@zamazenka: Shcherbakov is really funny, but it's an interesting new movement for him. The rest of the participants are kind of sad and dejected, as if they were kept there from last season in the desert, and also all offended with the burden of past undercover intrigues. They really needed fresh people. Chepur is also positive
@Katerina_Forbes: by the way, I'm very sensitive to his humor in BDD, I'm an empath and I'm really offended for the guests, so it was just a sediment. But surprisingly pleasant in this project, I like to watch)
The new dude sat with the guys for an hour and is already crying that he's scared. He's 34 years old and they're just talking to him! Is he serious, or is this Internet coward just another troll?, We 'll take a look
Volya: Lyosha, why did you accept my invitation? Shcherbakov: Because I thought it was in Dubai
@Series_number: And I understand this dude. He doesn't breed shit in public, posts gossip WITHOUT a personal opinion. I even feel sorry for him. usually, media people become those who are poorly connected offline. but he doesn't even realize that he (already 55k) has more subscribers than these one-day populists. sukhoruchka has only 2k)) if he were an athlete, no one would say a word, but he will be eliminated quickly because of his physical abilities, alas. Although he got free PR for the channel.
Volya: To be honest, this season is so unpredictable. Anyone can come to our show. Let's say you (addressing the waiter) want to participate? The waiter smiles strangely 😃 Wow, everyone was waiting for him like no one else: when Anya came, and when Shcherbakov. We still waited. Unexpectedly pleasant)) But what is the condition, however: the team that LOSES, he will go to the team. That is, firstly, not automatically to the star, and secondly, no one will win as an advantage, and who will lose. Alone.
@MOPE_AHAHACOB: I also want sukhoruchka to be kicked, but not at the cost of glory going to the narodniks, so let her live for a while. And I personally don 't feel very sorry for Mitya , he somehow doesn 't fit into their team . 😂
@Ann6556: I played a fool with 1000%, the scheme has probably been worked out over the years and projects. I don't believe she's all that positive in life at all. the level of distrust towards her is maximum, even lying in the moment is more pleasant
@MOPE_AHAHACOB: when she first arrived, I honestly melted from her appearance, well, really pretty, her voice is like a child's, that I almost forgot about all the information in the media, which completely refutes her image. But there is one thing, BUT I 100% believe in what Tornike said, he would not lie, last season you could see him as a person. And her arguments are just a hand and a face. I didn't approach you. Everyone has assistants. That is, she told only the truth, but avoided outright lies and evaded the answer, which means that she really sent an assistant and repeated "I didn't approach you" 100 times. And after that moment, I realize that it's not for nothing that the stars say that the last scandal on "survive" with Sedokova was cut very much, and if everything that was filmed had leaked online, then she wouldn't have been able to clean up. She seems to be a very manipulative and two-faced person. I don't even want to remember what happened to Janis, it's a sad story where everything is not clean on both sides, perhaps, but for some reason the image seems to have formed of her as a person. Once again, her very pleasant appearance has deceived me more than once, but you can only sympathize with her family and friends, such people can use you, shake themselves off and go on with an absolutely angelic face.
@Mysterious-007: By the way, in support of this comment, a podcast from Arza was released on Rutub, All Reality, where they discussed this issue with Tornike and Tornike explained a little what happened to Sedokova, you wrote everything correctly here.
@nattimos: They're sitting eating and then he throws it in for some reason, but this season, no one cares. Bummer 😆 But we found out that everyone has their own assistant assigned to them.
@Series_number: I don't think he wanted to do shit. He wanted to discuss the fact that she was circumventing the rules and was learning other people's voices from the assistant. and this violates the rules of the show)) and she immediately played the fool and started shouting populistly that he didn't like women. At the same time, there was no conflict with Olya, only with Nadyushka the snake.
@MOPE_AHAHACOB: I understood that Tornike wanted to show her that she had voted for him. Like he told her he wasn't going to vote against her, and she said she wasn't going to either, but she voted in the end. I think that at that moment she wasn't going to, she was upset that Chepurchenko said that they didn't communicate much with Anya, but Thor probably brought Slava up to date, so she was offended that Thor conveyed such an opinion about her to Slava.
Slavaaaaaa! How glad I am to see him, I was just as happy as Thor. Of course, it's sad that Mitya left, but I'm so glad that Slavik came to the stars. 🩷
Sasha, the new member of the narodniks, is very strange, he just came in and immediately cries, for an adult man, this is…
@Kristi__i: I've noticed for a long time that there is such a moment in reality TV that you need to cry somehow, so that the audience feels sorry for you, connects to your feelings. Many people do this unconsciously, seeing something similar in other shows.
@Poisonishes: I don't think it worked to be pitied for crying. As if his tears weren't appropriate, no one pressed him, didn't seem to be in conflict. It's just that the person felt that everyone knew each other, but he was kind of superfluous, and because of that, tears🤷🏼♀️
@Kristi__i: I agree that tears were inappropriate. I got the impression that Arzanov wasn't sure of himself, he walked like a poor lamb, but he seemed to relax at the end of the episode and there was no tightness. I'm sure it will be merged quickly, it won't be in the project for long.
@Kristi__i: Yes, what didn't work and was out of place, I agree. I'm just saying that this is some kind of pattern of behavior on reality TV. I think we need to see how he will continue to behave because the situation would be nervous for anyone. Besides, it's 5 minutes of weakness, which will definitely show. And then he can get ready, get used to it and everything will be OK. I would like to look at it longer, at least for three weeks.
@Kristi__i: Well, you don't know what happened there, do you? A lot was cut, a lot was behind the scenes. Plus, as I understood it, this guy in his tg was still a hater of some participants (quite deservedly) So maybe he got paid for that, too. I don't know, I felt sorry for him. They'll eat him up here and not choke on him. I am sure that he will go to the pasture for the next test.
@Darya_Ro_: so he said that it was all a show, a production, etc., discussed and somewhere spoke poorly about the participants, he was invited and given the opportunity to look inside everything that he was not happy about.😃
@Anlyness: Well, you see, writing posts is much easier than meeting these people in person and saying everything to their face. It's all stress, so he just couldn't stand it and snapped. But he came, that's brave of him.
@Anlyness: Honestly, I don't know him or his channel, so I don't even know what he wrote or HOW he wrote it, but by the way, they did a great advertisement for him, because I wanted to check what was there and how, and even Tornike signed up.
@Darya_Ro_: he created a personal channel under the guise, to which more than a thousand people subscribed during the time that the series was running. So he wins anyway. Well, of course, not a lot of subscribers came to the main channel.
Nadia left, Lech came, and then Slava.… Definitely rooting for the star team! The composition is a bomb!
