
s01e02 — The Space Between

Earth Abides — s01e02 — The Space Between

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 08.12.202408.12.2024 20:00
Watched by: 1 99155.38%
1 season
s01e01 - Alone
s01e02 - The Space Between
s01e03 - World Without End
s01e04 - Predators
s01e05 - The Return
s01e06 - Forever Is Tomorrow Is Today

Discussion of the 2 episode of the 1 season
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08 Dec 2024, 13:50 #
They crammed it into one episode for almost a year. There's some kind of Kringe with rats, there's a whole city with corpses, food shops, and the rats need their garbage bags and a piece of meat. All this time they were gone and one day they all came running to them. And then the cats came running and destroyed the rats? In general, some kind of nonsense.
It's not clear what they want to show us, but I guess it won't be interesting.
09 Dec 2024, 01:30 #
@Allisoon: they seem to fit at least a year in one episode (as it seemed to me from the first two).
The rats have bred and in 2 years they have definitely managed to devour all the corpses.

But everything on the screen is of course too fast, the pitch is so-so.
At the same time... that's how you can have an invasion of an army of rats in the series, and the launch of a solar generator, and childbirth, but the episode still came out tedious and sprawling? XD
09 Dec 2024, 18:24 #
@Allisoon: A kind of psevodocumentary about the apocalypse and the birth of a new civilization on the example of one family...
10 Dec 2024, 02:26 #
@Allisoon: I don't understand why it was impossible to freeze the meat, there is a lot of illogic and stupidity, if you don't think about it, then beer will do
10 Dec 2024, 02:53 #
@bugagaashenka: because of all the houses in the world, they chose perhaps the most unsuitable for living in the post-apocalypse). And they didn't bother much with the alterations, except for the solar panels. There are probably just no freezers or only one, from the old days).
25 Dec 2024, 16:08 #
@Allisoon: and I liked the part with the fat cows that were unattended.
08 Dec 2024, 15:04 #
A Plague tale )
08 Dec 2024, 20:05 #
Something like vanilla romance has gone, not exactly what I was waiting for
09 Dec 2024, 03:03 #
It seems like we were left alone with vanilla and without burying corpses...
09 Dec 2024, 09:25 #
Some kind of panopticon without common sense and with a terrible lipped nigra...
09 Dec 2024, 10:04 #
The first episode was intriguing, but this one is quite sluggish. Yes, and the narrative is somewhat strongly compressed in terms of time
09 Dec 2024, 15:12 #
@Candramelekh: I just noticed that there are only 6 episodes announced.
Maybe this is some kind of mini-series, and not Lost/From?! Which is probably for the best.
09 Dec 2024, 11:52 #
It's fun with rats
09 Dec 2024, 18:42 #
I hope that we are being prepared for something incredible, something that will make our blood run cold and cause a storm of emotions.

What does fiction have to do with it? Aliens? Mutants? Parallel worlds?

It's like a primitive game: survive, find a mate, build a house, plant a garden... And all this for what? Just Sims after the plague?
22 Jan 18:02 #
@g1341890: I wish I could play Sims after the plague. Just to make it fun, not something that happens in mobile games.
09 Dec 2024, 19:02 #
I'm outraged. In the first 5 minutes that we see.
I found her, immediately trust her, let's hang out. I do not believe. This does not happen in ultra-crises.
09 Dec 2024, 23:29 #
I liked the series. There is chemistry between them. Yes, everything is developing quickly, no sooner have you conceived a child than it's time to give birth. But that's the beauty of it, there's no plot tightening. So I look further, there is no aversion from the series.
10 Dec 2024, 08:56 #
He read smart books for a year. As a result, he has no vegetable garden, no electricity, no meat.
Then I read smart books again for almost a year. As a result, she still does not know what to do during childbirth.
He must have read about protection before as well :)

