
s01e04 — Predators

Earth Abides — s01e04 — Predators

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 22.12.202422.12.2024 20:00
Watched by: 1 63646.33%
1 season
s01e01 - Alone
s01e02 - The Space Between
s01e03 - World Without End
s01e04 - Predators
s01e05 - The Return
s01e06 - Forever Is Tomorrow Is Today

Discussion of the 4 episode of the 1 season
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22 Dec 2024, 22:02 #
Everything was there. In the Revolution , etc .
Well, there's a better picture here... It's funny - a land without people and a crowd of people....
22 Dec 2024, 23:43 #
@Klido: Was it more atmospheric in the revolution? Time flies here, which makes it hard to believe in any connection between the characters, or some kind of alienation, because it feels like everyone is pretending. There is no attachment to any character, except for the dog.💔
In this series, a couple of children were removed, survivors were added, so the affectation between the main cast is not very noticeable (this is my personal feeling). We expect a mess from the newcomer.
23 Dec 2024, 06:04 #
Damn, you can live on tap water for 17 years and not even scratch yourself to dig a well or drill a well under a pump. I'm blown away, these people seem to live in one day. I also picked up some smart books. Probably not to read, but only in case of emergency, as manuals))).
24 Dec 2024, 17:10 #
@Hidji: It's more for beauty. To stand on the shelves.)))
27 Dec 2024, 00:41 #
Comment has been deleted
23 Dec 2024, 12:29 #
Damn, there's no extra line with the asshole to just shoot about how humanity is reborn in the conditions of the apocalypse and people remain human and help each other. And so, we returned to the fact that there are scum people, even in such an empty world.
23 Dec 2024, 14:54 #
I screamed something when he said about fucking Vikings)
24 Dec 2024, 08:30 #
@-TraumfraU-: references
25 Dec 2024, 20:14 #
@-TraumfraU-: привет малыха, ты меня может не помнишь, но я увидел чудо, первый адекватный и смешной коммент от тебя)))
25 Dec 2024, 23:03 #
@xden4ik: Take a better look. I even have a 2023 Comment award.
She left a comment that is in the top 100 in the rating in 2023. It was given on March 14, 2024. I think I'll get another one next March, or even better. It's just a statement of fact, I have this award. I've messed with you, let's not overshoot each other out of the blue. I'm just telling it like it is. Okay, today is the second season of the Squid Game coming out. I'll meet you there)
26 Dec 2024, 01:53 #
@-TraumfraU-: честно я тебя даже не минусовал, я тебе даже ща плюсик поставил, уже второй получается)) ну просто если я человеку что то пишу, так сказать негативное, я уже не буду ему минусы ставить, не так я воспитан ))
23 Dec 2024, 23:56 #
I don't understand anything, where are the scars from the tigress? )) another time interval again?
24 Dec 2024, 00:20 #
How helpless is the drama here, with its ultra-pretentious philosophy.
24 Dec 2024, 21:33 #
Either I don't understand something, or... I understand nothing. We lived in a commune for up to twelve years and did not think (before the puma attack, at least) to build trap walls against predators. Weapons include 2-3 hunting rifles and a pistol. Seriously??? Pick up a dozen automatic rifles, just in case, right? In a few years, no one has thought to open the locked doors in the hospital? And were you treated with what, plantain? Digging a well is not lazy. Start breeding animals? No, we haven't heard about animal husbandry! Tell children about the history of civilization and geography? Come on, we'd better breed. I don't have anything against reproduction at all, I practice regularly myself. But damn, it's not 24/7!!! Actually, there was more logic in the characters' actions in the Walkers.
On the plus side, I can't help but praise the views of various abandoned places. It really inspires.
25 Dec 2024, 23:08 #
@Kazan_etc: I'm reading a series of Walking books right now, there's tin in general, but there's zombies. And what prevents them from developing?
26 Dec 2024, 00:44 #
@-TraumfraU-: I have only one option, they are alternatively gifted. Really, even though less than a percent survived, is it okay to arm yourself? Moreover, during a trip to the city, Izh himself said that there are 50 species of animals that are ready to kill and eat you! But at the same time, there is no protection of the territory. Not at all! The hand-face suggests itself...
26 Dec 2024, 01:10 #
@Kazan_etc: I agree. The characters are completely lacking in healthy pragmatism, thriftfulness, concern for their own (and descendants') future, and a desire to protect the group. But another desire dominates: to reproduce without worrying about the above!As a person from a generation that grew up on books, among which at least Robinson Crusoe was read by everyone who is not intimidated by a text more than a couple of sentences long, I was tormented by facepalm))).
25 Dec 2024, 05:01 #
And also, like all other adults, they feed on rejuvenating apples .
25 Dec 2024, 05:14 #
"Men! Thank God I'm not one"
WTF? These people are fuking crazy
25 Dec 2024, 12:51 #
Ish, after being attacked by a cougar and cured, seemed to have dropped for several years. Even Ezra, for example, looks older.
Charlie's new Persian is clearly not simple. How he replied that he really liked this place. After the discovery of groundwater, he clearly reconsidered his plans to continue traveling with his community and decided to settle down and put down roots at such a rich water source. And in general, he behaves like a manipulator, insinuating himself into trust.

The dialogue is a reference to the Vikings, considering the role of Alexander Ludwig in this series, I was very amused :)
27 Dec 2024, 04:17 #
The whole episode was kept in suspense, and then... Nothing happened.
27 Dec 2024, 10:50 #
Ish is right, of course, that he doesn't trust this slippery guy... it feels like he's going to kill Ish.
22 Jan 22:47 #
Aaron Thwaite ^ _ _ _ ^
22 Jan 22:48 #
Damn, this aunt of his is blissful
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