So far, only Sergey and Angelina are more or less adequate in the people's team. Well, maybe Lyuba. But I don't see any winners in them. The new guy is still like that. A dubious character.
But Sasha surprised me by choosing Mitya as a rival. And I'm shocked that she stayed! It's a pity that Mitya left.
Well, I'll just leave it here: "Buckwheat, boiled carrots and some nuts. What else is needed? If you're a squirrel," 😂😂😂 and "I'm not Artyom Kalaijan. I am Slava Chepurchenko. When I grow up, I want to become Pavel Mamaev" 😂😂😂
@Алёнка1990: Sasha chose Mitya as the one who did not pass the tests + not a particularly dexterous opponent due to his age, and Anya will be a good stone around the neck of the stars. And Thor would definitely have taken it out, even if he was nervous.
Sasha Sukhorukova is good. It all looks like a plan - to agree not to send those who went and go myself. Although it may be coincidental. But she obviously wasn't too surprised. Further on, according to her strategy for choosing an opponent, I liked that she did not take Anna Sedokova, but took an opponent whose departure could weaken the rivals. And even then, I thought she'd take Tornike, because he's always in a hurry, making mistakes. And she took Mitya, who was the soul of the company of the second season. In general, I am pleasantly surprised by her performance. PS: In general, I think that he, Ostap and Andrei initially conspired to support each other behind the scenes, but they organize different coalitions.
@Poisonishes: "if you leave, then leave with dignity" it seems like Sasha said such words, but as for me, Mitya Fomin is her equal opponent out of the three.
I'm glad that Zhenya didn't give up his place to Nadia. What kind of fool would give up his chance to win and a 10 million prize?
Glory! I'm so glad! The stars are now dreaming) I'm incredibly sorry that Mitya left. I was rooting for him in his season, but he wasn't lucky in this one either.
Damn, how fucked up are the spoilers from the scriptwriters 😩
@Linke_S: By the way, it's funny that they recorded his reaction to Lyasi's words, namely the word "kringe", and then Nadia made a fool of herself — well, victory is not always important, well, not a man's act. zayush, it's not a man's act to give a place (=a chance in life) to some kind of star
@tomei24: I hope it's really trampled on in the next episode. Glory, Thor and Pasha are definitely against her. she's out of place at all, clumsy, kind of stupid— what's the point of her?
Why at the beginning of the issue, Nadia and Laysan throw some inappropriate hints at his Wife, making him look like some kind of bad guy, because he didn't give up his place to Nadia, and actually why the fuck should he give up his place to her?!
Anya fucked up with her position as a victim, and they told me so, and they did this to me, and last season they looked at me like that, then fuck you if you're still offended by this show in general. The conflict with Thor is generally inappropriate, Anya has started a bazaar.
Well, about the big test, Sasha knocked down almost all the balls with one hand, and the penalty was given to the star team, well, on the whole, I'm glad that the stars finally won.
Sooooo, I dreamed that Sasha would be sent home, but Mitya seemed to have really gone out this season, compared to the rest. The only good thing is that Slava will be on the star team. That's at least a little comforting.
@MOPE_AHAHACOB: Sasha is a rival, why be offended by her. Because of his own people, he was upset that they voted for him and he ended up on the small ones. It's also stupid that it was a vote drain.
Lyosha Shcherbakov in Survive in Samarkand, whoooo. I'm pleasantly surprised, it's very interesting to watch him in this format of the show :) I hope it won't disappoint.…
I'm happy for the stars, finally winning the big challenge.🙏🏻
Slavaaaa! It was so nice to see him! Funny Appearance😁 Thor's Reaction>>>>> Slava will be on the team that will lose a participant in a small trial. That's a trick🫣
Anya is pushing for pity again🙄 That's why you go to shows like this if every word about you hurts your feelings so much. Slava just assumed, he didn't say anything bad, and she immediately fell into the role of a victim🫠
Small trial: Sasha Sukhorukova and Mitya Fomin.
Sasha tried to calculate who voted against her, but she doesn't know that everyone except Ostap voted for her.🤣
Well, noooo, Sasha won. I wanted her to leave so badly.😭 A minus star again. Well, Glory is in the star team🙏🏻
The ridiculous quarrel between Thor and Anya, I flipped through it, I didn't want to listen to all this at all.
Small trials. If the stars lose, Chepurchenko goes to them, the balance is preserved, muzhig does not play in the wake of the series again. If the narodniks lose, thank them, the balance has been preserved, muzhig is sitting in the wake of the series again. What kind of stupidity is this???
@Pollichka: and by the way, she doesn't press tears and pity here, and she doesn't talk about her daughters. really buying a car for 7 Lam and veneers saved my daughter from the disease
@MOPE_AHAHACOB: Damn, it's just a tin can!!! I said that she doesn't look like someone who needs this money for her daughter, she's sleek and relaxed. But the winner of season 1 is also past the mark in terms of decency and moral guidance) maybe this is a tradition.😅
@Mysterious-007: calculate how much rehabilitation costs per month. Well, there is a difference between needing money and relieving financial burden. and by the way, you also need a car to take your child to the section. In any case, it's none of your business where you spent the money. not yours.
@smetana_sg: are veneers needed to hide tears from a hard life or to hold onto positivity with your teeth?) The question is not that she did not have the right to spend money on what she wanted, but in what way she got this victory, it looked and in fact it was charity, she had never even been small, and the final with Glory is difficult to even call a test. That is why her behavior and arrogance, cunning this season annoys many. Before the final, I didn't hate her and treated her positively, but now, it's extremely unpleasant to watch. If she had fought on equal terms with everyone last season, then there would have been no questions about how the money was spent. For example, I don't understand why Slava Chepurchenko's children don't need to live in a house (Slava wanted to buy one), why this is less important than a car for Sasha's children's clubs. I hate that her victory was from the category of "Glory, are you full of shit, not to give a girl a child for treatment?" and turned into "I'm the queen here, I'm throwing money right and left." There is a certain duplicity, isn't there?
@Mysterious-007: Mitya wasn't there either, so what? She wasn't a fool, so what? You're belittling his Fame now, as if he's some kind of child without an opinion. He wrote down his opinion many times about the ending and the rest and about the fact that he didn't give anything to anyone. But you know better) I have no further questions.
Shcherbakov sleeping on rocks and a joke about buckwheat are a ray of light for the entire issue. But I think he'll give them some more fire in terms of strange behavior, although I'm very happy to see him and it will be interesting to watch him.
Tornike *One participant will be returned* - If it's you, Slava Chepurchenko, then I will hug you so hard and kiss your head. And then the reaction after the test to the "waiter", well, dreamtime!
The scandal at the end with Anya and Tornike is sucked out of the finger, it's not clear at all what it was. Mitya's departure is a shame, I really hoped that he would knock Sasha out. But judging by his already upset eyes at the beginning of the small trial, he knew where the script should go.