Okay, let's see what else is left in the library.
11 Dec 2024, 20:12 #
@Bublik-bu: Ahhahah, this is top!
10 Dec 2024, 20:32 #
And I liked that the first episode is the second. Yes, perhaps many people were waiting for zombies or looters of psychopaths, the division of territories, etc., I also probably waited for this, but this is probably not about it, although judging by the ending of this series, it will still be possible.
Here many people blame the Persian for his unpreparedness, so to speak, they say that nothing can happen in a year or two, etc., and what would you do?!? I think I'm not the only one who sometimes wondered after or while watching such projects, what if? If you disassemble the character, then in fact he was left alone, one damn (oh, yes, there was a grandfather and a girl who revealed the topic of boobs, who reveled in alcohol and eventually shot themselves somewhere there, allegedly losing their meaning), lost-confused, without a clue what to do, who buried his parents, plus this infection that How is she, why is she?. Ladies and gentlemen - he is alone, all alone, in his opinion, although the dream of finding someone was probably burning in his head, he has a mess in his head, and thoughts about whether it is worth it and why at all.He's in his 20s, and over the years, what has he done? He was looking for the right stones, and lived almost carefree, well, except for the usual everyday routine, and then everything, the moment, and everything collapsed, and then he overslept everything, roughly speaking. The moment he met the dog, it was happiness for him, as well as for me, I was sincerely happy for him, because at the moment of their meeting, he slowly started to live on again, and almost with difficulty began to live on, but then again groundhog day, he again began to go crazy, roughly speaking, and knit knots on a rope, and there's smoke... Yes, their meeting can probably be found fault with her, but look on the other hand, from his side, at his emotions, he looked at her like mana from heaven, and yes, damn it, I liked this scene too), in fact at this moment, despite the fact that it could have happened further (maybe she would have killed him or worse), he realized, damn it, he saw, after a year or so, he was not alone…
Yes, they quickly came together, yes, it is doubtful for me as a lover of the subject of such projects, but at the same time it is not
10 Dec 2024, 21:02 #
@Hamali666: usually. And I'm glad for the Persian that he found her. My question is more for her, yes, there was a dialogue that she misses people, etc., why did she write this inscription, and even with a home address, this is of course nonsense. Who will find them there xs, and what will happen next too.
The moment with the rats, I've already seen it somewhere, but still, it's a cool moment, they wrote here that they didn't eat the corpses, didn't clean the shops, etc., what's the timing? Corpses tend to decompose, and it's unlikely that rats are scavengers, or so scavengers, products also tend to deteriorate, cereals and pasta, well, OK, but there is also a deadline, plus beetles may appear, but they breed, their population is mowed down by a person periodically, and then people are two and .. And there is not enough food for everyone. So they came from hunger to a place where it is fresher, waste and people. And kittens are generally great 👏 I always knew that kittens rule the world and will save it)
In general, initially he should have gone back to the house where he woke up after the funeral, and rebuilt there, well, I would have done so, not in the city but not far from it.

