
s01e08 — Business and Pleasure

Dexter: Original Sin — s01e08 — Business and Pleasure

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Duration: 52 min.
Released: 31.01.202531.01.2025 15:00
Watched by: 2 31524.38%
1 season
s01e02 - Kid in a Candy Store
s01e03 - Miami Vice
s01e04 - Fender Bender
s01e05 - F is for Fuck Up
s01e06 - The Joy of Killing
s01e07 - The Big Bad Body Problem
s01e08 - Business and Pleasure
Release date
07 February
Release date
14 February

Discussion of the 8 episode of the 1 season
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31 Jan 12:49 #
God, that scene is in the final... So cruel
31 Jan 13:14 #
@AndrewJudas: It's doubly hard because, on the one hand, we know that it's inevitable, but on the other, it's not over yet...
31 Jan 12:55 #
Is the captain trying to destroy cartel members in this way? Moreover, he clearly has some kind of connection with them, he couldn't just ask the first person he saw to bring a package with a T-shirt into the house.

Brian appeared, no longer by hints, but explicitly. To tell the truth, I don't really remember the first season of Dexter anymore, and it's hard to assess how much this opening matches or contradicts its details. Harry was fine, he might not want to tell Dexter about his brother, or he might just not make it to his death. But Laguerta now knows Brian's name too...

And Laguerta, then, slept with the young Miguel Prado, another greeting to the original.
31 Jan 13:07 #
What's also surprising, not for the first time, is that Dexter can leave work at any moment and go solve his own business. That was also the case in the original, but there he was already an experienced expert, in fact his own boss, with a lot of tasks and could always find an explanation, if necessary, where and why he was. But now he's just an intern, he can't choose his tasks, but nevertheless he calmly leaves whenever and wherever he wants and without visible consequences.
03 Feb 17:09 #
@Nog: So, as an intern, he may not be working full-time, but he's also studying. Therefore, what are the questions for him, he will tell you at school
31 Jan 15:46 #
@Nog: I even smiled at this moment, there is enough fan service)
31 Jan 16:53 #
@Nog: I think the captain just wants to take the child for himself, another guy took his house and his wife there. He will pretend that the child has died and will leave work because of grief, pick up the child and leave. Although it's not much of a plan either, we're waiting for the next episode!
31 Jan 19:01 #
@Nog: so Laguerta slept with Prado more than once in the original series.
02 Feb 12:38 #
@Nog: yes, the captain of the same case looked through before that, bought a drug dealer to throw a T-shirt at a drug den, not such a difficult job for such an amount of money)
31 Jan 18:53 #
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31 Jan 22:34 #
@g1584125: I don't see any similarities, but Patrick fits in perfectly, especially his demeanor. Even more manic than Michael in some places
31 Jan 23:03 #
@TheHeretic: I was referring to the appearance. Obviously, it's more similar. Naturally, it's not a copy, but there are more similarities than Patrick's.
Kay has something bestial in his face that Michael has, and they look alike. Patrick has one too, but it's different. Plus, the type of face is different. At the same time, there are no complaints about the actor's performance.
31 Jan 22:57 #
@g1584125: I have a different opinion: the actor is great, but the script and the producer are sending him to the wrong place.
Well, the result is, as you described, Dexter from an alternate universe. Dialogues, development - I don't believe it!
Moreover, I purposefully rewrote the original and the sequel in one gulp after the 2nd episode, the opinion has not changed.
02 Feb 01:15 #
@Da6kaz: I also watched the original Dexter. It was nostalgic, but the inconsistencies between the two Dexters confuse me. I immediately want to shout "It wasn't like that"!!!
01 Feb 12:47 #
I think if I had given this example after the first episode, the ratings would have been different) many people are already used to the new version.
Kay's performance in Riverdale has shown that he is able to convey complex emotions and internal conflict of the character. There's something subtle about his acting and his type of appearance that makes him similar to Michael's acting. I think he could fit into Dexter's image, it's a pity we won't find out anymore.

The best option would be, of course, Michael himself using the technology of superimposing his own young face. Or something like the technique used to rejuvenate Harry.
In any case, Dexter's best option is Michael) he is strongly associated with this role.