@tangococaine: when the stars merge so suddenly-they lose in a strange way on small trials, I always have the feeling that they had an urgent hack like it's profitable to work at a corporate party or a concert and ask the hosts for a ticket to the exit))
I saw that Shcherbakov would be in Volya's institute, and I wasn't surprised when a participant was also added to the national team. But when Slava appeared, I really didn't expect it, I'm glad to see him. If they add so many participants to each episode, then it will take a year to survive in Samarkand. 😀 Shcherbakov amuses, it will be funny to look at him.
The new member Sasha Arzanov is such a baby. I just wanted to hug him and support him when he could barely restrain himself from crying with excitement. I'm not familiar with his channel, but it seems to me that he's very sincere and won't go over his head to win.
The test of eating a kebab is just a tin of 16kg of meat for 8 people, unrealistic, it was painful to watch. Objectively, even 2 kg per person, if it is impossible to eat equally and not burst, I figured I would be able to eat 500 grams at most, then it would be bad until morning.
@Anlyness: I'm not sure if it's physically possible (because it's very difficult to overeat protein, the body is crying out for enough). If it were a cake, it would be much easier)) sweets are always easier to overeat.
Nus... I'll start. Nadenka, who was offended by Zhenya because she decided that for some reason he had to give way to her, this is of course very comical. She's gone, and she's fine. The new players are pleased. Shcherbakov is generally a cannon, his indifference and humor will definitely dilute these snake coils. The new member surprised me with his tears, of course, considering how he conducts his channel, it's amazing. The appearance of Fame is generally a separate art form. And how glad Thor was to see him, I just couldn't take my eyes off them at that moment. And when they told me which team he was going to join, I just felt a little uneasy. And then, when they chose those who would go small, some two forces began to fight in me. On the one hand, it would be cool if Slava took Sasha's place, it would even be logical and fair, but I really wanted Slava to be in a team with Thor. At the same time, I am very sorry for Mitya, he is a very pleasant player.
And maybe someone can explain to me what the skirmish was at the end, what's the point? I didn't understand anything at all. Or is it that people are so influenced by luxury life, some lived there and fought, others came and started too. In general, the series feels twofold. It is difficult to call this series a passing one. The swing is certainly strong. Well, maybe someone will tell the editors that we don't need these spoilers at the end of each episode....
@PandaTasha: I generally didn't understand why they were arguing over the vote. Where they saw the injustice... Obviously, everyone voted on their own, which already makes this one of the most enjoyable and honest votes.
@Dori_Grey: because Anya, according to Thor, approached him or he approached her (I still didn't understand, they didn't let him say) and they agreed not to vote against each other. And she voted Thor into a rat.
@Dori_Grey: I also don't understand why they fuck each time, a person voted and voted, isn't the secret vote in order to choose someone, and they are constantly doing some kind of shameful shit and insults
So, did you notice that Anya said that they know that girls will be needed next in the test, but they vote for me. What was that? Is it something abstract based on experience, or do they have information to prepare for the next challenges?
@Poisonishes: @Poisonishes: Tornike and Anya had a fight because Anya allegedly had some kind of assistant who went to ask the participants who would vote for whom. He accused Anya of unfair play, as well as of not keeping her promise and voting against him. I also read somewhere that this assistant seemed to be trying to ask the editors about future trials. If this is true, then she succeeded :)
@belaiamari: I'm also interested that Anya casually said that Tornike used to have this assistant. So far, I believe Anya that she hasn't found out anything, but what kind of assistant is she?
@PandaTasha: now I'm thinking about whether it could be that Slava was specifically brought back to the project to replace Sedokova, who will be kicked out (assumption!) for foul play in the next issue. And the condition that Slava will go to the team that loses in the small trial was announced specifically for us, so that there would be intrigue, because leaving someone who cheats is not fair, but simply depriving the team of a participant is not fair.
@belaiamari: There were two names of the assistants in the credits. It seems to me that this is something official for them, that is, not a personal assistant in life, but on the show itself.
@nastyakraevskaya: well, Thor says "your assistant", if "yours", then either everyone should have an assistant (why?), and not just 2, if it's not personal. And if she's an assistant on the show, why would she go on behalf of Anya and find out from Thor who he's going to vote for? Moreover, the show had just begun, it was unlikely that Anya would have been able to make friends with the assistant for so long that she would go and scout for her.
Arzanov, he clearly has a mental problem. Chepurchenko explains why they brought him back, that's to cram his point of view, to create discord in the team. A smart man would have kept silent, but alas, Slava is not the same as Tornike, so they became friends like that. Stone and Nadia, Tornike and Chepurchenko. The first pair is toxic, but at least everyone spoke to their face, and the second pair is integrant and creating confusion in the team. And Tornike is emotionally stable, it's funny. And Shcherbakov is a breath of fresh air to this toxic team. His comments defuse this environment of toxicity.
Lyosha Shcherbakov, this is the best thing that could happen to this project!! But more on that later. Let's go in order: • Nadenka. I yelled, of course. At first, she was determined that she would stay, then she was upset that this did not happen, and she also presented something at the same time, as if they owed her. But I must admit, Zhenya initially said shit, he had seen enough of all the first seasons and wanted castling here. Like it or not, bear with me, my beauty, since I joined the project, also for the 2nd time.
• Leshka, my love ♥️ It's just that there really is a ray of sunshine this season, many people know it only from BDB and they might get the impression that it's just harmful, but believe me, this is far from the case. As a person who watches his vlogs about cottages and cars, I can say that he's just a sweetheart.🫰🏼
• The appearance of Fame, it's just some kind of joke ahaha But initially, I hoped that he would definitely appear in the battle of the seasons, and in the end he is still here. I am very happy, especially about their tandem with Thor, and that he will end up on the star team.
And actually about the commands: I didn't share many of the comments about Sasha, that she just annoys a lot of people SO much, I was flat. But today everything has changed somehow. And not only that. For all 3 seasons, I've been rooting only for national teams, and I've been rooting for them too... until today. Firstly, they have become very alienating, and secondly, the star team is becoming simply magnificent in its composition. But again, this doesn't mean anything globally, just like last year, I'll be rooting for specific participants, not the team. And this season I have two favorites - the new Slava and Lyosha.
However, the condition for the appearance of Fame is very ambiguous. I think he should be with the stars in any case (the team is even this year, so that's it), even considering that someone had to leave it for that. Personally, it would have been better for me if Kalaijan had gone and lost, rather than Mitya, but we have what we have. That's why I was rooting for Sasha at the trial, so that Slava would be in the best company.
