
s01e04 — 4 серия

Лихие — s01e04 — 4 серия

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 07.11.202407.11.2024 03:00
Watched by: 4 71461.53%
1 season
s01e01 - 1 серия
s01e02 - 2 серия
s01e03 - 3 серия
s01e04 - 4 серия
s01e05 - 5 серия
s01e06 - 6 серия
s01e07 - 7 серия
s01e08 - 8 серия

Discussion of the 4 episode of the 1 season
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07 Nov 2024, 01:05 #
Eugene has grown up, but the kid is still 😊
The huntsman is cruel as always, but in this series I will say that "cruel reluctantly" 🤔
The series is gaining momentum🤩
07 Nov 2024, 10:31 #
I liked the series, but the unexpected timescale and the selection of an actor for Zhenya, there is little in common with the boy, but with the adult version - the same fussy, but in modern times we do not observe him much
07 Nov 2024, 20:36 #
! I also did not appreciate the timescale, initially it seemed like 92 years old, but here, judging by his appearance, he is 30 years old, although in a dialogue with his father he said "Well, I'm not 12 years old." Going further, judging by some cars eshka 210 (from 1995 to 2003) and Beha 39 (from 1995 to 2004), the question is how did it grow so much? And where do they feed like that? So in what time passage it happened, it is not clear.
08 Nov 2024, 14:03 #
@Hamali666: you can roughly estimate: she left for St. Petersburg for 2 years after the 9th. Zhenya was 12 at the time, she was xs, but let's say 11-13. She's 17 now. Total 1991+6 minimum. That is, the end of the 90s.
08 Nov 2024, 15:09 #
And it looks like all 30
12 Nov 2024, 13:48 #
@Hamali666: Kisel was killed in the summer of '96.
27 Nov 2024, 11:48 #
@Hamali666: the roles were indicated by Vasya in 1991 and Vasya in 1998 ( Eugene 's brother ) , respectively , the beginning of the series in 1991 , and now presumably the events of 1998
03 Dec 2024, 10:55 #
In the scene where the Jam was broadcast in the theater, so there you can determine what year approximately. There are cars near the theater, among them the Toyota Chaser 100 bodywork has been produced since mid-1996, respectively, everything happens in the summer of 1997 (1998)
09 Nov 2024, 17:36 #
@Cerega32: and my first thought was that the actor was well chosen.
21 Dec 2024, 07:31 #
@Cerega32: I also agree about the selection of the actor) it is clear that you can write off, they say, after 20 years of imprisonment, he has lost a lot, but still does not fit in with his school version, where the actor perfectly matches the likeness of Tkachuk.
07 Nov 2024, 14:17 #
I feel sorry for the woman in the end
07 Nov 2024, 14:55 #
@Lieserdi: I went to the comments to write the same thing
08 Nov 2024, 19:53 #
@Lieserdi: Почему?
08 Nov 2024, 22:48 #
@lyakhovatanya: плакала зря.
27 Dec 2024, 13:17 #
@Lieserdi: by the way, she died with more dignity than many bandits shown in the series) in the face of death, she did not humiliate herself and say that she would gnaw the earth for the sake of her brothers))
07 Nov 2024, 19:39 #
I would like to know exactly what parameters of the updated Eugene were put forward by the casting director in the search process. "A young man. He was below average height, so that from a distance, with a squint, he could pass for a teenager. That's all" Because I don't see any resemblance to either little Zhenya or an adult. I see a fighting broad gnome about twenty-five years old. Who does not look like the other two actors in complexion, height, or texture.
Who does not like the mental tossing around other people's lives, after he was previously present at the bombing of a woman and a child. I understand if there was the old little Zhenek in such a scene. He could have lost his head when the bandit escaped or fell apart later. But this one, after several years of working with a mad killer dad, just couldn't form any moral principles. Teenagers in a criminal environment pick up dirt on the fly. And, considering that he grew up and developed in it, and also had an example in the person of an authority-his father, Zhenya could remain a person only with the support of his mother or girlfriend. The last beacon of hope. But in this episode, the mother is not mentioned, and the girl has just appeared after a long absence.
And of course they have love...
For those who have come across gopnik in their lives, it should be especially funny to look at romance with such a specimen.