I wonder which actors were auditioned for this role, how can I find out? Or is it classified information? I Googled, but I didn't find anything on this topic. If anyone knows, please share.
02 Feb 15:43 #
You know, it's boiling over, I want to speak out.
Every time I visit the site, I get upset, because I see that the number of disadvantages under my messages is growing, it's unpleasant for me, I wanted to communicate with like-minded people, but as a result, some kind of harassment.

Almost all of my messages are highlighted, although I didn't write anything negative. I also understand when people swear, swear, and write all sorts of nasty things, but when they put cons under messages that don't have anything bad in them, but, on the contrary, encourage them to communicate and discuss common interests, this raises questions.

And it's clear that when a dislike stands next to your comment on a one-time basis, you won't please everyone, especially if an objective answer is given. But when they pour in tons without any explanation on a completely innocent, friendly message, and there is no end in sight to this negative stream, it is very unpleasant, it puts pressure on the psyche. 

Moreover, the first episode is full of messages that the actor is not suitable, under which there are many likes. Why didn't you like my message so much? What kind of discrimination?
Or are Gibson's fans swooping in? So I didn't write anywhere that the actor was bad. I was upset by the fact of the discrepancy in appearance, and I wanted to discuss this with those who also think, who are interested in this moment, who have thoughts about who else is suitable for this role. If you don't have such thoughts, then just walk by.

I came to this forum recently, I thought there was a friendly community here, but it seems that people come to the forum to express their accumulated anger by putting down cons. Why such hostility?

If you don't like the message, just don't like it. This is also a kind of expression of disagreement with an opinion.
If you like it, put it on.
If you disagree, express your opinion openly, arguing it logically and adequately.
If you have nothing to say, pass by.
And you certainly shouldn't throw anti-likes at adequate, positive messages, equating them with really negative comments, in which foul language, vulgarity, insults, incitement of discord, etc.
02 Feb 15:43 #

Well, to put a minus just for fun, for the sake of revenge on everyone and everything, because the anger inside has accumulated, is really the bottom.

If you disagree with the comment, just don't like it.

You know, a person may feel hurt for being unreasonably taught so many disadvantages. It's not for nothing that the anti-likes counter was hidden on YouTube. And on one book forum, this problem was solved by disabling anti-likes altogether, leaving only likes. As on many websites, by the way.

This is the first time I've encountered such a thing, before that I came across more or less adequate forums.
Anti-likes can be a tool of psychological influence and, unfortunately, too many people use anonymity as a cover for dastardly acts. If there is a possibility of such harassment on the site, it creates a toxic environment.

People are all different and the reaction to the assessment is the same. Someone may be hesitant to express their disagreement with what is happening, but this does not mean that there is no problem. This generally applies to communication on the Internet.
Soullessness in the modern world is a pandemic worse than covid.  

There is enough negativity in life as it is, here I would like not to be afraid to express my opinion.

Any text is a work, many people write thoughtfully, they want to tell you something about a movie or character they like, and no one would like to receive a ton of unreasonable disadvantages for their comment.

Imagine that you are communicating with real people, someone tells you something interesting, shares their thoughts, and in the end you just silently approach, knock the person and go on about your business, without explaining your act in any way. That's about what it would look like in real life.
What if someone had done that to you? The crowd.

Let's not forget that there are real people under nicknames on the Internet.

I declare every anti-clicker given to this (and the previous) message (without adequate argumentation) to be a minus to the anti-clicker itself.
It will be a counter for minor dirty tricks.
02 Feb 19:32 #
I've been wondering what might encourage someone to dislike neutral and good messages. For example, it would never have occurred to me. There must be a certain motivation for this.

Maybe everything in a person's life is bad or envious / stupid / illiterate / rotten, toxic in itself / another similar option (maybe even mental disorders, then the question is no longer for him, but for his guardians), but he has not found decent ways to solve problems, so these quiet dislikes remain as an outlet..

It's also a kind of test of humanity and kindness, if someone puts their malicious dislike without justifying it in any way, it means they have a lack of humanity and kindness.

I can only wish such people more kindness in their lives.