‼️His idol Pasha Mamaev is also there, from whom he took an example for the entire 3rd season of ahhaah, so we are waiting for new releases of this collaboration, or as some said above, dream team ✨
The arrival of Fame is just, as it seems to me, a joy for many watching. I am very glad to see him, he is a really cool and interesting player, a player with his own moves, behavior, intelligence, and wit.…
the care is light — neither hot nor cold. but Mitya's departure — it seems to me that the stars will lose their share of sincerity and kindness with his departure.
I'm upset that Sasha didn't leave. but the producers probably wouldn't have allowed the departure of the "star, champion" ... the most infuriating participant from the narodniks
above, someone wrote that it's more interesting to root for the stars (especially with the arrival of Shcherbakov), I agree 100%.%
I hope Sasha will go to the trials in the next issue, despite their agreements. I was terribly annoyed when Andrey was removed from the big test and she said that he would sit out the whole season again, no matter whose cow was mooing. He was on a flight test and was coming back, unlike some of them, so I want her to leave as early as possible. Mitya, I won't even comment on his departure. The new participants are interesting because they have never been to such shows, so let's see who else is who of these two.🫣 It was unexpected for Chepurchenko. 😱It will be interesting to watch their pair with Thor and how he will contact Mamaev, he is a big fan of his, as we know. Well, the situation with Anya is unclear, but I'm for Thor, as usual. Well, in the announcement I'm thinking about leaking information, it was just about her, Thor couldn't just come up with an assistant out of thin air. "I'm not the kind of person to approach people and ask who's going to vote for whom," because I have someone to do it. 😄
@Wild_wave: in general, Thor has a "womanly" gut, well, men don't behave like that. That he was repulsive in season 3 , that he was acting like a gossip here
I like the way Mamaev sits, looks and listens, and then acts and speaks. he values both the team and himself. It's a pity there aren't enough of his thoughts and syncs this season.🥲
Shcherbakov is a breath of fresh air, in a stuffy camp of the same people who ply from one reality show to another. I would like to see him with his humor in the Treasures of the Emperor, it seems to me that he would be able to ignite there specifically. For the rest, it's all the same. Thor, a child in the body of a healthy man, whines that dirt has got under his nails, and in front of everyone begins to sort out a relationship with a woman, and it's not even clear why, and why. Sedakova, a mumbler not made for reality TV. If you're so vulnerable, you should stay at home. Although Mamaev is a strong player, he is as uninteresting as possible as a character.
The funniest moment for me in the issue was Lyosha's comment about the showdown between Tornike and Anna: "I just like watching other people quarrel.adore. It's always a shame, but it's interesting to " just yell 🤣 God, if all the participants in all reality shows behaved like a star team at dinner: Mamaev: no one is interested. Send me to bed. Artyom: this is the problem of last season. Olya: it's not pleasant to watch this. And no one throws gasoline on the campfire of the showdown, on the contrary, they ignore it. Just bravo I hope it will continue to be so 👍 It's just two opposing teams this season: a star team with a purely sporting interest, and a national team with eternal intrigues. In this scenario, it's more interesting for me to watch the star!
Somehow, oddly, Fomin merged into maly. At first, I got on easy, and then suddenly all the rings started flying by. I'm not talking about the final test at all, give up all the trumps at once and sit with twos /threes.. Glad to see Shcherbakov! Victory is still for Mamaev!
@FkvArturio: yes, yes, I was still watching how Sasha's throws were mounted and they were almost all from an incomplete frame))) And she got caught when the camera was either on her arm or on her entire body except for her arm. 😁
Mitya is always interesting to look at, a wonderfully positive person, without negativity! I'm really sorry that I left😔 When there are players like Mitya on the project, you watch and worry about them, because you always want to watch their game and noble behavior. Very sorry…
Thank 🫶🏼🏼🏼🫶🫶 How glad I am to see him back! Shcherbakov is really like a breath of fresh air, cheerful, carefree, easy) I wonder how he will reveal himself in the framework of reality TV)
Sedakova, for some reason, does not arouse sympathy this time. For example, in "The Last Hero," she was combative, active, and open, but here she has some kind of image of a small-minded and naive doll.
This time, at the small trial, I wanted the star team to win, and I didn't want it at the same time. I wanted Slava to be with the stars, but I also wanted to save Mitya.
@Lazzy97: And I'm sorry, but what did Thor do? Did the assistant ask? Did you talk in the bushes? Honestly, I don't understand him. People can talk about something without getting attached to asking "who are you going to vote for?", and assistants can also just be interested, especially if this assistant was with you initially. 🤦🏻♀️ I just started destroying the team..
Shcherbakov and Slava!!!!! I love it! It's a shame for Mitya. . Artem on the ballot " I am Slava Chepurchenko and as a child I wanted to be Pasha Mamaev" hehahy))
Shcherbakov is the best choice for a new character. Everyone is swearing, and he says some random words, it's very funny. An analogy is when clones are shown in the circus between the numbers. I mean, in a good way, he's a really good prankster)
Shcherbakov is just a top. But I can't understand why everyone is so happy to see Slava. Slava has shown himself to be an insecure and afraid of responsibility person, he wants to be both yours and ours, to please everywhere and be nice to everyone. He's afraid of any scandals, he always turns his tail between his legs and runs, well, I didn't like him at all as a player last season. Vodonaeva described him well - spineless.
@Neytpoh: I didn't notice that he was afraid, he just didn't want to get involved in scandals and tantrums, to sort things out like others do. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@Neytpoh: I agree with the opinion about Fame. I may be wrong, of course, but it's like a double-bottomed man. He and Tornike had become friends for a reason.
This season is very unpredictable, and that's what makes it more interesting. I don't like that they'll spoiler themselves in front. At least there was a surprise with Glory. It's a pity for Mitya, it would have been better if Kalaijan had been sent or whatever his name was. It doesn't appeal to me.
Well, at least that's what you're saying, but I don't believe Sasha won. Well, there's clearly a script on the face. It is impossible to merge sooooo stupid in such an easy task, even an eight-year-old will understand the essence here (and this is not a metaphor, my daughter immediately said "why does uncle walk like that, it's wrong," she is 8 years old). Even if they were walking side by side, I might believe it. Well, it's clear, Mitya is not an intriguer, honest, strong, they don't like them on reality TV, but Sasha does ratings normally with all his gossip and a bunch of conspiracies. It's just that it's unpleasant to look at her.