So far, it's more like a drama for me, and I don't know why, but I like it..I will continue to look forward with pleasure.
16 Jan 17:54 #
@Hamali666: I would definitely have left in the first months in case of such an apocalypse))
10 Dec 2024, 21:13 #
Full of shit, a lot of lyrical stuff, a moronic scene with rats. Just nonsense, drop
11 Dec 2024, 00:38 #
Why do you need to rewind time like that?It's so terrible and stretched and stupid. At the moment, the series is terribly boring, although a piece of the series at the end was interesting from the Outside...(
11 Dec 2024, 01:03 #
I agree that the actress for the role of passion could have been chosen from the same race, but this is America, they have BLM, so we have what we have. The FBI agent from the Ozark plays well, in the episode with the rats she proved herself to be an experienced sniper. In general, the logic in this series is still lame. The guy lived without electricity for a whole year, since he decided to use solar panels only after he started a relationship and needed to equip a home?
Why does Emma so persistently indicate that they, as survivors, are there? Wouldn't it be better to live quietly and peacefully with your family and not engage in appeals, because not very reliable people may come to the call and then the invasion of rats will seem like flowers. Although the main drama and intrigue of this series is based on the different relationships of the remaining people, it would not be so interesting to simply observe the establishment of everyday life in post-shock conditions. The series is short, while it continues to intrigue, so let's see how events will develop further
11 Dec 2024, 14:07 #
@Flike: We've seen enough of the Walking Dead with their crazy communities and maniacs, that's why we're waiting for not very trustworthy people.
11 Dec 2024, 01:32 #
There is no such black child when the father is white. There will be a half-breed (mulatto).
Is the story playing here, or is there simply no similar child for the scene, who is born to multicolored parents? 🤔
11 Dec 2024, 16:51 #
By the way, he has a whole city nearby, is it right to go there, look for food, generators, seeds or other necessary things for survival?
You can just look at the city while fishing.
11 Dec 2024, 18:39 #
The main character's actions are very ill-considered and the script as a whole is not very good. Why would he need solar panels at the initial stage, if he could take any diesel generator and fuel reserves? Also, the solar panels that he installed will be enough for undemanding consumers, and it is also necessary to use inverters, batteries, etc. We were shown how he installed them and everything magically works.
The rats are also an overkill. Take any abandoned city, are there crowds of rats running around? Why has their population grown so much? How are they going to continue the human race if there are no more people in their "universe"? Or will there be other people at one convenient moment?
11 Dec 2024, 20:17 #
The series is kind of tinny. It's better not to watch for the faint of heart
12 Dec 2024, 00:40 #
the second episode is straight, it's better not to watch the food. don't make my mistakes) cow ripping, rats, rat-eating cats, childbirth.
it seems like so much action, so many events, but why is it so boring! and this aunt is still blissful.
I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die, I'm GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW! She wrote this inscription, she has few problems, it is clear. humans can become a problem worse than an invasion of rats.
It's kind of surreal about rats and cats. why carve up a cow, then leave it somewhere in the yard.
in short, despite the fact that, yes, in the conditions of the post-apocalypse, our sofa troops are unlikely to be as smart, calculating, and operational as in the comments, but these guys are just some kind of dodgers.
I hope it will be better from now on, because to slide into this straight from the second series of this ppts. even the walkers lasted a couple of seasons.
12 Dec 2024, 01:59 #
I couldn't help but think: Michonne and Rick version 2.0.😂

I don't know, I like it, the post-apocalypse has never looked so easy
17 Dec 2024, 22:28 #
@Liyuuuuunder: Ahha, 100% of my thoughts are even superficially a little similar
12 Dec 2024, 02:23 #
Well, the choice of an actress, although controversial, is generally chemical.
In general, everyone is waiting for the typical horrors of the post-up, and the show is clearly about something else-it's about hope. About the fact that you can't lose optimism and then everything will come to you by itself. And that even the realm of death has a place to live. Therefore, in places it is vanilla, in places the details are omitted, the very survival is more like a background.
But overall it looks nice.
Although yes, it is annoying that gg, supposedly a scientist and a bookworm, in the end did not build anything in the post-office. In addition to solar panels, I almost broke my neck during installation.
The ending is also as naive and infantile as possible, but that's the message.There is no need to wait for the fact that man is a wolf to man, and therefore it is better not to leave your coordinates to just anyone. Surely only good people will come to the heroes to build a strong community based on mutual assistance and love.
It may be nice to be optimistic sometimes and believe in the best in people. For variety.And then we have enough stories about the opposite, and life does not get tired of throwing up.
12 Dec 2024, 10:14 #
@ekko: вот я не жду типичных ужасов постапа, потому что ну надоело уже! И, да, интереснее было бы смотреть просто на жизнь в новых обстоятельствах, а не на выживание. А экшон и драму, без которых всем скучно, можно показать и без монстров, негодяев и бесконечных разборок с ними.

Например, почитал человек умную книгу, взял себя в руки и засеял-таки огородик, а тут, опа, колорадский жук напал или заморозки ударили - урожай погиб. Человек, поверивший, что ещё всё может быть хорошо, опять впал в уныние и пошёл готовить верёвку... Чем не драма?)

Или пошёл человек в магазин за новыми вкусными консервами, опа, медведь из лесу вышел, тоже ищет чего-нибудь перекусить. Вот вам экшон - человек спасается от медведя. И домой он вернулся не только с консервами, но и со свежим мясом.

