In 5 seconds, when he saw the Crab, he suffered indescribably, as he realized that all three of them were not tenants. Of course, he had such a look. Well, once the bride))))
It seems to be slightly overplaying Gela Meskhi. It falls out of all this harsh Bull brutality, it's not a Juzzz… I have nothing against the Yuzz, but it's okay to make a face there
@voronrun: and in Juzzze it was quite normal, but here it's just a hand. He talks like that, like porridge in his mouth, carefully pronounces every word
Zhenya, of course, is quite a radish. He turned everyone in at the first danger, and he also made a real kid. With each episode, the series turns into a soap drama.
@Numen: And who did he give them to? The cops? Or are you talking about these two half-witted brothers, whom he himself immediately sentenced. Do not forget that he is just a kid who tried to cling to life and delay time in any way. I went overboard with the details, but in principle I succeeded)) And the series is based on a specific real story, and in general, in all such real stories, people turn on each other, what surprises you?
That's why I love Bykov - he knows how to keep in suspense, and you really believe in what is happening. I really liked the color scheme of the entire series - the dark yellow shades convey very well the dangerous and almost insane state of everyone involved in this nightmare.
And what? How has the series progressed after this episode? Did🤷♀️ What was the tension? Did someone think that Zhenya would be killed or what? The series is just one day in the life of the characters, no more. If she hadn't been there, nothing would have changed in the series
@Pasha_Ruf: at least they showed that the burned policeman and the FSB officer joined forces, this is the beginning of the end for crime in the region. The series does not stand still.
The second important point is Eugene's weakness, which will also bear fruit in the future.
To be honest, I'm not particularly happy with this series either, here's the acquaintance of Zazulyak and fsbshnik, yes , it was just a little easier , I thought, finally, but again, who are these two whom he lost 😬😬 Then, to be honest, everything went in one place, in fact the whole series is about how Eugene was fucked by two gopnik, although personally I am interested in the swing of Pavel (beekeeper), Cancer, Tungus and Jam, because in the last series they killed Sour, ground the guest performers "allegedly" from Moscow, where is it all??? Where are the consequences? Zazulyak was pleased, he realized that he was working with a rat, doing everything quietly, well done. And about the fact that Zhenya handed over these narrow-minded Likhovets, so I completely agree with those who wrote above, he signed a death sentence for them and his father with a machine gun, even if they had let him go, they would still have been killed. It also seems to me that this triple murder will somehow lead Zazulyak and the FSB officer to Pasha and Zhenya.Well, they didn't just spend the entire series on this narrative. And yes, Lisa, she's a bride now, and she knows everything, well, great…
In fact, it is true in almost everything. The series is so filerno chamber. But it seems to me that it is more for the transformation and development of characters - Eugene and Lisa, Zozulyak and face. And of course there will be consequences, as logic and real history suggest. Moscow will present Jam, and the Komsomol members, or as they used to say, the Molskys, will ask for a Crab.
a tense series. and he told me...He was afraid and thought he would pacify them with the truth of that...and condemned to death))) and it's not the first time he gets scared, apparently he hasn't figured out where he got to yet Well, it's interesting to look at an adult Zhenya already
If the guys hadn't been killed, then Game of Thrones could have been released earlier - the story about the cut-off sausage and the crucified heir to the throne would have already been known in the 90s
The ending with the girl is one of the few moments in the series when I felt a real danger to the common man. While they're dealing with each other, somehow it's different, and in movies usually heroines are saved anyway... And here's a real killing machine.
Well, did Eugene do everything wrong, even considering his stupid age?) He clung to life somehow, all the information he said helped him and delayed his death. After all, if he hadn't told all this to the boys, they could have easily killed him. I am shocked by how Pasha confidently, without a doubt, knocks down people whom he did not originally plan to kill, well, in fact, there was no other way here
The acting in the series broke through another bottom: this time fsbshnik and Shpak were noted.
Even a speech therapist can't help the first one get a bouquet of dicks out of his mouth. It looks ridiculous, considering that he's supposedly playing a pretentious and ambitious metropolitan cop.
The second one was clearly inspired by the cartoonish villains from the animated series ORT of the 90s: screaming, raging, well, just look at what a psycho I am!
Well, once the bride))))
I have nothing against the Yuzz, but it's okay to make a face there
And the series is based on a specific real story, and in general, in all such real stories, people turn on each other, what surprises you?
The series is great 👍
I really liked the color scheme of the entire series - the dark yellow shades convey very well the dangerous and almost insane state of everyone involved in this nightmare.
What was the tension? Did someone think that Zhenya would be killed or what? The series is just one day in the life of the characters, no more. If she hadn't been there, nothing would have changed in the series
The second important point is Eugene's weakness, which will also bear fruit in the future.
Then, to be honest, everything went in one place, in fact the whole series is about how Eugene was fucked by two gopnik, although personally I am interested in the swing of Pavel (beekeeper), Cancer, Tungus and Jam, because in the last series they killed Sour, ground the guest performers "allegedly" from Moscow, where is it all??? Where are the consequences?
Zazulyak was pleased, he realized that he was working with a rat, doing everything quietly, well done.
And about the fact that Zhenya handed over these narrow-minded Likhovets, so I completely agree with those who wrote above, he signed a death sentence for them and his father with a machine gun, even if they had let him go, they would still have been killed.
It also seems to me that this triple murder will somehow lead Zazulyak and the FSB officer to Pasha and Zhenya.Well, they didn't just spend the entire series on this narrative.
And yes, Lisa, she's a bride now, and she knows everything, well, great…
and he told me...He was afraid and thought he would pacify them with the truth of that...and condemned to death))) and it's not the first time he gets scared, apparently he hasn't figured out where he got to yet
Well, it's interesting to look at an adult Zhenya already
I am shocked by how Pasha confidently, without a doubt, knocks down people whom he did not originally plan to kill, well, in fact, there was no other way here
Even a speech therapist can't help the first one get a bouquet of dicks out of his mouth. It looks ridiculous, considering that he's supposedly playing a pretentious and ambitious metropolitan cop.
The second one was clearly inspired by the cartoonish villains from the animated series ORT of the 90s: screaming, raging, well, just look at what a psycho I am!