The categories mentioned above are added to the counter.
03 Feb 09:58 #
@g1584125: You are ignored not out of spite, but because you disagree. No need to take dislike personally. It's just a disagreement, and anyone has the right to express it. The actor fit in perfectly. To be honest, I like the whole cast and everything else - the script, the presentation. There is a feeling of warm and cozy original Dexter. As it is, any series that is not the first in the subject is doomed to endless comparisons, it's already boring. I just want to enjoy a good series and relax.
03 Feb 15:54 #
@OlgaDmi: disagreement can be expressed with a comment or simply ignored and do not put a minus sign. All these dislikes affect the overall profile, taking it into the negative for nothing. It's uncritical, of course, but still unpleasant. For example, you have +49, but if it were -51, it would probably upset you a little. The rating would not match your activity on the site.
Yes, of course, not all the disadvantages are put down with malice, but there are some. In any case, it's unpleasant. What can I do, the likes / dislikes system is often unfair, so many sites began to abandon dislikes, leaving only likes.
03 Feb 19:33 #
@g1584125: What motivates you? It's simple: you read a comment, if you agree, you like it, if you disagree, you dislike it. So the prevailing opinions on the series are immediately visible. Some of my comments are also quite subtle, but it never occurred to me to take it personally and consider it harassment. It's just that people don't agree, their right
04 Feb 00:02 #
@april_inside: this is a rather controversial point, many make an assessment, looking at the already prevailing, herd effect. Someone puts it biased, without understanding, and everyone has different tastes. And, actually, my example confirms this, because almost all previous messages about unsuitable caste from other users have been posted. If the majority agrees with this opinion, then why did mine get stuck? It's like it's really something personal, even though I'm new to the site.
It is especially unpleasant that there is practically no feedback, explanations, why such a contrast in views?
All people relate to the same event in different ways, because everyone is different inside. And such an assessment system does not take this point into account.
04 Feb 00:16 #
@g1584125: honestly, the actress playing the role of Deb infuriates me, it freezes me out, Molly Gordon should have been cast in this role, she would have played this role perfectly and + she is much prettier than Molly Brown.
P.S. It's funny that their names are the same
04 Feb 04:26 #
@g1584125: I've been reading (or already scrolling through) HUGE messages from you that don't relate to the discussion of the series (this violates the rules of the community). I didn't put any disadvantages. But in general, there is a function to mess up and ban you. Not out of anger) although it is already emerging. Why should people read your arguments, which they usually tell their psychologist?(Why would we do that? We want to read about the series. If we didn't like your thoughts ABOUT the SERIES, we'll give you a minus sign, it doesn't make you a bad person. If you write for a week, and then maybe a month, about how bad everyone around you is, then maybe the problem is still with you?..
04 Feb 11:02 #
@Hamali666: I'm also annoyed by Deb, but then I remember the original - what would Deb be like from the original (very hot, impulsive, I do it first, then I think) at 16, when hormones are pumping, but there's not much intelligence yet? Well, that's exactly what she would be like - the wrong choice of men, constant fights with family and friends, turns a blind eye to what's in front of her, etc. It seems to me that the actress copes with the role very well, because her task is not to please us, but to cheer us up, playing the very unbalanced teenager that Deb was during these years)
@raziel2011: Cheers! 🍷
04 Feb 13:33 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: I'm not annoyed by the character of Deb himself, yes, it's clear that she should be like that (although sometimes all this teenage crap pisses me off) it's the actress herself who pisses me off, I don't know why, but just her appearance in the frame brings it out, let's just say she's unpleasant, my eyes don't perceive her (this it's a good thing I'm not watching the original, otherwise my ears would probably be coming out of the chat too). But Molly Gordon is another matter) I would forgive her all teenage quirks.😂
04 Feb 15:03 #
@Hamali666: I don't have such a dissonance, probably because in the original, the actress wasn't exactly a charmer, rather, on the contrary, she seemed to be an adult woman, while flighty, rude, hysterical, with sharp facial features and boorish habits. I accepted it as such a type of heroine, but that doesn't mean I really liked her, she often annoyed me. So now the young actress, who evokes the same emotions in me and also annoys me, is perceived organically with the original)
04 Feb 16:07 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: on the contrary, I liked the adult Deb, but not immediately, initially I was skeptical about her, and then I even decided to watch the TV series with Jennifer Carpenter "the enemy inside" - I liked it, but alas it was closed. So, she kind of reminded me of Dex from Stumptown, both of them are such cool, I just looked at both of them with pleasure.
Still, I apologize for the tautology, but I repeat, I have no questions about the character, I don't like the actress Molly Brown herself, and that's it)
04 Feb 18:53 #
@raziel2011: So don't read it. In two days, I wrote four messages, as you say, not about the series (although indirectly about it). It's not worth inventing a whole month out of two days, then anger will not arise.
Those who have a fear of large texts simply avoid them.
Are you getting personal, is that allowed by the rules of the community?
01 Feb 16:37 #
@g1584125: if I had seen K.J. Apu as Dexter, I would have peed myself laughing (remembering his acting skills in Riverdale..).
but I agree, there are similarities.
01 Feb 19:37 #
@Mordecai: What's wrong with his game?
31 Jan 19:53 #
There are a lot of references to the original series, and I'm happy about that. I love how Brian's appearance was made, and maybe he's another killer this season.
I was very surprised when, in my opinion, a good twist occurred: the police captain is the kidnapper and murderer of children.
31 Jan 22:02 #
Please like it if as soon as it became clear that the captain was a villain, he started to look sexy....