Lech is generally a gap, I think he just fit in very well. Slava is so glad to see him. The pasture turned out to be very insulting. They kicked out a really decent participant, an honest one who has his own opinion. Until the last moment, I hoped that Sasha would not be in the next episodes. Thor and Sedokova in general 🤡 Shcherbakov and Slava have been added to my favorites (Pasha and Andrey) this season. Now it's generally hard to root for someone, the agony of choice 😅
What the hell is this circus with Anya and Tornike? How stupid , the hand is the face Well , everything was fine , the trials , all the cases , we need to pile on the cringe
I'm the only one who has a question, how does Sedakova know what the next test will be? She said, like, "they know that the girl can't be kicked out, they know what the test will be." Either she went like a cuckoo, or the assistants whisper to her.
At the same time, I wanted Mitya to lose and Slava to go to the stars. And at the same time, Sasha has already been thrown off the moped. But more for the second option, of course. Mitya is a wonderful person. I like the fact that there is a replenishment of players in the new season. I like the fact that the teams are gaining an advantage now. But I don't really like which participants. My favorites: Mamaev, Seryabkina and Slava. Well, Mitya.
Oh, I like Shcherbakov, let's see how he shows himself next. And I'm very glad to see Slava. It's a pity that Sasha won, I really wanted her to lose and leave the project.
I don't understand why many people like Fame😳I can't forget how he refused to give food to the populists last season. This says a lot about human qualities, or rather about their absence. 👎
Everyone who is sent to vote: "this is a betrayal, I will not tolerate this, I understand everything now..." * hand face * well, as if the rules are like this, someone goes to vote, well, what is the betrayal
I understand, of course, that this is all a show, but doesn't it seem to anyone that the stars have just started to get a lot of attention this season?
1. To win immunity for the national team, you need to eat an unrealistic amount of kebab. I think we all understand that even if the entire national team consisted only of huge men, it would also be hardly possible to overpower this portion. And there are so many girls here. There was a strong feeling that the test was intended to be doomed to failure. At the same time, do the stars only have to cut a log and chop firewood ??? Well, Kamon, yes, it's not easy, but it's quite real, have you seen Sedokov and Seryabkin cheerfully sawing a log? A very simple test compared to a kebab
2. It feels like even in the desert, entertainment is more enjoyable for the stars. It seems that the winning national team should spend their free time at the stadium, but they have a competition at the competition. I was especially annoyed with the tour, to be honest. Are you mistaken - does the person stay here? It turns out that by winning this villa and its "entertainment" you can just be deprived of it? Let's see, of course, how the star team will be entertained)
3. The national team in the second series got a head start on the trial for their choice. And ta-dam, a star team that refused to make its choice in order to also get a head start, is given another chance to "fight back" (once again: for what joy???) after that, Kalaijan complains all day that he was not given the victory)))
4. Nadenka's eyes a la puss in boots on a small trial and the pressure of the leaders on Zhenya's conscience)) here are the know comments, I already got myself a clown biba at this moment (will they also put pressure on pity when the girl from narodnaya leaves?))
5. A test with a cart and watermelons. How gloriously the presenters ignored the fact that the handicap of the national team had evaporated only because the stars, falling every time, pushed the cart to the front wheel and themselves walked forward with their legs. Considering how much Olya fell, that's the only way they got ahead))
@vk224257: 6. The last one is already from the conspiracy category, but didn't it seem strange to you how the stars chose only one "empty" ball on the test, while the people had five of them? Maybe luck, but it's weird.
@alisa_sliwa: Just random. And yet, for some reason, few people noticed that no one said anything to Sukhorukova for knocking down with one hand. The stars have been shown at least once that time has stopped.
@sedmark: They also shot down Sukhorukovo in Zvezdnaya, so Volya said there was a violation with his hands in both of them, you can't do it anymore. Sukhorukova didn't do that anymore.
@alisa_sliwa: 1) Well, that is, when the populists are offered to give someone guaranteed immunity in order to get a hint, and the stars need to send someone guaranteed to MI in order to get a hint, then this is not a suggestion, right? :D Or when the stars have to sit in an ice bath, and the populists go on an excursion and look at easy questions, is this also equivalent?) Kamon, well, it will always be that someone has a harder test, someone has an easier test, not to say that the difference is big. Well, it's also difficult to harvest firewood, it's easier to eat, especially considering that they didn't eat for half an hour, they sat there until nightfall. It was possible to eat everything in two meals, they just decided to fuck it. 2) There have always been contests at the competition, although before that they were just entertaining. And personally, I often rewound these moments, it was beautiful, of course, but boring. Especially if you're not interested in something. They showed me how they drove cars there, but I wasn't interested in that, and in the end I just rewound everything. And now at least there's some movement, it's more interesting to watch. 4) the situation was similar with Topalov in the second season, only mirrored.. So there are examples already.
@sedmark: so we're talking about competitions for a head start in the test. The bath is a competition for water in the camp, well, let's put it this way, it's logical that the losers, like last season, have contests for resources, and they are not simple. And what's the point of helping with a hint for immunity? The winners should be in a more privileged position, everything is logical here, why would the losers just give out immunity and get a head start?)
Is it easier to eat 2 kilograms of fatty meat?)) The stars chopped firewood for an hour, got immunity, went home The winning team must sit all day and try to cram 2 kg of kebab into themselves, and then hope not to spit in the toilet tomorrow or just pass the test with abdominal pain)) is this equality?) Last season, the winning stars did not have a single contest where they were "abandoned" or deprived of some type of entertainment. They ate in a restaurant, shot at the plates (with which the situation is the same again: if you hit it, it's good, if you don't hit it, it's not scary either). Their contests were entirely aimed at complicating the living conditions of the narodniks, not their own)
@alisa_sliwa: What a horror, people were forced to eat 2kg of delicious meat in some expensive restaurant🤣 What fiends! Probably, the poor got a moral injury, now they can only forget it with psychologists..
@alisa_sliwa: Well, personally, I judge from my own experience. I'm not fat, and we don't have a family of fat people. But for 2 meals (very long gatherings from 6 p.m. to night) for 8 adults and 1 child, 8 kg of meat plus all kinds of salads, side dishes, etc. go clean.
I would like to emphasize that this is not a one-meal meal. Over a long period of time. Well, they could eat as much as they wanted during the trial. I don't remember if it was in the issue or in Arza's podcast that they were sitting there until 2 a.m. It was possible to master it in a few meals.
In general, in such shows, I may be wrong, well, they are unlikely to do some kind of killer test. Yes, there are flaws due to carelessness, like Mitya's in the second season. But the rest is quite doable. As for the snakes, I don't think there were any dangerous ones. Sitting in an ice bath, standing on pins and needles, and even eating 16kg for the whole team is already about willpower and endurance.
@sedmark: so you think that an hour of sawing a log and chopping wood = sitting all day and trying to eat an amount of meat that is several times higher than the daily norm of all the girls in the team, and tomorrow you will suffer from abdominal pain (as happened with Ostap) and complicate your task on the test?
