The scriptwriters got too far apart in this episode, they just shoved everything in here... Owen's transfer to New York, the denial of custody to Tikei and Carlos, Mateo's deportation, Tommy's death, the asteroid. I know it's the end of the series, but why put so much stuff in one episode?
@stay8_skz: I really feel sorry for Tommy... I burst into tears myself when she was talking to the girls. But they don't even realize that this was their last conversation. That's why we had to do it in the final season...
@stay8_skz: Q: When did Owen change his mind about New York? Or did he decide this after he helped Judd and realized that everything would be fine for him?
@Goblet_of_wine: I have no idea at all. We were simply told that he and his lawyer had reviewed the contract and agreed to the offer. They crammed so much into the series that I don't think they had enough time to explain it. They just confronted him with the fact, and it doesn't matter that he had previously said that he would not agree to this proposal. 😂
@Goblet_of_wine: I think that he changed his mind when he flipped through the contacts in his phone and realized that he had no one to call, because all the people close to him were here at 126... But why didn't you remember Tommy?..
Why didn't anyone come to support Tommy in the last moments of her life? No one even thought about her when they heard about the asteroid : (I felt so hurt for her, because they are a family, 126 forever! In the end, I burst into tears. 😭
Gods, some of the choicest trash has been collected in recent episodes. As if all the crazy disasters in the main series weren't enough, they decided to celebrate the end of the spin-off in a lordly way. So that we can definitely overshadow all the nonsense that's been going on in 911 lately. I wouldn't be surprised if what was shown at the beginning of the series was the aftermath of a meteor strike: a time rift opened in Austin and 126 fell into the past, where she helped extinguish the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And then the Doctor came and saved everyone. Including Tommy. It was necessary to develop all the characters so hard so that they could just merge in 3 episodes. Unrepresentable...
* nagging But I insist: Mateo will be legalized through marriage to Nancy, Carlos and TK will undergo another check, Tommy will wake up with a second chance (well, it's not appropriate to kill a cancer patient so quickly and rudely), Judd with Charlie in his arms at the airport, Marjan is pregnant with five, uh... No , well, the option to kill everyone is for me I like it too - couldn't some screenwriter freak out at the end? But hardly
I thought I'd watch the episode at lunch, and here you are. I'm sitting in a**e from all these events at once.. it's impossible to continue working now..
Hello, von Trier's conditional Melancholy. Cursory, dotted, and ellipsis... I don't believe in an apocalyptic ending in an American TV series (the exception is the spot-on and already familiar character sawing by Shonda Rhimes). So 99% of the heroes will be alive. And most likely, in the final episode, there will simply be a global reassessment of values for the majority under the slogan: the main thing is family, friendship, happiness and cherish every moment of the present for carpe diem and memento mori.
My dreams are at a temperature of 39 😅 Seriously, it's been a long time since I've seen such a sloppy draining of the series. They crammed everything into the topic and not into the topic and got peace with a stroke. To merge Vega, one of the most adequate and integral characters, who is delightfully played by the delightful Gina Torres, is simply a crime. First, her husband is killed, then she herself, and even in this way. Magically, Judd struggles with alcoholism in a couple of months (and becomes a captain, it seems, which raises questions: is it even acceptable to put such mentally unstable people in senior positions in emergency services). I thought his problems were because his wife had left, and his problems were that she didn't get the messages, wtf... I was blown away by how healthy Mateo had become (when even Mateo was rocking, but you still weren't). Nancy, I mean, we'll be happy even living in different countries. Save the guy, marry him, I don't care about legal marriage either, but there's a real way out. TK will become a housewife, apparently, which I also consider a drain on the whole (I'm sure she'll get hooked again out of boredom if she doesn't find something to do). There's nothing to say about Owen except that Rob Lowe directed the series on his own behalf, and by finishing off lone star in the title, he obviously meant himself to be loved and underestimated. I haven't seen such narcissism for a long time either. As colleagues from anglo-fd write, they wanted to make a series about inclusivity and diversity, but they made a film about a white cisgender heterosexual man and his problems with hair transplantation, pushing everyone back.;
Galya, we have a cancellation. Judging by the promo for the next episode, Tommy is alive and even PARTICIPATING IN THE RESCUE OPERATION, and all this despite the fact that she was told "another mm of your tumor growth and your aorta is over", and we were given to listen to the sound of peek-peek-peeeeeeek at the moment when her dead husband I came to pick her up. It seems that these scriptwriters sniffed something more fun than those who invented Teletubbies once upon a time.