By the way, what if Miguel Prado is involved in this whole cartel scheme?
02 Feb 23:00 #
@JulyaN: Why the cons?? I spit furiously
04 Feb 02:59 #
You're sick, ska.
31 Jan 22:02 #
I knew Bruen was looking for a vibe-based way to kill.... I hope it will already be shown openly and its story will be told!
02 Feb 01:14 #
@JulyaN: It seems to me that there was an unequivocal confirmation in this episode: when Harry was secretly watching Brian's case, he saw the name of the first victim on the beach — I understood that it was Brian, he was choosing a method of murder for himself. It turns out that Dexter was kind of watching his brother grow up—a magnificent idea, if I understood correctly.
02 Feb 22:02 #
@080585: That's right, that's what I wrote about)
02 Feb 23:01 #
@JulyaN: точно!!!
31 Jan 22:04 #
Well, all the pieces fell into place: a glass with blood, dumping packages on a boat into the ocean, a tranquilizer
By trial and error! It's good that the mistakes haven't cost Dex too much (yet))))))((
31 Jan 22:20 #
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31 Jan 22:27 #
@hotdog666: угомонитесь )
01 Feb 08:43 #
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01 Feb 00:10 #
@hotdog666: You're doing a great job with this topic on your own , keep it up
01 Feb 08:37 #
@Anlyness: Well, we're waiting, there are 2 more episodes left, probably this will be the final twist of the season.
01 Feb 01:55 #
@hotdog666: because this theme exists only in your imagination.
01 Feb 08:40 #
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01 Feb 14:29 #
@hotdog666: Review the final scenes where Dex takes pictures of the corpses of cartel members, there are clearly hints for your guess. 😅
02 Feb 00:24 #
@vk775121: I get it, tomorrow morning is the first case!
31 Jan 22:23 #
The Captain made a great mess ( and the cop got hurt ) , so what ? Put him on the wrong track
01 Feb 00:15 #
@lady_kana: it seems to me that he arranged all this with the children in order to deal with the cartel. Like the end justifies the means (he went a little wild and decided that catching the cartel was worth it, and a couple of innocent victims in the form of a judge's child and a police captain's child are a small fee + the children motivate all the cops in the city to work more actively, well, he doesn't want to kill his own, most likely, he probably wants to take him away Blame it on his wife for not being able to keep an eye on the baby)
31 Jan 22:27 #
A lot of time in this series was devoted to Deb's courage, it is clear that she really misses her family, but now everyone is on their own, work is more important...

I thought about the bracelet that she would immediately throw it into the sand, but then they made a wonderful reference to the original - everything disappears forever in the ocean.
02 Feb 01:16 #
@lady_kana: And yet, how can you throw a jewel into the water?! I've been wondering since the time of the Titanic 😂😂
31 Jan 23:16 #
It occurred to me that Deb's boyfriend was the son of a drug lord who had stuffed Mom, Dexter, and Brian into a container. 🤔

