread and share it with your brother, and not that's all...
No wonder he claims to have killed himself.