8 years of blind bro, also in one day But you understand that his problem here is much broader - a person literally has no internal supports, he comes from a dysfunctional family (or something like that, it was said in the crossover series), accordingly, life is neither shaky nor shaky, here comes a woman in whom he literally sees his own34;the Savior" and clings to her, not realizing that everything in this life is not eternal, especially the presence of people next to us. She is happy to step into this role and actively saves him in various situations (like with PTSD, for example). And as soon as she leaves (the reason is not important - she is simply no longer present in life), he begins to collapse, slipping into his usual self-harm and copping alcohol. So, my friend, I'm sure you know what I mean. That it's not so much about alcoholism, but about the general instability of the personality as a whole.
Of course, I understand everything, but it feels like two or even more unfinished episodes have been connected in one line. Like, for individual episodes, certain pieces of the series would be short, so let's shove it all into one, and spice it all up with a meteorite, yes.
Husband and wife reunited 🥺 I 'm really sorry for the girls , this is their last conversation with their mom , it literally breaks my heart . 💔💔 The series is just trash, of course, they put everything that is possible and impossible here....
As I understand it, the scriptwriters were given the green light for any game, and in the end we get this mess. Someone imagined that it would be cool to leave on a dramatic note. Someone who felt that Tommy's family and the girls in particular had suffered little should still come forward. I know they smoked there, but the fans definitely don't deserve this trash.
I loved Tommy the most, as the most real and integral character. How I cried at her moment in the episode. Everything else is in hand - already, thank all forces, this scenario apocalypse will end. What do we deserve? Yes, of course, hyperrealism is not the main thing that was attractive in the series, but damn, well, this season they've given up on realism and prescribing the cases themselves so much that it already seemed like you weren't watching 911. But I don't condemn Rob Lowe's narcissism. Yes, the character is already fed up with his monotony, but the infection is that he looks organic in this))
We're not saying goodbye to Tommy yet (I hope so), but Owen should have flown to New York by now, otherwise they'll even print him in the Times)) it delays the moment of saying goodbye to the team - apparently until the last episode.
I'm waiting for the next episode to find out the whole denouement as soon as possible)
@nikitiki: On the one hand, I'm happy for Tommy, but on the other hand, her death was more logical and plausible than her running around with the team helping others in her condition. Since they left it and also leaked it in a promo, I think they will find a way to cure it. Either I'm wrong and she'll be killed again epically.
What did I see just now? Did I accidentally turn on the 2012 movie or is it still 911?😭🤣
I don't believe that Tommy will be allowed to die so easily. More precisely, they simply do not have the right to do so. Anyone but Tommy. They bullied her too much as it is, to even register her death like this😭
My grandfather collected a collection of Doctor Who so that he could at least get to see all the classics in the bunker, but again his hands did not reach it, how vital
RIP Tommy!
That's why we had to do it in the final season...
But why didn't you remember Tommy?..
Tommy. 💔🥺
I understand everything, but Tommy😭😭😭😭
It was necessary to develop all the characters so hard so that they could just merge in 3 episodes.
But I insist: Mateo will be legalized through marriage to Nancy, Carlos and TK will undergo another check, Tommy will wake up with a second chance (well, it's not appropriate to kill a cancer patient so quickly and rudely), Judd with Charlie in his arms at the airport, Marjan is pregnant with five, uh... No
, well, the option to kill everyone is for me I like it too - couldn't some screenwriter freak out at the end? But hardly
Mateo's deportation
The asteroid
TiKei's little brother
Owen and New York
it's impossible to continue working now..