The captain's motive is not yet clear.
01 Feb 00:20 #
@00rainbow00: to fight the cartel at any cost, the lure of children is a lesser evil for the greater good (the cartel kills many more people)... I think it's something like that. Maybe he wanted to move this gang and get it off the street for a long time, but nothing worked, he lost his mind, and he came up with such a plan, such an evil avenger.
02 Feb 01:17 #
@00rainbow00: An interesting guess! In the original series, most of the strings were always tied at the end of the season — that would be cool! A son or a younger brother maybe?
01 Feb 00:28 #
There was a thought in the last episode that there would be some other unexpected twist, that Dexter thought of the captain, but in the end, etl turned out not to be the captain after all, and he cut his hand when he opened the jar, but right at the beginning of the episode, my doubts were dispelled when he took off the mask. Obviously, he has no plans to kill his son, and here I have two options.:

1. Cap decided to use the first murder of a child to get the cartel off the streets and arrange a second similar abduction. The end justifies the means. At the same time, there is actually a second maniac who kidnaps children (the one who stole the first boy)

2. The first kid was also kidnapped by Cap, because he was blown away by the idea of catching and destroying the cartel a long time ago, and he came up with such a crazy plan.
02 Feb 20:29 #
@Anlyness, the first option is past. The same room for keeping a child.
02 Feb 20:45 #
@webtoucher: Oh, Well, yes, I didn't think about it
03 Feb 18:34 #
@Anlyness: It's a pity that the first option can't be because of the same basement, in fact it sounds much more logical than the second one. Still, it's clearer that Cap decided to take advantage of the situation (of the previously murdered boy) and kill two birds with one stone by kidnapping his son (to crack down on the cartel and take him away from his wife). Than the fact that for the sake of these goals, he began by killing a child - just like that, for a seed. In the first case, he just got carried away, in the second it turns out that the psychopath pretended to be 50 years old and was building a grandiose revenge plan. Although I think it will eventually turn out that he has killed before.
01 Feb 01:09 #
The directors did a very good job of spinning an already well-known and completed story. And also in this episode there was a little more reflection of gg about his projection of darkness on everyone in the environment, which bribed even more in favor of a positive response on the series.
01 Feb 02:06 #
Brian's documents, by the way, once again force us to raise the topic of the age of children, with which the creators themselves seemed to be confused.

The documents indicate that Brian was born in 1966, and if the flashback period is 1973, then he is seven years old, and the boy actor seems to be about the same age, it seems to correspond here. But there's still confusion with Dexter, because his birth year was named at the beginning of the series - 1971, but his actor is clearly over two years old. The boys look like the weather people they should be, but the series contradicts itself in this regard.

For some reason, Brian also has several different birthdays listed.
01 Feb 08:39 #
@Nog: it's 1991 now - Deb is 15-17 years old , and she's just being born in a flashback , judging by this 74-76 year
And according to one source , she had a doctor in 79 , which does not fit into the framework of the series at all .
01 Feb 09:41 #
@lady_kana: According to the book, Dex and Deb are only two years apart...
01 Feb 10:34 #
@Nog: I also read that Dex and his brother were rescued from a container 5 years before Deb was born