Или поехал человек искать генератор, опа, тормоза в машине отказали... А другой человек поехал искать первого, и нашёл его раненым, повёз в больницу, где и генератор работает и оборудование с лекарствами есть. И человек заранее почитал умные книги, и маленькую операцию успешно провёл. Но потом опять опа, тампон забыл или тромб оторвался - вот и экшон, и драма))

В общем, много чего можно придумать подобного, но в целом пусть бы люди жили мирно и с верой в светлое будущее. Для разнообразия(
17 Dec 2024, 22:32 #
@Bublik-bu: And he returned home not only with canned food, but also with fresh meat - are you talking about a bear?
18 Dec 2024, 15:24 #
@Victor_Flash: ну да
21 Dec 2024, 12:44 #
@Bublik-bu: the bear returned with canned food and Isha meat =))
12 Dec 2024, 22:38 #
I really liked the series, I love it about the apocalypse!!!The main character is cool, and I'm so glad that he met this woman, that I wasn't the only one, I knew that they would have feelings and now all is not lost, they will continue the kind of people it's so cool, a very sweet couple!!Only everyone fell in love very quickly and in the same series both pregnancy and childbirth, but it's just like a hero, I'm very happy for them, for their girl!!I wonder what will happen next)))I'm waiting for the real world, fantasy and parallel worlds and all that!
21 Dec 2024, 14:07 #
@Jeronimoo: I will disappoint you, but there will definitely be no fiction and parallel worlds here)
12 Dec 2024, 23:33 #
Now some guy saw their ad. How could she leave him so frivolously?
After all, even to remember the acquaintance of GG, she did not meet him with bread and salt, but aimed a rifle ...
And then a child appeared. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the child is 7 :D in the next episode
13 Dec 2024, 13:19 #
A sluggish pisyun, strangled by domestic violence, not a TV series....
13 Dec 2024, 14:53 #
it only came to me on the second episode that a person had been lying almost in a coma for 3 (?) weeks and somehow survived. the snake obviously bit him before the outbreak, which means that his parents (obviously) knowing where he lives, for some reason did not go to his house when he stopped answering calls and SMS. besides, as I understood again from the first episode, they are not that far away They lived apart from each other. in the first episode, everything was somehow very casually shown, but as of gg, it did not look like he was able to get up at least to drink water from the tap. I'm not talking about eating anything. as far as I know, it is flown by default.

and in this episode, it's completely idiotic: you're like, maybe two people in the whole world who are alive, but you don't want to think with your head. I'm not talking about contraception — probably, in such conditions, it doesn't give a fuck as much as possible — but to refrain from ending up in a woman on the threshold of the end of the world, as if it were possible, so as not to walk with an evil fucker, because, hello, a woman got knocked up by you.