Cursory, dotted, and ellipsis... I don't believe in an apocalyptic ending in an American TV series (the exception is the spot-on and already familiar character sawing by Shonda Rhimes). So 99% of the heroes will be alive. And most likely, in the final episode, there will simply be a global reassessment of values for the majority under the slogan: the main thing is family, friendship, happiness and cherish every moment of the present for carpe diem and memento mori.
Seriously, it's been a long time since I've seen such a sloppy draining of the series. They crammed everything into the topic and not into the topic and got peace with a stroke.
To merge Vega, one of the most adequate and integral characters, who is delightfully played by the delightful Gina Torres, is simply a crime. First, her husband is killed, then she herself, and even in this way.
Magically, Judd struggles with alcoholism in a couple of months (and becomes a captain, it seems, which raises questions: is it even acceptable to put such mentally unstable people in senior positions in emergency services). I thought his problems were because his wife had left, and his problems were that she didn't get the messages, wtf...
I was blown away by how healthy Mateo had become (when even Mateo was rocking, but you still weren't). Nancy, I mean, we'll be happy even living in different countries. Save the guy, marry him, I don't care about legal marriage either, but there's a real way out.
TK will become a housewife, apparently, which I also consider a drain on the whole (I'm sure she'll get hooked again out of boredom if she doesn't find something to do).
There's nothing to say about Owen except that Rob Lowe directed the series on his own behalf, and by finishing off lone star in the title, he obviously meant himself to be loved and underestimated. I haven't seen such narcissism for a long time either. As colleagues from anglo-fd write, they wanted to make a series about inclusivity and diversity, but they made a film about a white cisgender heterosexual man and his problems with hair transplantation, pushing everyone back.;
Judging by the promo for the next episode, Tommy is alive and even PARTICIPATING IN THE RESCUE OPERATION, and all this despite the fact that she was told "another mm of your tumor growth and your aorta is over", and we were given to listen to the sound of peek-peek-peeeeeeek at the moment when her dead husband I came to pick her up.
It seems that these scriptwriters sniffed something more fun than those who invented Teletubbies once upon a time.
But you understand that his problem here is much broader - a person literally has no internal supports, he comes from a dysfunctional family (or something like that, it was said in the crossover series), accordingly, life is neither shaky nor shaky, here comes a woman in whom he literally sees his own34;the Savior" and clings to her, not realizing that everything in this life is not eternal, especially the presence of people next to us. She is happy to step into this role and actively saves him in various situations (like with PTSD, for example). And as soon as she leaves (the reason is not important - she is simply no longer present in life), he begins to collapse, slipping into his usual self-harm and copping alcohol.
So, my friend, I'm sure you know what I mean. That it's not so much about alcoholism, but about the general instability of the personality as a whole.
I 'm really sorry for the girls , this is their last conversation with their mom , it literally breaks my heart . 💔💔
The series is just trash, of course, they put everything that is possible and impossible here....
Everything else is in hand - already, thank all forces, this scenario apocalypse will end. What do we deserve? Yes, of course, hyperrealism is not the main thing that was attractive in the series, but damn, well, this season they've given up on realism and prescribing the cases themselves so much that it already seemed like you weren't watching 911.
But I don't condemn Rob Lowe's narcissism. Yes, the character is already fed up with his monotony, but the infection is that he looks organic in this))
I'm waiting for the next episode to find out the whole denouement as soon as possible)
Too much, too lumpy.
I'm already afraid to turn on the latest episode.
I still hope that Tommy just fell asleep!
I don't believe that Tommy will be allowed to die so easily. More precisely, they simply do not have the right to do so. Anyone but Tommy. They bullied her too much as it is, to even register her death like this😭