Actually , it 's a TV series , they 've reworked the book as it 's convenient for them)
03 Feb 18:44 #
@Nog: In general, it was better for the story, as in the original, when Dexter caught these events very young, so everything was erased from memory due to stress + small age. And here it turns out that he was 5-7 years old at the time of the incident, plus before that he considered Harry his dad for a whole year. It doesn't seem very plausible that his memory has erased so many years and all memories of Harry from his life. He adopted Dexter right after the tragedy, and Dexter didn't remember him at all, so? We saw each other the day before...
04 Feb 21:45 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: But adults also have amnesia after traumatic events. Some memories never come back. It doesn't matter how old Dexter was.
In the original series, Decter said that he had no memories from his early childhood. He didn't remember his brother, mom and dad. No wonder he'd forgotten Harry, too.
04 Feb 23:20 #
@Krista_kris: Yes, but Dexter was 2-3 years old in the original, and there was nothing about their close contact with Harry before the tragedy. After all, memories at 3 years old and at 6 years old are a huge difference. And here it turns out that he spent the last year as if in a complete family - mom, dad, brother. Immediately after the tragedy, it is Dad who takes him out of the container. And then how, at what point does amnesia happen, on the way in the car? No, well, you can pull everything together, but why, if everything was so logical and understandable in the original? I just didn't understand the point of increasing the child's age.
05 Feb 01:43 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: Well, not immediately, they were sitting in this container for several days covered in blood.
05 Feb 10:18 #
@tanye: It's not a fact about a few days now either, they're still alive, but they're already being searched with might and main, I think they'll find them right after. In any case, the question remains as the child ages, why the likelihood of complete amnesia was reduced by this fact alone. It's just that even in normal situations, very young children may eventually forget their biological parents when they are adopted, which is just the norm. But to completely forget your mother, brother, and in fact your father, whom you saw yesterday and now you see him again, at the age of 6, is already a soap opera-level amnesia. Which would have been easily avoided by just not changing this moment from the original.
05 Feb 11:56 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: I don't think age matters when it comes to amnesia as a result of traumatic events. But why do you think Dexter is 6 years old?
05 Feb 14:02 #
@Krista_kris: Because the actor looks that age. Compare the almost baby Harry carried out of the container in the original. Does this moment bother you, yes, let's agree to disagree, this is not the most important thing in the series)
05 Feb 14:20 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: the actor was hired older because he had to act out scenes and deliver lines. But that doesn't mean Dexter is getting older.
Yesterday, 18:47 #
What kind of almost a baby is there, I was specifically looking for footage of a child sitting in blood and being carried out by Harry from a container, the child looks about 3-4 years old
01 Feb 02:26 #
I look at these cute moments between Dex and Deb and it's a shame that she was somehow leaked in the original series.
01 Feb 08:32 #
01 Feb 12:27 #
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01 Feb 14:18 #
@g1584125: Dexter has killed not 1-2, but dozens of people over so many seasons, what kind of rehabilitation are we talking about, yes, he killed criminals, and we sympathize with him because he is the HERO of the series, but this does not negate the fact that he is a serial killer, even if he repented, he would They definitely weren't released. In the real world, vigilantes are a police nightmare
01 Feb 14:20 #
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01 Feb 15:01 #
@Anlyness: It's not such a fantasy, in real life, murderers, including serial killers, are released. I'm not even talking about those in power. Besides, it's a TV series, a fiction created on the basis of someone's fantasy. Fiction can lead you anywhere. And in the series itself, aren't there a few inconsistencies bordering on fantasy?
01 Feb 21:38 #
@g1584125: this ending was written by fans of the aforementioned Riverdale and that Russian film with the phrase "Laaad, I forgive"?
01 Feb 21:51 #
@tanye: No, neural networks
02 Feb 11:48 #
@g1584125: They made up a damn shitty ending, they need to do the opposite, like: the people, having learned that Dexter Morgan, the butcher from Bay Harbor, killed mostly those who really deserved it, demand his release. The police surrender to the onslaught of the press and the protesting residents of the city, and release Dexter. The city welcomes Morgan with applause and expresses its gratitude for the just cause. The press no longer calls him the butcher, his city now calls him the Light Demon. Because of the commotion in Miami, the police department had to come to terms with the fact that Dex is now a kind of superhero. In this regard, he is being returned to the service as an expert on maniacs and serial killers, like he will work purely on such cases in his new department. And the rest of the police will continue to catch common criminals without interfering with his work. Dex gets engaged to Hannah and they raise Harrison together. Well, Debra now works with her brother in his department.
Here is an alternative ending from me
02 Feb 15:22 #
@g1557380: your scenario is not much different, both options do not contradict, but complement each other.

Would you like it if your message was called shitty?
02 Feb 22:40 #
@g1584125: I would love to correct the message, but I can't do it anymore, the comment doesn't open, just writes Copy and Share.
03 Feb 15:58 #
@g1557380: we will assume that we have corrected it)
01 Feb 14:35 #
@DeadDanny: The original writers had several key mistakes, the first one, in my opinion, was killing all the antagonists, if Brian or Miguel or someone else had been alive, they could have finished the original series better... Well, the second one is Deb's death, or rather death itself is a very good move, if there were no continuation of the series...
01 Feb 08:54 #
Nostalgia just keeps coming
02 Feb 00:02 #
Well , the ending ... It's a great episode, but💣 It's a pity that there are 2 episodes left before the finale, I just got into the taste😄 I hope that the series will be extended, because it's too good👍👍👍
02 Feb 01:24 #
The series is wonderful! I was surprised at the moment when the policeman was carried out on the shield, and the three criminologists only watched him with sad eyes. Didn't they study to be doctors? That is, they can definitely provide first aid. There was no ambulance, he was immediately taken to the hospital — could one of them help him to clamp the wound or what was supposed to be done there? It's strange that they just looked and moved on.