Well, I repeat the takeaways of some viewers - the 90s are not felt at all. It is unclear how the creators achieved this, but the epoch is not guessed from the word at all. Even music and gym clothes don't help.
08 Nov 2024, 11:53 #
@Kroze: There's nothing to talk about... there's a feeling that it's time for Eugene to contact the RealTransHaer.)
16 Nov 2024, 22:27 #
@Kroze: A fighting wide dwarf😆🤣
I'm sorry, this is very funny))
But the truth is, when I saw the actor in the role of Zhenya, allegedly selected for the age of a boy of the +-school-age period, I was extremely discouraged. A kind of thirty-year-old man...
07 Nov 2024, 20:11 #
And Eugene even wears this leather jacket at home. Is it freezing? The selection of the costume is terrible, the selection of the actor for this role is even more terrible, and his honor, as if he was sitting, is disgusting. And half of the dialogues are not audible, as if the microphone is in the ass. A good plot and idea were spoiled by poor execution.
07 Nov 2024, 20:22 #
And what's wrong with the costumes, everything is in fact sporty and leather on top, say thank you that it's not in raspberry on top like Baretsky still drives😂
Dialogues are generally a pain, I thought that I had problems with hearing, but no, the feeling that they wrote dialogues on the microphone of janius from the 00s, just darkness, and this series, it was necessary to watch it as much as possible without censorship and everywhere only with her (
08 Nov 2024, 23:45 #
I have a feeling that he is talking with peanuts in his mouth, it is very difficult to make out
27 Dec 2024, 11:12 #
@Lusik: I rewind it several times to understand the text.
07 Nov 2024, 21:10 #
!!! Spoilers !!!
The first scene with Tungus, such words as community service sounded and they say he broke his teeth about them, did he and his father throw everyone at the community service or worse?
The moment with the shootout, they say he's all ready and he let bandos go, but probably another scene in the shower killed him, I never understood it, I'll steal from the series and then I'll build a temple and everything will be fine ... but maybe he's not sure yet about the correctness of his choice, his life path, and his father dissuaded him - it's pleased, maybe he's not a complete beekeeper.
The moment with Lisa, well, straight Aigul from the word of the kid, the situation is almost 1 in 1. Well, figs with this situation, this cliche will now be in this genre…
Well, Sour was to be expected, he was initially not enthusiastic about Jam, to put it mildly, so he decided to merge the crab with Pasha and curry favor, so to speak, in front of Tungus and Moscow as a whole, but it did not work out… And the crabby-assed crab didn't take over everything on the Pasha... the nit. I didn't like the moment with his wife at all, I thought maybe he would let go, but alas no…
Zozulyak was not shown damn where he is, how he can have plastic surgery or skin transplanted ... it is unclear ..
It seems that the series was quite tense, but there are zero explanations as such, the questions only increased. At least they said what kind of ex-cop is riding with Lisa or something.
One thing pleases and at the same time upsets the 16 episodes, I thought it would be 8-10, I was also surprised how they would cram this whole time line into 8-10 episodes, but they generally don't sweat a damn thing stuck on it, they say, think for yourself what where and how..
Okay, let's look further, I feel the fifth episode will be very sweaty.…
08 Nov 2024, 07:51 #
@Hamali666: I didn't quite understand you, but judging by the list of 8 episodes in the season.
08 Nov 2024, 08:05 #
There are 16 declared on kp and cutting
08 Nov 2024, 09:25 #
@Hamali666: it will be divided into two seasons of 8 episodes each
08 Nov 2024, 19:09 #
Are you sure?
08 Nov 2024, 22:25 #
@Hamali666: it's very strange, I've seen on websites where they write 8 episodes, and someone writes 16, and that's where the truth is)
09 Nov 2024, 01:40 #
@Hamali666: in the news section of the series it is written that the 16 episode project
08 Dec 2024, 13:05 #
@qxeliah: мне попалась инфа про Лихие. Глава 2
видимо, туда 8 серий и ушли
08 Nov 2024, 01:14 #
08 Nov 2024, 13:08 #
What year is it now? The series
08 Nov 2024, 22:47 #
@Sociophobe: judging by the magnifying glass, it's at least the middle of the 90s - the beginning of the noughties
08 Nov 2024, 16:25 #
It's still interesting to watch. The only but. If you decide to show the confrontation with the Moscow thieves, great. But what does the Chechens have to do with it? They could not move from any Tungus or other Moscow Georgian thieves (like Badri). Well, these are quibbles.