@sedmark: and standing on nails and sitting in an ice bath is a test purely for those who have lost, we are talking about handicap tests, as I said in the comments.
@alisa_sliwa: What makes you think they were sawing at a log for an hour? =) It seems to me that you look at all this very subjectively. They dragged the log for as long as they could, but it was obvious from them that it was hard Then it was necessary to cut and chop Building and folding is the easiest thing here, I can't argue. And it's also in conditions of heat and limited water supply. So I'm just saying that it was hard. And yes, I think it was more difficult than sitting and eating. If you think that such work was much easier than sitting down to eat, then subjectively, it begins to seem to me that you haven't done much physical labor in your life.
@alisa_sliwa: Well, this kind of test for the sake of a test bonus is an innovation of this season, this has never happened before. Yes, previously, the winners of the BI simply chewed. And personally, I, specifically, am such a navel of the earth, it was often boring to look at it. And now that there are some additional movements, it has become more interesting, but personally it is more interesting to me and personally I am glad of such changes. And if there are a lot of people like me, then the producers have chosen the right path, because it keeps the person watching the show. And in order to stir up the players, there is already an underlying reason in the form of a bonus / punishment on BI.
I'm really glad that the show has Lech. His inserted phrases amused me, I really liked the release!
Lech was sleeping on rocks, and from that moment on, when they showed him, it was funny, and I remembered Sid from the Ice Age. 😂🤣😅 When he was sleeping on the rocks
But I liked everything BEFORE VOTING! I was sure Sedakova would go...well, one of them will leave, who will leave is not so important, of course, Anya or Sasha, but I would be glad to see Sasha leave...
It's a shame for Mitya, of course, that he left the show.
But there's a new addition to the star team, and I hope they didn't bring Glory in order to merge the game again for Sasha's victory. 🙄
It's a shame for Mitya, it turned out to be a stupid vote drain, we lost a very strong player!
The situation with Sasha is ambiguous. I didn't dislike her the whole last season (all four of her), and I was very happy that she was finally going small. And it would be very beneficial for the team to exchange her for Glory. But somewhere on the second test, I became so sad that Sasha might be eliminated that I started rooting for her. Knocking out a strong player is very cool, and proving once again that she won for a reason is also cool, and I'm starting to respect her.
I am incredibly glad to see the return of Glory! He was just missing! 🫶🏻
I feel very sorry for the new player of the national team: a man without training was sent to an aquarium with sharks. He definitely won't be there for long.
P.S. The test with the cradle is something. It is unrealistic to eat 2 pieces of meat at a time without harm to health. I don't know why the guys even tried. 🙈
@a1401981: I don't feel sorry for the new member of the national team at all. I understand that people can be different, but he came initially kind of hunted down and closed. I do not dispute that it is difficult to join a new team when it has already taken place, but there is no time to rock on the project, you need to immediately prove yourself and join in.
I'm not familiar with Alexey's work, but I liked the inserts with his humor =) He showed himself well as a team player.
Volya: Lyosha, why did you accept my invitation?
Shcherbakov: Because I thought it was in Dubai
I'm so glad to see the guys
The waiter smiles strangely 😃
Wow, everyone was waiting for him like no one else: when Anya came, and when Shcherbakov. We still waited. Unexpectedly pleasant))
But what is the condition, however: the team that LOSES, he will go to the team. That is, firstly, not automatically to the star, and secondly, no one will win as an advantage, and who will lose. Alone.
I thought the series hadn't been released yet, it's not on Rutube, and it's not on Rutracker either.
But we found out that everyone has their own assistant assigned to them.
Sasha, the new member of the narodniks, is very strange, he just came in and immediately cries, for an adult man, this is…
I'm sure it will be merged quickly, it won't be in the project for long.
So far, only Sergey and Angelina are more or less adequate in the people's team. Well, maybe Lyuba. But I don't see any winners in them. The new guy is still like that. A dubious character.
But Sasha surprised me by choosing Mitya as a rival. And I'm shocked that she stayed! It's a pity that Mitya left.
Well, I'll just leave it here: "Buckwheat, boiled carrots and some nuts. What else is needed? If you're a squirrel," 😂😂😂 and "I'm not Artyom Kalaijan. I am Slava Chepurchenko. When I grow up, I want to become Pavel Mamaev" 😂😂😂
It all looks like a plan - to agree not to send those who went and go myself. Although it may be coincidental. But she obviously wasn't too surprised.
Further on, according to her strategy for choosing an opponent, I liked that she did not take Anna Sedokova, but took an opponent whose departure could weaken the rivals. And even then, I thought she'd take Tornike, because he's always in a hurry, making mistakes. And she took Mitya, who was the soul of the company of the second season. In general, I am pleasantly surprised by her performance.
PS: In general, I think that he, Ostap and Andrei initially conspired to support each other behind the scenes, but they organize different coalitions.
Glory! I'm so glad! The stars are now dreaming) I'm incredibly sorry that Mitya left. I was rooting for him in his season, but he wasn't lucky in this one either.
Damn, how fucked up are the spoilers from the scriptwriters 😩
I am very glad to see Slava)
Anya fucked up with her position as a victim, and they told me so, and they did this to me, and last season they looked at me like that, then fuck you if you're still offended by this show in general. The conflict with Thor is generally inappropriate, Anya has started a bazaar.
Well, about the big test, Sasha knocked down almost all the balls with one hand, and the penalty was given to the star team, well, on the whole, I'm glad that the stars finally won.
Sooooo, I dreamed that Sasha would be sent home, but Mitya seemed to have really gone out this season, compared to the rest.
The only good thing is that Slava will be on the star team. That's at least a little comforting.
I'm happy for the stars, finally winning the big challenge.🙏🏻
Slavaaaa! It was so nice to see him! Funny Appearance😁 Thor's Reaction>>>>>
Slava will be on the team that will lose a participant in a small trial. That's a trick🫣
Anya is pushing for pity again🙄 That's why you go to shows like this if every word about you hurts your feelings so much. Slava just assumed, he didn't say anything bad, and she immediately fell into the role of a victim🫠
Small trial: Sasha Sukhorukova and Mitya Fomin.
Sasha tried to calculate who voted against her, but she doesn't know that everyone except Ostap voted for her.🤣
Well, noooo, Sasha won. I wanted her to leave so badly.😭 A minus star again. Well, Glory is in the star team🙏🏻
The ridiculous quarrel between Thor and Anya, I flipped through it, I didn't want to listen to all this at all.
*One participant will be returned*
- If it's you, Slava Chepurchenko, then I will hug you so hard and kiss your head. And then the reaction after the test to the "waiter", well, dreamtime!