P.s. I think the captain is building a career ladder for himself: was the first child a judge? Maybe he didn't give the captain a promotion. He is clearly not going to sacrifice his son, but since he has made such a mess, it means that the stakes are very high — at the end of the operation he should be seriously increased. So, either, as we wrote above, he wants to cover up the cartel, or he is playing against someone of his own, but secretly or is this a secret operation - the question is
02 Feb 02:30 #
@080585: You're confusing the work of a criminologist and a forensic expert. Criminologists do not have a medical education, they are taught to detect traces of crimes and conduct research / examinations.
02 Feb 02:36 #
@a1410802: I'm not sure about that. It's just that in the first episode Dexter was in class and was doing something with a corpse in front of the teacher and the group, no? I suggested what honey means. Does he have an education

And the police, in theory, can be instructed in first aid. In general, as it already is))
02 Feb 02:32 #
@080585: I can't let go of the fact that Deb's boyfriend reacted so aggressively to her exploration and kicked her off the yacht. He's a confident guy, maybe even knows that her dad is a cop. So either it was a setup, or... somehow they didn't fit much into the script, which I can't believe. Before that, the guy had never shown any weakness, he was almost perfect. What if it's undermining Harry? After all, there is an assumption that Deb's boyfriend is the son of the drug lord Laura Moser worked for. It turns out that about 15 years have passed, and perhaps now the drug lord's son is using Harry's daughter for some purpose?

Well, it doesn't fit that he took her on a yacht and didn't think she might see anything. Deb is simple and curious, she pokes her nose everywhere, so if he was afraid, he wouldn't have taken her.

Also, that wooden box is very big... What if the captain's son is in it?.. But I didn't understand what she saw in the seat of the yacht — was there a bag there? A container? What's it? Can they transport organs for transplantation, for example? What do you think?
02 Feb 11:56 #
@080585: Cool theory, darling. Respect. If your theory could really be realized, it would be cool.
03 Feb 18:50 #
@080585: He doesn't know that her dad is a cop, that's why he hung out with her so calmly - he thought it was just another nipple (in his understanding), he also treated her - so far everything is OK, it's good, somehow it was just a little annoying - he sent her right away.
02 Feb 08:35 #
@080585: the cop has a neck wound and extensive bleeding (as far as I understand), they decided not to wait for an ambulance, but to take it themselves, as it was faster.

And that criminologists, that cops at least undergo first aid.
03 Feb 10:40 #
What is the first aid? This is not their job, why waste time on the spot and these unnecessary manipulations. They took me to the hospital right away and that's it!
02 Feb 08:05 #
I don't understand, Episode 8 already, they don't plan to introduce Evelyn Vogel?
02 Feb 20:35 #
@Landen, why introduce it? It was like she was somewhere between the past and the present shown in the series. It's definitely not going to go in
02 Feb 10:17 #
A Bad Boys-style showdown perfectly decorated the series!
Passions are running high — the appearance of my brother and his role in the events surprised me.
My version is that the Cap was corrupted by this cartel/competitors, and is trying to get rid of compromising materials / help competitors get rid of the cartel.
02 Feb 10:27 #
The reference to the multicolored nails pleased me. It's clear where Brian's obsession with them came from, and why such a choice of colors.
02 Feb 12:05 #
There is a possibility that it will be renewed for a second season. There is a small hint in the English-language version of Wikipedia in this series itself under the Plot and Production in Reception.
02 Feb 12:46 #
I can't see the silent side of Dexter's mom.
03 Feb 09:42 #
A reference to straight top nails
03 Feb 13:01 #
I've been watching the series with half an eye and now I'm blown away. It even seemed to me that their boss was the character of the captain (who was still with Laguerta on knives) from the original series, well, he couldn't be a murderer. And here it is. Hmm. Well okay.
04 Feb 21:49 #
@Gremory: I thought so too at first))) but they have different names, they are two different characters.
But now the question is, where is Captain Matthews?
05 Feb 01:11 #
@Krista_kris: yes, anywhere, maybe not even a captain at all, but some kind of lieutenant. He works somewhere else, if not in another city altogether.
05 Feb 11:59 #
@Nog: But he was Harry's friend, so theoretically he should be somewhere nearby in the plot.
05 Feb 13:07 #
@Krista_kris: That's what I mean, he was kind of familiar with Harry's family.(well, to them) And where is he then? Well, okay.
03 Feb 16:09 #
It's a great series. Goosebumps.
03 Feb 18:29 #
I've seen the theory that Brian is quite likely to drive Harry to suicide in the end. It's like it's too good a retcon not to cling to it with a twist. Sort of like the plot of the original series, Harry dies after Dexter's 4th goal.
03 Feb 18:57 #
The series fire, of course, would have been even more hype if it hadn't been for the original, but it just can't hit the audience like Dexter used to. But it couldn't be better for a prequel - the castes were perfectly matched, even before the names were listed, all the characters were easily recognizable, not only in appearance, but also in manners.