the story of the rats and cats is a separate and very strange sur. as well as the address written on the wall. apparently, in such conditions, you stop thinking with your head completely.
21 Dec 2024, 20:45 #
@nochedeotono: so I was struck by the fact that he didn't die from a rattlesnake bite, he spent three weeks lying down with some kind of makar, it was necessary to drink/eat somehow, go to the potty. And it's true about the parents, it's strange that they didn't rush over when their son stopped answering calls and text messages. If I hadn't been in touch for a couple of days, they would have already set everyone on their ears. And I would have done the same. So far, I don't believe in all this nonsense.
14 Dec 2024, 02:09 #
If the first episode is still with grief in half, then the second is just an emetic powder, especially the dialogues. Go on without me.
22 Jan 20:45 #
@megapilus: I also thought about dialogues.
14 Dec 2024, 02:10 #
My God, this is just nonsense!!!! The authors and screenwriters didn't have any logic at all!He lives for a year in a house without solar panels (although he took books in the last series on how to build them), met a completely unfamiliar woman (the chosen actress did not like this role at all), got knocked up, did not have the slightest desire to find out if there are still people, scientists, etc., rats in one the day came running to them and during the night they were devoured by cats What the fuck...?!😁🫠🤯
I was watching and thinking, well, if they added drama, like she dies during childbirth, and he stays with the child, yes it would be even more interesting despite all this nonsense! But some vanilla started. I doubt that I will even continue to watch
22 Jan 20:46 #
@Anna007K: Yes, this is a comedy, you don't understand😆😆😆 (sarcasm, if anything), and you never know) and it's no offense), I don't know you), but now everything is too sensitive)))))))
16 Dec 2024, 13:57 #
Comment has been deleted
16 Dec 2024, 14:11 #
That is, the apocalypse happened. And only a year later, he realizes that he needs to put on solar panels, get chickens, probably still bring cows to himself, and not kill one of them so that the rest of him would run away, that if you don't want children, you probably need to go to the pharmacy and pick up all the condoms that are there. Well, at the very least, if you have a child, you do not need to write everywhere we live here, come. What makes you think that the next surviving people will be kind, and not a villain who will want to kill you and take away everything that you have already built and adjusted... And just the Cherry on the cake - we are making a vegetable garden and what are we the first to plant? of course rosemary is the most important.. aaaaa.. I don't even want to inspect it.
22 Jan 20:48 #
@alex31: The scriptwriters probably had a hard time writing all this.
23 Dec 2024, 19:23 #
The series about Bjorn the inkman is still not interesting. We're skipping it
25 Dec 2024, 21:20 #
No, that's it, thanks.
First of all, the genre itself is no longer interesting to me after the covidobesia. It's not like that in real life. And fantasies on the subject are no longer as fascinating as they used to be. Secondly, it is again implanted in the consciousness that humanity is a virus. Go fuck yourself already!
The first episode is on rewind. At the 15th minute of the second, that's it, I'm tired. I'm tired of the stupidity of gg, I'm tired of the topic itself, I'm tired of viruses infecting the brain with the fact that humanity is a virus.
26 Dec 2024, 14:56 #
Both the actress and the character are wildly infuriating

The rat scene is just... what?
28 Dec 2024, 16:24 #
Only those who have survived the Walking Dead know that in no case should you highlight your place of residence during the apocalypse, and even more so write ads where you are.
28 Dec 2024, 21:14 #
It's immediately obvious that they don't know anything about rats) such a large number of Rats would simply take down these cats like piranhas. And their abrupt disappearance suggests that some kind of ass is coming.
30 Dec 2024, 19:17 #
Even if we take into account the narrative, there are so few people left in the plot that gg would be glad to have an old grandmother in the role of a passion, this one is still nothing, he was lucky.

As it is, it's kind of dull and boring. I'm even more annoyed by the main character, or rather, as an actor he plays, he has a very stupid face.
30 Dec 2024, 21:19 #
@AtomicTroll: there's also a character who's not very smart, you'll see later). In general, the first episode was enough to doubt his mental abilities. So the balance is maintained😁
30 Dec 2024, 21:21 #
@Hidji: I'm not sure I want to waste my time on this series from what I see.
30 Dec 2024, 21:25 #
@AtomicTroll: well, that's up to you to decide). I watch the seasons that have started almost always on principle, but I understand if someone doesn't want to waste time on inappropriate content. One thing I can say is that there will be no further radical changes in the plot and in the style of presentation, everything is going along approximately the same lines.
21 Jan 15:45 #
Although I love this genre of TV series, but the scene with the cow is just 3.14zdets.. I understand why we're being shown all this in such detail, but it's still disgusting and unbelievable. I don't think the series would have gotten any worse without this moment, just better.
22 Jan 19:32 #
Only now, in the credits of the second episode, I found out that this is an AMG+ project, aah, well, e__)drink
22 Jan 20:39 #
These are the shots... how did they dare to show such a thing these days? What about all these vegans? And their feelings? But I feel sorry for the cow…
22 Jan 20:42 #
The situation with the rats is wild nonsense
22 Jan 20:51 #
They dilute all this wild nonsense with tough meat))) a ladybug, cats eating rats, in order to somehow keep the audience, apparently)))))))
They show: the second year and she's like, wow, they're gone
About the rats
What is🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
22 Jan 20:53 #
One thing pleases that the dog survived
Dialogues are something…
The name of the main character is telling, ish, what kind of footage was taken!
28 Jan 23:05 #
It's all so crazy and absurd..
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