The scandal at the end with Anya and Tornike is sucked out of the finger, it's not clear at all what it was. Mitya's departure is a shame, I really hoped that he would knock Sasha out. But judging by his already upset eyes at the beginning of the small trial, he knew where the script should go.
If they add so many participants to each episode, then it will take a year to survive in Samarkand. 😀
Shcherbakov amuses, it will be funny to look at him.
Nadenka, who was offended by Zhenya because she decided that for some reason he had to give way to her, this is of course very comical. She's gone, and she's fine.
The new players are pleased. Shcherbakov is generally a cannon, his indifference and humor will definitely dilute these snake coils. The new member surprised me with his tears, of course, considering how he conducts his channel, it's amazing.
The appearance of Fame is generally a separate art form. And how glad Thor was to see him, I just couldn't take my eyes off them at that moment. And when they told me which team he was going to join, I just felt a little uneasy. And then, when they chose those who would go small, some two forces began to fight in me. On the one hand, it would be cool if Slava took Sasha's place, it would even be logical and fair, but I really wanted Slava to be in a team with Thor. At the same time, I am very sorry for Mitya, he is a very pleasant player.
And maybe someone can explain to me what the skirmish was at the end, what's the point? I didn't understand anything at all. Or is it that people are so influenced by luxury life, some lived there and fought, others came and started too.
In general, the series feels twofold. It is difficult to call this series a passing one. The swing is certainly strong.
Well, maybe someone will tell the editors that we don't need these spoilers at the end of each episode....
Chepurchenko explains why they brought him back, that's to cram his point of view, to create discord in the team. A smart man would have kept silent, but alas, Slava is not the same as Tornike, so they became friends like that. Stone and Nadia, Tornike and Chepurchenko. The first pair is toxic, but at least everyone spoke to their face, and the second pair is integrant and creating confusion in the team. And Tornike is emotionally stable, it's funny.
And Shcherbakov is a breath of fresh air to this toxic team. His comments defuse this environment of toxicity.
• Nadenka. I yelled, of course. At first, she was determined that she would stay, then she was upset that this did not happen, and she also presented something at the same time, as if they owed her. But I must admit, Zhenya initially said shit, he had seen enough of all the first seasons and wanted castling here. Like it or not, bear with me, my beauty, since I joined the project, also for the 2nd time.
• Leshka, my love ♥️
It's just that there really is a ray of sunshine this season, many people know it only from BDB and they might get the impression that it's just harmful, but believe me, this is far from the case. As a person who watches his vlogs about cottages and cars, I can say that he's just a sweetheart.🫰🏼
• The appearance of Fame, it's just some kind of joke ahaha
But initially, I hoped that he would definitely appear in the battle of the seasons, and in the end he is still here. I am very happy, especially about their tandem with Thor, and that he will end up on the star team.
And actually about the commands:
I didn't share many of the comments about Sasha, that she just annoys a lot of people SO much, I was flat. But today everything has changed somehow. And not only that.
For all 3 seasons, I've been rooting only for national teams, and I've been rooting for them too... until today.
Firstly, they have become very alienating, and secondly, the star team is becoming simply magnificent in its composition. But again, this doesn't mean anything globally, just like last year, I'll be rooting for specific participants, not the team. And this season I have two favorites - the new Slava and Lyosha.
That's why I was rooting for Sasha at the trial, so that Slava would be in the best company.
‼️His idol Pasha Mamaev is also there, from whom he took an example for the entire 3rd season of ahhaah, so we are waiting for new releases of this collaboration, or as some said above, dream team ✨
the care is light — neither hot nor cold. but Mitya's departure — it seems to me that the stars will lose their share of sincerity and kindness with his departure.
I'm upset that Sasha didn't leave. but the producers probably wouldn't have allowed the departure of the "star, champion" ... the most infuriating participant from the narodniks
above, someone wrote that it's more interesting to root for the stars (especially with the arrival of Shcherbakov), I agree 100%.%
Mitya, I won't even comment on his departure.
The new participants are interesting because they have never been to such shows, so let's see who else is who of these two.🫣
It was unexpected for Chepurchenko. 😱It will be interesting to watch their pair with Thor and how he will contact Mamaev, he is a big fan of his, as we know.
Well, the situation with Anya is unclear, but I'm for Thor, as usual. Well, in the announcement I'm thinking about leaking information, it was just about her, Thor couldn't just come up with an assistant out of thin air.
"I'm not the kind of person to approach people and ask who's going to vote for whom," because I have someone to do it. 😄
I haven't updated the page, but I got the same comments)
I want him to be there until the very end, his comments
Mamaev: what's going on anyway? Let's go to sleep
Shcherbakov: I like it , go on 🔥🔥🔥 🥂
For the rest, it's all the same.
Thor, a child in the body of a healthy man, whines that dirt has got under his nails, and in front of everyone begins to sort out a relationship with a woman, and it's not even clear why, and why.
Sedakova, a mumbler not made for reality TV. If you're so vulnerable, you should stay at home.
Although Mamaev is a strong player, he is as uninteresting as possible as a character.
God, if all the participants in all reality shows behaved like a star team at dinner: Mamaev: no one is interested. Send me to bed.
Artyom: this is the problem of last season.
Olya: it's not pleasant to watch this.
And no one throws gasoline on the campfire of the showdown, on the contrary, they ignore it.
Just bravo
I hope it will continue to be so 👍
It's just two opposing teams this season: a star team with a purely sporting interest, and a national team with eternal intrigues.
In this scenario, it's more interesting for me to watch the star!
Glad to see Shcherbakov!
Victory is still for Mamaev!
Why Chepurchenko was added
Logically so we need to add another Narodnik
How glad I am to see him back!
Shcherbakov is really like a breath of fresh air, cheerful, carefree, easy) I wonder how he will reveal himself in the framework of reality TV)
Sedakova, for some reason, does not arouse sympathy this time. For example, in "The Last Hero," she was combative, active, and open, but here she has some kind of image of a small-minded and naive doll.
This time, at the small trial, I wanted the star team to win, and I didn't want it at the same time. I wanted Slava to be with the stars, but I also wanted to save Mitya.
"Star" Sasha causes vomiting 🤢🥴
Did the assistant ask? Did you talk in the bushes?
Honestly, I don't understand him. People can talk about something without getting attached to asking "who are you going to vote for?", and assistants can also just be interested, especially if this assistant was with you initially. 🤦🏻♀️
I just started destroying the team..
I am glad to see Chepurchenko, it will be interesting to watch him this season)
Artem on the ballot " I am Slava Chepurchenko and as a child I wanted to be Pasha Mamaev" hehahy))
But I can't understand why everyone is so happy to see Slava.
Slava has shown himself to be an insecure and afraid of responsibility person, he wants to be both yours and ours, to please everywhere and be nice to everyone. He's afraid of any scandals, he always turns his tail between his legs and runs, well, I didn't like him at all as a player last season. Vodonaeva described him well - spineless.