An interesting plot, twists, and logic of action - so far, in my opinion, weaker than the original, of course, but better than the sequel, livelier and more exciting. You're really looking forward to the finale!
04 Feb 15:28 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: c. there would have been even more hype if there hadn't been the original. I disagree, the prequel turned out to be great, but without references to the original and flirting with a good memory of it, it wouldn't have worked.

And I want to believe that by the end they won't come up with some bullshit that radically changes the canon.
04 Feb 15:45 #
@skkurshlh: What I would definitely like to change in the canon is Deb's falling in love with her brother, they have such a good relationship here, but every time I think that right now she doesn't feel sisterly love at all, and it feels so creepy...
03 Feb 22:40 #
Captain, are the mice fucking? Fighting the cartel? Do they have something on him/or was he somehow connected to them? Revenge on mom/ex-wife?(well, I agree, it sounds crazy, though...) in general, there are a lot of questions, a lot of answers.
Deb was terrifyingly infuriating at times in this episode, although the scene on the boat and in the kitchen rehabilitated her.
Finalochka is a tin can , especially the eyeball of little Dex…
04 Feb 10:39 #
I liked the references to the original series.
Miguel Prado and his affair with Lagertha.
Brian Moser and his manicure, as well as hints that Harry did not commit suicide.
A Figg family boat named Slice of pie, Dexter renamed it Slice of life. And of course, the moment where he understands how to get rid of corpses.
The moment with the jacket before leaving, when they tell him to "put it on so they don't confuse it," a reference to the season with Trinity, when Dexter climbed into the coffin to hide from the raid, and when he got out, they told him something like "how did you get here, and Anyway, where's your jacket, you might get shot by your own people.
04 Feb 10:44 #
My God, what a collective farm detention. Criminals are sitting, waving their hands, guns are being pulled out of all places.
04 Feb 11:09 #
@Vatarik: This is not an arrest, this is a drug cartel raid. Detention is politely knocking on the door with a search warrant, but breaking into a mafia den on purpose unexpectedly, so that they don't have time to prepare and hide everything, is quite another thing. Is the legendary scene from the first season of True Detective also a collective farm?)
04 Feb 13:23 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: I don't remember the scene, sorry)
So the collective farm was raided, the police had to face them all to the floor and handcuff them, and then all the conversations. But for the sake of escalating the injury drama...
04 Feb 15:10 #
@Vatarik: And right here, the collective farm was deliberately and artificially created by the captain in order to kill the gang members so that they would not be interrogated at the station. They had everything under control, but then Cap pulled out a gun and started pointing it at everyone and yelling, distracting police attention from the bandits. He didn't need them to talk, otherwise it would have quickly become clear that they had nothing to do with the child, they would have remembered about the guy who threw the T-shirt, and the chain would have reached to the cap itself. He had to destroy them so that suspicion would hang on them, but there was still no information about the child.
05 Feb 19:09 #
@Marrrrrrrrrrusia: I see, thanks.
But the rest of swat is just dummies then)
04 Feb 11:02 #
Instead of writing a comment, I read a lively discussion among the others... And what makes a lot of people so angry is that Deb, as far as I'm concerned, does quite well, and their moments with Dex are heartbreaking...

BUT THERE ARE SO MANY FIERCE REFERENCES, AND HOW I LIKE IT! I just finished rewatching the first season of the original, and with Brian, it's live.
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