08 Nov 2024, 18:56 #
I didn't understand at all, at the beginning of the series there was one actress, then abruptly another, then again the one that was at first
09 Nov 2024, 17:38 #
@lyakhovatanya: This is one, just with a wig and without
08 Nov 2024, 19:31 #
The scene with the fire extinguisher is similar to a reference to Gaspard Noe's "Irreversibility"🫠
08 Nov 2024, 22:45 #
What an aversion with each episode to the heroes of seril. But how powerfully Fast it plays. Super role
09 Nov 2024, 17:45 #
In the animal world, you can't call it anything else. At the same time, they also evoke echoes of sympathy: the whole world is like this.
Father of the year finally realized that children are big mirrors)
They showed how the situation could have unfolded differently from the Words of the boy. I won't say which is better, but I still feel less sorry for the asshole rapist than for the girl.
The footage from the sawmill is more beautiful. That's really our breaking bad, the operators there also loved industrial views)
Yura Bykov, thank you.
17 Nov 2024, 00:53 #
@Scandias: The sawmill is Fargo.
17 Nov 2024, 08:31 #
@AlexWulf: we need to get there)
24 Nov 2024, 20:29 #
@AlexWulf: The sawmill is Twin Peaks :)
25 Dec 2024, 23:42 #
@vk183115: exactly)
12 Nov 2024, 09:18 #
The number of naked asses and bodies is just off the scale)
It seems to me that this is clearly too much!)
12 Nov 2024, 10:45 #
Try watching "Elite", a very chaste series
12 Nov 2024, 18:24 #
@Lusik: Well I do not know. Shoving naked asses into a crime series in and out of the subject, such a thing. This is still not a youth series like Garbage.
But the scene of a naked man running down the street, of course, they will come up with something.
17 Nov 2024, 08:30 #
@SvetikWolf: well, a bare ass is given to a person by default, which means that in any life situation it can appear)
13 Nov 2024, 07:50 #
Show comment
15 Nov 2024, 19:38 #
What do you mean again? Has the kid's word been reviewed 10 times? In the dashing 90s, this was a common problem. Impunity is everything. And what does it mean to run around somewhere? Are there places where it's forbidden to go because you're a girl? And if you come somewhere, does that mean you want to fuck 100%?
17 Nov 2024, 11:52 #
@kira_kirchenko: the girl apparently lives in a pink world and neither she nor she has ever been in such a situation.
I agree, in the 90s it was a common thing, it just wasn't covered. At that time, my neighbor's friend was raped by a cop's son, she was all blue, as he beat her up. Then again, her neighbor tried to rape her when she was sitting in the entrance at her friend's door, and the neighbor was drunk from above in his underpants walking around the entrance. The cops came.
What can I say, my own friends tried to rape me, two of them, I said that I would raise such a yell now if the door was not opened.
So girls take care of themselves and trust very trusted friends.
15 Nov 2024, 19:39 #
Don't watch Russian movies, watch American ones. After all, no one films about violence there.🤦🏼♀️
15 Nov 2024, 22:57 #
and again Kulichkov plays a nit))
the norms of action were added))
music on the background adds atmosphere
20 Nov 2024, 20:59 #
The action is well done, otherwise the series is already starting to sink in dynamics. But the worst of all is this forced love drama in the hallway, as ridiculous as it is unreasonably pretentious. The circus is kind of unfunny, by God.
23 Dec 2024, 21:52 #
Читал статью о том что сериал снимали в Карелии, но в этой серии, в сцене где Женя с компанией расходятся после дискотеки в ДК и его его отец забирает на машине, узнал родную Балашиху) конкретно это место 55.755860, 38.086465 (стена с фреской в стиле советского поп арта).
20 Jan 20:43 #
@Pashan: and this DC is also being "filmed" in various TV series. At least, I saw this staircase, which is unmistakable, in "difficult teenagers", it was just a center for difficult teenagers, and in "The World! Friendship! Chewing gum" it was a registry office))
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