I don't like that they'll spoiler themselves in front. At least there was a surprise with Glory.
It's a pity for Mitya, it would have been better if Kalaijan had been sent or whatever his name was. It doesn't appeal to me.
my boy
Slava is so glad to see him.
The pasture turned out to be very insulting. They kicked out a really decent participant, an honest one who has his own opinion. Until the last moment, I hoped that Sasha would not be in the next episodes.
Thor and Sedokova in general 🤡
Shcherbakov and Slava have been added to my favorites (Pasha and Andrey) this season. Now it's generally hard to root for someone, the agony of choice 😅
Well , everything was fine , the trials , all the cases , we need to pile on the cringe
And Shcherbakov just adds charm, it's cool that he was invited.
I like the fact that there is a replenishment of players in the new season. I like the fact that the teams are gaining an advantage now.
But I don't really like which participants.
My favorites: Mamaev, Seryabkina and Slava. Well, Mitya.
It's a pity that Sasha won, I really wanted her to lose and leave the project.
1. To win immunity for the national team, you need to eat an unrealistic amount of kebab. I think we all understand that even if the entire national team consisted only of huge men, it would also be hardly possible to overpower this portion. And there are so many girls here. There was a strong feeling that the test was intended to be doomed to failure. At the same time, do the stars only have to cut a log and chop firewood ??? Well, Kamon, yes, it's not easy, but it's quite real, have you seen Sedokov and Seryabkin cheerfully sawing a log? A very simple test compared to a kebab
2. It feels like even in the desert, entertainment is more enjoyable for the stars. It seems that the winning national team should spend their free time at the stadium, but they have a competition at the competition. I was especially annoyed with the tour, to be honest. Are you mistaken - does the person stay here? It turns out that by winning this villa and its "entertainment" you can just be deprived of it? Let's see, of course, how the star team will be entertained)
3. The national team in the second series got a head start on the trial for their choice. And ta-dam, a star team that refused to make its choice in order to also get a head start, is given another chance to "fight back" (once again: for what joy???) after that, Kalaijan complains all day that he was not given the victory)))
4. Nadenka's eyes a la puss in boots on a small trial and the pressure of the leaders on Zhenya's conscience)) here are the know comments, I already got myself a clown biba at this moment (will they also put pressure on pity when the girl from narodnaya leaves?))
5. A test with a cart and watermelons. How gloriously the presenters ignored the fact that the handicap of the national team had evaporated only because the stars, falling every time, pushed the cart to the front wheel and themselves walked forward with their legs. Considering how much Olya fell, that's the only way they got ahead))
And yet, for some reason, few people noticed that no one said anything to Sukhorukova for knocking down with one hand. The stars have been shown at least once that time has stopped.
Or when the stars have to sit in an ice bath, and the populists go on an excursion and look at easy questions, is this also equivalent?)
Kamon, well, it will always be that someone has a harder test, someone has an easier test, not to say that the difference is big. Well, it's also difficult to harvest firewood, it's easier to eat, especially considering that they didn't eat for half an hour, they sat there until nightfall. It was possible to eat everything in two meals, they just decided to fuck it.
2) There have always been contests at the competition, although before that they were just entertaining. And personally, I often rewound these moments, it was beautiful, of course, but boring. Especially if you're not interested in something. They showed me how they drove cars there, but I wasn't interested in that, and in the end I just rewound everything. And now at least there's some movement, it's more interesting to watch.
4) the situation was similar with Topalov in the second season, only mirrored.. So there are examples already.
And what's the point of helping with a hint for immunity? The winners should be in a more privileged position, everything is logical here, why would the losers just give out immunity and get a head start?)
Is it easier to eat 2 kilograms of fatty meat?))
The stars chopped firewood for an hour, got immunity, went home
The winning team must sit all day and try to cram 2 kg of kebab into themselves, and then hope not to spit in the toilet tomorrow or just pass the test with abdominal pain)) is this equality?)
Last season, the winning stars did not have a single contest where they were "abandoned" or deprived of some type of entertainment. They ate in a restaurant, shot at the plates (with which the situation is the same again: if you hit it, it's good, if you don't hit it, it's not scary either). Their contests were entirely aimed at complicating the living conditions of the narodniks, not their own)
Probably, the poor got a moral injury, now they can only forget it with psychologists..
P.S. We have a lot of food for the May holidays.
I would like to emphasize that this is not a one-meal meal. Over a long period of time. Well, they could eat as much as they wanted during the trial. I don't remember if it was in the issue or in Arza's podcast that they were sitting there until 2 a.m. It was possible to master it in a few meals.
In general, in such shows, I may be wrong, well, they are unlikely to do some kind of killer test. Yes, there are flaws due to carelessness, like Mitya's in the second season. But the rest is quite doable. As for the snakes, I don't think there were any dangerous ones. Sitting in an ice bath, standing on pins and needles, and even eating 16kg for the whole team is already about willpower and endurance.
It seems to me that you look at all this very subjectively.
They dragged the log for as long as they could, but it was obvious from them that it was hard
Then it was necessary to cut and chop
Building and folding is the easiest thing here, I can't argue.
And it's also in conditions of heat and limited water supply.
So I'm just saying that it was hard.
And yes, I think it was more difficult than sitting and eating.
If you think that such work was much easier than sitting down to eat, then subjectively, it begins to seem to me that you haven't done much physical labor in your life.
Lech was sleeping on rocks, and from that moment on, when they showed him, it was funny, and I remembered Sid from the Ice Age. 😂🤣😅
When he was sleeping on the rocks
But I liked everything BEFORE VOTING!
I was sure Sedakova would go...well, one of them will leave, who will leave is not so important, of course, Anya or Sasha, but I would be glad to see Sasha leave...
It's a shame for Mitya, of course, that he left the show.
But there's a new addition to the star team, and I hope they didn't bring Glory in order to merge the game again for Sasha's victory. 🙄
The situation with Sasha is ambiguous. I didn't dislike her the whole last season (all four of her), and I was very happy that she was finally going small. And it would be very beneficial for the team to exchange her for Glory.
But somewhere on the second test, I became so sad that Sasha might be eliminated that I started rooting for her. Knocking out a strong player is very cool, and proving once again that she won for a reason is also cool, and I'm starting to respect her.
I am incredibly glad to see the return of Glory! He was just missing! 🫶🏻
I feel very sorry for the new player of the national team: a man without training was sent to an aquarium with sharks. He definitely won't be there for long.
P.S. The test with the cradle is something. It is unrealistic to eat 2 pieces of meat at a time without harm to health. I don't know why the guys even tried. 🙈